def extract( path, fill_path, extent, no_data_value=999999, plot_fill=False, method="nearest", delta_limit=20.0, TOLERANCE=1e-3 ): r"""Extract sub-section of bathymetry from file at path Function to extract a sub-section given by extent of the bathymetry file at path assumed to be in a x,y,z format which can be unstructured. Uses the bathymetry file at fill_path to fill in gaps in data. Returns the data interpolated onto a grid determined by the resolution of the original file or the limiting resolution delta_limit. :Input: *path* (string) - Path to the bathymetry file which the data is being pulled from. *fill_path* (string) - Path to the bathymetry file providing the fill data, i.e. data to use when no data exists. *extent* (tuple) - A tuple defining the rectangle of the sub-section. Must be in the form (x lower,x upper,y lower, y upper). *no_data_value* (float) - Value to use if no data was found to fill in a missing value, ignored if `method = 'nearest'`. Default is `999999`. *method* (string) - Method for interpolation, valid methods are found in the scipy module scipy.interpolate. Default is `nearest`. *delta_limit* (float) - Limit of finest horizontal resolution, default is 20 meters. *tolerance* (float) - Tolerance allowed for extent matching. Since the requested extents and the eventual output may not match due to round off, this parameter is used to check if they are within acceptable tolerances. Default is `1e-3`. :Output: *Z* (ndarray) - Interpolated 2D array of bathymetry depths starting in the upper right corner of the sub-section specified by extent. *delta* (float) - Final choice used for the horizontal resolution. """ # Extract data print "Loading data from file %s" % path data = np.loadtxt(path) points = [] values = [] dx = np.infty dy = np.infty print "Filtering data..." for coordinate in data: if extent[0] <= coordinate[0] <= extent[1]: if extent[2] <= coordinate[1] <= extent[3]: points.append(coordinate[0:2]) values.append(coordinate[2]) # Try to determine smallest dx and dy if len(points) > 1: if np.abs(points[-1][0] - points[-2][0]) < dx: dx = np.abs(points[-1][0] - points[-2][0]) if np.abs(points[-1][1] - points[-2][1]) < dy: dy = np.abs(points[-1][1] - points[-2][1]) if len(points) == 0: raise Exception("No points were found inside requested extent.") # Cast lists as ndarrays points = np.array(points) values = np.array(values) # Create regularized grid print "Computing grid data" delta = max(min(dx, dy), meters2deg(delta_limit, 29.5)) # Limit to size of delta N = (np.ceil((extent[1] - extent[0]) / delta), np.ceil((extent[3] - extent[2]) / delta)) print " delta = %s, N = %s" % (delta, N) if N[0] > 2000 or N[1] > 2000: raise Exception("Calculated resolution too high!") x = np.linspace(extent[0], extent[1], N[0]) y = np.linspace(extent[2], extent[3], N[1]) X, Y = np.meshgrid(x, y) # Check extents if ( abs(x[0] - extent[0]) > TOLERANCE or abs(x[-1] - extent[1]) > TOLERANCE or abs(y[0] - extent[2]) > TOLERANCE or abs(y[-1] - extent[3]) > TOLERANCE ): raise Exception("Calculated grid out of extent tolerance.") # Add fill data print "Extracting fill data" X_fill, Y_fill, Z_fill = bathy.read_topo(fill_path) fill_extent = (np.min(X_fill), np.max(X_fill), np.min(Y_fill), np.max(Y_fill)) if ( fill_extent[0] > extent[0] or fill_extent[1] < extent[1] or fill_extent[2] > extent[2] or fill_extent[3] < extent[3] ): print " Fill Extent = %s" % str(fill_extent) print " Requested Extent = %s" % str(extent) raise Exception("Fill bathymetry extent does not contain extent.") extent_mask = extent[0] > X_fill extent_mask = np.logical_or(extent_mask, extent[1] < X_fill) extent_mask = np.logical_or(extent_mask, extent[2] > Y_fill) extent_mask = np.logical_or(extent_mask, extent[3] < Y_fill) X_fill_mask =, X_fill) Y_fill_mask =, Y_fill) Z_fill_mask =, Z_fill) fill_points = np.column_stack((X_fill_mask.compressed(), Y_fill_mask.compressed())) points = np.concatenate((points, fill_points)) values = np.concatenate((values, Z_fill_mask.compressed())) if plot_fill: fig = plt.figure(2) axes = fig.add_subplot(111) plot = axes.imshow(Z_fill_mask, vmin=np.min(Z_fill), vmax=np.max(Z_fill), extent=extent) fig.colorbar(plot) # Interpolate known points onto regularized grid print "Creating interpolating function..." Z = griddata(points, values, (X, Y), method=method, fill_value=no_data_value) return Z, delta
def extract(path, fill_path, extent, no_data_value=999999, plot_fill=False, method='nearest', delta_limit=20.0, TOLERANCE=1e-3): r"""Extract sub-section of bathymetry from file at path Function to extract a sub-section given by extent of the bathymetry file at path assumed to be in a x,y,z format which can be unstructured. Uses the bathymetry file at fill_path to fill in gaps in data. Returns the data interpolated onto a grid determined by the resolution of the original file or the limiting resolution delta_limit. :Input: *path* (string) - Path to the bathymetry file which the data is being pulled from. *fill_path* (string) - Path to the bathymetry file providing the fill data, i.e. data to use when no data exists. *extent* (tuple) - A tuple defining the rectangle of the sub-section. Must be in the form (x lower,x upper,y lower, y upper). *no_data_value* (float) - Value to use if no data was found to fill in a missing value, ignored if `method = 'nearest'`. Default is `999999`. *method* (string) - Method for interpolation, valid methods are found in the scipy module scipy.interpolate. Default is `nearest`. *delta_limit* (float) - Limit of finest horizontal resolution, default is 20 meters. *tolerance* (float) - Tolerance allowed for extent matching. Since the requested extents and the eventual output may not match due to round off, this parameter is used to check if they are within acceptable tolerances. Default is `1e-3`. :Output: *Z* (ndarray) - Interpolated 2D array of bathymetry depths starting in the upper right corner of the sub-section specified by extent. *delta* (float) - Final choice used for the horizontal resolution. """ # Extract data print "Loading data from file %s" % path data = np.loadtxt(path) points = [] values = [] dx = np.infty dy = np.infty print "Filtering data..." for coordinate in data: if extent[0] <= coordinate[0] <= extent[1]: if extent[2] <= coordinate[1] <= extent[3]: points.append(coordinate[0:2]) values.append(coordinate[2]) # Try to determine smallest dx and dy if len(points) > 1: if np.abs(points[-1][0] - points[-2][0]) < dx: dx = np.abs(points[-1][0] - points[-2][0]) if np.abs(points[-1][1] - points[-2][1]) < dy: dy = np.abs(points[-1][1] - points[-2][1]) if len(points) == 0: raise Exception("No points were found inside requested extent.") # Cast lists as ndarrays points = np.array(points) values = np.array(values) # Create regularized grid print "Computing grid data" delta = max(min(dx, dy), meters2deg(delta_limit, 29.5)) # Limit to size of delta N = (np.ceil((extent[1] - extent[0]) / delta), np.ceil((extent[3] - extent[2]) / delta)) print " delta = %s, N = %s" % (delta, N) if N[0] > 2000 or N[1] > 2000: raise Exception("Calculated resolution too high!") x = np.linspace(extent[0], extent[1], N[0]) y = np.linspace(extent[2], extent[3], N[1]) X, Y = np.meshgrid(x, y) # Check extents if abs(x[0] - extent[0]) > TOLERANCE or \ abs(x[-1] - extent[1]) > TOLERANCE or \ abs(y[0] - extent[2]) > TOLERANCE or \ abs(y[-1] - extent[3]) > TOLERANCE: raise Exception("Calculated grid out of extent tolerance.") # Add fill data print "Extracting fill data" X_fill, Y_fill, Z_fill = bathy.read_topo(fill_path) fill_extent = (np.min(X_fill), np.max(X_fill), np.min(Y_fill), np.max(Y_fill)) if fill_extent[0] > extent[0] or fill_extent[1] < extent[1] or \ fill_extent[2] > extent[2] or fill_extent[3] < extent[3]: print " Fill Extent = %s" % str(fill_extent) print " Requested Extent = %s" % str(extent) raise Exception("Fill bathymetry extent does not contain extent.") extent_mask = extent[0] > X_fill extent_mask = np.logical_or(extent_mask, extent[1] < X_fill) extent_mask = np.logical_or(extent_mask, extent[2] > Y_fill) extent_mask = np.logical_or(extent_mask, extent[3] < Y_fill) X_fill_mask =, X_fill) Y_fill_mask =, Y_fill) Z_fill_mask =, Z_fill) fill_points = np.column_stack( (X_fill_mask.compressed(), Y_fill_mask.compressed())) points = np.concatenate((points, fill_points)) values = np.concatenate((values, Z_fill_mask.compressed())) if plot_fill: fig = plt.figure(2) axes = fig.add_subplot(111) plot = axes.imshow(Z_fill_mask, vmin=np.min(Z_fill), vmax=np.max(Z_fill), extent=extent) fig.colorbar(plot) # Interpolate known points onto regularized grid print "Creating interpolating function..." Z = griddata(points, values, (X, Y), method=method, fill_value=no_data_value) return Z, delta
def plot_bathy(paths, region_path, patch_edges=True, patch_names=True, names=None, plot_coastline=True): r"""Plot the bathymetry files specified in paths and region_path.""" # Setup region figure region_fig = plt.figure(1) region_axes = region_fig.add_subplot(111) # Setup patch figure patch_fig = plt.figure(2) columns = 3 rows = np.ceil(len(paths) / float(columns)) patch_axes = [patch_fig.add_subplot(rows, columns, i) for i in xrange(len(paths))] # Read in region bathymetry X, Y, Z = bathy.read_topo(region_path) region_extent = (np.min(X), np.max(X), np.min(Y), np.max(Y)) depth_extent = (np.min(Z), np.max(Z)) # Create color map cmap = colormaps.make_colormap( {-1: [0.3, 0.2, 0.1], -0.00001: [0.95, 0.9, 0.7], 0.00001: [0.5, 0.7, 0], 1: [0.2, 0.5, 0.2]} ) color_norm = colors.Normalize(depth_extent[0], depth_extent[1], clip=True) # Plot region data region_plot = region_axes.imshow(Z, vmin=depth_extent[0], vmax=depth_extent[1], extent=region_extent) # , # cmap=cmap,norm=color_norm) if plot_coastline: region_axes.contour(X, Y, Z, levels=[0.0], colors="r") # Read in and plot each patch for (i, patch_path) in enumerate(paths): X, Y, Z = bathy.read_topo(patch_path) extent = (np.min(X), np.max(X), np.min(Y), np.max(Y)) # Plot on region figure region_axes.imshow(Z, vmin=depth_extent[0], vmax=depth_extent[1], extent=extent) # ,cmap=cmap,norm=color_norm) # Plot boundaries of local bathy on region plot if patch_edges: # Bottom boundary region_axes.plot((extent[0], extent[1]), (extent[2], extent[2]), "k") # Upper boundary region_axes.plot((extent[0], extent[1]), (extent[3], extent[3]), "k") # Left boundary region_axes.plot((extent[0], extent[0]), (extent[2], extent[3]), "k") # Right boundary region_axes.plot((extent[1], extent[1]), (extent[2], extent[3]), "k") # Write name near edge if names is None: file_name = os.path.splitext(patch_path)[0] else: file_name = names[i] if patch_names: delta = X[0, 0] - X[1, 0] region_axes.text(extent[0] + delta, extent[2] + delta, file_name, color="m") # Plot on local bathy patch_axes[i].imshow( Z, vmin=depth_extent[0], vmax=depth_extent[1], extent=extent ) # ,cmap=cmap,norm=color_norm) patch_axes[i].contour(X, Y, Z, levels=[0.0], colors="r") patch_axes[i].set_title(file_name) patch_axes[i].set_xlim(extent[0:2]) patch_axes[i].set_ylim(extent[2:]) patch_axes[i].set_xlabel("longitude") patch_axes[i].set_ylabel("latitude") # Output extents print "Region %s: %s" % (file_name, extent) # Fix up figures region_axes.set_xlim(region_extent[0:2]) region_axes.set_ylim(region_extent[2:]) region_axes.set_title("Region") # region_fig.colorbar(region_plot) # patch_fig.colorbar(region_plot) return region_fig, patch_fig
def plot_bathy(paths, region_path, patch_edges=True, patch_names=True, names=None, plot_coastline=True): r"""Plot the bathymetry files specified in paths and region_path.""" # Setup region figure region_fig = plt.figure(1) region_axes = region_fig.add_subplot(111) # Setup patch figure patch_fig = plt.figure(2) columns = 3 rows = np.ceil(len(paths) / float(columns)) patch_axes = [ patch_fig.add_subplot(rows, columns, i) for i in xrange(len(paths)) ] # Read in region bathymetry X, Y, Z = bathy.read_topo(region_path) region_extent = (np.min(X), np.max(X), np.min(Y), np.max(Y)) depth_extent = (np.min(Z), np.max(Z)) # Create color map cmap = colormaps.make_colormap({ -1: [0.3, 0.2, 0.1], -0.00001: [0.95, 0.9, 0.7], 0.00001: [.5, .7, 0], 1: [.2, .5, .2] }) color_norm = colors.Normalize(depth_extent[0], depth_extent[1], clip=True) # Plot region data region_plot = region_axes.imshow(Z, vmin=depth_extent[0], vmax=depth_extent[1], extent=region_extent) #, # cmap=cmap,norm=color_norm) if plot_coastline: region_axes.contour(X, Y, Z, levels=[0.0], colors='r') # Read in and plot each patch for (i, patch_path) in enumerate(paths): X, Y, Z = bathy.read_topo(patch_path) extent = (np.min(X), np.max(X), np.min(Y), np.max(Y)) # Plot on region figure region_axes.imshow(Z, vmin=depth_extent[0], vmax=depth_extent[1], extent=extent) #,cmap=cmap,norm=color_norm) # Plot boundaries of local bathy on region plot if patch_edges: # Bottom boundary region_axes.plot((extent[0], extent[1]), (extent[2], extent[2]), 'k') # Upper boundary region_axes.plot((extent[0], extent[1]), (extent[3], extent[3]), 'k') # Left boundary region_axes.plot((extent[0], extent[0]), (extent[2], extent[3]), 'k') # Right boundary region_axes.plot((extent[1], extent[1]), (extent[2], extent[3]), 'k') # Write name near edge if names is None: file_name = os.path.splitext(patch_path)[0] else: file_name = names[i] if patch_names: delta = X[0, 0] - X[1, 0] region_axes.text(extent[0] + delta, extent[2] + delta, file_name, color='m') # Plot on local bathy patch_axes[i].imshow(Z, vmin=depth_extent[0], vmax=depth_extent[1], extent=extent) #,cmap=cmap,norm=color_norm) patch_axes[i].contour(X, Y, Z, levels=[0.0], colors='r') patch_axes[i].set_title(file_name) patch_axes[i].set_xlim(extent[0:2]) patch_axes[i].set_ylim(extent[2:]) patch_axes[i].set_xlabel('longitude') patch_axes[i].set_ylabel('latitude') # Output extents print "Region %s: %s" % (file_name, extent) # Fix up figures region_axes.set_xlim(region_extent[0:2]) region_axes.set_ylim(region_extent[2:]) region_axes.set_title('Region') # region_fig.colorbar(region_plot) # patch_fig.colorbar(region_plot) return region_fig, patch_fig