コード例 #1
ファイル: cheatsheet.py プロジェクト: sobolews/BillsPC
 def pweaknesses(self, pokemon):
     weaknesses = [type_.capitalize() if
                   effectiveness(type_, pokedex[pokemon]) == 2 else
                   self.bu(type_.capitalize()) for type_ in Type.values if
                   effectiveness(type_, pokedex[pokemon]) > 1]
     resistances = [type_.capitalize() if
                    effectiveness(type_, pokedex[pokemon]) == 0.5 else
                    self.bu(type_.capitalize()) for type_ in Type.values if
                    0 < effectiveness(type_, pokedex[pokemon]) < 1]
     immunities = [type_.capitalize() for type_ in Type.values if
                   effectiveness(type_, pokedex[pokemon]) == 0]
     return '\n'.join(['Weaknesses:  ' + ', '.join(weaknesses),
                       'Resistances: ' + ', '.join(resistances),
                       'Immunities:  ' + ', '.join(immunities)])
コード例 #2
ファイル: battlepokemon.py プロジェクト: sobolews/BillsPC
    def is_immune_to(self, thing):
        """ `thing` may be a move Type, Status, Weather, POWDER, or Volatile """
        for on_get_immunity in self.effect_handlers['on_get_immunity']:
            immune = on_get_immunity(thing)
            if immune is not None:
                return immune

        if thing in Type.values:
            return effectiveness(thing, self) == 0

        if thing in self.STATUS_IMMUNITIES:
            return any(type in self.STATUS_IMMUNITIES[thing]
                       for type in self.types)

        if thing is Weather.SANDSTORM:
            return any(type in (Type.GROUND, Type.ROCK, Type.STEEL)
                       for type in self.types)

        if thing is POWDER:
            return Type.GRASS in self.types

        if thing is Weather.HAIL:
            return Type.ICE in self.types

        return False
コード例 #3
ファイル: battlepokemon.py プロジェクト: sobolews/BillsPC
    def is_immune_to_move(self, user, move):
        """Return True if self is immune to move"""
        for on_get_immunity in self.effect_handlers['on_get_immunity']:
            immune = on_get_immunity(move.type) # check type immunity first, then move
            if immune is None:
                immune = on_get_immunity(move) # for bulletproof, overcoat, etc.
            if immune is not None:
                return immune

        if Type.GRASS in self.types and (move.is_powder or move == movedex['leechseed']):
            return True
        if move.category is MoveCategory.STATUS and move != movedex['thunderwave']:
            return False

        if user.ability is abilitydex['scrappy'] and move.type in (Type.FIGHTING, Type.NORMAL):
            return False

        return effectiveness(move.type, self) == 0
コード例 #4
ファイル: battlepokemon.py プロジェクト: sobolews/BillsPC
    def calculate_evs_ivs(self):
        Order of stats: hp, atk, def, spa, spd, spe
        evs = [85, 85, 85, 85, 85, 85]

        # Use correct IVs for hiddenpower
        for move in self.moves:
            if move.is_hiddenpower:
                has_hiddenpower = True
                ivs = list(HPivs[move.type])
            has_hiddenpower = False
            ivs = [31, 31, 31, 31, 31, 31]

        HP, ATK, SPE = 0, 1, 5

        # Adjust HP stat for substitute/bellydrum/stealthrock
        if self.item is itemdex['sitrusberry'] and movedex['substitute'] in self.moves:
            while self._calc_hp(evs[HP], ivs[HP]) % 4 > 0:
                evs[HP] -= 4
        elif self.item is itemdex['sitrusberry'] and movedex['bellydrum'] in self.moves:
            if self._calc_hp(evs[HP], ivs[HP]) % 2 > 0:
                evs[HP] -= 4
        else: # stealth rock weakness
            forme = self
            if self.item is not None and self.item.is_mega_stone:
                forme = pokedex[self.item.forme]
            elif self.name == 'castform':
                if self.item == itemdex['heatrock']:
                    forme = pokedex['castformsunny']
                elif self.item == itemdex['damprock']:
                    forme = pokedex['castformrainy']
            eff = effectiveness(Type.ROCK, forme)
            mod = None
            if eff == 2:
                mod = 4
            elif eff == 4:
                mod = 2
            if mod is not None:
                while self._calc_hp(evs[HP], ivs[HP]) % mod == 0:
                    evs[HP] -= 4

        # Minimize confusion damage for non-physical pokemon
        if (not any(move not in (movedex['seismictoss'],
                                 movedex['metalburst']) and
                    move.category == MoveCategory.PHYSICAL for move in self.moves) and
            movedex['copycat'] not in self.moves and
            movedex['transform'] not in self.moves and
            len(self.moves) == 4 # for remote pokemon with unknown moves.
            evs[ATK] = 0
            if has_hiddenpower:
                ivs[ATK] -= 30
                ivs[ATK] = 0

        # Reduce speed for gyroball/trickroom
        if movedex['gyroball'] in self.moves or movedex['trickroom'] in self.moves:
            evs[SPE] = 0
            ivs[SPE] = 0

        assert all(0 <= ev <= 85 for ev in evs), evs
        assert all(0 <= iv <= 31 for iv in ivs), ivs

        return evs, ivs
コード例 #5
ファイル: effects.py プロジェクト: sobolews/BillsPC
 def on_switch_in(self, pokemon, battle):
     if __debug__: log.i("%s was damaged by StealthRock", pokemon)
     battle.damage(pokemon, pokemon.max_hp / (8.0 / effectiveness(Type.ROCK, pokemon)),
                   Cause.HAZARD, self)
コード例 #6
ファイル: test_types.py プロジェクト: sobolews/BillsPC
    def test_type_multiplier(self):
        assert effectiveness(Type.GRASS, self.ferrothorn) == 0.25
        assert effectiveness(Type.FIRE, self.ferrothorn) == 4
        assert effectiveness(Type.ICE, self.ferrothorn) == 1
        assert effectiveness(Type.FIGHTING, self.ferrothorn) == 2
        assert effectiveness(Type.STEEL, self.ferrothorn) == 0.5
        assert effectiveness(Type.NOTYPE, self.ferrothorn) == 1

        assert effectiveness(Type.WATER, self.arcanine) == 2
        assert effectiveness(Type.NORMAL, self.arcanine) == 1
        assert effectiveness(Type.FAIRY, self.arcanine) == 0.5
        assert effectiveness(Type.NOTYPE, self.arcanine) == 1

        assert effectiveness(Type.POISON, self.typeless) == 1
        assert effectiveness(Type.NOTYPE, self.typeless) == 1