def __init__(self): # This checks if the head camera is open. If it isn't, this will # close the left hand camera. try: CameraController('head_camera') except AttributeError: left_cam = CameraController('left_hand_camera') left_cam.close() head_cam = CameraController('head_camera') head_cam.resolution = (1280, 800) # Creating the head variable to mess with later self.head = Head() self.head.set_pan(angle=0.) # Field of view self.CENTER_X = int(1280 / 2) self.FOV = pi / 3 # Range away from center you want the arm to stop within self.FACE_RANGE = 50 self.FACE_CASCADE = cv2.CascadeClassifier( 'src/baxter_face_tracking_demos/src' + '/haarcascade_frontalface_default.xml') self.EYE_CASCADE = cv2.CascadeClassifier( 'src/baxter_face_tracking_demos/src/haarcascade_eye.xml') self.subscription = rospy.Subscriber('/cameras/head_camera/image', Image, self.send) rospy.on_shutdown(self.leave_subs_n_pubs)
def track(): def leave_subs_n_pubs(): subscription.unregister() right_hand_pub.unregister() display_pub.unregister() # Initializing nodes rospy.init_node('wave_for_faces', anonymous=True) # Defining global publishers global display_pub display_pub = rospy.Publisher('/robot/xdisplay', Image, queue_size=0) global right_hand_pub right_hand_pub = rospy.Publisher('/ein/right/forth_commands', String, queue_size=0) # Needs time to start up sleep(3) right_hand_pub.publish(String('goHome')) # Needs time to go home sleep(3) # Setting and opening camera global camera_name camera_name = 'head_camera' head_cam = CameraController(camera_name) head_cam.resolution = (1280, 800) rospy.on_shutdown(leave_subs_n_pubs) # Setting subscription subscription = rospy.Subscriber('/cameras/' + camera_name + '/image', Image, send) rospy.spin()
def __init__(self, usegripper = True): rospy.init_node("Baxter") threading.Thread(target=self.__jointtraj_server).start() self.trajrgt = Trajectory("right") self.trajlft = Trajectory("left") if usegripper: self.__right_hand = Gripper("right") self.__left_hand = Gripper("left") self.__right_hand.calibrate() self.__left_hand.calibrate() self.__right_limb = Limb("right") self.__left_limb = Limb("left") self.baxter = RobotEnable() self.__enabled = self.baxter.state().enabled self.enable_baxter() self.img = None for camname in ['head_camera', 'left_hand_camera', 'right_hand_camera']: try: cam = CameraController(camname) # cam.resolution = (1280, 800) cam.resolution = (320, 200) except: pass print("baxter opened")
def __init__(self, node, limb=+1, camera_matrix=None, camera_extrinsics=None): self.node = node self.lns = "right" if limb == BaxterCamera.RIGHT else "left" self.image = None self.camera_matrix = camera_matrix self.camera_frame = None self.camera_extrinsics = camera_extrinsics # Camera Control self.cameracontrol = CameraController(self.lns + '_hand_camera') self.cameracontrol.resolution = (960, 600) # Camera Topic self.cvbridge = CvBridge() node.createSubscriber('cameras/' + self.lns + '_hand_camera/image', Image, self._image_callback) # we create the subscriver only if we are not recieving any explicit camera matrix if camera_matrix is None: node.createSubscriber( 'cameras/' + self.lns + '_hand_camera/camera_info', CameraInfo, self._camera_info_callback)
def __del__(self): self.baxter.disable() for camname in ['head_camera', 'left_hand_camera', 'right_hand_camera']: try: cam = CameraController(camname) cam.close() except: pass
def set_camera(camera_name, res): print "setting", camera_name camera = CameraController(camera_name) # camera.resolution = (1280,800) camera.resolution = res camera.exposure = 50 camera.gain = 30 #left_hand_camera.gain = CameraController.CONTROL_AUTO camera.white_balance_red = CameraController.CONTROL_AUTO camera.white_balance_green = CameraController.CONTROL_AUTO camera.white_balance_blue = CameraController.CONTROL_AUTO print "done", camera_name
def __init__(self): self._tf = tf.TransformListener() self._rs = RobotEnable() self._left_arm = Limb('left') self._left_arm.set_joint_position_speed(0.5) self._right_arm = Limb('right') self._right_arm.set_joint_position_speed(0.5) self._left_arm_neutral = None self._right_arm_neutral = None self._left_iksvc = rospy.ServiceProxy( Mimic.IKSVC_LEFT_URI, SolvePositionIK) self._right_iksvc = rospy.ServiceProxy( Mimic.IKSVC_RIGHT_URI, SolvePositionIK) self._left_camera = CameraController('left_hand_camera') self._right_camera = CameraController('right_hand_camera') self._head_camera = CameraController('head_camera') self._left_camera.close() self._right_camera.close() self._head_camera.close() self._head_camera.resolution = CameraController.MODES[0] self._head_camera_sub = rospy.Subscriber('/cameras/head_camera/image', Image, self._head_camera_sub_callback) self._xdisplay_pub = rospy.Publisher('/robot/xdisplay', Image, latch=True) self._out_of_range = False self._ik_smooth = 4 self._ik_rate = 200 self._avg_window = 1000 self._r_trans_prev = [] self._l_trans_prev = [] self._r_ik_prev = [] self._l_ik_prev = [] self._joint_update_pub = rospy.Publisher('/robot/joint_state_publish_rate', UInt16) self._joint_update_pub.publish(self._ik_rate) self._mimic_timer = None
def __init__(self, camera_name, resolution=(default_width, default_height)): # type: (str, tuple) -> None """ Create camera instance by camera name :param camera_name: 'left_hand' or 'right_hand' or 'head' :param resolution: output image resolution """ self.resolution = resolution shape = resolution[1], resolution[0], 3 self.cv_image = numpy.zeros(shape, numpy.uint8) self.lock = threading.Lock() self.camera_name = camera_name + "_camera" = CameraController(self.camera_name) = self.resolution cam_pub = "/cameras/{0}/image".format(self.camera_name) self.publisher = rospy.Subscriber(cam_pub, Image, self._on_update_image) self.calibrator = None self.bridge = CvBridge()
def __init__(self, camera_name='right', resolution=(960, 600), exposure='auto', gain='auto'): if camera_name not in ['right', 'left', 'head']: raise LookupError('side must be "right", "left", or "head"') self.image = None self.annotated_image = None self.topic_name = '/cameras/right_hand_camera/image' = CameraController('right_hand_camera') if camera_name == 'left': self.topic_name = '/cameras/left_hand_camera/image' = CameraController('left_hand_camera') elif camera_name == 'head': self.topic_name = '/cameras/head_camera/image' = CameraController('head_camera') = resolution if exposure == 'auto': = CameraController.CONTROL_AUTO else: = exposure if gain == 'auto': = CameraController.CONTROL_AUTO else: = gain self.image_subscriber = rospy.Subscriber(self.topic_name, Image, callback=self.__Callback, queue_size=1)
def CameraInit(): global left_hand_camera global right_hand_camera left_hand_camera = CameraController('left_hand_camera') left_hand_camera.close() right_hand_camera = CameraController('right_hand_camera') right_hand_camera.close() CameraStart(left_hand_camera) CameraClose(left_hand_camera) CameraStart(right_hand_camera) CameraClose(right_hand_camera)
def __init__(self): ="/cameras/left_hand_camera/image" self.image_pub=rospy.Publisher("image_topic_2",Image) self.disp_pub=rospy.Publisher('/robot/xdisplay', Image, latch=True)#Pub to xdisplay, but have to us cv_brige to convert befor pub self.image_sub=rospy.Subscriber(,Image,self.image_callback) self.bridge=CvBridge() self.left_camera=CameraController("left_hand_camera") self.left_camera.resolution=(640,400) self.reset_cameras() self.left_camera.close()
def __init__(self): self._tf = tf.TransformListener() self._rs = RobotEnable() self._left_arm = Limb('left') self._left_arm.set_joint_position_speed(0.5) self._right_arm = Limb('right') self._right_arm.set_joint_position_speed(0.5) self._left_arm_neutral = None self._right_arm_neutral = None self._left_iksvc = rospy.ServiceProxy(Mimic.IKSVC_LEFT_URI, SolvePositionIK) self._right_iksvc = rospy.ServiceProxy(Mimic.IKSVC_RIGHT_URI, SolvePositionIK) self._left_camera = CameraController('left_hand_camera') self._right_camera = CameraController('right_hand_camera') self._head_camera = CameraController('head_camera') self._left_camera.close() self._right_camera.close() self._head_camera.close() self._head_camera.resolution = CameraController.MODES[0] self._head_camera_sub = rospy.Subscriber( '/cameras/head_camera/image', Image, self._head_camera_sub_callback) self._xdisplay_pub = rospy.Publisher('/robot/xdisplay', Image, latch=True) self._out_of_range = False self._ik_smooth = 4 self._ik_rate = 200 self._avg_window = 1000 self._r_trans_prev = [] self._l_trans_prev = [] self._r_ik_prev = [] self._l_ik_prev = [] self._joint_update_pub = rospy.Publisher( '/robot/joint_state_publish_rate', UInt16) self._joint_update_pub.publish(self._ik_rate) self._mimic_timer = None
class Mimic(object): IKSVC_LEFT_URI = 'ExternalTools/left/PositionKinematicsNode/IKService' IKSVC_RIGHT_URI = 'ExternalTools/right/PositionKinematicsNode/IKService' def __init__(self): self._tf = tf.TransformListener() self._rs = RobotEnable() self._left_arm = Limb('left') self._left_arm.set_joint_position_speed(0.5) self._right_arm = Limb('right') self._right_arm.set_joint_position_speed(0.5) self._left_arm_neutral = None self._right_arm_neutral = None self._left_iksvc = rospy.ServiceProxy(Mimic.IKSVC_LEFT_URI, SolvePositionIK) self._right_iksvc = rospy.ServiceProxy(Mimic.IKSVC_RIGHT_URI, SolvePositionIK) self._left_camera = CameraController('left_hand_camera') self._right_camera = CameraController('right_hand_camera') self._head_camera = CameraController('head_camera') self._left_camera.close() self._right_camera.close() self._head_camera.close() self._head_camera.resolution = CameraController.MODES[0] self._head_camera_sub = rospy.Subscriber( '/cameras/head_camera/image', Image, self._head_camera_sub_callback) self._xdisplay_pub = rospy.Publisher('/robot/xdisplay', Image, latch=True) self._out_of_range = False self._ik_smooth = 4 self._ik_rate = 200 self._avg_window = 1000 self._r_trans_prev = [] self._l_trans_prev = [] self._r_ik_prev = [] self._l_ik_prev = [] self._joint_update_pub = rospy.Publisher( '/robot/joint_state_publish_rate', UInt16) self._joint_update_pub.publish(self._ik_rate) self._mimic_timer = None ############################################################################ def start(self): self._rs.enable() self._reset() self._mimic_timer = rospy.Timer(rospy.Duration(1.0 / self._ik_rate), self._mimic_callback) rate = rospy.Rate(self._avg_window) while not rospy.is_shutdown(): try: (r_trans, r_rot) = self._tf.lookupTransform( '/skeleton/user_1/right_hand', '/skeleton/user_1/torso', rospy.Time(0)) (l_trans, l_rot) = self._tf.lookupTransform( '/skeleton/user_1/left_hand', '/skeleton/user_1/torso', rospy.Time(0)) self._l_trans_prev.append(l_trans) if (len(self._l_trans_prev) > self._avg_window): self._l_trans_prev.pop(0) self._r_trans_prev.append(r_trans) if (len(self._r_trans_prev) > self._avg_window): self._r_trans_prev.pop(0) except: self._out_of_range = True rate.sleep() continue rate.sleep() def _reset(self): if self._mimic_timer: self._mimic_timer.shutdown() self._left_arm.move_to_neutral() self._left_arm_neutral = self._left_arm.joint_angles() self._right_arm.move_to_neutral() self._right_arm_neutral = self._right_arm.joint_angles() print(self._left_arm_neutral) print(self._right_arm_neutral) def shutdown(self): self._reset() ############################################################################ def _mimic_callback(self, event): try: l_trans = (sum(map(lambda x: x[0], self._l_trans_prev)) / self._avg_window, sum(map(lambda x: x[1], self._l_trans_prev)) / self._avg_window, sum(map(lambda x: x[2], self._l_trans_prev)) / self._avg_window) r_trans = (sum(map(lambda x: x[0], self._r_trans_prev)) / self._avg_window, sum(map(lambda x: x[1], self._r_trans_prev)) / self._avg_window, sum(map(lambda x: x[2], self._r_trans_prev)) / self._avg_window) rh_x = clamp(0.65 + (l_trans[2] / 1.5), 0.5, 0.9) rh_y = clamp(-l_trans[0], -0.8, 0) rh_z = clamp(-l_trans[1], -0.1, 0.8) lh_x = clamp(0.65 + (r_trans[2] / 1.5), 0.5, 0.9) lh_y = clamp(-r_trans[0], 0, 0.8) lh_z = clamp(-r_trans[1], -0.1, 0.8) self.set_left_coords(lh_x, lh_y, lh_z) self.set_right_coords(rh_x, rh_y, rh_z) except: return def _head_camera_sub_callback(self, data): orig_img = cvbr.imgmsg_to_cv2(data, 'rgb8') img = cv2.cvtColor(orig_img, cv2.COLOR_RGB2GRAY) img = cv2.equalizeHist(img) img = cv2.GaussianBlur(img, (5, 5), 0) img = cv2.Canny(img, 100, 200) img = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_GRAY2RGB) img = cv2.addWeighted(img, 0.75, orig_img, 0.25, 0) img = cv2.resize(img, (1024, 768)) if self._out_of_range: cv2.putText(img, 'Out of range!', (50, 768 - 50), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 2, (255, 0, 0), 4) img = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_RGB2BGR) img = cvbr.cv2_to_imgmsg(img) self._xdisplay_pub.publish(img) ############################################################################ def set_left_coords(self, x, y, z, er=math.pi * -1, ep=math.pi * 0.5, ey=math.pi * -1): self._set_arm_coords( self._left_iksvc, self._left_arm, x, y, z, er, ep, ey, self._get_neutral_joint_state(self._left_arm_neutral), self._l_ik_prev) def set_right_coords(self, x, y, z, er=math.pi * -1, ep=math.pi * 0.5, ey=math.pi * -1): self._set_arm_coords( self._right_iksvc, self._right_arm, x, y, z, er, ep, ey, self._get_neutral_joint_state(self._right_arm_neutral), self._r_ik_prev) ############################################################################ def _set_arm_coords(self, iksvc, limb, x, y, z, er, ep, ey, njs, prev): resp = self._get_ik(iksvc, x, y, z, er, ep, ey, njs) positions = resp[0] isValid = resp[1] self._out_of_range = not isValid prev.append(positions) if (len(prev) > self._ik_smooth): prev.pop(0) smooth_positions = {} for joint_name in positions: smooth_positions[joint_name] = \ sum(map(lambda x: x[joint_name], prev)) / self._ik_smooth limb.set_joint_positions(smooth_positions) def _get_ik(self, iksvc, x, y, z, er, ep, ey, njs): q = quaternion_from_euler(er, ep, ey) pose = PoseStamped( header=Header(, frame_id='base'), pose=Pose(position=Point( x=x, y=y, z=z, ), orientation=Quaternion(q[0], q[1], q[2], q[3])), ) ikreq = SolvePositionIKRequest() ikreq.pose_stamp.append(pose) ikreq.seed_angles.append(njs) iksvc.wait_for_service(1.0) resp = iksvc(ikreq) positions = dict(zip(resp.joints[0].name, resp.joints[0].position)) return (positions, resp.isValid[0]) def _get_neutral_joint_state(self, njs): js = JointState() js.header = Header(, frame_id='base') for j in njs: js.position.append(njs[j]) return js
def __init__(self, arm, starting_pose): # Range away from center you want the arm to stop within self.FACE_RANGE = 50 # Denominator for movement, when rotational. self.MOVEMENT_DENOMINATOR = 24 self.face_count = 0 # Starts at the end point so that it will see a new face automatically self.face_time_counter = 80 rospy.on_shutdown(self.leave_subs_n_pubs) # Finding center point desired_resolution = (640, 400) # If the arm's camera is not available, the other arm's camera will be # closed. try: CameraController(arm + '_hand_camera') except AttributeError: if arm == 'right': left_cam = CameraController('left_hand_camera') left_cam.close() elif arm == 'left': right_cam = CameraController('right_hand_camera') right_cam.close() cam = CameraController(arm + '_hand_camera') cam.resolution = desired_resolution # Getting the center of the camera (x, y) = desired_resolution self.CENTER_X = x / 2 self.CENTER_Y = y / 2 # Position of last face seen. Initialized as something impossible. self.last_face_x = -maxint self.last_face_y = -maxint self.FACE_CASCADE = cv2.CascadeClassifier( 'src/baxter_face_tracking_demos/src' + '/haarcascade_frontalface_default.xml') self.EYE_CASCADE = cv2.CascadeClassifier( 'src/baxter_face_tracking_demos/src/haarcascade_eye.xml') self.cam_sub = rospy.Subscriber( '/cameras/' + arm + '_hand_camera/image', Image, self.follow) self.display_pub = rospy.Publisher('/robot/xdisplay', Image, queue_size=0) self.hand_pub = rospy.Publisher('/ein/' + arm + '/forth_commands', String, queue_size=0) sleep(3) # Assume starting position self.hand_pub.publish( String(starting_pose + ' createEEPose moveEeToPoseWord')) # It takes time to get there sleep(1) # Setting good camera settings exposure_and_gain = '65 40' self.hand_pub.publish( String(exposure_and_gain + ' 1024 1024 2048 fixCameraLighting'))
#!/usr/bin/env python from baxter_interface import CameraController if __name__ == '__main__': camera = CameraController("left_hand_camera") res = (1280, 800) camera.resolution = res camera.exposure = camera.CONTROL_AUTO camera.fps = 1 camera.gain = camera.CONTROL_AUTO
def __init__(self, share_path, conf_path, commands): self.share_path = share_path self.conf_path = conf_path = dict() self._btn_context = dict() self._functions = demo_functions self._load_config() self.img ='RGB', (1024, 600), 'white') self.active_window =['demo_1'] self.xdisp = rospy.Publisher('/robot/xdisplay', ImageMsg, latch=True, queue_size=1) self._status = RobotEnable() self._commands = commands self._font = ImageFont.truetype('%s/HelveticaLight.ttf' % share_path, 30) self._textHeight = self._font.getsize('W')[1] self._active_example = False self._navigators = { 'left': Navigator('left'), 'torso_left': Navigator('torso_left'), 'right': Navigator('right'), 'torso_right': Navigator('torso_right') } self._listeners_connected = False self._connect_listeners() self._estop_state = False self._estop_sub = rospy.Subscriber('robot/state', AssemblyState, self._estop_callback) self._wheel_ok = True self.cameras = dict() camera_list = ['left_hand', 'right_hand', 'head'] for idx, cam in enumerate(camera_list): try: self.cameras[cam] = CameraController('%s_camera' % cam) except AttributeError: try: # This camera might not be powered # Turn off the power to the last camera # this will turn power on to the current camera CameraController('%s_camera' % camera_list[idx - 1]).close() # And try again to locate the camera service self.cameras[cam] = CameraController('%s_camera' % cam) except AttributeError: # This camera is unavailable (might be broken) # Disable camera button in the UI['cam_submenu'].set_btn_selectable( 'cam_%s' % cam, False) sel =['cam_submenu'].selected_btn() bad_cam =['cam_submenu'].get_btn('cam_%s' % cam) if (sel == bad_cam and not['cam_submenu'].scroll(1)):['cam_submenu'].selected_btn_index = 0 self.cam_sub = None self._l_grip = {'interface': Gripper('left'), 'type': 'custom'} self._r_grip = {'interface': Gripper('right'), 'type': 'custom'} rospy.Timer(rospy.Duration(.5), self._check_enable) self.error_state = False self._enable() self.calib_stage = 0 self.draw() mk_process('rosrun baxter_tools -u')
def main(): """ Main Script """ # Setting up head camera head_camera = CameraController("left_hand_camera") head_camera.resolution = (1280, 800) print("setting balance") happy = False while not happy: e = head_camera.exposure print("exposue value: " + str(e)) e_val = int(input("new exposure value")) head_camera.exposure = e_val satisfaction = str(raw_input("satified? y/n")) happy = 'y' == satisfaction planner = PathPlanner("right_arm") listener = tf.TransformListener() grip = Gripper('right') grip.calibrate() rospy.sleep(3) # creating the table obstacle so that Baxter doesn't hit it table_size = np.array([.5, 1, 10]) table_pose = PoseStamped() table_pose.header.frame_id = "base" thickness = 1 table_pose.pose.position.x = .9 table_pose.pose.position.y = 0.0 table_pose.pose.position.z = -.112 - thickness / 2 table_size = np.array([.5, 1, thickness]) planner.add_box_obstacle(table_size, "table", table_pose) raw_input("gripper close") grip.close() # ###load cup positions found using ran in virtual environment # start_pos_xy = np.load(POURING_CUP_PATH) # goal_pos_xy = np.load(RECEIVING_CUP_PATH) # start_pos = np.append(start_pos_xy, OBJECT_HEIGHT - GRABBING_OFFSET) # goal_pos = np.append(start_pos_xy, OBJECT_HEIGHT - GRABBING_OFFSET) # #### END LOADING CUP POSITIONS camera_subscriber = rospy.Subscriber("cameras/left_hand_camera/image", Image, get_img) Kp = 0.1 * np.array([0.3, 2, 1, 1.5, 2, 2, 3]) # Stolen from 106B Students Kd = 0.01 * np.array([2, 1, 2, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5]) # Stolen from 106B Students Ki = 0.01 * np.array([1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1]) # Untuned Kw = np.array([0.9, 0.9, 0.9, 0.9, 0.9, 0.9, 0.9]) # Untuned cam_pos= [0.188, -0.012, 0.750] ## ## Add the obstacle to the planning scene here ## # Create a path constraint for the arm orien_const = OrientationConstraint() orien_const.link_name = "right_gripper"; orien_const.header.frame_id = "base"; orien_const.orientation.y = -1.0; orien_const.absolute_x_axis_tolerance = 0.1; orien_const.absolute_y_axis_tolerance = 0.1; orien_const.absolute_z_axis_tolerance = 0.1; orien_const.weight = 1.0; horizontal = getQuaternion(np.array([0,1,0]), np.pi) z_rot_pos = getQuaternion(np.array([0,0,1]), np.pi / 2) orig = quatMult(z_rot_pos, horizontal) orig = getQuaternion(np.array([0,1,0]), np.pi / 2) #IN THE VIEW OF THE CAMERA #CORNER1--------->CORNER2 # | | # | | # | | #CORNER3 ------------| width = 0.3 length = 0.6 CORNER1 = np.array([0.799, -0.524, -0.03]) CORNER2 = CORNER1 + np.array([-width, 0, 0]) CORNER3 = CORNER1 + np.array([0, length, 0]) #CREATE THE GRID dir1 = CORNER2 - CORNER1 dir2 = CORNER3 - CORNER1 grid_vals = [] ret_vals = [] for i in range(0, 3): for j in range(0, 4): grid = CORNER1 + i * dir1 / 2 + j * dir2 / 3 grid_vals.append(grid) ret_vals.append(np.array([grid[0], grid[1], OBJECT_HEIGHT])) i = -1 while not rospy.is_shutdown(): for g in grid_vals: i += 1 while not rospy.is_shutdown(): try: goal_1 = PoseStamped() goal_1.header.frame_id = "base" #x, y, and z position goal_1.pose.position.x = g[0] goal_1.pose.position.y = g[1] goal_1.pose.position.z = g[2] y = - g[1] + cam_pos[1] x = g[0] - cam_pos[0] q = orig #Orientation as a quaternion goal_1.pose.orientation.x = q[1][0] goal_1.pose.orientation.y = q[1][1] goal_1.pose.orientation.z = q[1][2] goal_1.pose.orientation.w = q[0] plan = planner.plan_to_pose(goal_1, []) if planner.execute_plan(plan): # raise Exception("Execution failed") rospy.sleep(1) raw_input("open") rospy.sleep(1) # plt.imshow(camera_image) print("yay: " + str(i)) pos = listener.lookupTransform("/reference/right_gripper", "/reference/base", rospy.Time(0))[0] print("move succesfully to " + str(pos)) fname = os.path.join(IMAGE_DIR, "calib_{}.jpg".format(i)), camera_image) print(e) print("index: ", i) else: break print(np.array(ret_vals)) # save the positions of the gripper so that the homography matrix can be calculated, np.array(ret_vals)) print(np.load(POINTS_DIR)) break
def interact_with_customer(self): """ Main interaction logic. Handles the main logic of detecting the entrance of new customer, and determining if the next action is to get or give money. This will run until the amount due variable (self.amount_due) becomes zero. Therefore, before calling this function, ensure that you have changed the self.amount_due variable to either a positive or negative value. """ def pose_is_outdated(pose): """Will check whether the pose is recent or not.""" return (time.time() - pose.created) > 3 # Disable some Baxter's cameras and ensure that head camera is enabled. try: left_hand_camera = CameraController('left_hand_camera') head_camera = CameraController('head_camera') left_hand_camera.close() except: pass # Make Baxter's screen eyes to shown normal self.show_eyes_normal() self.banknotes_given = [] # Since we have new iteration here, ensure that the position of the # banknotes on the table is reset to normal. self.banknotes_table_left.reset_availability_for_all_banknotes() self.banknotes_table_right.reset_availability_for_all_banknotes() # Do this while customer own money or baxter owns money while self.amount_due != 0: # If the amount due is negative, Baxter owns money if self.amount_due < 0: change_due_image = self.image_generator.generate_change_due( change_due=abs(self.amount_due)) self.show_image_to_baxters_head_screen(image_path=None, image=change_due_image) self.give_money_to_customer() continue print self.banknotes_given amount_due_image = self.image_generator.generate_amount_due( amount_due=self.amount_due, banknotes_given=self.banknotes_given) self.show_image_to_baxters_head_screen(image_path=None, image=amount_due_image) # Get the hand pose of customer's two hands. left_pose, right_pose = self.get_pose_from_space() # If the pose detected is not too recent, ignore. if pose_is_outdated(left_pose) and pose_is_outdated(right_pose): continue # NOTE that we use right hand for left pose and left hand for right # pose. Baxter's left arm is closer to user's right hand and vice # versa. if self.pose_is_reachable(left_pose): self.take_money_from_customer(left_pose, self.planner.right_arm) elif self.pose_is_reachable(right_pose): self.take_money_from_customer(right_pose, self.planner.left_arm) else: print("Wasn't able to move hand to goal position") thank_you_message_image = self.image_generator.generate_change_due( change_due=0) self.show_image_to_baxters_head_screen(image_path=None, image=thank_you_message_image) rospy.sleep(3)
rospy.init_node('get_camera_image') #right_camera = CameraController('right_hand_camera') boundaries = [([17, 15, 100], [50, 56, 200]), ([86, 31, 4], [220, 88, 50]), ([25, 146, 190], [62, 174, 250]), ([103, 86, 65], [145, 133, 128])] low1 = [10, 10, 70] up1 = [70, 70, 205] #190 lower1 = np.array(low1, dtype="uint8") upper1 = np.array(up1, dtype="uint8") low2 = [10, 10, 125] up2 = [120, 120, 205] #190 lower2 = np.array(low2, dtype="uint8") upper2 = np.array(up2, dtype="uint8") head_camera = CameraController('head_camera') #right_camera.close() print("closed right") left_camera = CameraController('left_hand_camera') left_camera.resolution = (640, 400) print("camera open") camera_image = None cv2.namedWindow('image', cv2.WINDOW_NORMAL) def get_img(msg): global camera_image camera_image = msg_to_cv(msg)
class ColorTest (): def __init__(self): ="/cameras/left_hand_camera/image" self.image_pub=rospy.Publisher("image_topic_2",Image) self.disp_pub=rospy.Publisher('/robot/xdisplay', Image, latch=True)#Pub to xdisplay, but have to us cv_brige to convert befor pub self.image_sub=rospy.Subscriber(,Image,self.image_callback) self.bridge=CvBridge() self.left_camera=CameraController("left_hand_camera") self.left_camera.resolution=(640,400) self.reset_cameras() self.left_camera.close() ######################################################################################## # def color_mask (self,ball_color): # lower = (86,31,4) # upper = (220,88,50) # if ball_color == "blue": # lower = (86,31,4) # upper = (220,88,50) # # if ball_color == "green": # lower = (29,86,6) # upper = (64,255,255) # # if ball_color == "red": # lower = (17,15,100) # upper = (50,56,200) # image_hsv = cv2.cvtColor(image_src,cv2.COLOR_BGR2HSV)################## # image_mask = cv2.inRange(image_hsv,lower,upper) ######################################################################################## def reset_cameras (self): reset_srv = rospy.ServiceProxy('cameras/reset', std_srvs.srv.Empty) rospy.wait_for_service('cameras/reset', timeout=10) reset_srv() def disp_img(self,image): msg=CvBridge().cv2_to_imgmsg(image, encoding="mono16") self.disp_pub.publish(msg) ################################################################################## def image_callback (self,data): print "image_callbacking........./n" #converting the image message to opencv message try: #image_cv = self.bridge.imgmsg_to_cv2 (data,"bgr8") image_cv=np.squeeze(np.array(self.bridge.imgmsg_to_cv2(data, "passthrough"))) except CvBridgeError,e: print e if image_cv is not None : print "get the image_cv...../n " height, width = image_cv.shape[:2] #print ("/n{0}",format(height)) #print "----------------------" #print ("/n{0}",format(width)) #print "----------------------" #converting the opencv msg to image msg then publish try: self.image_pub.publish(self.bridge.cv2_to_imgmsg(image_cv, "bgr8")) except CvBridgeError as e: print(e) print "finished image_callback........"
class BaxterCamera(object): LEFT = -1 RIGHT = 1 def __init__(self, node, limb=+1, camera_matrix=None, camera_extrinsics=None): self.node = node self.lns = "right" if limb == BaxterCamera.RIGHT else "left" self.image = None self.camera_matrix = camera_matrix self.camera_frame = None self.camera_extrinsics = camera_extrinsics # Camera Control self.cameracontrol = CameraController(self.lns + '_hand_camera') self.cameracontrol.resolution = (960, 600) # Camera Topic self.cvbridge = CvBridge() node.createSubscriber('cameras/' + self.lns + '_hand_camera/image', Image, self._image_callback) # we create the subscriver only if we are not recieving any explicit camera matrix if camera_matrix is None: node.createSubscriber( 'cameras/' + self.lns + '_hand_camera/camera_info', CameraInfo, self._camera_info_callback) def getExtrinsics(self): ''' The extrinsics are wrt the hand''' # we take them only once or we use those that we defined in the init if self.camera_extrinsics is None: wait = 50 tf = None while tf is None and wait > 0: wait -= 1 try: tf = self.node.retrieveTransform( frame_id=self.lns + '_hand_camera', parent_frame_id=self.lns + '_hand', time=-1) except Exception as e: tf = None print(e) self.camera_extrinsics = tf return self.camera_extrinsics def camera2gripper(self): wait = 50 tf = None while tf is None and wait > 0: wait -= 1 try: tf = self.node.retrieveTransform( frame_id=self.lns + '_hand_camera', parent_frame_id=self.lns + '_gripper', time=-1) except Exception as e: tf = None print(e) self.camera_extrinsics = tf return tf def _camera_info_callback(self, msg): self.camera_matrix = np.array(msg.K).reshape((3, 3)) def _image_callback(self, msg): try: self.image = self.cvbridge.imgmsg_to_cv2(msg, "bgr8") except CvBridgeError as e: print(e) def getCameraFrame(self, wait=9999): self.camera_frame = None while self.camera_frame is None and wait > 0: wait -= 1 try: self.camera_frame = self.node.retrieveTransform( frame_id=self.lns + "_hand_camera", # TODO "_hand_camera" !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! parent_frame_id="base", time=-1) except Exception as e: print(e) return self.camera_frame def getimage(self): return self.image def setting(self, state="o", resolution=(960, 600), exposure=CameraController.CONTROL_AUTO, gain=CameraController.CONTROL_AUTO): ''' Camera Exposure: range is 0-100 Camera gain: is 0-79 ''' if state == "o": elif state == "c": self.cameracontrol.close() self.cameracontrol.resolution = resolution self.cameracontrol.exposure = exposure self.cameracontrol.gain = gain def reset(self, pose=None): self.setting() def px2world(self, u, v, plane_coefficients, frame_camera=None): ''' @u,v: pixels coordinates in image plane (wrttop-left corner); @plane_coefficients: coefficents of the plane where the object lies (wrt the Base reference frame); @frame_camera: camera reference frame wrt the robot Base reference frame. ''' if frame_camera is None: tf_camera_base = self.getCameraFrame() if tf_camera_base is None: return None else: tf_camera_base = frame_camera # camera frame wrt base frame camera_rotation_matrix = transformations.KLDFrameToNumpyRotation( tf_camera_base) camera_position_vector = transformations.KLDFrameToNumpyPosition( tf_camera_base) # from image point [pixels] to cartasian ray [meters] image_point = np.array([u, v, 1.0]).reshape(3, 1) ray = np.matmul(np.linalg.inv(self.camera_matrix), image_point) ray = ray / np.linalg.norm(ray) ray = ray.reshape(3) # intersection cartesian ray and target plane camera_frame = np.concatenate( (camera_rotation_matrix, camera_position_vector.reshape(3, 1)), axis=1) camera_frame_h = np.concatenate((camera_frame, [[0, 0, 0, 1]])) # camera_extrinsics = np.array([0.0403169, 0.998361, -0.0406236, 0.04188, # TODO my calibration # -0.999135, 0.0406977, 0.00859053, 0.013019, # 0.0102297, 0.0402421, 0.999138, 0.017091, # 0, 0, 0, 1]).reshape((4, 4)) # camera_frame_h = np.matmul(camera_frame_h, camera_extrinsics) # TODO my calibration # Transform plane from base frame to camera frame # plane_coefficients = np.matmul( np.matrix.transpose(np.linalg.inv(camera_frame_h)), plane_coefficients) t = -(plane_coefficients[3]) / (plane_coefficients[0] * ray[0] + plane_coefficients[1] * ray[1] + plane_coefficients[2] * ray[2]) x = ray[0] * t y = ray[1] * t z = ray[2] * t plane_point = np.array( [x, y, z] ) # + np.array([0.105, 0.055, 0]) # BUG offset CAMERA extrinsics @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ # point with respect to the base frame plane_point_h = np.concatenate((plane_point, [1])) plane_point_h = np.matmul(camera_frame_h, plane_point_h) plane_point = plane_point_h[:3].reshape(3) return plane_point
class Mimic(object): IKSVC_LEFT_URI = 'ExternalTools/left/PositionKinematicsNode/IKService' IKSVC_RIGHT_URI = 'ExternalTools/right/PositionKinematicsNode/IKService' def __init__(self): self._tf = tf.TransformListener() self._rs = RobotEnable() self._left_arm = Limb('left') self._left_arm.set_joint_position_speed(0.5) self._right_arm = Limb('right') self._right_arm.set_joint_position_speed(0.5) self._left_arm_neutral = None self._right_arm_neutral = None self._left_iksvc = rospy.ServiceProxy( Mimic.IKSVC_LEFT_URI, SolvePositionIK) self._right_iksvc = rospy.ServiceProxy( Mimic.IKSVC_RIGHT_URI, SolvePositionIK) self._left_camera = CameraController('left_hand_camera') self._right_camera = CameraController('right_hand_camera') self._head_camera = CameraController('head_camera') self._left_camera.close() self._right_camera.close() self._head_camera.close() self._head_camera.resolution = CameraController.MODES[0] self._head_camera_sub = rospy.Subscriber('/cameras/head_camera/image', Image, self._head_camera_sub_callback) self._xdisplay_pub = rospy.Publisher('/robot/xdisplay', Image, latch=True) self._out_of_range = False self._ik_smooth = 4 self._ik_rate = 200 self._avg_window = 1000 self._r_trans_prev = [] self._l_trans_prev = [] self._r_ik_prev = [] self._l_ik_prev = [] self._joint_update_pub = rospy.Publisher('/robot/joint_state_publish_rate', UInt16) self._joint_update_pub.publish(self._ik_rate) self._mimic_timer = None ############################################################################ def start(self): self._rs.enable() self._reset() self._mimic_timer = rospy.Timer(rospy.Duration(1.0 / self._ik_rate), self._mimic_callback) rate = rospy.Rate(self._avg_window) while not rospy.is_shutdown(): try: (r_trans,r_rot) = self._tf.lookupTransform( '/skeleton/user_1/right_hand', '/skeleton/user_1/torso', rospy.Time(0)) (l_trans,l_rot) = self._tf.lookupTransform( '/skeleton/user_1/left_hand', '/skeleton/user_1/torso', rospy.Time(0)) self._l_trans_prev.append(l_trans) if (len(self._l_trans_prev) > self._avg_window): self._l_trans_prev.pop(0) self._r_trans_prev.append(r_trans) if (len(self._r_trans_prev) > self._avg_window): self._r_trans_prev.pop(0) except: self._out_of_range = True rate.sleep() continue rate.sleep() def _reset(self): if self._mimic_timer: self._mimic_timer.shutdown() self._left_arm.move_to_neutral() self._left_arm_neutral = self._left_arm.joint_angles() self._right_arm.move_to_neutral() self._right_arm_neutral = self._right_arm.joint_angles() print(self._left_arm_neutral) print(self._right_arm_neutral) def shutdown(self): self._reset() ############################################################################ def _mimic_callback(self, event): try: l_trans = ( sum(map(lambda x: x[0], self._l_trans_prev)) / self._avg_window, sum(map(lambda x: x[1], self._l_trans_prev)) / self._avg_window, sum(map(lambda x: x[2], self._l_trans_prev)) / self._avg_window) r_trans = ( sum(map(lambda x: x[0], self._r_trans_prev)) / self._avg_window, sum(map(lambda x: x[1], self._r_trans_prev)) / self._avg_window, sum(map(lambda x: x[2], self._r_trans_prev)) / self._avg_window) rh_x = clamp(0.65 + (l_trans[2] / 1.5), 0.5, 0.9) rh_y = clamp(-l_trans[0], -0.8, 0) rh_z = clamp(-l_trans[1], -0.1, 0.8) lh_x = clamp(0.65 + (r_trans[2] / 1.5), 0.5, 0.9) lh_y = clamp(-r_trans[0], 0, 0.8) lh_z = clamp(-r_trans[1], -0.1, 0.8) self.set_left_coords(lh_x, lh_y, lh_z) self.set_right_coords(rh_x, rh_y, rh_z) except: return def _head_camera_sub_callback(self, data): orig_img = cvbr.imgmsg_to_cv2(data, 'rgb8') img = cv2.cvtColor(orig_img, cv2.COLOR_RGB2GRAY) img = cv2.equalizeHist(img) img = cv2.GaussianBlur(img, (5, 5), 0) img = cv2.Canny(img, 100, 200) img = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_GRAY2RGB) img = cv2.addWeighted(img, 0.75, orig_img, 0.25, 0) img = cv2.resize(img, (1024, 768)) if self._out_of_range: cv2.putText(img, 'Out of range!', (50, 768-50), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 2, (255, 0, 0), 4) img = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_RGB2BGR) img = cvbr.cv2_to_imgmsg(img) self._xdisplay_pub.publish(img) ############################################################################ def set_left_coords(self, x, y, z, er=math.pi * -1, ep=math.pi * 0.5, ey=math.pi * -1): self._set_arm_coords(self._left_iksvc, self._left_arm, x, y, z, er, ep, ey, self._get_neutral_joint_state(self._left_arm_neutral), self._l_ik_prev) def set_right_coords(self, x, y, z, er=math.pi * -1, ep=math.pi * 0.5, ey=math.pi * -1): self._set_arm_coords(self._right_iksvc, self._right_arm, x, y, z, er, ep, ey, self._get_neutral_joint_state(self._right_arm_neutral), self._r_ik_prev) ############################################################################ def _set_arm_coords(self, iksvc, limb, x, y, z, er, ep, ey, njs, prev): resp = self._get_ik(iksvc, x, y, z, er, ep, ey, njs) positions = resp[0] isValid = resp[1] self._out_of_range = not isValid prev.append(positions) if (len(prev) > self._ik_smooth): prev.pop(0) smooth_positions = {} for joint_name in positions: smooth_positions[joint_name] = \ sum(map(lambda x: x[joint_name], prev)) / self._ik_smooth limb.set_joint_positions(smooth_positions) def _get_ik(self, iksvc, x, y, z, er, ep, ey, njs): q = quaternion_from_euler(er, ep, ey) pose = PoseStamped( header=Header(, frame_id='base'), pose=Pose( position=Point( x=x, y=y, z=z, ), orientation=Quaternion(q[0], q[1], q[2], q[3]) ), ) ikreq = SolvePositionIKRequest() ikreq.pose_stamp.append(pose) ikreq.seed_angles.append(njs) iksvc.wait_for_service(1.0) resp = iksvc(ikreq) positions = dict(zip(resp.joints[0].name, resp.joints[0].position)) return (positions, resp.isValid[0]) def _get_neutral_joint_state(self, njs): js = JointState() js.header = Header(, frame_id='base') for j in njs: js.position.append(njs[j]) return js