def save(self, group): """ Save the state of the node into a HDF5 file. group can be the root """ ## if name is None: ## name = ## subgroup = group.create_group(name) for i in range(len(self.u)): utils.write_to_hdf5(group, self.u[i], "u%d" % i) utils.write_to_hdf5(group, self.observed, "observed")
def save(self, group): """ Save the state of the node into a HDF5 file. group can be the root """ ## if name is None: ## name = ## subgroup = group.create_group(name) for i in range(len(self.u)): utils.write_to_hdf5(group, self.u[i], 'u%d' % i) utils.write_to_hdf5(group, self.observed, 'observed')
def save(self, group): """ Save the state of the node into a HDF5 file. group can be the root """ ## if name is None: ## name = ## subgroup = group.create_group(name) for i in range(len(self.phi)): utils.write_to_hdf5(group, self.phi[i], 'phi%d' % i) utils.write_to_hdf5(group, self.f, 'f') utils.write_to_hdf5(group, self.g, 'g') super().save(group)
def simulate_data(filename=None, resolution=30, M=50, N=1000, diffusion=1e-6, velocity=4e-3, innovation_noise=1e-3, innovation_lengthscale=0.6, noise_ratio=1e-1, decay=0.9997, burnin=1000, thin=20): # Simulate the process # Because simulate_process simulates a unit square over unit time step we # have to multiply parameters by the time length in order to get the effect # of a long time :) # # Thin-parameter affects the temporal resolution. diffusion *= (N + burnin/thin) velocity *= (N + burnin/thin) decay = decay ** (1/thin) innovation_noise *= np.sqrt(N) U = simulate_process(resolution, resolution, burnin+N*thin, diffusion=diffusion, velocity=velocity, noise=innovation_noise, lengthscale=innovation_lengthscale, decay=decay) # Put some stations randomly x1x2 = np.random.permutation(resolution*resolution)[:M] x1 = np.arange(resolution)[np.mod(x1x2, resolution)] x2 = np.arange(resolution)[(x1x2/resolution).astype(int)] #x1 = np.random.randint(0, resolution, M) #x2 = np.random.randint(0, resolution, M) # Get noisy observations U = U[burnin::thin] F = U[:, x1, x2].T std = np.std(F) Y = F + noise_ratio*std*np.random.randn(*np.shape(F)) X = np.array([x1, x2]).T # Save data if filename is not None: f = h5py.File(filename, 'w') try: utils.write_to_hdf5(f, U, 'U') utils.write_to_hdf5(f, diffusion/T, 'diffusion') utils.write_to_hdf5(f, velocity/T, 'velocity') utils.write_to_hdf5(f, decay, 'decay') utils.write_to_hdf5(f, innovation_noise/np.sqrt(T), 'innovation_noise') utils.write_to_hdf5(f, noise_ratio, 'noise_ratio') utils.write_to_hdf5(f, Y, 'Y') utils.write_to_hdf5(f, F, 'F') utils.write_to_hdf5(f, X, 'X') finally: f.close() return (U, Y, F, X)