コード例 #1
ファイル: EqUtils.py プロジェクト: jksr/beta2
	def get_force_vector(cls, ballfn, memsec, forcefn=None):
		bdata = bbtmio.read_ball_file(ballfn)
		bn = len(bdata['COORDX'])
		f = np.zeros((3*bn,1))
		sections, profile = memsec
		secnum = len(sections)
		free = []
		# loop over balls
		for i in range(bn):
			zcoord = bdata['COORDZ'][i]
			forcefactor = 0
			# loop over sections
			for j in range(secnum):
				if sections[j][0] >= zcoord and zcoord >= sections[j][1]:
					forcefactor = profile[j]
			if bdata['FACING'][i]!='SP':
				f[3*i] = bdata['COORDX'][i] * forcefactor
				f[3*i+1] = bdata['COORDY'][i] * forcefactor
				free += ( [3*i], [3*i+1], [3*i+2] )
		f = f[free,[0]]

		if forcefn != None:
			np.savetxt(forcefn, f.reshape((f.shape[0]/3, 3)), delimiter='\t')
		return f
コード例 #2
ファイル: bbtmequs.py プロジェクト: jksr/beta
	def __init__(self, extballfn, extstickfn, forcevec, kassigner):
		self.ballfn = extballfn
		self.stickfn = extstickfn
		self.f = forcevec
		self.kassigner = kassigner
		self.bdata = bbtmio.read_ball_file(extballfn)
		self.ballnum = len(self.bdata['COORDX'])
		self.sdata = bbtmio.read_stick_file(extstickfn)
		self.sticknum = len(self.sdata['BALL1'])
		self.k_mat = self.__get_k_matrix()
コード例 #3
ファイル: bbtmequs.py プロジェクト: jksr/beta
	def __init__(self, ballfn='', stickfn='', dispdifffn='', forcevec = None, ktypeassinger=None):
		self.ballfn = ballfn
		self.stickfn = stickfn
		self.dispdifffn = dispdifffn
		self.f = forcevec
		self.ktypeassinger = ktypeassinger
		self.ba_mat = None
		if ballfn != '':
			self.bdata = bbtmio.read_ball_file(self.ballfn)
			self.ballnum = len(self.bdata['COORDX'])
			self.ba_mat = self.__get_ba_matrix()
コード例 #4
ファイル: EqUtils.py プロジェクト: jksr/beta2
def section_divide(ballfn, memsec):
	bdata = bbtmio.read_ball_file(ballfn)
	# get section ranges and profile. profile is dummy
	sections, profile = memsec
	sectionnum = len(sections)
	seciddict = {}
	for i in range(sectionnum):
		seciddict[i] = []
	# seciddict is like { 0:[bid1x, bid1y, bid1z, ..., bidsx, bidsy, bidsz],
	# 	1:[bid1x, bid1y, bid1z, ..., bidsx, bidsy, bidsz], ... }
	for i,z in enumerate( bdata['COORDZ'] ):
		for j in range(sectionnum):
			if sections[j][0] > z and z > sections[j][1]:
	return seciddict
コード例 #5
ファイル: bbtmequs.py プロジェクト: jksr/beta
	def __init__(self,ballfn,stickfn):
		ball_data = bbtmio.read_ball_file(ballfn)
		ballnum = len(ball_data['COORDX'])
		stick_data = bbtmio.read_stick_file(stickfn)
		sticknum = len(stick_data['BALL1'])
		# stick orientation dict
		self.sodict = {}
		# stick type dict
		self.stdict = {}
		# loop over stick
		for i in range(sticknum):
			id1 = stick_data['BALL1'][i]
			id2 = stick_data['BALL2'][i]
			# make sure 1st endball id always less than or eq to 2nd endball id
			if id1 > id2:
				id1, id2 = id2, id1
			self.stdict[(id1,id2)] = stick_data['TYPE'][i]
			# ball1 coord
			coord1 = np.array( (ball_data['COORDX'][id1],
			# ball2 coord
			coord2 = np.array( (ball_data['COORDX'][id2],
			# stick vector
			stick = coord1 - coord2
			# stick orientation
			so = stick / np.linalg.norm(stick)
			# calculate block
			# block(ijpair)=| ll lm ln |
			#				| lm mm mn |
			#				| ln mn nn |
			block = np.empty((3,3))
			for j in range(3):
				for k in range(3):
					block[j][k] = so[0][j]*so[0][k]
			self[id1, id2] = block
コード例 #6
ファイル: EqUtils.py プロジェクト: jksr/beta2
def opm_mempos(pdbfn, ballfn):
	""" get membrane position from opmdb pdb file """
	geo_data = bbtmio.read_geo_file(pdbfn[:-3]+'geo')
	# an anchor used to find out the offset. ithas no meaning
	base_res_id = geo_data['startingSNs'][0]
	opmstruct = bbtmio.read_pdb_file(pdbfn[:-8]+'opmdb/'+pdbfn[-8:])
	opmchain = opmstruct[0][ bbtmio.guess_chain_id(opmstruct, geo_data) ]
	for res in opmchain:
		if res.get_id()[1] == base_res_id:
			opm_base_z = res['CA'].get_coord()[2]
	ball_data = bbtmio.read_ball_file(ballfn)
	my_base_z = ball_data['COORDZ'][0]
	# offset from my ball coords to opm pdb coords
	my_z_offset = opm_base_z - my_base_z
	# get the last chain, then the first res, then the first atom, and then the coord
	# 	just get the absolute value since membrane thickness is symetric in opm pdb file
	opm_half_thickness = abs( opmstruct[0].get_list()[-1].get_list()[0].get_list()[0].get_coord()[2] )
	# my extracellular membrane position
	my_extra_z = opm_half_thickness - my_z_offset
	# my periplasm membrane position
	my_peri_z = -opm_half_thickness - my_z_offset
	return my_z_offset, my_extra_z, my_peri_z
コード例 #7
ファイル: py_rmsd.py プロジェクト: jksr/beta
import numpy as np
import sys
import os
import bbtmio
import bbtmequs
import typeutils
from typeutils import * 
import equtils
import bbtmml

codes = [ '1BXW', '1FEP', '1I78', '1K24', '1KMO', '1NQE', '1P4T' ]

for code in codes:
	deformedcoords = bbtmio.get_ball_coords( bbtmio.read_ball_file(code+'.balls.deformed') )
	reconstructedcoords = bbtmio.get_ball_coords( bbtmio.read_ball_file(code+'.balls.reconstruct') )
	disp = deformedcoords - reconstructedcoords
	rmsd = np.mean(np.square(np.linalg.norm(disp, axis=1))) ** 0.5
	print code, rmsd

コード例 #8
ファイル: preprocess.py プロジェクト: jksr/beta2
		bbtmio.write_bbin_file(pdbfn, geofn)
		print( '\tFile '+pdbcode+'.bbin written.\n' )
	bbin_data = bbtmio.read_bbin_file(bbinfn)

	# write balls and sticks file
	print( '\tPreparing .balls and .sticks files' )
	ball_ori_fn = pdbfn[:-4]+'_origin.balls'
	stick_fn = pdbfn[:-4]+'.sticks'
	if os.path.isfile(ball_ori_fn) and os.path.isfile(stick_fn) and not args['overwrite']:
		print( '\tFile '+pdbcode+'_origin.balls and .sticks exist. Nothing changed.\n' )
		os.system('exec/barrel.out '+pdbfn[:-4]+'.bbin')
		print( '\tFile '+pdbcode+'_origin.balls and .sticks written.\n' )
	ball_data = bbtmio.read_ball_file(ball_ori_fn)
	# temporary file, register for cleaning

	# recenter balls
	print( '\tRecentering the coordinate matrix in balls file' )
	ball_fn = pdbfn[:-4]+'.balls'
	if os.path.isfile(ball_fn) and not args['overwrite']:
		print( '\tFile '+pdbcode+'.balls exists. Nothing changed.\n' )
		ball_coord_mat = bbtmio.recenter_coord_mat( bbtmio.get_ball_coords(ball_data), bbin_data)
		ball_data = bbtmio.set_ball_coords(ball_data, ball_coord_mat)
		bbtmio.write_ball_file(ball_data, ball_fn)
		print( '\tFile '+pdbcode+'.balls written.\n' )
	ball_data = bbtmio.read_ball_file(ball_fn)
コード例 #9
codes = [ '1K24' ]

# generated deformed balls file
for code in codes:
	extballfn = datapath+'testdata/'+code+'.balls.ideallarge.ext'
	extstickfn = datapath+code+'.sticks.ext'
	pdbfn = datapath+code+'.pdb'

	#memsec = equtils.wimley_section_divide(equtils.opm_mempos(pdbfn, extballfn))
	memsec = equtils.uni_section_divide(equtils.opm_mempos(pdbfn, extballfn))

	f = equtils.ForceGen.get_force_vector( extballfn,memsec )
	equsys = bbtmequs.StiffnessEquSys(extballfn, extstickfn, f, TestKAssigner )
	disp = equsys.result['u'].reshape(equsys.result['u'].shape[0]/3, 3)

	ballfn = datapath+'testdata/'+code+'.balls.ideallarge'
	balldat = bbtmio.read_ball_file(ballfn)
	ballcoords = bbtmio.get_ball_coords(balldat)
	# rec means after reconstruction
	recballcoords = ballcoords + disp
	recballdat = bbtmio.set_ball_coords(balldat, recballcoords)
	recballfn = code+'.balls.reconstruct'
	bbtmio.write_ball_file(recballdat, recballfn)

	dispfn = code+'.displacement.reconstruct'
	bbtmio.write_displacement_file(ballcoords, recballcoords, dispfn)

コード例 #10
ファイル: test.py プロジェクト: jksr/beta
	ks2 = np.array( [ 2.49441195, 0.65856546, 0.86605534, 0.79412971, 2.91011336, 1.71480196, 0.68283227] )
	ks3 = np.array( [ 1.31824322, 0.88899824, 0.9253788 , 0.72740754, 2.81697644, 0.66983903, 0.36771102] )
	ks = np.mean(np.vstack((ks1,ks2,ks3)), axis=0)
	def get_k(cls, btype, a1type, a2type):
		return 100 if btype=='SP' else 100000000 * np.dot( cls.kta.get_assign_vec(a1type, a2type, btype), cls.ks )

for coden in testset:
	ses = bbtmdsm.StiffnessEquSys('../../../data/testdata/'+coden+'.balls.ideallarge.ext', '../../../data/testdata/'+coden+'.sticks.ideallarge.ext', testkassigner )
	u =  ses.u.reshape(ses.u.shape[0]/3, 3)
	ideallargecoords = bbtmio.get_ball_coords( bbtmio.read_ball_file('../../../data/testdata/'+coden+'.balls.ideallarge') )
	pdbcoords = bbtmio.get_ball_coords( bbtmio.read_ball_file('../../../data/'+coden+'_pdb.balls') )

	afteru = ideallargecoords + u

	newafteru = bbtmio.recenter_coord_mat(afteru, bbtmio.read_bbin_file('../../../data/'+coden+'.bbin'))

	bbtmio.write_ball_file( bbtmio.set_ball_coords( bbtmio.read_ball_file('../../../data/testdata/'+coden+'.balls.ideallarge'), newafteru ), coden+'.balls.au')

	dummy,newpdbcoords = bbtmio.align_coordmat(pdbcoords, newafteru)
	disp = newafteru - newpdbcoords
	rmsd = np.mean(np.square(np.linalg.norm(disp, axis=1))) ** 0.5
	print coden, disp.shape[0], rmsd
コード例 #11
ファイル: scaleballs.py プロジェクト: jksr/beta
import numpy as np
import glob
import sys
import os

sys.path.append(os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)) + "/../../../pyscripts/")

import bbtmio

for fn in glob.glob("../../../data/????.balls"):
    bdata = bbtmio.read_ball_file(fn)
    bdata["COORDX"] = bdata["COORDX"] * 1.45
    bdata["COORDY"] = bdata["COORDY"] * 1.45
    bbtmio.write_ball_file(bdata, fn + ".ideallarge")
コード例 #12
ファイル: py_rmsd.py プロジェクト: jksr/beta
import numpy as np
import sys
import os
import bbtmio
import bbtmequs
import typeutils
from typeutils import * 
import equtils
import bbtmml

datapath = '../../../data/'
codes = [ '1BXW', '1FEP', '1I78', '1K24']
#codes = [ '1BXW', '1FEP', '1I78', '1K24', '1KMO', '1NQE', '1P4T' ]

for code in codes:
	deformedcoords = bbtmio.get_ball_coords( bbtmio.read_ball_file(datapath+code+'_pdb.balls') )
	reconstructedcoords = bbtmio.get_ball_coords( bbtmio.read_ball_file(code+'.balls.reconstruct') )
	disp = deformedcoords - reconstructedcoords
	rmsd = np.mean(np.square(np.linalg.norm(disp, axis=1))) ** 0.5
	print code, rmsd