コード例 #1
    def add(self, obj):

        Container.add() -> None

        --``obj`` is an instance of obj

        Method checks that obj has a valid name and ID and that these
        attributes do not conflict with existing entries before adding the
        new obj.

        # Make sure this obj is valid
        if not obj.id.bbid:
            c = "Cannot add obj that does not have a valid bbid."
            raise bb_exceptions.IDError(c)

        if not obj.name:
            c = "Cannot add obj that does not have a valid name."
            raise bb_exceptions.BBAnalyticalError(c)

        if obj.id.bbid in self.directory:
            c = "Cannot overwrite existing obj. obj with id %s already" \
                " exists in directory." % obj.id.bbid.hex
            raise bb_exceptions.BBAnalyticalError(c)

        if obj.name in self.by_name:
            c = "Cannot overwrite existing obj. obj named %s already" \
                " exists in directory." % obj.name
            raise bb_exceptions.BBAnalyticalError(c)

        self.directory[obj.id.bbid] = obj
        self.by_name[obj.name.casefold()] = obj.id.bbid
コード例 #2
    def _inspect_line_for_insertion(self, line):

        BaseFinancialComponent._inspect_line_for_insertion() -> None

        Will throw exception if Line if you can't insert line into instance.
        if not line.tags.name:
            c = "Cannot add nameless lines."
            raise bb_exceptions.BBAnalyticalError(c)

        if line.tags.name in self._details:
            c = "Implicit overwrites prohibited: {}".format(line.tags.name)
            raise bb_exceptions.BBAnalyticalError(c)
コード例 #3
def make_batches_linearly(start_dt, end_dt, template, start_num, number, batches):

    make_batches_linearly() -> List

    Returns a list of newly created objects with uniform birth dates.
    Function is designed to be used if number > 50. Instead of creating 50
    template  objects, we may represent them instead with 10 template "batches",
    each with template.size=5. Last template object may have a smaller size if
    number // batches has a leftover remainder. Template birth dates will not
    be on start_dt or end_dt.

    start_dt    -- datetime.date
    end_dt      -- datetime.date
    template    -- object with Life attribute, ie a BusinessUnit
    start_num   -- int, number of existing templates. 1st name = start_num + 1
    number      -- integer, number of templates objects to be represented
    batches     -- integer, number of templates to make, including leftovers
    if number < batches:
        c = "Number cannot be < Batches!"
        raise bb_exceptions.BBAnalyticalError(c)

    if number % batches == 0:  # Same unit count for every batch
        batch_size = number / batches
        leftover = number % (batches - 1)  # Last batch will have leftovers
        if leftover > 0:  # Can also change 0 to min_batch_size
            batch_size = (number - leftover) / (batches - 1)
            batch_size = (number // batches) + 1
            # Need this use case when number=100 batches=6.   100/(6-1) = 20

    time_diff = end_dt - start_dt  # timedelta object
    time_interval = time_diff / batches
    birth_index = start_dt + time_interval/2  # Start in middle of time period

    population = []
    unit_count = 1
    for i in range(batches):
        start_label = start_num + unit_count
        unit_count += int(batch_size)
        end_label = min(start_num + unit_count - 1, start_num + number)

        copy = template.copy()
        new_name = copy.name + " " + str(start_label) + "-" + str(end_label)
        copy.size = end_label - start_label + 1
        # Sets events: conception, birth, death, maturity, old_age
        birth_index += time_interval
        # print(copy.name, "StoreSize: ",
        #       copy.size, " Birth: ",
        #       copy.life.events['birth'])

    return population
コード例 #4
def _populate_old_actuals(old_model, new_model):

    _populate_old_actuals() -> None

    --``old_model``     old instance of Engine Model
    --``new_model``     new instance of Engine Model

    Function looks for hardcoded actuals in old model and copies thier value 
    onto the the new model.
    old_bu = old_model.get_company()
    new_bu = new_model.get_company()

    old_actl_tl = old_model.get_timeline(resolution='monthly', name='actual')
    new_actl_tl = new_model.get_timeline(resolution='monthly', name='actual')
    new_proj_tl = new_model.get_timeline(resolution='monthly', name='default')

    for old_pd in old_actl_tl.iter_ordered():

        # If there are actuals, we want to populate both actl and proj timelines
        for tl in [new_actl_tl, new_proj_tl]:
            new_pd = tl.find_period(old_pd.end)
            if not new_pd:
                # new_pd = old_pd.copy()
                new_pd = TimePeriod(start_date=old_pd.start,

            old_fins = old_bu.get_financials(old_pd)
            new_fins = new_bu.get_financials(new_pd)

            for old_stmt in old_fins.full_ordered:
                if not old_stmt:
                    # Valuation is empty

                stmt_name = old_stmt.name.casefold().strip()
                new_stmt = new_fins.get_statement(stmt_name)
                if not new_stmt:
                    c = 'Old %s doesn exist!' % old_stmt.name
                    raise bb_exceptions.BBAnalyticalError(c)

                for old_line in old_stmt.get_full_ordered():
                    old_parent = old_line.relationships.parent
                    if isinstance(old_parent, LineItem):
                        new_line = new_stmt.find_first(old_parent.name,
                        new_line = new_stmt.find_first(old_line.name)

                    if old_line.hardcoded:
                                           signature='old hardcoded value',
コード例 #5
    def add_line_summary(self, source_line, target_line, label=None):

        SummaryMaker.add_line_summary() -> None

        --``source_line`` is the LineItem in a specific time period
        --``target_line`` is the LineItem in the summary statement added to
        --``label`` is the string label to apply to the summary line in Excel

        Method summarizes a LineItem. Aggregation type is defined by
        source_line's attributes.
        summary_type = target_line.summary_type
        if target_line._details:
            for new_line in target_line._details.values():
                old_line = source_line.find_first(new_line.name)
                self.add_line_summary(old_line, new_line, label=label)
        elif summary_type in ('derive', 'skip'):
            # driver will do the work if 'derive'
        elif summary_type in ('sum', 'average'):
        elif summary_type == 'first':
            # use the first non-None showing up
            if target_line.value is None:
        elif summary_type == 'last':
            # assume period show up in order, last one overrides
        elif summary_type:
            c = 'we have not yet implemented summary_type: {}'.format(
            raise bb_exceptions.BBAnalyticalError(c)
            # this is equivalent to 'last'
コード例 #6
def _combine_fins_structure(old_model, new_model):

    _build_fins_from_sheet(financials, sheet) -> None

    --``old_model``     old instance of Engine Model
    --``new_model``     new instance of Engine Model

    Function combines line structure from the old and new models
    old_bu = old_model.get_company()
    new_bu = new_model.get_company()

    old_fins = old_bu.financials
    new_fins = new_bu.financials

    for old_stmt in old_fins.full_ordered:
        if not old_stmt:
            # Valuation is empty

        stmt_name = old_stmt.name.casefold().strip()
        new_stmt = new_fins.get_statement(stmt_name)
        if not new_stmt:
            c = 'Old %s doesn exist!' % old_stmt.name
            raise bb_exceptions.BBAnalyticalError(c)

        last_position = 0
        for old_line in old_stmt.get_full_ordered():
            old_parent = old_line.relationships.parent  # Can be stmt or line
            if isinstance(old_parent, LineItem):
                new_line = new_stmt.find_first(old_parent.name, old_line.name)
                new_line = new_stmt.find_first(old_line.name)

            if not new_line:
                new_line = old_line.copy()
                if isinstance(old_parent, LineItem):
                    new_parent = new_stmt.find_first(old_parent.name)
                    new_parent.add_line(new_line, last_position + 1)
                    new_stmt.add_line(new_line, last_position + 1)

            last_position = new_line.position
コード例 #7
def make_closed_units(start_dt, end_dt, template, number, birth_dt=None):

    make_closed_units() -> List

    Creates a fixed number of units with the same birth date and then closes
    them linearly over the dates given.

    start_dt    -- datetime.date
    end_dt      -- datetime.date
    template    -- object with Life attribute, ie a BusinessUnit
    number      -- integer, number of templates to be created
    birth_dt    -- datetime.date, birth date for all units (default = start_dt)

    All units are assumed to have the same birth date for simplicity.
    Unless specified, birth_dt = start_dt
    population = []

    if not birth_dt:
        birth_dt = start_dt
    elif birth_dt > start_dt:
        c = "Warning Birth Date > Start Date!"
        raise bb_exceptions.BBAnalyticalError(c)

    time_diff = end_dt - start_dt  # timedelta object
    time_interval = time_diff / number
    date_index = start_dt + time_interval/2  # Start in middle of time period

    for i in range(number):
        copy = template.copy()
        copy.set_name(copy.tags.name + " " + str(i+1))
        # Sets events: conception, birth, death, maturity, old_age
        date_index += time_interval

    return population
コード例 #8
    def set_value(self, value, signature, override=False):

        Line.set_value() -> None

        Set line value, add entry to log. Value must be numeric.

        Will throw BBPermissionError if line is hardcoded.

        If ``override`` is True, skip type check for value and hardcoded
        if not override:
                test = value + 1
            except TypeError:
                c = "Cannot perform arithmetic on LineItem! override=False"
                raise bb_exceptions.BBAnalyticalError(c)
                # Will throw exception if value doesn't support arithmetic

            if self.hardcoded:
                return  # Do  Nothing if line is hardcoded

        new_value = value
        if new_value is None:
            self._local_value = new_value
            if self._details and self.sum_details:
                m = "Cannot assign new value to a line with existing details."
                raise bb_exceptions.BBPermissionError(m)
                self._local_value = value

        log_entry = (signature, time.time(), value)
コード例 #9
    def add_snapshot(self, new_snapshot, overwrite=False):

        CapTable.add_snapshot() -> None

        --``new_snapshot`` is an instance of Snapshot
        --``overwrite`` is False by default

        Method adds a dict entry with key=snapshot_date, value=Snapshot
        If overwrite is False, method checks that the snapshot does not conflict
        with existing entries before adding the new Snapshot.
        key = new_snapshot.ref_date

        # Make sure this snapshot is valid
        if not overwrite:
            if key in self.snapshots:
                c = "Cannot overwrite existing snapshot. %s already" \
                    " exists in directory." % key
                raise bb_exceptions.BBAnalyticalError(c)

        self.snapshots[key] = new_snapshot
コード例 #10
    def add_round(self, new_round, overwrite=False):

        CapTable.add_record() -> None

        --``new_round`` is an instance of Round
        --``overwrite`` is False by default

        Method adds a dict entry with key=round_name, value=Round
        If overwrite is False, method checks that the record does not conflict
        with existing entries before adding the new Round.
        key = new_round.name

        # Make sure this round is valid
        if not overwrite:
            if key in self.rounds:
                c = "Cannot overwrite existing round. %s already" \
                    " exists in directory." % key
                raise bb_exceptions.BBAnalyticalError(c)

        self.rounds[key] = new_round
コード例 #11
    def add_record(self, record, overwrite=False):

        Snapshot.add_record() -> None

        --``record`` is an instance of record
        --``overwrite`` is False by default

        Method adds a dict entry with key=(owner_name, round_name), value=Record
        If overwrite is False, method checks that the record does not conflict
        with existing entries before adding the new record.
        key = (record.owner_name, record.round_name)

        # Make sure this record is valid
        if not overwrite:
            if key in self.records:
                c = "Cannot overwrite existing record. (%s, %s) already" \
                    " exists in directory." % key
                raise bb_exceptions.BBAnalyticalError(c)

        self.records[key] = record
コード例 #12
def find_most_recent(query_date, date_pool):

    find_most_recent(query_date, date_pool) -> datetime.date

    Function returns the date in pool that most closely precedes query date. If
    query date is itself in pool, function will return query_date.

    ``date_pool`` should be a container of sortable objects
    Selection algorithm sorts a set of date_pool contents together with
    query_date and returns the value that precedes query_date.

    Function raises an error if query_date is earlier than every item in pool. 
    last_known = None
    if not isinstance(query_date, date):
        query_date = for_parsing.date_from_iso(query_date)
        #if query is not a valid date, try to convert it
    if query_date in date_pool:
        last_known = query_date
        w_query = set(date_pool) | {query_date}
        w_query = sorted(w_query)
        i_query = w_query.index(query_date)
        if i_query == 0:
            c = "Query is earliest date in pool."
            raise bb_exceptions.BBAnalyticalError(c, query_date)
            i_prior = i_query - 1
            last_known = w_query[i_prior]
    return last_known
コード例 #13
def check_engine_message(engine_message):

    engine_message_status() -> str

    Function compares the message to known patterns stored in message_patterns
    dictionary and returns fit. If message contains the END_INTERVIEW
    sentinel in last position (ie, message is in xxEND formaT), function
    returns endSession status without running further logic.

    if engine_message[2] == END_INTERVIEW or engine_message[2] == USER_STOP:
        status = message_patterns[p_end_session]
        pattern = (int(bool(x)) for x in engine_message)
        # tuple for use as dict key
        pattern = tuple(pattern)
            status = message_patterns[pattern]
        except KeyError:
            label = "Unusual message format"
            raise bb_exceptions.BBAnalyticalError(label)
            # something odd happening here
    return status
コード例 #14
def _set_behavior(behavior_str, limits_str, statement, line, model):

    _set_behavior(sheet, cell_f, bu) -> bool

    --``behavior_str`` is string representing a JSON dict
    --``limits_str`` is string representing of a list of 2 item lists
    --``line`` is the instance of LineItem which we want to add behavior
    --``model`` is an instance of EngineModel    

    Function takes a behavior and and limits string and figures out a formula
    and driver to attach to the line.

        behavior_dict = json.loads(behavior_str)
    except ValueError:
        c = "Invalid JSON String: " + behavior_str
        raise bb_exceptions.BBAnalyticalError(c)

    line.usage.behavior = behavior_dict

    if not limits_str:
        # set default value
        limits_str = '[[1.3,"Overperforming"],[1.1,"Performing"]]'

        limits_list = json.loads(limits_str)
    except ValueError:
        c = "Invalid JSON String: " + limits_str
        raise bb_exceptions.BBAnalyticalError(c)

    line.usage.limits = limits_list

    if behavior_dict.get('action'):
        action_name = behavior_dict.pop('action')
        action_name = "rolling sum over time"

    if action_name.casefold().strip() == "custom status":
        statement.display_type = statement.COVENANT_TYPE

    formula_name = ps.ACTION_TO_FORMULA_MAP.get(action_name)
    if not formula_name:
        c = "No formula mapped to the action name of: " + action_name
        raise bb_exceptions.BBAnalyticalError(c)

    f_id = FC.by_name[formula_name]
    formula = FC.issue(f_id)
    if not formula:
        c = "No formula found by name of: " + formula_name
        raise bb_exceptions.BBAnalyticalError(c)

    required_keys = formula.required_data

    if len(required_keys - behavior_dict.keys()) == 0:
        if not line.get_driver():
            data = dict()
            data.update(behavior_dict)  # Same key names

            parent_name = line.relationships.parent.name
            dr_name = (parent_name or "") + ">" + line.name
            driver = model.drivers.get_or_create(dr_name, data, formula)
コード例 #15
def _build_fins_from_sheet(bu, sheet, sm):

    _build_fins_from_sheet(financials, sheet) -> None

    --``bu`` is the instance of Business Unit we want build Financials on
    --``sheet`` is an instance of openpyxl.WorkSheet
    --``sm`` is an instance of SheetMap

    Function extracts information from 'sheet' to build the LineItem structure
    in 'financials'. Functions creates new statements if necessary.
    full_order = list()
    financials = bu.financials  # SSOT Fins
    line = None

    # Loop through each row that contains LineItem information
    # Start at the first row that has line data
    iter_rows = sheet.iter_rows(row_offset=sm.rows["FIRST_DATA"]-1,
    for row in iter_rows:

        if not row[sm.cols[ps.STATEMENT]-1].value:
            if line:
                line.xl_format.blank_row_after = True
            # Skip blank rows

        statement_name = row[sm.cols[ps.STATEMENT]-1].value.strip()

        if "parameter" in statement_name.casefold():
            continue  # Ignore parameters

        # put statements in order
        if statement_name.casefold() not in full_order:

        statement = financials.get_statement(statement_name)

        if not statement and statement_name:
            statement = Statement(statement_name)
            financials.add_statement(name=statement_name, statement=statement)

        if statement is financials.valuation:
            statement.compute = True

        line_name = row[sm.cols[ps.LINE_NAME]-1].value
        if not line_name:
            continue  # Must have line name

        line_title = row[sm.cols[ps.LINE_TITLE]-1].value
        if not line_title:
            continue  # Must have line title

        parent_name = row[sm.cols[ps.PARENT_NAME]-1].value or ""
        # find_first always needs a str.

        num_parents = len(statement.find_all(parent_name))
        if num_parents > 1:
            c = "PARENT_NAME must be unique within a statement!"
            c += " There are %s occurances of %s" % (num_parents, parent_name)
            # Current design flaw is that if there are more than one
            # parent lines with the same name, we do not know which one to use
            raise bb_exceptions.BBAnalyticalError(c)

        parent = statement.find_first(parent_name)
        if not parent:
            if parent_name:
                # Add parent as a top level line, can be moved later
                parent = LineItem(parent_name)

        # Main logic below
        existing_line = statement.find_first(line_name)
        # existing_line could be the line we want or another line with the same
        # name but under a different parent

        if not existing_line:
            line = LineItem(line_name)
            if parent:

            # A line with the same name exists on statement
            # We want to check if in the right location
            if parent:
                if statement.find_first(parent_name, line_name):
                    # Existing_line is the line we want to edit
                    # It is already under the correct parent
                    line = existing_line
                    if existing_line.relationships.parent is statement:
                        # Existing_line was first created as a parent line,
                        # Move existing_line to the correct parent
                        # Existing_line is the line we want to edit
                        line = statement.find_first(line_name, remove=True)

                        # Existing_line is NOT the line we want to edit
                        # Create a new line, same name, different parent
                        line = LineItem(line_name)
                # Existing_line is the line we want to edit
                # Its location is correct at the top level
                line = existing_line

        if not line:
            c = "Import Error: Line %s, Parent %s" % (line_name, parent_name)
            c += ". Check financials structure."
            raise bb_exceptions.BBAnalyticalError(c)

        _add_line_effects(line, bu, row, sm)

コード例 #16
def revise_projections(xl_serial, old_model):

    revise_projections(xl_serial, engine_model) -> EngineModel()

    --``xl_serial``     serialized string of an Excel workbook (".xlsx")
    --``old_model``     old instance of Engine Model

    Function revises projection values while keeping existing actuals values
    Function takes a serialized Excel workbook in a specific format
    and converts it to an EngineModel with LineItem values. 

    Function delegates to:

    new_model = Model(bb_settings.DEFAULT_MODEL_NAME)
    new_model._ref_date = old_model._ref_date

    # 1) Extract xl_serial. Make sure it is in the right format
    wb = xlio.load_workbook(xl_serial, data_only=True)  # Includes Values Only
    wb_f = xlio.load_workbook(xl_serial, data_only=False)  # Includes Formulas

    # For testing local excel files:
    # filename = r"C:\Workbooks\Forecast_Rimini8.xlsx"
    # wb = xlio.load_workbook(filename=filename, data_only=True)

    # Look for the BB Metadata tab
    metadata_names = ps.BB_METADATA_NAMES

    bb_tabname = None
    for tab in wb:
        if tab.title.casefold() in metadata_names:
            bb_tabname = tab.title
    if not bb_tabname:
        c = "No BB Metadata Tab!"
        raise bb_exceptions.BBAnalyticalError(c)

    sheet = wb[bb_tabname]
    sheet_f = wb_f[bb_tabname]

    # Make sure sheet is valid format
    sm = build_sheet_map(sheet)

    company = new_model.get_company()
    if not company:
        company = BusinessUnit(new_model.name)
        new_model.target = company

    # 2) Determine Line Structure from Excel upload
    _build_fins_from_sheet(company, sheet, sm)

    # 3) Add any missing lines from old model
    _combine_fins_structure(old_model, new_model)

    # 4) Make sure actuals timeline has same structure
    actl_tl = new_model.get_timeline('monthly', name='actual')
    if not actl_tl:
        actl_tl = TimeLine(new_model)
        new_model.set_timeline(actl_tl, resolution='monthly', name='actual')

    # 5) Write values to both actuals and projected.
    _populate_fins_from_sheet(new_model, sheet, sheet_f, sm)

    # 6) Retain any actual values from old model that are hardcoded
    _populate_old_actuals(old_model, new_model)

    return new_model
コード例 #17
def _add_line_effects(line, bu, row, sm):

    _add_line_effects(financials, sheet) -> None

    --``line`` is the target LineItem
    --``bu`` is the instance of Business Unit that the line belongs to
    --``row`` is list of openpyxl.Cells in the same row
    --``sm`` is an instance of SheetMap

    Function validates column values. This information and stores on the line
    so that the Engine knows what to do with line later.

    # Add comparison ("<" or ">") as a tag for KPI and Covenant analysis
    if sm.cols[ps.COMPARISON]:
        comparison_str = row[sm.cols[ps.COMPARISON]-1].value
        if comparison_str in ('<', '<=', '>', '>='):
            # Only tag valid comparisons

    # Add sum_details attribute if FALSE (TRUE is default for blank cells)
    if sm.cols[ps.SUM_DETAILS]:
        sum_details = row[sm.cols[ps.SUM_DETAILS]-1].value
        if not (_check_truthy(sum_details) or sum_details is None):
            line.sum_details = False

    # Tag line with which summary report we want to display it on.
    if sm.cols[ps.REPORT]:
        report_str = row[sm.cols[ps.REPORT]-1].value
        if _check_truthy(report_str, others=ps.VALID_REPORTS):
            line.usage.show_on_report = True

    if sm.cols[ps.MONITOR]:
        monitor_bool = row[sm.cols[ps.MONITOR]-1].value
        if _check_truthy(monitor_bool):
            line.usage.monitor = True

    if sm.cols[ps.PARSE_FORMULA]:
        parse_formula_bool = row[sm.cols[ps.PARSE_FORMULA]-1].value
        if _check_truthy(parse_formula_bool):
            line.tags.add('parse formula')

    if sm.cols[ps.ADD_TO_PATH[0]]:
        topic_formula_bool = row[sm.cols[ps.ADD_TO_PATH[0]] - 1].value
        if _check_truthy(topic_formula_bool):
            new_path_line = LineItem(line.name)
            line.tags.add('topic formula')

    if sm.cols[ps.ALERT[0]]:
        alert_val = row[sm.cols[ps.ALERT[0]] - 1].value
        if alert_val is not None:
            new_path_line = LineItem(line.name + " alert")
            new_path_line.tags.add('alert commentary')
            line.tags.add('alert commentary')

            # Backwards compatibility when ALERT was a bool column
            if _check_truthy(alert_val):
                alert_val = '{"comparison":"=","limit":"Needs Review"}'

                conditions_dict = json.loads(alert_val)
                line.usage.alert_commentary = conditions_dict
            except ValueError:
                c = "Invalid JSON String: " + alert_val
                raise bb_exceptions.BBAnalyticalError(c)

    if sm.cols[ps.ON_CARD]:
        on_card_bool = row[sm.cols[ps.ON_CARD] - 1].value
        if _check_truthy(on_card_bool):
            line.usage.show_on_card = True

    # Tag line with one or more tags.
    if sm.cols[ps.TAGS]:
        tags_str = row[sm.cols[ps.TAGS]-1].value
        if tags_str:
            tags_list = tags_str.split(",")
            for t in tags_list:
                new_tag = t.strip()  # Remove white space from both sides
コード例 #18
def add_projections(xl_serial, engine_model):

    add_projections(xl_serial, engine_model) -> EngineModel()

    --``xl_serial``     serialized string of an Excel workbook (".xlsx")
    --``engine_model``  instance of Engine Model

    Function takes a serialized Excel workbook in a specific format
    and converts it to an EngineModel with LineItem values. Model input will
    determine which investment card we are adding projections to.

    Function delegates to:

    model = engine_model

    # 1) Extract xl_serial. Make sure it is in the right format
    wb = xlio.load_workbook(xl_serial, data_only=True)  # Includes Values Only
    wb_f = xlio.load_workbook(xl_serial, data_only=False)  # Includes Formulas

    # For testing local excel files:
    # filename = r"C:\Workbooks\Forecast_Rimini8.xlsx"
    # wb = xlio.load_workbook(filename=filename, data_only=True)

    # Look for the BB Metadata tab
    metadata_names = ps.BB_METADATA_NAMES

    bb_tabname = None
    for tab in wb:
        if tab.title.casefold() in metadata_names:
            bb_tabname = tab.title
    if not bb_tabname:
        c = "No BB Metadata Tab!"
        raise bb_exceptions.BBAnalyticalError(c)

    sheet = wb[bb_tabname]
    sheet_f = wb_f[bb_tabname]

    # Make sure sheet is valid format
    sm = build_sheet_map(sheet)

    # 2) Align model.time_line to ref_date. Add additional periods as needed
    sheet_rows = [r for r in sheet.rows]
    header_row = sheet_rows[sm.rows["HEADER"]-1]
    xl_dates = []
    for cell in header_row[sm.cols["FIRST_PERIOD"]-1:]:
        if isinstance(cell.value, datetime):

    first_date = xl_dates[0]
    if isinstance(first_date, str):
        first_date = datetime.strptime(first_date, "%Y-%m-%d").date()

    # set default timeline to only contain relevant dates
    new_timeline = TimeLine(model)
    model.set_timeline(new_timeline, overwrite=True)
    model.time_line.build(first_date, fwd=0, year_end=False)

    company = model.get_company()
    if not company:
        company = BusinessUnit(model.name)
        model.target = company

    # 3) Determine Line Structure from Excel upload
    _build_fins_from_sheet(company, sheet, sm)

    # 4) Make sure actuals timeline has same structure
    actl_tl = model.get_timeline('monthly', name='actual')
    if not actl_tl:
        actl_tl = TimeLine(model)
        model.set_timeline(actl_tl, resolution='monthly', name='actual')

    # 5) Write values to both actuals and projected.
    _populate_fins_from_sheet(model, sheet, sheet_f, sm)

    return model
コード例 #19
def _populate_fins_from_sheet(engine_model, sheet, sheet_f, sm):

    _populate_fins_from_sheet() -> None

    --``engine_model`` is the instance of EngineModel
    --``sheet`` is an instance of openpyxl.WorkSheet with Values
    --``sheet_f`` is an instance of openpyxl.WorkSheet with Formulas as str
    --``sm`` is an instance of SheetMap

    Function extracts LineItem values from 'sheet' and writes them to
    'financials' for multiple periods. Function assumes that the structure
    for financials is already in place for every period.
    model = engine_model
    bu = model.get_company()
    proj_tl = model.get_timeline('monthly', name='default')
    actl_tl = model.get_timeline('monthly', name='actual')
    ssot_fins = bu.financials

    # Loop across periods (Left to Right on Excel)
    sheet_columns = [c for c in sheet.columns]
    for col in sheet_columns[sm.cols["FIRST_PERIOD"]-1:]:
        dt = col[0].value.date()
        timeline_name = col[sm.rows["TIMELINE"]-1].value

        start_dt = date(dt.year, dt.month, 1)
        end_dt = date(dt.year, dt.month, 28)
        while end_dt.month == start_dt.month:
            end_dt += timedelta(1)
        end_dt -= timedelta(1)

        # Always add a proj_pd regardless of if something is forecast or actual
        proj_pd = proj_tl.find_period(dt)
        if not proj_pd:
            proj_pd = TimePeriod(start_date=start_dt,

        actl_pd = actl_tl.find_period(dt)

        if _check_truthy(timeline_name, others=["actual"]):
            if not actl_pd:
                actl_pd = TimePeriod(start_date=start_dt,

        # Loop across Lines (Top to Down on Excel)
        for cell in col[sm.rows["FIRST_DATA"]-1:]:
            # Skip blank cells
            if cell.value in (None, ""):
                behavior_str = ''
                if sm.cols[ps.BEHAVIOR]:
                    behavior_str = sheet.cell(row=cell.row,

                if not behavior_str:

            row_num = cell.row
            col_num = cell.col_idx

            statement_str = sheet.cell(row=row_num, column=sm.cols[ps.STATEMENT]).value
            if not statement_str:

            statement_name = statement_str.casefold().strip()
            line_name = sheet.cell(row=row_num, column=sm.cols[ps.LINE_NAME]).value
            parent_name = sheet.cell(row=row_num, column=sm.cols[ps.PARENT_NAME]).value

            # Handle rows where we just want to add a parameter value
            if statement_name in ("parameters", "parameter"):
                if parent_name in ("Timeline", "timeline"):
                    if cell.value is not None:
                        actl_tl.parameters.add({line_name: cell.value})
                        proj_tl.parameters.add({line_name: cell.value})
                    if actl_pd:
                        actl_pd.parameters.add({line_name: cell.value})
                    if proj_pd:
                        proj_pd.parameters.add({line_name: cell.value})
                # # print("Param", cell.value)

            # # print(statement_name, line_name, parent_name)
            if actl_pd:
                actl_fins = bu.get_financials(actl_pd)
                actl_stmt = actl_fins.get_statement(statement_name)
            proj_fins = bu.get_financials(proj_pd)
            proj_stmt = proj_fins.get_statement(statement_name)

            # Always match number formats
            ssot_stmt = ssot_fins.get_statement(statement_name)
            ssot_line = ssot_stmt.find_first(line_name)

            if cell.number_format and not ssot_line.xl_format.number_format:
                ssot_line.xl_format.number_format = cell.number_format

            # Status column
            if sm.cols[ps.STATUS]:
                status_cell = sheet.cell(row=row_num, column=sm.cols[ps.STATUS])
                status_str = status_cell.value

                if status_str:
                        status_dict = json.loads(status_str)
                    except ValueError:
                        c = "Invalid JSON String: " + status_str
                        raise bb_exceptions.BBAnalyticalError(c)

                    required_keys = {"style"}
                    missing_keys = required_keys - status_dict.keys()
                    if len(missing_keys) > 0:
                        c = "Missing Keys: " + missing_keys
                        raise bb_exceptions.BBAnalyticalError(c)

                    # If a key is "0.8", turn it into 0.8
                    for key in status_dict:
                        except ValueError:
                            status_value = status_dict.pop(key)
                            status_dict[float(key)] = status_value

                    ssot_line.usage.status_rules = status_dict

                if ssot_line.usage.status_rules and ssot_stmt.display_type == \
                    ssot_stmt.display_type = ssot_stmt.KPI_TYPE

            # Behaviour column
            if sm.cols[ps.BEHAVIOR]:
                behavior_cell = sheet.cell(row=row_num,
                behavior_str = behavior_cell.value

                limits_str = None
                if sm.cols[ps.LIMITS]:
                    limits_cell = sheet.cell(row=row_num,
                    limits_str = limits_cell.value

                if behavior_str:
                    _set_behavior(behavior_str, limits_str, ssot_stmt,
                                  ssot_line, model)
                    continue  # Don't parse or hardcode line if behavior exists

            # Look to see if Formula should be automatically imported
            cell_f = sheet_f.cell(row=row_num, column=col_num)

            can_parse = _parse_formula(sheet, cell_f, bu, sm)

            # Otherwise, set the lowest level lines to a hardcoded value
            if can_parse is False:
                # Always populate projected statement. (Include Historical Actuals)
                _populate_line_from_cell(cell, line_name, parent_name, proj_stmt)

                if _check_truthy(timeline_name, others=["actual"]):
                    _populate_line_from_cell(cell, line_name, parent_name, actl_stmt)

            if ssot_line.usage.status_rules and ssot_stmt.display_type == \
                ssot_stmt.display_type = ssot_stmt.KPI_TYPE
コード例 #20
def get_units_linearly(number, container):

    get_units_linearly() -> list

    From container, function picks a fixed number of objects which are evenly
    distributed by age ranking. Returns list of objects ordered by birth date.

    number          -- integer, number of objects to be returned
    container       -- iterable, containing objects with life attribute

    Returned list has pointers to the original existing objects
    It does NOT return copies of these objects.

    Function caller should decide what goes into container. Can include dead
    units, alive units, or gestating + alive units. Caller should also decide
    what date filters to use for the container objects.
    # Error Checking
    if number > len(container):
        c = 'Error: Number > Container Length %s' % len(container)
        raise bb_exceptions.BBAnalyticalError(c)

    # Populate master_list, a sorted list of container objects by birth date
    master_list = list()
    if type(container) == dict:
        master_list = list(container.values())
        # if container is a list or set
        master_list = list(container.copy())
    master_list.sort(key=lambda x: x.life.events[KEY_BIRTH])

    len_master = len(master_list)

    population = []

    if number == len_master:
        population = master_list
        # Save all the time if we want all of the units anyways
    elif number == 0:
        population = []
    elif number <= len_master/2:
        # Append units from master list if choosing less than 1/2 of them
        index_interval = len_master/number
        # Place the end units, in the middle of period instead of at start date
        index = 0 + math.floor(index_interval/2)
        for i in range(number):
            target_bu = master_list[index]
            units_needed = number - i - 1
            if units_needed:
                len_remaining = len_master - index - index_interval/2
                # index_interval/2 also leaves a buffer at the end if necessary
                index_interval = len_remaining/units_needed
                index += round(index_interval)
        # Remove unwanted units from master list if picking > 1/2 of them
        unwanted_number = len_master - number  # choose number of unwanted units
        index_interval = len_master/unwanted_number
        # Place the end units, in the middle of period instead of at start date
        index = 0 + math.floor(index_interval/2)
        for i in range(unwanted_number):
            # must do index-i since getting master list is losing length
            units_needed = unwanted_number - i - 1
            if units_needed:
                len_remaining = len_master - index - index_interval/2
                # index_interval/2 also leaves a buffer at the end if necessary
                index_interval = len_remaining/units_needed
                index += round(index_interval)
        # Take the remaining units that haven't been removed from master_list
        population = master_list

    return population
コード例 #21
def grow_batches_by_count(start_dt, end_dt, template, start_num, number, batches):

    grow_batches_by_count() -> List

    Returns list of a fixed number of template objects with constant geometric
    growth rate over time. Function is designed to be used when the number > 50.
    Instead of creating 50 objects, we may create 10 objects each with size=5

    The last template may have a smaller size than the rest if number // batches
    has leftovers.

    start_dt    -- datetime.date
    end_dt      -- datetime.date
    template    -- object with Life attribute, ie a BusinessUnit
    start_num   -- int, number of starting BUs of this same type
    number      -- integer, number of sum of the template.size for every batch
    batches     -- integer, number of templates to make, including rump

    The total number of objects created must be known, so this function is
    useful for populating historical time periods and near term forecasts.

    Generally if start_num is low (<5 units) it is better to use use
    make_linear_pop instead.

    Start_dt should be when the last already existing unit has been created.
    Function will not make a unit on start_date
    Function will always make the last new unit on end_dt.
    if number < batches:
        c = "Number cannot be < Batches!"
        raise bb_exceptions.BBAnalyticalError(c)

    if number % batches == 0:  # Same unit count for every batch
        batch_size = number / batches
        leftover = number % (batches - 1)  # Last batch will have leftovers
        if leftover > 0:  # Can also change 0 to min_batch_size
            batch_size = (number - leftover) / (batches - 1)
            batch_size = (number // batches) + 1
            # Need this use case when number=100 batches=6.   100/(6-1) = 20

    start_batches = (start_num or 1) / batch_size
    # Existing number of batches. Cannot have 0 value

    population = []
    time_diff = end_dt - start_dt  # timedelta object
    time_diff_years = time_diff.days / 365

    rate = (1/time_diff_years) * math.log(batches/start_batches + 1)  # Eq: A

    birth_dates = []
    for K in range(batches):
        t = (1/rate) * math.log((K+1)/start_batches + 1)  # Eq: B
        t_timedelta = timedelta(t * 365)
        birth_dates.append(t_timedelta + start_dt)

    unit_count = 1
    for birthday in birth_dates:
        start_label = start_num + unit_count
        unit_count += int(batch_size)
        end_label = min(start_num + unit_count - 1, start_num + number)

        copy = template.copy()
        # Name of 1st template created will be labeled (start_num + 1)
        new_name = copy.name + " " + str(start_label) + "-" + str(end_label)
        copy.size = end_label - start_label + 1  # "BU 101-102" is 2 units

        # Sets events: conception, birth, death, maturity, old_age
        # print(copy.name, "StoreSize: ",
        #       copy.size, " Birth: ",
        #       copy.life.events['birth'])

    return population