def __init__(self, limb): # self._limb = limb self._knObj = KinectNiteHelp() self._baeObj = BaxterArmEndpoint(self._limb) self._bbhObj = BaxterButtonHelp(self._limb) self._baeObj.startSubscriber() self._posCount = 0 self._rotMat = [] self._transMat = [] self._handCoordinates = [0, 0, 0] self._baxterCoordinates = [0, 0, 0]
class CalibBaxterKinect: def __init__(self, limb): # self._limb = limb self._knObj = KinectNiteHelp() self._baeObj = BaxterArmEndpoint(self._limb) self._bbhObj = BaxterButtonHelp(self._limb) self._baeObj.startSubscriber() self._posCount = 0 self._rotMat = [] self._transMat = [] self._handCoordinates = [0, 0, 0] self._baxterCoordinates = [0, 0, 0] def openingStatement(self): # Display opening statement with instructions for caliberation print "Baxter Kinect Calibration Program" print "Press circle button to start calibration when Baxter arm is in desired position." print "Press long button hen user hand is in desired position" print "Press big button on Baxter arm to calculate rotation and translation matrix" print def calibrate(self): buttonStates = self._bbhObj.getButtonStates() if(buttonStates["cState"]): print "Registered Baxter Hand Pos." print "Move arm to desired pos and press long button on cuff." buttonStates = self._bbhObj.getButtonStates() while(buttonStates["lState"] == False): buttonStates = self._bbhObj.getButtonStates() continue # Get and store baxter coordinates baxter_endpoint = self._baeObj.getArmEndPos() baxterTempPos = [baxter_endpoint["x"], baxter_endpoint["y"], baxter_endpoint["z"]] self._baxterCoordinates = vstack((self._baxterCoordinates, baxterTempPos)) # Get and store kinect coordinates try: hand_endpoint = self._knObj.getLeftHandPos() handTempPos = [hand_endpoint[0], hand_endpoint[1], hand_endpoint[2]] self._handCoordinates = vstack((self._handCoordinates, handTempPos)) except: print "Error in kinect_nite_help part." print "Baxter and Kinect Pos %d added." % (self._posCount + 1) print "Current Baxter Matrix:" print self._baxterCoordinates print "Current Hand Matrix" print self._handCoordinates self._posCount = self._posCount + 1 elif(buttonStates["bState"]): if(self._posCount >= 4): tempBaxterMat = mat(self._baxterCoordinates[1:]) tempHandMat = mat(self._handCoordinates[1:]) print tempBaxterMat print tempHandMat print "Calculate rotation and transalation matrix" self._rotMat, self._transMat = svd_rt(tempHandMat, tempBaxterMat) print "Rotation matrix:" print self._rotMat print "Translation matrix:" print self._transMat rtMatFile = open("RTMatFile.dat", "w"); cPickle.dump(self._rotMat, rtMatFile) cPickle.dump(self._transMat, rtMatFile); rtMatFile.close() print "Rotation and Translation Matrices Stored To File" else: print "Not Enough Points to perform SVD. You need %d more points" % (3 - self._posCount)
def main(): global img global image_corners global click_count global baxter_endpoints rospy.init_node('RetrieveCamToolTableCalib', disable_signals=True) # Record Baxter Coordinates print print "Record arm endpoints using Cuff Button and Big Button when 4 points are done (Left Arm)" cam_arm = baxter_interface.limb.Limb("left") bbhObj = BaxterButtonHelp("left") baxter_endpoints = [] click_count = 0 while_flag = True while(while_flag): cButtonPressed = bbhObj.getButtonStates()['cState'] bButtonPressed = bbhObj.getButtonStates()['bState'] if(cButtonPressed): pose = cam_arm.endpoint_pose() xyz = pose["position"] baxter_endpoints.append(xyz) click_count += 1 time.sleep(1) print "Baxter Arm EndPoint %s added" % (click_count) if(bButtonPressed): if (click_count == 4): while_flag = False print "Baxter Endpoints Recorded Recorded:" print baxter_endpoints elif (click_count < 4): while_flag = True baxter_endpoints = [] click_count = 0 print "Less than 4 points recorded. Please re-record all corners" else: while_flag = True baxter_endpoints = [] click_count = 0 print "More than 4 points recorded. Please record only the corners" time.sleep(1) ############################################################## print "Storing Retrieval Position" # Store retrieval position print print "Moving baxter cam arm to desired location image frame" cam_arm_x = ((baxter_endpoints[0].x + baxter_endpoints[2].x) / 2) + 0 #As camera not at center cam_arm_y = (baxter_endpoints[0].y + baxter_endpoints[2].y) / 2 + 0.003 #As camera is not at center cam_arm_z = ((baxter_endpoints[0].z + baxter_endpoints[2].z) / 2) + 0 # Height above table # All orientation calclulations voObj = VectorOrientation() voObj.setVectorChange(0.00, 0.00, -1.0) # X, Y and Z Vector Axis Orientation #voObj.setAngleOrientation(-20, 0, 0, 'd') voObj.calcVectorOrientation() # Set gamma in degrees voObj.setGamma(180, 'd') # Trick for baxter orientation change for rigth arm: voObj.setAngleOrientation(-voObj._theta, voObj._phi, voObj._gamma, 'r') # Calculate quaternion quat = voObj.getQuaternionOrientation() # Inverse Kinematics arm = IKSolveBaxter("left") arm.setArmEndPos(cam_arm_x, cam_arm_y, cam_arm_z, quat[0], quat[1], quat[2], quat[3]) arm.ik_solve(); ret_joints = arm.getBaxterJointSpace() bcajpFile = open("BaxterRetArmJointPosFile.dat", "w"); cPickle.dump(ret_joints, bcajpFile); bcajpFile.close() # Move Arm control_arm = baxter_interface.limb.Limb("left") control_arm.set_joint_position_speed(0.5) # Joint movement speed control_arm.move_to_joint_positions(ret_joints, 5.0) time.sleep(1) ############################################################## # Move baxter arm print print "Moving baxter cam arm to desired location image frame" cam_arm_x = ((baxter_endpoints[0].x + baxter_endpoints[2].x) / 2) + 0.075 #As camera not at center cam_arm_y = (baxter_endpoints[0].y + baxter_endpoints[2].y) / 2 + 0.005 #As camera is not at center cam_arm_z = ((baxter_endpoints[0].z + baxter_endpoints[2].z) / 2) + 0.15 # Height above table # All orientation calclulations voObj = VectorOrientation() voObj.setVectorChange(0.00, 0.00, -1.0) # X, Y and Z Vector Axis Orientation #voObj.setAngleOrientation(-20, 0, 0, 'd') voObj.calcVectorOrientation() # Set gamma in degrees voObj.setGamma(180, 'd') # Trick for baxter orientation change for rigth arm: voObj.setAngleOrientation(-voObj._theta, voObj._phi, voObj._gamma, 'r') # Calculate quaternion quat = voObj.getQuaternionOrientation() # Inverse Kinematics arm = IKSolveBaxter("left") arm.setArmEndPos(cam_arm_x, cam_arm_y, cam_arm_z, quat[0], quat[1], quat[2], quat[3]) arm.ik_solve(); joints = arm.getBaxterJointSpace() # Move Arm control_arm = baxter_interface.limb.Limb("left") control_arm.set_joint_position_speed(0.5) # Joint movement speed control_arm.move_to_joint_positions(joints, 5.0) os.system("clear") print "Press C to continue and store baxter camera arm position" while(not sf.Keyboard.is_key_pressed(sf.Keyboard.C)): pass bcajpFile = open("RetrieveBaxterCamArmJointPosFile.dat", "w"); cPickle.dump(joints, bcajpFile); bcajpFile.close() print print "Baxter Camera Arm Position Stored" # Get image frame from baxter hand camera print print "Waiting for image..." sihObj = SubImageHelp("/cameras/left_hand_camera/image") error_flag = True rate = rospy.Rate(1) rate.sleep() while error_flag == True: try: img = sihObj.getCVImage() error_flag = False print "BaxterImageObtained" rate.sleep() except: print print "Error in Obtaining Image" # All recording points stuff print print "Record all 4 corner points using mouse double click and then press key to continue" img_copy = img.copy() while_flag = True while(while_flag): img = img_copy.copy() click_count = 0 image_corners = [] cv2.namedWindow('RetrieveImage') cv2.imshow('RetrieveImage', img) cv2.setMouseCallback('RetrieveImage',handle_mouse) cv2.waitKey(0) if (click_count == 4): while_flag = False print "Image Corners Recorded" print print "The image corners are:" print image_corners[0], image_corners[1], image_corners[2], image_corners[3] elif (click_count < 4): while_flag = True print "Less than 4 points recorded. Please re-record all corners" else: while_flag = True print "More than 4 points recorded. Please record only the corners" #cv2.destroyAllWindows() time.sleep(1) X = numpy.matrix([ [image_corners[0][0], image_corners[2][0], image_corners[3][0]], [image_corners[0][1], image_corners[2][1], image_corners[3][1]], [1.0, 1.0, 1.0] ]) A = numpy.matrix([ [baxter_endpoints[0].x, baxter_endpoints[2].x, baxter_endpoints[3].x], [baxter_endpoints[0].y, baxter_endpoints[2].y, baxter_endpoints[3].y], [baxter_endpoints[0].z, baxter_endpoints[2].z, baxter_endpoints[3].z] ]) # Add Image Clip positions and Display Clipped Image x1 = max( [image_corners[0][0], image_corners[3][0]] ) y1 = max( [image_corners[0][1], image_corners[1][1]] ) x2 = min( [image_corners[1][0], image_corners[2][0]] ) y2 = min( [image_corners[2][1], image_corners[3][1]] ) image_clip = [x1, y1, x2, y2] img = img_copy[:, image_clip[0] : image_clip[2] ] img = img[image_clip[1] : image_clip[3], :] cv2.imwrite('RetrieveImage.png', img) ImageClipPosFile = open("RetrieveImageClipPosFile.dat", "w"); cPickle.dump(image_clip, ImageClipPosFile); ImageClipPosFile.close() print "Image Clip Positions Added To File" time.sleep(1) print print "Press C to continue and calculate tranformation matrix" while(not sf.Keyboard.is_key_pressed(sf.Keyboard.C)): pass os.system("clear") print "Image Corner Pixel Locations:" print X print print "Baxter Endpoint Locations:" print A print XAPosFile = open("RetrieveXAPosFile.dat", "w"); cPickle.dump(X, XAPosFile); cPickle.dump(A, XAPosFile); XAPosFile.close() time.sleep(1) print "X(ImageCorners) and A(BaxterEndpoints) Stored in XAPosFile.dat" print if(numpy.linalg.det(X) == 0): print "Determiant of image corner matrix = 0" print "Please retry calibration" else: T = numpy.matrix( A, numpy.linalg.inv(X) ) ) print "Tranformation Matrix:" print T print print "Writing to transformation matrix file..." tmatFile = open("RetrieveTransformationMatrixFile.dat", "w"); cPickle.dump(T, tmatFile); tmatFile.close() print "Tranformation matrix added" print time.sleep(1) print "Press C to continue and exit program" while(not sf.Keyboard.is_key_pressed(sf.Keyboard.C)): pass rospy.signal_shutdown("Shutting down ROS Node to calculate transformation") print print "Exit Program" print return 0