コード例 #1
def run(items):
    """Perform detection of structural variations with Manta.
    paired = vcfutils.get_paired(items)
    data = paired.tumor_data if paired else items[0]
    work_dir = _sv_workdir(data)
    variant_file = _get_out_file(work_dir, paired)
    if not utils.file_exists(variant_file):
        with file_transaction(data, work_dir) as tx_work_dir:
            tx_workflow_file = _prep_config(items, paired, tx_work_dir)
            _run_workflow(items, paired, tx_workflow_file, tx_work_dir)
    assert utils.file_exists(
        variant_file), "Manta finished without output file %s" % variant_file
    out = []
    for data in items:
        sample_file = _select_sample(data, variant_file, work_dir)
        if "sv" not in data:
            data["sv"] = []
        effects_vcf, _ = effects.add_to_vcf(sample_file, data, "snpeff")
            "variantcaller": "manta",
            "vrn_file": effects_vcf or sample_file
    return out
コード例 #2
def normalize(in_file,
    """Normalizes variants and reruns SnpEFF for resulting VCF
    if remove_oldeffects:
        out_file = "%s-noeff-nomultiallelic%s" % utils.splitext_plus(in_file)
        out_file = "%s-nomultiallelic%s" % utils.splitext_plus(in_file)
    if work_dir:
        out_file = os.path.join(work_dir, os.path.basename(out_file))
    if not utils.file_exists(out_file):
        if vcfutils.vcf_has_variants(in_file):
            ready_ma_file = _normalize(in_file,
            if rerun_effects:
                ann_ma_file, _ = effects.add_to_vcf(ready_ma_file, data)
                if ann_ma_file:
                    ready_ma_file = ann_ma_file
            utils.symlink_plus(ready_ma_file, out_file)
            utils.symlink_plus(in_file, out_file)
    return vcfutils.bgzip_and_index(out_file, data["config"])
コード例 #3
def run(items):
    """Run MetaSV if we have enough supported callers, adding output to the set of calls.
    assert len(items) == 1, "Expect one input to MetaSV ensemble calling"
    data = items[0]
    work_dir = _sv_workdir(data)
    out_file = os.path.join(work_dir, "variants.vcf.gz")
    cmd = _get_cmd() + ["--sample", dd.get_sample_name(data), "--reference", dd.get_ref_file(data),
                        "--bam", dd.get_align_bam(data), "--outdir", work_dir]
    methods = []
    for call in data.get("sv", []):
        if call["variantcaller"] in SUPPORTED and call["variantcaller"] not in methods:
            cmd += ["--%s_vcf" % call["variantcaller"], call.get("vcf_file", call["vrn_file"])]
    if len(methods) >= MIN_CALLERS:
        if not utils.file_exists(out_file):
            tx_work_dir = utils.safe_makedir(os.path.join(work_dir, "raw"))
            ins_stats = shared.calc_paired_insert_stats_save(dd.get_align_bam(data),
                                                             os.path.join(tx_work_dir, "insert-stats.yaml"))
            cmd += ["--workdir", tx_work_dir, "--num_threads", str(dd.get_num_cores(data))]
            cmd += ["--spades", utils.which("spades.py"), "--age", utils.which("age_align")]
            cmd += ["--assembly_max_tools=1", "--assembly_pad=500"]
            cmd += ["--boost_sc", "--isize_mean", ins_stats["mean"], "--isize_sd", ins_stats["std"]]
            do.run(cmd, "Combine variant calls with MetaSV")
        filters = ("(NUM_SVTOOLS = 1 && ABS(SVLEN)>50000) || "
                   "(NUM_SVTOOLS = 1 && ABS(SVLEN)<4000 && BA_FLANK_PERCENT>80) || "
                   "(NUM_SVTOOLS = 1 && ABS(SVLEN)<4000 && BA_NUM_GOOD_REC=0) || "
                   "(ABS(SVLEN)<4000 && BA_NUM_GOOD_REC>2)")
        filter_file = vfilter.cutoff_w_expression(out_file, filters,
                                                  data, name="ReassemblyStats", limit_regions=None)
        effects_vcf, _ = effects.add_to_vcf(filter_file, data, "snpeff")
        data["sv"].append({"variantcaller": "metasv",
                           "vrn_file": effects_vcf or filter_file})
    return [data]
コード例 #4
def postprocess_variants(items):
    """Provide post-processing of variant calls: filtering and effects annotation.
    vrn_key = "vrn_file"
    if not isinstance(items, dict):
        items = [utils.to_single_data(x) for x in items]
        if "vrn_file_joint" in items[0]:
            vrn_key = "vrn_file_joint"
    data, items = _get_batch_representative(items, vrn_key)
    items = cwlutils.unpack_tarballs(items, data)
    data = cwlutils.unpack_tarballs(data, data)
    cur_name = "%s, %s" % (dd.get_sample_name(data), get_variantcaller(data))
    logger.info("Finalizing variant calls: %s" % cur_name)
    orig_vrn_file = data.get(vrn_key)
    data = _symlink_to_workdir(data, [vrn_key])
    data = _symlink_to_workdir(data,
                               ["config", "algorithm", "variant_regions"])
    if data.get(vrn_key):
        logger.info("Calculating variation effects for %s" % cur_name)
        ann_vrn_file, vrn_stats = effects.add_to_vcf(data[vrn_key], data)
        if ann_vrn_file:
            data[vrn_key] = ann_vrn_file
        if vrn_stats:
            data["vrn_stats"] = vrn_stats
        orig_items = _get_orig_items(items)
        logger.info("Annotate VCF file: %s" % cur_name)
        data[vrn_key] = annotation.finalize_vcf(data[vrn_key],
        if dd.get_analysis(data).lower().find("rna-seq") >= 0:
            logger.info("Annotate RNA editing sites")
            ann_file = vcfanno.run_vcfanno(dd.get_vrn_file(data), ["rnaedit"],
            if ann_file:
                data[vrn_key] = ann_file
        if cwlutils.is_cwl_run(data):
            logger.info("Annotate with population level variation data")
            ann_file = population.run_vcfanno(dd.get_vrn_file(data), data,
            if ann_file:
                data[vrn_key] = ann_file
        logger.info("Filtering for %s" % cur_name)
        data[vrn_key] = variant_filtration(
            data[vrn_key], dd.get_ref_file(data),
            tz.get_in(("genome_resources", "variation"), data, {}), data,
        logger.info("Prioritization for %s" % cur_name)
        prio_vrn_file = prioritize.handle_vcf_calls(data[vrn_key], data,
        if prio_vrn_file != data[vrn_key]:
            data[vrn_key] = prio_vrn_file
            logger.info("Germline extraction for %s" % cur_name)
            data = germline.extract(data, orig_items)

        if dd.get_align_bam(data):
            data = damage.run_filter(data[vrn_key], dd.get_align_bam(data),
                                     dd.get_ref_file(data), data, orig_items)
    if orig_vrn_file and os.path.samefile(data[vrn_key], orig_vrn_file):
        data[vrn_key] = orig_vrn_file
    return [[data]]
コード例 #5
ファイル: variation.py プロジェクト: pansapiens/bcbio-nextgen
def postprocess_variants(items):
    """Provide post-processing of variant calls: filtering and effects annotation.
    data = _get_batch_representative(items, "vrn_file")
    cur_name = "%s, %s" % (dd.get_sample_name(data), get_variantcaller(data))
    logger.info("Finalizing variant calls: %s" % cur_name)
    orig_vrn_file = data.get("vrn_file")
    data = _symlink_to_workdir(data, ["vrn_file"])
    data = _symlink_to_workdir(data,
                               ["config", "algorithm", "variant_regions"])
    if data.get("align_bam") and data.get("vrn_file"):
        logger.info("Calculating variation effects for %s" % cur_name)
        ann_vrn_file, vrn_stats = effects.add_to_vcf(data["vrn_file"], data)
        if ann_vrn_file:
            data["vrn_file"] = ann_vrn_file
        if vrn_stats:
            data["vrn_stats"] = vrn_stats
        orig_items = _get_orig_items(items)
        logger.info("Annotate VCF file: %s" % cur_name)
        data["vrn_file"] = annotation.finalize_vcf(data["vrn_file"],
        logger.info("Filtering for %s" % cur_name)
        data["vrn_file"] = variant_filtration(
            data["vrn_file"], dd.get_ref_file(data),
            tz.get_in(("genome_resources", "variation"), data, {}), data,
        logger.info("Prioritization for %s" % cur_name)
        data["vrn_file"] = prioritize.handle_vcf_calls(data["vrn_file"], data,
        logger.info("Germline extraction for %s" % cur_name)
        data = germline.extract(data, orig_items)
    if orig_vrn_file and os.path.samefile(data["vrn_file"], orig_vrn_file):
        data["vrn_file"] = orig_vrn_file
    return [[data]]
コード例 #6
ファイル: cnvkit.py プロジェクト: Kange2014/bcbio-nextgen
def _add_variantcalls_to_output(out, data):
    """Call ploidy and convert into VCF and BED representations.
    call_file = "%s-call%s" % os.path.splitext(out["cns"])
    gender = dd.get_gender(data)
    if not utils.file_exists(call_file):
        with file_transaction(data, call_file) as tx_call_file:
            cmd = [os.path.join(os.path.dirname(sys.executable), "cnvkit.py"), "call",
                   "--ploidy", str(dd.get_ploidy(data)),
                   "-o", tx_call_file, out["cns"]]
            if gender:
                cmd += ["--gender", gender]
                if gender.lower() == "male":
                    cmd += ["--male-reference"]
            do.run(cmd, "CNVkit call ploidy")
    calls = {}
    for outformat in ["bed", "vcf"]:
        out_file = "%s.%s" % (os.path.splitext(call_file)[0], outformat)
        calls[outformat] = out_file
        if not utils.file_exists(out_file):
            with file_transaction(data, out_file) as tx_out_file:
                cmd = [os.path.join(os.path.dirname(sys.executable), "cnvkit.py"), "export",
                       outformat, "--sample-id", dd.get_sample_name(data),
                       "--ploidy", str(dd.get_ploidy(data)),
                       "-o", tx_out_file, call_file]
                if gender and gender.lower() == "male":
                    cmd += ["--male-reference"]
                do.run(cmd, "CNVkit export %s" % outformat)
    out["call_file"] = call_file
    out["vrn_bed"] = annotate.add_genes(calls["bed"], data)
    effects_vcf, _ = effects.add_to_vcf(calls["vcf"], data, "snpeff")
    out["vrn_file"] = effects_vcf or calls["vcf"]
    return out
コード例 #7
def postprocess_variants(items):
    """Provide post-processing of variant calls: filtering and effects annotation.
    data = _get_batch_representative(items, "vrn_file")
    cur_name = "%s, %s" % (dd.get_sample_name(data), get_variantcaller(data))
    logger.info("Finalizing variant calls: %s" % cur_name)
    orig_vrn_file = data.get("vrn_file")
    data = _symlink_to_workdir(data, ["vrn_file"])
    data = _symlink_to_workdir(data, ["config", "algorithm", "variant_regions"])
    if data.get("align_bam") and data.get("vrn_file"):
        logger.info("Calculating variation effects for %s" % cur_name)
        ann_vrn_file, vrn_stats = effects.add_to_vcf(data["vrn_file"], data)
        if ann_vrn_file:
            data["vrn_file"] = ann_vrn_file
        if vrn_stats:
            data["vrn_stats"] = vrn_stats
        logger.info("Filtering for %s" % cur_name)
        orig_items = _get_orig_items(items)
        data["vrn_file"] = variant_filtration(data["vrn_file"], dd.get_ref_file(data),
                                              tz.get_in(("genome_resources", "variation"), data, {}),
                                              data, orig_items)
        logger.info("Prioritization for %s" % cur_name)
        data["vrn_file"] = prioritize.handle_vcf_calls(data["vrn_file"], data, orig_items)
        logger.info("Germline extraction for %s" % cur_name)
        data = germline.extract(data, orig_items)
    if orig_vrn_file and os.path.samefile(data["vrn_file"], orig_vrn_file):
        data["vrn_file"] = orig_vrn_file
    return [[data]]
コード例 #8
ファイル: metasv.py プロジェクト: Cyberbio-Lab/bcbio-nextgen
def run(items):
    """Run MetaSV if we have enough supported callers, adding output to the set of calls.
    assert len(items) == 1, "Expect one input to MetaSV ensemble calling"
    data = items[0]
    work_dir = _sv_workdir(data)
    out_file = os.path.join(work_dir, "variants.vcf.gz")
    cmd = _get_cmd() + ["--sample", dd.get_sample_name(data), "--reference", dd.get_ref_file(data),
                        "--bam", dd.get_align_bam(data), "--outdir", work_dir]
    methods = []
    for call in data.get("sv", []):
        if call["variantcaller"] in SUPPORTED and call["variantcaller"] not in methods:
            cmd += ["--%s_vcf" % call["variantcaller"], call.get("vcf_file", call["vrn_file"])]
    if len(methods) >= MIN_CALLERS:
        if not utils.file_exists(out_file):
            tx_work_dir = utils.safe_makedir(os.path.join(work_dir, "raw"))
            ins_stats = shared.calc_paired_insert_stats_save(dd.get_align_bam(data),
                                                             os.path.join(tx_work_dir, "insert-stats.yaml"))
            cmd += ["--workdir", tx_work_dir, "--num_threads", str(dd.get_num_cores(data))]
            cmd += ["--spades", utils.which("spades.py"), "--age", utils.which("age_align")]
            cmd += ["--assembly_max_tools=1", "--assembly_pad=500"]
            cmd += ["--boost_sc", "--isize_mean", ins_stats["mean"], "--isize_sd", ins_stats["std"]]
            do.run(cmd, "Combine variant calls with MetaSV")
        filters = ("(NUM_SVTOOLS = 1 && ABS(SVLEN)>50000) || "
                   "(NUM_SVTOOLS = 1 && ABS(SVLEN)<4000 && BA_FLANK_PERCENT>80) || "
                   "(NUM_SVTOOLS = 1 && ABS(SVLEN)<4000 && BA_NUM_GOOD_REC=0) || "
                   "(ABS(SVLEN)<4000 && BA_NUM_GOOD_REC>2)")
        filter_file = vfilter.hard_w_expression(out_file, filters,
                                                data, name="ReassemblyStats", limit_regions=None)
        effects_vcf, _ = effects.add_to_vcf(filter_file, data, "snpeff")
        data["sv"].append({"variantcaller": "metasv",
                           "vrn_file": effects_vcf or filter_file})
    return [data]
コード例 #9
def normalize(in_file, data, passonly=False, normalize_indels=True, split_biallelic=True,
              rerun_effects=True, remove_oldeffects=False, nonrefonly=False, work_dir=None):
    """Normalizes variants and reruns SnpEFF for resulting VCF
    if remove_oldeffects:
        out_file = "%s-noeff-nomultiallelic%s" % utils.splitext_plus(in_file)
        out_file = "%s-nomultiallelic%s" % utils.splitext_plus(in_file)
    if work_dir:
        out_file = os.path.join(work_dir, os.path.basename(out_file))
    if not utils.file_exists(out_file):
        if vcfutils.vcf_has_variants(in_file):
            ready_ma_file = _normalize(in_file, data, passonly=passonly,
            if rerun_effects:
                ann_ma_file, _ = effects.add_to_vcf(ready_ma_file, data)
                if ann_ma_file:
                    ready_ma_file = ann_ma_file
            utils.symlink_plus(ready_ma_file, out_file)
            utils.symlink_plus(in_file, out_file)
    return vcfutils.bgzip_and_index(out_file, data["config"])
コード例 #10
def to_vcf(in_file, caller, header_fn, vcf_fn, data, sep="\t"):
    """Convert output TitanCNA segs file into bgzipped VCF."""
    out_file = "%s.vcf" % utils.splitext_plus(in_file)[0]
    out_file_gz = out_file + ".gz"
    if not utils.file_exists(out_file +
                             ".gz") and not utils.file_exists(out_file):
        with file_transaction(data, out_file) as tx_out_file:
            with open(in_file) as in_handle:
                with open(tx_out_file, "w") as out_handle:
                        "#CHROM", "POS", "ID", "REF", "ALT", "QUAL", "FILTER",
                        "INFO", "FORMAT",
                    ]) + "\n")
                    header, in_handle = header_fn(in_handle)
                    for line in in_handle:
                        out = vcf_fn(dict(zip(header,
                        if out:
                            out_handle.write("\t".join(out) + "\n")
        # also does bgzip and index
        out_file_prep_vcf_gz = vcfutils.sort_by_ref(out_file, data)
        shutil.move(out_file_prep_vcf_gz, out_file_gz)
        shutil.move(out_file_prep_vcf_gz + ".tbi", out_file_gz + ".tbi")
    effects_vcf, _ = effects.add_to_vcf(out_file_gz, data, "snpeff")
    return effects_vcf or out_file_gz
コード例 #11
ファイル: wham.py プロジェクト: vhuarui/bcbio-nextgen
def run(items, background=None):
    """Detect copy number variations from batched set of samples using WHAM.
    if not background: background = []
    background_bams = []
    paired = vcfutils.get_paired_bams([x["align_bam"] for x in items], items)
    if paired:
        inputs = [paired.tumor_data]
        if paired.normal_bam:
            background = [paired.normal_data]
            background_bams = [paired.normal_bam]
        assert not background
        inputs, background = shared.find_case_control(items)
        background_bams = [x["align_bam"] for x in background]
    orig_vcf = _run_wham(inputs, background_bams)
    out = []
    for data in inputs:
        if "sv" not in data:
            data["sv"] = []
        sample_vcf = "%s-%s.vcf.gz" % (utils.splitext_plus(orig_vcf)[0], dd.get_sample_name(data))
        sample_vcf = vcfutils.select_sample(orig_vcf, dd.get_sample_name(data), sample_vcf, data["config"])
        if background:
            sample_vcf = filter_by_background(sample_vcf, orig_vcf, background, data)
        effects_vcf, _ = effects.add_to_vcf(sample_vcf, data, "snpeff")
        data["sv"].append({"variantcaller": "wham",
                           "vrn_file": effects_vcf or sample_vcf})
    return out
コード例 #12
ファイル: lumpy.py プロジェクト: wangbingqiang/bcbio-nextgen
def run(items):
    """Perform detection of structural variations with lumpy.
    if not all(
            utils.get_in(data, ("config", "algorithm", "aligner")) in
        ["bwa", "sentieon-bwa", "minimap2", False, None] for data in items):
        raise ValueError(
            "Require bwa or minimap2 alignment input for lumpy structural variation detection"
    paired = vcfutils.get_paired(items)
    work_dir = _sv_workdir(
        paired.tumor_data if paired and paired.tumor_data else items[0])
    previous_evidence = {}
    full_bams, sr_bams, disc_bams = [], [], []
    for data in items:
        sr_bam, disc_bam = sshared.find_existing_split_discordants(data)
        cur_dels, cur_dups = _bedpes_from_cnv_caller(data, work_dir)
        previous_evidence[dd.get_sample_name(data)] = {}
        if cur_dels and utils.file_exists(cur_dels):
            previous_evidence[dd.get_sample_name(data)]["dels"] = cur_dels
        if cur_dups and utils.file_exists(cur_dups):
            previous_evidence[dd.get_sample_name(data)]["dups"] = cur_dups
    lumpy_vcf, exclude_file = _run_smoove(full_bams, sr_bams, disc_bams,
                                          work_dir, items)
    gt_vcfs = {}
    # Retain paired samples with tumor/normal genotyped in one file
    if paired and paired.normal_name:
        batches = [[paired.tumor_data, paired.normal_data]]
        batches = [[x] for x in items]

    for batch_items in batches:
        for data in batch_items:
            gt_vcfs[dd.get_sample_name(data)] = _filter_by_support(
                lumpy_vcf, data)
    if paired and paired.normal_name:
        gt_vcfs = _filter_by_background(paired.tumor_name,
                                        [paired.normal_name], gt_vcfs,
    out = []
    for data in items:
        if "sv" not in data:
            data["sv"] = []
        vcf_file = gt_vcfs.get(dd.get_sample_name(data))
        if vcf_file:
            if dd.get_svprioritize(data):
                effects_vcf, _ = effects.add_to_vcf(vcf_file, data, "snpeff")
                effects_vcf = None
                "variantcaller": "lumpy",
                "vrn_file": effects_vcf or vcf_file,
                "exclude_file": exclude_file
    return out
コード例 #13
ファイル: lumpy.py プロジェクト: weizhiting/bcbio-nextgen
def run(items):
    """Perform detection of structural variations with lumpy, using bwa-mem alignment.
    if not all(utils.get_in(data, ("config", "algorithm", "aligner"))
               in ["bwa", "sentieon-bwa", False, None] for data in items):
        raise ValueError("Require bwa-mem alignment input for lumpy structural variation detection")
    paired = vcfutils.get_paired_bams([x["align_bam"] for x in items], items)
    work_dir = _sv_workdir(paired.tumor_data if paired and paired.tumor_data else items[0])
    previous_evidence = {}
    full_bams, sr_bams, disc_bams = [], [], []
    for data in items:
        sr_bam, disc_bam = sshared.get_split_discordants(data, work_dir)
        cur_dels, cur_dups = _bedpes_from_cnv_caller(data, work_dir)
        previous_evidence[dd.get_sample_name(data)] = {}
        if cur_dels and utils.file_exists(cur_dels):
            previous_evidence[dd.get_sample_name(data)]["dels"] = cur_dels
        if cur_dups and utils.file_exists(cur_dups):
            previous_evidence[dd.get_sample_name(data)]["dups"] = cur_dups
    lumpy_vcf, exclude_file = _run_lumpy(full_bams, sr_bams, disc_bams, previous_evidence,
                                         work_dir, items)
    gt_vcfs = {}
    for data in items:
        sample = dd.get_sample_name(data)
        sample_vcf = vcfutils.select_sample(lumpy_vcf, sample,
                                            utils.append_stem(lumpy_vcf, "-%s" % sample),
        if "bnd-genotype" in dd.get_tools_on(data):
            gt_vcf = _run_svtyper(sample_vcf, dd.get_align_bam(data), exclude_file, data)
        elif "lumpy-genotype" in dd.get_tools_off(data):
            gt_vcf = sample_vcf
            std_vcf, bnd_vcf = _split_breakends(sample_vcf, data)
            std_gt_vcf = _run_svtyper(std_vcf, dd.get_align_bam(data), exclude_file, data)
            gt_vcf = vcfutils.concat_variant_files_bcftools(
                orig_files=[std_gt_vcf, bnd_vcf],
                out_file="%s-combined.vcf.gz" % utils.splitext_plus(std_gt_vcf)[0],
        gt_vcfs[dd.get_sample_name(data)] = _filter_by_support(gt_vcf, data)
    if paired and paired.normal_name:
        gt_vcfs = _filter_by_background([paired.tumor_name], [paired.normal_name], gt_vcfs, paired.tumor_data)
    out = []
    for data in items:
        if "sv" not in data:
            data["sv"] = []
        vcf_file = gt_vcfs[dd.get_sample_name(data)]
        if dd.get_svprioritize(data):
            effects_vcf, _ = effects.add_to_vcf(vcf_file, data, "snpeff")
            effects_vcf = None
        data["sv"].append({"variantcaller": "lumpy",
                           "vrn_file": effects_vcf or vcf_file,
                           "exclude_file": exclude_file})
    return out
コード例 #14
def run(items):
    """Perform detection of structural variations with lumpy, using bwa-mem alignment.
    if not all(
            utils.get_in(data, ("config", "algorithm",
                                "aligner")) in ["bwa", False, None]
            for data in items):
        raise ValueError(
            "Require bwa-mem alignment input for lumpy structural variation detection"
    paired = vcfutils.get_paired_bams([x["align_bam"] for x in items], items)
    work_dir = _sv_workdir(
        paired.tumor_data if paired and paired.tumor_data else items[0])
    full_bams, sr_bams, disc_bams = [], [], []
    for data in items:
        dedup_bam, sr_bam, disc_bam = sshared.get_split_discordants(
            data, work_dir)
    lumpy_vcf, exclude_file = _run_lumpy(full_bams, sr_bams, disc_bams,
                                         work_dir, items)
    gt_vcfs = {}
    for data in items:
        sample = dd.get_sample_name(data)
        dedup_bam, sr_bam, _ = sshared.get_split_discordants(data, work_dir)
        sample_vcf = vcfutils.select_sample(
            lumpy_vcf, sample, utils.append_stem(lumpy_vcf, "-%s" % sample),
        std_vcf, bnd_vcf = _split_breakends(sample_vcf, data)
        std_gt_vcf = _run_svtyper(std_vcf, dedup_bam, sr_bam, exclude_file,
        gt_vcf = vcfutils.combine_variant_files(
            orig_files=[std_gt_vcf, bnd_vcf],
            out_file="%s-combined.vcf.gz" % utils.splitext_plus(std_gt_vcf)[0],
        gt_vcfs[dd.get_sample_name(data)] = _filter_by_support(gt_vcf, data)
    if paired and paired.normal_name:
        gt_vcfs = _filter_by_background([paired.tumor_name],
                                        [paired.normal_name], gt_vcfs,
    out = []
    for data in items:
        if "sv" not in data:
            data["sv"] = []
        vcf_file = gt_vcfs[dd.get_sample_name(data)]
        effects_vcf, _ = effects.add_to_vcf(vcf_file, data, "snpeff")
            "variantcaller": "lumpy",
            "vrn_file": effects_vcf or vcf_file,
            "exclude_file": exclude_file
    return out
コード例 #15
def run(items):
    """Perform detection of structural variations with lumpy.
    paired = vcfutils.get_paired(items)
    work_dir = _sv_workdir(
        paired.tumor_data if paired and paired.tumor_data else items[0])
    previous_evidence = {}
    full_bams, sr_bams, disc_bams = [], [], []
    for data in items:
        sr_bam, disc_bam = sshared.find_existing_split_discordants(data)
        cur_dels, cur_dups = _bedpes_from_cnv_caller(data, work_dir)
        previous_evidence[dd.get_sample_name(data)] = {}
        if cur_dels and utils.file_exists(cur_dels):
            previous_evidence[dd.get_sample_name(data)]["dels"] = cur_dels
        if cur_dups and utils.file_exists(cur_dups):
            previous_evidence[dd.get_sample_name(data)]["dups"] = cur_dups
    lumpy_vcf, exclude_file = _run_smoove(full_bams, sr_bams, disc_bams,
                                          work_dir, items)
    lumpy_vcf = sshared.annotate_with_depth(lumpy_vcf, items)
    gt_vcfs = {}
    # Retain paired samples with tumor/normal genotyped in one file
    if paired and paired.normal_name:
        batches = [[paired.tumor_data, paired.normal_data]]
        batches = [[x] for x in items]

    for batch_items in batches:
        for data in batch_items:
            gt_vcfs[dd.get_sample_name(data)] = _filter_by_support(
                lumpy_vcf, data)
    if paired and paired.normal_name:
        gt_vcfs = _filter_by_background(paired.tumor_name,
                                        [paired.normal_name], gt_vcfs,
    out = []
    upload_counts = collections.defaultdict(int)
    for data in items:
        if "sv" not in data:
            data["sv"] = []
        vcf_file = gt_vcfs.get(dd.get_sample_name(data))
        if vcf_file:
            effects_vcf, _ = effects.add_to_vcf(vcf_file, data, "snpeff")
                "variantcaller": "lumpy",
                "vrn_file": effects_vcf or vcf_file,
                "do_upload": upload_counts[vcf_file] ==
                0,  # only upload a single file per batch
                "exclude_file": exclude_file
            upload_counts[vcf_file] += 1
    return out
コード例 #16
def run(items):
    """Perform detection of structural variations with delly.

    Performs post-call filtering with a custom filter tuned based
    on NA12878 Moleculo and PacBio data, using calls prepared by
    @ryanlayer and @cc2qe

    Filters using the high quality variant pairs (DV) compared with
    high quality reference pairs (DR).
    work_dir = utils.safe_makedir(
        os.path.join(items[0]["dirs"]["work"], "structural",
                     items[0]["name"][-1], "delly"))
    # Add core request for delly
    config = copy.deepcopy(items[0]["config"])
    delly_config = utils.get_in(config, ("resources", "delly"), {})
    delly_config["cores"] = 1
    config["resources"]["delly"] = delly_config
    parallel = {
        "type": "local",
        "cores": config["algorithm"].get("num_cores", 1),
        "progs": ["delly"]
    work_bams = [dd.get_align_bam(d) for d in items]
    ref_file = dd.get_ref_file(items[0])
    sv_types = [
        "DEL", "DUP"
    ]  # "TRA" has invalid VCF END specifications that GATK doesn't like, "INV" very slow
    exclude_file = _get_full_exclude_file(items, work_dir)
    bytype_vcfs = run_multicore(
        [(work_bams, chrom, sv_type, ref_file, work_dir, items)
         for (chrom, sv_type) in itertools.product(
             sshared.get_sv_chroms(items, exclude_file), sv_types)], config,
    out_file = "%s.vcf.gz" % sshared.outname_from_inputs(bytype_vcfs)
    combo_vcf = vcfutils.combine_variant_files(bytype_vcfs, out_file, ref_file,
    out = []
    for data in items:
        if "sv" not in data:
            data["sv"] = []
        base, ext = utils.splitext_plus(combo_vcf)
        sample = tz.get_in(["rgnames", "sample"], data)
        delly_sample_vcf = vcfutils.select_sample(
            combo_vcf, sample, "%s-%s%s" % (base, sample, ext), data["config"])
        delly_vcf = _delly_count_evidence_filter(delly_sample_vcf, data)
        effects_vcf, _ = effects.add_to_vcf(delly_vcf, data, "snpeff")
            "variantcaller": "delly",
            "vrn_file": effects_vcf,
            "exclude": exclude_file
    return out
コード例 #17
ファイル: lumpy.py プロジェクト: DoaneAS/bcbio-nextgen
def run(items):
    """Perform detection of structural variations with lumpy, using bwa-mem alignment.
    if not all(utils.get_in(data, ("config", "algorithm", "aligner"))
               in ["bwa", "sentieon-bwa", False, None] for data in items):
        raise ValueError("Require bwa-mem alignment input for lumpy structural variation detection")
    paired = vcfutils.get_paired_bams([x["align_bam"] for x in items], items)
    work_dir = _sv_workdir(paired.tumor_data if paired and paired.tumor_data else items[0])
    previous_evidence = {}
    full_bams, sr_bams, disc_bams = [], [], []
    for data in items:
        sr_bam, disc_bam = sshared.get_split_discordants(data, work_dir)
        cur_dels, cur_dups = _bedpes_from_cnv_caller(data, work_dir)
        previous_evidence[dd.get_sample_name(data)] = {}
        if cur_dels and utils.file_exists(cur_dels):
            previous_evidence[dd.get_sample_name(data)]["dels"] = cur_dels
        if cur_dups and utils.file_exists(cur_dups):
            previous_evidence[dd.get_sample_name(data)]["dups"] = cur_dups
    lumpy_vcf, exclude_file = _run_lumpy(full_bams, sr_bams, disc_bams, previous_evidence,
                                         work_dir, items)
    gt_vcfs = {}
    for data in items:
        sample = dd.get_sample_name(data)
        sample_vcf = vcfutils.select_sample(lumpy_vcf, sample,
                                            utils.append_stem(lumpy_vcf, "-%s" % sample),
        if "bnd-genotype" in dd.get_tools_on(data):
            gt_vcf = _run_svtyper(sample_vcf, dd.get_align_bam(data), exclude_file, data)
            std_vcf, bnd_vcf = _split_breakends(sample_vcf, data)
            std_gt_vcf = _run_svtyper(std_vcf, dd.get_align_bam(data), exclude_file, data)
            gt_vcf = vcfutils.concat_variant_files_bcftools(
                orig_files=[std_gt_vcf, bnd_vcf],
                out_file="%s-combined.vcf.gz" % utils.splitext_plus(std_gt_vcf)[0],
        gt_vcfs[dd.get_sample_name(data)] = _filter_by_support(gt_vcf, data)
    if paired and paired.normal_name:
        gt_vcfs = _filter_by_background([paired.tumor_name], [paired.normal_name], gt_vcfs, paired.tumor_data)
    out = []
    for data in items:
        if "sv" not in data:
            data["sv"] = []
        vcf_file = gt_vcfs[dd.get_sample_name(data)]
        if dd.get_svprioritize(data):
            effects_vcf, _ = effects.add_to_vcf(vcf_file, data, "snpeff")
            effects_vcf = None
        data["sv"].append({"variantcaller": "lumpy",
                           "vrn_file": effects_vcf or vcf_file,
                           "exclude_file": exclude_file})
    return out
コード例 #18
ファイル: ensemble.py プロジェクト: vallurumk/bcbio-nextgen
def combine_calls(*args):
    """Combine multiple callsets into a final set of merged calls.
    if len(args) == 3:
        is_cwl = False
        batch_id, samples, data = args
        caller_names, vrn_files = _organize_variants(samples, batch_id)
        is_cwl = True
        samples = [utils.to_single_data(x) for x in args]
        samples = [cwlutils.unpack_tarballs(x, x) for x in samples]
        data = samples[0]
        batch_id = data["batch_id"]
        caller_names = data["variants"]["variantcallers"]
        vrn_files = data["variants"]["calls"]
    logger.info("Ensemble consensus calls for {0}: {1}".format(
        batch_id, ",".join(caller_names)))
    edata = copy.deepcopy(data)
    base_dir = utils.safe_makedir(os.path.join(edata["dirs"]["work"], "ensemble", batch_id))
    if any([vcfutils.vcf_has_variants(f) for f in vrn_files]):
        # Decompose multiallelic variants and normalize
        passonly = not tz.get_in(["config", "algorithm", "ensemble", "use_filtered"], edata, False)
        vrn_files = [normalize.normalize(f, data, passonly=passonly, rerun_effects=False, remove_oldeffects=True,
                                         work_dir=utils.safe_makedir(os.path.join(base_dir, c)))
                     for c, f in zip(caller_names, vrn_files)]
        if "classifiers" not in (dd.get_ensemble(edata) or {}):
            callinfo = _run_ensemble_intersection(batch_id, vrn_files, caller_names, base_dir, edata)
            config_file = _write_config_file(batch_id, caller_names, base_dir, edata)
            callinfo = _run_ensemble(batch_id, vrn_files, config_file, base_dir,
                                     dd.get_ref_file(edata), edata)
            callinfo["vrn_file"] = vcfutils.bgzip_and_index(callinfo["vrn_file"], data["config"])
        # After decomposing multiallelic variants and normalizing, re-evaluate effects
        ann_ma_file, _ = effects.add_to_vcf(callinfo["vrn_file"], data)
        if ann_ma_file:
            callinfo["vrn_file"] = ann_ma_file

        edata["config"]["algorithm"]["variantcaller"] = "ensemble"
        edata["vrn_file"] = callinfo["vrn_file"]
        edata["ensemble_bed"] = callinfo["bed_file"]
        callinfo["validate"] = validate.compare_to_rm(edata)[0][0].get("validate")
        out_vcf_file = os.path.join(base_dir, "{0}-ensemble.vcf".format(batch_id))
        vcfutils.write_empty_vcf(out_vcf_file, samples=[dd.get_sample_name(d) for d in samples])
        callinfo = {"variantcaller": "ensemble",
                    "vrn_file": vcfutils.bgzip_and_index(out_vcf_file, data["config"]),
                    "bed_file": None}
    if is_cwl:
        callinfo["batch_samples"] = data["batch_samples"]
        callinfo["batch_id"] = batch_id
        return [{"ensemble": callinfo}]
        return [[batch_id, callinfo]]
コード例 #19
ファイル: multiallelic.py プロジェクト: zhangj5/bcbio-nextgen
def to_single(in_file, data, passonly=False):
    """Convert multi-allelic inputs in the original VCF file into single alleles.
    out_file = "%s-nomultiallelic%s" % utils.splitext_plus(in_file)
    if not utils.file_exists(out_file):
        if vcfutils.vcf_has_variants(in_file):
            ready_ma_file = _decompose(in_file, data, passonly=passonly)
            ann_ma_file, _ = effects.add_to_vcf(ready_ma_file, data)
            if ann_ma_file:
                ready_ma_file = ann_ma_file
            out_file = ready_ma_file
            utils.symlink_plus(in_file, out_file)
    return vcfutils.bgzip_and_index(out_file, data["config"])
コード例 #20
def to_single(in_file, data, passonly=False):
    """Convert multi-allelic inputs in the original VCF file into single alleles.
    out_file = "%s-nomultiallelic%s" % utils.splitext_plus(in_file)
    if not utils.file_exists(out_file):
        if vcfutils.vcf_has_variants(in_file):
            ready_ma_file = _decompose(in_file, data, passonly=passonly)
            ann_ma_file, _ = effects.add_to_vcf(ready_ma_file, data)
            if ann_ma_file:
                ready_ma_file = ann_ma_file
            out_file = ready_ma_file
            utils.symlink_plus(in_file, out_file)
    return vcfutils.bgzip_and_index(out_file, data["config"])
コード例 #21
ファイル: variation.py プロジェクト: chapmanb/bcbio-nextgen
def postprocess_variants(items):
    """Provide post-processing of variant calls: filtering and effects annotation.
    vrn_key = "vrn_file"
    if not isinstance(items, dict):
        items = [utils.to_single_data(x) for x in items]
        if "vrn_file_joint" in items[0]:
            vrn_key = "vrn_file_joint"
    data, items = _get_batch_representative(items, vrn_key)
    items = cwlutils.unpack_tarballs(items, data)
    data = cwlutils.unpack_tarballs(data, data)
    cur_name = "%s, %s" % (dd.get_sample_name(data), get_variantcaller(data, require_bam=False))
    logger.info("Finalizing variant calls: %s" % cur_name)
    orig_vrn_file = data.get(vrn_key)
    data = _symlink_to_workdir(data, [vrn_key])
    data = _symlink_to_workdir(data, ["config", "algorithm", "variant_regions"])
    if data.get(vrn_key):
        logger.info("Calculating variation effects for %s" % cur_name)
        ann_vrn_file, vrn_stats = effects.add_to_vcf(data[vrn_key], data)
        if ann_vrn_file:
            data[vrn_key] = ann_vrn_file
        if vrn_stats:
            data["vrn_stats"] = vrn_stats
        orig_items = _get_orig_items(items)
        logger.info("Annotate VCF file: %s" % cur_name)
        data[vrn_key] = annotation.finalize_vcf(data[vrn_key], get_variantcaller(data, require_bam=False),
        if cwlutils.is_cwl_run(data):
            logger.info("Annotate with population level variation data")
            ann_file = population.run_vcfanno(data[vrn_key], data)
            if ann_file:
                data[vrn_key] = ann_file
        logger.info("Filtering for %s" % cur_name)
        data[vrn_key] = variant_filtration(data[vrn_key], dd.get_ref_file(data),
                                           tz.get_in(("genome_resources", "variation"), data, {}),
                                           data, orig_items)
        logger.info("Prioritization for %s" % cur_name)
        prio_vrn_file = prioritize.handle_vcf_calls(data[vrn_key], data, orig_items)
        if prio_vrn_file != data[vrn_key]:
            data[vrn_key] = prio_vrn_file
            logger.info("Germline extraction for %s" % cur_name)
            data = germline.extract(data, orig_items)

        if dd.get_align_bam(data):
            data = damage.run_filter(data[vrn_key], dd.get_align_bam(data), dd.get_ref_file(data),
                                     data, orig_items)
    if orig_vrn_file and os.path.samefile(data[vrn_key], orig_vrn_file):
        data[vrn_key] = orig_vrn_file
    return [[data]]
コード例 #22
ファイル: shared.py プロジェクト: vladsaveliev/bcbio-nextgen
def finalize_sv(orig_vcf, data, items):
    """Finalize structural variants, adding effects and splitting if needed.
    paired = vcfutils.get_paired(items)
    # For paired/somatic, attach combined calls to tumor sample
    if paired:
        sample_vcf = orig_vcf if paired.tumor_name == dd.get_sample_name(data) else None
        sample_vcf = "%s-%s.vcf.gz" % (utils.splitext_plus(orig_vcf)[0], dd.get_sample_name(data))
        sample_vcf = vcfutils.select_sample(orig_vcf, dd.get_sample_name(data), sample_vcf, data["config"])
    if sample_vcf:
        effects_vcf, _ = effects.add_to_vcf(sample_vcf, data, "snpeff")
        effects_vcf = None
    return effects_vcf or sample_vcf
コード例 #23
ファイル: multiallelic.py プロジェクト: Kisun/bcbio-nextgen
def to_single(in_file, data):
    """Convert multi-allelic inputs in the original VCF file into single alleles.
    out_file = "%s-nomultiallelic%s" % utils.splitext_plus(in_file)
    if not utils.file_exists(out_file):
        ba_file, ma_file = _split_mulitallelic(in_file, data)
        if vcfutils.vcf_has_variants(ma_file):
            ready_ma_file = _decompose(ma_file, data)
            ann_ma_file = effects.add_to_vcf(ready_ma_file, data)
            if ann_ma_file:
                ready_ma_file = ann_ma_file
            out_file = vcfutils.merge_sorted([ready_ma_file, ba_file], out_file, data)
            utils.symlink_plus(in_file, out_file)
    return vcfutils.bgzip_and_index(out_file, data["config"])
コード例 #24
def _add_variantcalls_to_output(out, data, items, is_somatic=False):
    """Call ploidy and convert into VCF and BED representations.
    call_file = "%s-call%s" % os.path.splitext(out["cns"])
    if not utils.file_exists(call_file):
        with file_transaction(data, call_file) as tx_call_file:
            filters = ["--filter", "cn"]
            cmd = [os.path.join(os.path.dirname(sys.executable), "cnvkit.py"), "call"] + \
                  filters + \
                   ["--ploidy", str(ploidy.get_ploidy([data])),
                    "-o", tx_call_file, out["cns"]]
            small_vrn_files = _compatible_small_variants(data, items)
            if len(small_vrn_files) > 0 and _cna_has_values(out["cns"]):
                cmd += [
                    "--vcf", small_vrn_files[0].name, "--sample-id",
                if small_vrn_files[0].normal:
                    cmd += ["--normal-id", small_vrn_files[0].normal]
                if not is_somatic:
                    cmd += ["-m", "clonal"]
            gender = population.get_gender(data)
            if gender and gender.lower() != "unknown":
                cmd += ["--gender", gender]
                if gender.lower() == "male":
                    cmd += ["--male-reference"]
            do.run(cmd, "CNVkit call ploidy")
    calls = {}
    for outformat in ["bed", "vcf"]:
        out_file = "%s.%s" % (os.path.splitext(call_file)[0], outformat)
        calls[outformat] = out_file
        if not os.path.exists(out_file):
            with file_transaction(data, out_file) as tx_out_file:
                cmd = [
                    os.path.join(os.path.dirname(sys.executable), "cnvkit.py"),
                    "export", outformat, "--sample-id",
                    dd.get_sample_name(data), "--ploidy",
                    str(ploidy.get_ploidy([data])), "-o", tx_out_file,
                if gender and gender.lower() == "male":
                    cmd += ["--male-reference"]
                do.run(cmd, "CNVkit export %s" % outformat)
    out["call_file"] = call_file
    out["vrn_bed"] = annotate.add_genes(calls["bed"], data)
    effects_vcf, _ = effects.add_to_vcf(calls["vcf"], data, "snpeff")
    out["vrn_file"] = effects_vcf or calls["vcf"]
    return out
コード例 #25
def run_rnaseq_ann_filter(data):
    """Run RNA-seq annotation and filtering.
    data = to_single_data(data)
    if dd.get_vrn_file(data):
        eff_file = effects.add_to_vcf(dd.get_vrn_file(data), data)[0]
        if eff_file:
            data = dd.set_vrn_file(data, eff_file)
        ann_file = population.run_vcfanno(dd.get_vrn_file(data), data)
        if ann_file:
            data = dd.set_vrn_file(data, ann_file)
    variantcaller = dd.get_variantcaller(data)
    if variantcaller and ("gatk-haplotype" in variantcaller):
        filter_file = variation.gatk_filter_rnaseq(dd.get_vrn_file(data), data)
        data = dd.set_vrn_file(data, filter_file)
    return [[data]]
コード例 #26
ファイル: lumpy.py プロジェクト: chapmanb/bcbio-nextgen
def run(items):
    """Perform detection of structural variations with lumpy.
    paired = vcfutils.get_paired(items)
    work_dir = _sv_workdir(paired.tumor_data if paired and paired.tumor_data else items[0])
    previous_evidence = {}
    full_bams, sr_bams, disc_bams = [], [], []
    for data in items:
        sr_bam, disc_bam = sshared.find_existing_split_discordants(data)
        cur_dels, cur_dups = _bedpes_from_cnv_caller(data, work_dir)
        previous_evidence[dd.get_sample_name(data)] = {}
        if cur_dels and utils.file_exists(cur_dels):
            previous_evidence[dd.get_sample_name(data)]["dels"] = cur_dels
        if cur_dups and utils.file_exists(cur_dups):
            previous_evidence[dd.get_sample_name(data)]["dups"] = cur_dups
    lumpy_vcf, exclude_file = _run_smoove(full_bams, sr_bams, disc_bams, work_dir, items)
    lumpy_vcf = sshared.annotate_with_depth(lumpy_vcf, items)
    gt_vcfs = {}
    # Retain paired samples with tumor/normal genotyped in one file
    if paired and paired.normal_name:
        batches = [[paired.tumor_data, paired.normal_data]]
        batches = [[x] for x in items]

    for batch_items in batches:
        for data in batch_items:
            gt_vcfs[dd.get_sample_name(data)] = _filter_by_support(lumpy_vcf, data)
    if paired and paired.normal_name:
        gt_vcfs = _filter_by_background(paired.tumor_name, [paired.normal_name], gt_vcfs, paired.tumor_data)
    out = []
    upload_counts = collections.defaultdict(int)
    for data in items:
        if "sv" not in data:
            data["sv"] = []
        vcf_file = gt_vcfs.get(dd.get_sample_name(data))
        if vcf_file:
            effects_vcf, _ = effects.add_to_vcf(vcf_file, data, "snpeff")
            data["sv"].append({"variantcaller": "lumpy",
                               "vrn_file": effects_vcf or vcf_file,
                               "do_upload": upload_counts[vcf_file] == 0,  # only upload a single file per batch
                               "exclude_file": exclude_file})
            upload_counts[vcf_file] += 1
    return out
コード例 #27
ファイル: variation.py プロジェクト: Tmacme/bcbio-nextgen
def postprocess_variants(data):
    """Provide post-processing of variant calls: filtering and effects annotation.
    cur_name = "%s, %s" % (data["name"][-1], get_variantcaller(data))
    logger.info("Finalizing variant calls: %s" % cur_name)
    if data.get("align_bam") and data.get("vrn_file"):
        logger.info("Calculating variation effects for %s" % cur_name)
        ann_vrn_file = effects.add_to_vcf(data["vrn_file"], data)
        if ann_vrn_file:
            data["vrn_file"] = ann_vrn_file
        logger.info("Filtering for %s" % cur_name)
        data["vrn_file"] = variant_filtration(data["vrn_file"], data["sam_ref"],
                                              tz.get_in(("genome_resources", "variation"), data, {}),
        logger.info("Prioritization for %s" % cur_name)
        data["vrn_file"] = prioritize.handle_vcf_calls(data["vrn_file"], data)
    return [[data]]
コード例 #28
ファイル: manta.py プロジェクト: Kange2014/bcbio-nextgen
def run(items):
    """Perform detection of structural variations with Manta.
    paired = vcfutils.get_paired(items)
    work_dir = _sv_workdir(paired.tumor_data if paired else items[0])
    workflow_file = _prep_config(items, paired, work_dir)
    variant_file = _run_workflow(items, paired, workflow_file, work_dir)
    out = []
    for data in items:
        sample_file = _select_sample(data, variant_file, work_dir)
        if "sv" not in data:
            data["sv"] = []
        effects_vcf, _ = effects.add_to_vcf(sample_file, data, "snpeff")
        data["sv"].append({"variantcaller": "manta",
                           "vrn_file": effects_vcf or sample_file})
    return out
コード例 #29
ファイル: manta.py プロジェクト: pansapiens/bcbio-nextgen
def run(items):
    """Perform detection of structural variations with Manta.
    paired = vcfutils.get_paired(items)
    work_dir = _sv_workdir(paired.tumor_data if paired else items[0])
    workflow_file = _prep_config(items, paired, work_dir)
    variant_file = _run_workflow(items, paired, workflow_file, work_dir)
    out = []
    for data in items:
        sample_file = _select_sample(data, variant_file, work_dir)
        if "sv" not in data:
            data["sv"] = []
        effects_vcf, _ = effects.add_to_vcf(sample_file, data, "snpeff")
        data["sv"].append({"variantcaller": "manta",
                           "vrn_file": effects_vcf or sample_file})
    return out
コード例 #30
def finalize_sv(orig_vcf, data, items):
    """Finalize structural variants, adding effects and splitting if needed.
    paired = vcfutils.get_paired(items)
    # For paired/somatic, attach combined calls to tumor sample
    if paired:
        sample_vcf = orig_vcf if paired.tumor_name == dd.get_sample_name(
            data) else None
        sample_vcf = "%s-%s.vcf.gz" % (utils.splitext_plus(orig_vcf)[0],
        sample_vcf = vcfutils.select_sample(orig_vcf, dd.get_sample_name(data),
                                            sample_vcf, data["config"])
    if sample_vcf:
        effects_vcf, _ = effects.add_to_vcf(sample_vcf, data, "snpeff")
        effects_vcf = None
    return effects_vcf or sample_vcf
コード例 #31
ファイル: delly.py プロジェクト: DoaneAS/bcbio-nextgen
def run(items):
    """Perform detection of structural variations with delly.

    Performs post-call filtering with a custom filter tuned based
    on NA12878 Moleculo and PacBio data, using calls prepared by
    @ryanlayer and @cc2qe

    Filters using the high quality variant pairs (DV) compared with
    high quality reference pairs (DR).
    work_dir = utils.safe_makedir(os.path.join(items[0]["dirs"]["work"], "structural",
                                               items[0]["name"][-1], "delly"))
    # Add core request for delly
    config = copy.deepcopy(items[0]["config"])
    delly_config = utils.get_in(config, ("resources", "delly"), {})
    delly_config["cores"] = 1
    config["resources"]["delly"] = delly_config
    parallel = {"type": "local", "cores": config["algorithm"].get("num_cores", 1),
                "progs": ["delly"]}
    work_bams = [dd.get_align_bam(d) for d in items]
    ref_file = dd.get_ref_file(items[0])
    sv_types = ["DEL", "DUP"]  # "TRA" has invalid VCF END specifications that GATK doesn't like, "INV" very slow
    exclude_file = _get_full_exclude_file(items, work_dir)
    bytype_vcfs = run_multicore(_run_delly,
                                [(work_bams, chrom, sv_type, ref_file, work_dir, items)
                                 for (chrom, sv_type)
                                 in itertools.product(sshared.get_sv_chroms(items, exclude_file), sv_types)],
                                config, parallel)
    out_file = "%s.vcf.gz" % sshared.outname_from_inputs(bytype_vcfs)
    combo_vcf = vcfutils.combine_variant_files(bytype_vcfs, out_file, ref_file, config)
    out = []
    for data in items:
        if "sv" not in data:
            data["sv"] = []
        base, ext = utils.splitext_plus(combo_vcf)
        sample = tz.get_in(["rgnames", "sample"], data)
        delly_sample_vcf = vcfutils.select_sample(combo_vcf, sample,
                                                  "%s-%s%s" % (base, sample, ext), data["config"])
        delly_vcf = _delly_count_evidence_filter(delly_sample_vcf, data)
        effects_vcf, _ = effects.add_to_vcf(delly_vcf, data, "snpeff")
        data["sv"].append({"variantcaller": "delly", "vrn_file": effects_vcf,
                           "exclude": exclude_file})
    return out
コード例 #32
ファイル: variation.py プロジェクト: vhuarui/bcbio-nextgen
def postprocess_variants(data):
    """Provide post-processing of variant calls: filtering and effects annotation.
    cur_name = "%s, %s" % (data["name"][-1], get_variantcaller(data))
    logger.info("Finalizing variant calls: %s" % cur_name)
    if data.get("align_bam") and data.get("vrn_file"):
        logger.info("Calculating variation effects for %s" % cur_name)
        ann_vrn_file, vrn_stats = effects.add_to_vcf(data["vrn_file"], data)
        if ann_vrn_file:
            data["vrn_file"] = ann_vrn_file
        if vrn_stats:
            data["vrn_stats"] = vrn_stats
        logger.info("Filtering for %s" % cur_name)
        data["vrn_file"] = variant_filtration(
            data["vrn_file"], data["sam_ref"],
            tz.get_in(("genome_resources", "variation"), data, {}), data)
        logger.info("Prioritization for %s" % cur_name)
        data["vrn_file"] = prioritize.handle_vcf_calls(data["vrn_file"], data)
    return [[data]]
コード例 #33
ファイル: rnaseq.py プロジェクト: chapmanb/bcbio-nextgen
def run_rnaseq_ann_filter(data):
    """Run RNA-seq annotation and filtering.
    data = to_single_data(data)
    if dd.get_vrn_file(data):
        eff_file = effects.add_to_vcf(dd.get_vrn_file(data), data)[0]
        if eff_file:
            data = dd.set_vrn_file(data, eff_file)
        ann_file = population.run_vcfanno(dd.get_vrn_file(data), data)
        if ann_file:
            data = dd.set_vrn_file(data, ann_file)
    variantcaller = dd.get_variantcaller(data)
    if variantcaller and ("gatk-haplotype" in variantcaller):
        filter_file = variation.gatk_filter_rnaseq(dd.get_vrn_file(data), data)
        data = dd.set_vrn_file(data, filter_file)
    # remove variants close to splice junctions
    vrn_file = dd.get_vrn_file(data)
    vrn_file = variation.filter_junction_variants(vrn_file, data)
    data = dd.set_vrn_file(data, vrn_file)
    return [[data]]
コード例 #34
ファイル: rnaseq.py プロジェクト: WimSpee/bcbio-nextgen
def run_rnaseq_ann_filter(data):
    """Run RNA-seq annotation and filtering.
    data = to_single_data(data)
    if dd.get_vrn_file(data):
        eff_file = effects.add_to_vcf(dd.get_vrn_file(data), data)[0]
        if eff_file:
            data = dd.set_vrn_file(data, eff_file)
        ann_file = population.run_vcfanno(dd.get_vrn_file(data), data)
        if ann_file:
            data = dd.set_vrn_file(data, ann_file)
    jointcaller = dd.get_jointcaller(data)
    if jointcaller and 'gatk-haplotype-joint' in jointcaller:
        filter_file = variation.gatk_filter_rnaseq(dd.get_vrn_file(data), data)
        data = dd.set_vrn_file(data, filter_file)
    # remove variants close to splice junctions
    vrn_file = dd.get_vrn_file(data)
    vrn_file = variation.filter_junction_variants(vrn_file, data)
    data = dd.set_vrn_file(data, vrn_file)
    return [[data]]
コード例 #35
ファイル: lumpy.py プロジェクト: Kange2014/bcbio-nextgen
def run(items):
    """Perform detection of structural variations with lumpy, using bwa-mem alignment.
    if not all(utils.get_in(data, ("config", "algorithm", "aligner")) in ["bwa", False, None] for data in items):
        raise ValueError("Require bwa-mem alignment input for lumpy structural variation detection")
    paired = vcfutils.get_paired_bams([x["align_bam"] for x in items], items)
    work_dir = _sv_workdir(paired.tumor_data if paired and paired.tumor_data else items[0])
    full_bams, sr_bams, disc_bams = [], [], []
    for data in items:
        dedup_bam, sr_bam, disc_bam = sshared.get_split_discordants(data, work_dir)
    lumpy_vcf, exclude_file = _run_lumpy(full_bams, sr_bams, disc_bams, work_dir, items)
    gt_vcfs = {}
    for data in items:
        sample = dd.get_sample_name(data)
        dedup_bam, sr_bam, _ = sshared.get_split_discordants(data, work_dir)
        sample_vcf = vcfutils.select_sample(lumpy_vcf, sample,
                                            utils.append_stem(lumpy_vcf, "-%s" % sample),
        std_vcf, bnd_vcf = _split_breakends(sample_vcf, data)
        std_gt_vcf = _run_svtyper(std_vcf, dedup_bam, sr_bam, exclude_file, data)
        gt_vcf = vcfutils.concat_variant_files_bcftools(
            orig_files=[std_gt_vcf, bnd_vcf],
            out_file="%s-combined.vcf.gz" % utils.splitext_plus(std_gt_vcf)[0],
        gt_vcfs[dd.get_sample_name(data)] = _filter_by_support(gt_vcf, data)
    if paired and paired.normal_name:
        gt_vcfs = _filter_by_background([paired.tumor_name], [paired.normal_name], gt_vcfs, paired.tumor_data)
    out = []
    for data in items:
        if "sv" not in data:
            data["sv"] = []
        vcf_file = gt_vcfs[dd.get_sample_name(data)]
        effects_vcf, _ = effects.add_to_vcf(vcf_file, data, "snpeff")
        data["sv"].append({"variantcaller": "lumpy",
                           "vrn_file": effects_vcf or vcf_file,
                           "exclude_file": exclude_file})
    return out
コード例 #36
def combine_calls(batch_id, samples, data):
    """Combine multiple callsets into a final set of merged calls.
    logger.info("Ensemble consensus calls for {0}: {1}".format(
        batch_id, ",".join(x["variantcaller"] for x in samples[0]["variants"])))
    edata = copy.deepcopy(data)
    base_dir = utils.safe_makedir(os.path.join(edata["dirs"]["work"], "ensemble", batch_id))
    caller_names, vrn_files, bam_files = _organize_variants(samples, batch_id)
    exist_variants = False
    for tmp_vrn_file in vrn_files:
        if vcfutils.vcf_has_variants(tmp_vrn_file):
            exist_variants = True
    if exist_variants:
        # Decompose multiallelic variants and normalize
        passonly = not tz.get_in(["config", "algorithm", "ensemble", "use_filtered"], edata, False)
        vrn_files = [normalize.normalize(f, data, passonly=passonly, rerun_effects=False, remove_oldeffects=True)
                     for f in vrn_files]
        if "classifiers" not in edata["config"]["algorithm"]["ensemble"]:
            callinfo = _run_ensemble_intersection(batch_id, vrn_files, caller_names, base_dir, edata)
            config_file = _write_config_file(batch_id, caller_names, base_dir, edata)
            callinfo = _run_ensemble(batch_id, vrn_files, config_file, base_dir,
                                     edata["sam_ref"], edata)
            callinfo["vrn_file"] = vcfutils.bgzip_and_index(callinfo["vrn_file"], data["config"])
        # After decomposing multiallelic variants and normalizing, re-evaluate effects
        ann_ma_file, _ = effects.add_to_vcf(callinfo["vrn_file"], data)
        if ann_ma_file:
            callinfo["vrn_file"] = ann_ma_file

        edata["config"]["algorithm"]["variantcaller"] = "ensemble"
        edata["vrn_file"] = callinfo["vrn_file"]
        edata["ensemble_bed"] = callinfo["bed_file"]
        callinfo["validate"] = validate.compare_to_rm(edata)[0][0].get("validate")
        out_vcf_file = os.path.join(base_dir, "{0}-ensemble.vcf".format(batch_id))
        vcfutils.write_empty_vcf(out_vcf_file, samples=[dd.get_sample_name(d) for d in samples])
        callinfo = {"variantcaller": "ensemble",
                    "vrn_file": vcfutils.bgzip_and_index(out_vcf_file, data["config"]),
                    "bed_file": None}
    return [[batch_id, callinfo]]
コード例 #37
ファイル: cnvkit.py プロジェクト: DoaneAS/bcbio-nextgen
def _add_variantcalls_to_output(out, data, is_somatic=False):
    """Call ploidy and convert into VCF and BED representations.
    call_file = "%s-call%s" % os.path.splitext(out["cns"])
    gender = population.get_gender(data)
    if not utils.file_exists(call_file):
        with file_transaction(data, call_file) as tx_call_file:
            filters = ["--filter", "cn"]
            cmd = [os.path.join(os.path.dirname(sys.executable), "cnvkit.py"), "call"] + \
                  filters + \
                   ["--ploidy", str(ploidy.get_ploidy([data])),
                    "-o", tx_call_file, out["cns"]]
            small_vrn_files = _compatible_small_variants(data)
            if len(small_vrn_files) > 0 and _cna_has_values(out["cns"]):
                cmd += ["-v", small_vrn_files[0]]
                if not is_somatic:
                    cmd += ["-m", "clonal"]
            if gender and gender.lower() != "unknown":
                cmd += ["--gender", gender]
                if gender.lower() == "male":
                    cmd += ["--male-reference"]
            do.run(cmd, "CNVkit call ploidy")
    calls = {}
    for outformat in ["bed", "vcf"]:
        out_file = "%s.%s" % (os.path.splitext(call_file)[0], outformat)
        calls[outformat] = out_file
        if not os.path.exists(out_file):
            with file_transaction(data, out_file) as tx_out_file:
                cmd = [os.path.join(os.path.dirname(sys.executable), "cnvkit.py"), "export",
                       outformat, "--sample-id", dd.get_sample_name(data),
                       "--ploidy", str(ploidy.get_ploidy([data])),
                       "-o", tx_out_file, call_file]
                if gender and gender.lower() == "male":
                    cmd += ["--male-reference"]
                do.run(cmd, "CNVkit export %s" % outformat)
    out["call_file"] = call_file
    out["vrn_bed"] = annotate.add_genes(calls["bed"], data)
    effects_vcf, _ = effects.add_to_vcf(calls["vcf"], data, "snpeff")
    out["vrn_file"] = effects_vcf or calls["vcf"]
    return out
コード例 #38
ファイル: cnvkit.py プロジェクト: chapmanb/bcbio-nextgen
def _add_variantcalls_to_output(out, data, items, is_somatic=False):
    """Call ploidy and convert into VCF and BED representations.
    call_file = "%s-call%s" % os.path.splitext(out["cns"])
    if not utils.file_exists(call_file):
        with file_transaction(data, call_file) as tx_call_file:
            filters = ["--filter", "cn"]
            cmd = [os.path.join(os.path.dirname(sys.executable), "cnvkit.py"), "call"] + \
                  filters + \
                   ["--ploidy", str(ploidy.get_ploidy([data])),
                    "-o", tx_call_file, out["cns"]]
            small_vrn_files = _compatible_small_variants(data, items)
            if len(small_vrn_files) > 0 and _cna_has_values(out["cns"]):
                cmd += ["--vcf", small_vrn_files[0].name, "--sample-id", small_vrn_files[0].sample]
                if small_vrn_files[0].normal:
                    cmd += ["--normal-id", small_vrn_files[0].normal]
                if not is_somatic:
                    cmd += ["-m", "clonal"]
            gender = _get_batch_gender(items)
            if gender:
                cmd += ["--sample-sex", gender]
            do.run(cmd, "CNVkit call ploidy")
    calls = {}
    for outformat in ["bed", "vcf"]:
        out_file = "%s.%s" % (os.path.splitext(call_file)[0], outformat)
        calls[outformat] = out_file
        if not os.path.exists(out_file):
            with file_transaction(data, out_file) as tx_out_file:
                cmd = [os.path.join(os.path.dirname(sys.executable), "cnvkit.py"), "export",
                       outformat, "--sample-id", dd.get_sample_name(data),
                       "--ploidy", str(ploidy.get_ploidy([data])),
                       "-o", tx_out_file, call_file]
                do.run(cmd, "CNVkit export %s" % outformat)
    out["call_file"] = call_file
    out["vrn_bed"] = annotate.add_genes(calls["bed"], data)
    effects_vcf, _ = effects.add_to_vcf(calls["vcf"], data, "snpeff")
    out["vrn_file"] = effects_vcf or calls["vcf"]
    out["vrn_file"] = shared.annotate_with_depth(out["vrn_file"], items)
    return out
コード例 #39
ファイル: gridss.py プロジェクト: chapmanb/bcbio-nextgen
def run(items, background=None):
    """Perform detection of structural variations with Manta.
    paired = vcfutils.get_paired(items)
    if paired:
        inputs = [paired.tumor_data]
        background = [paired.normal_data] if paired.normal_bam else []
        assert not background
        inputs, background = sshared.find_case_control(items)
    work_dir = _sv_workdir(inputs[0])
    variant_file = _run_gridss(inputs, background, work_dir)
    out = []
    for data in items:
        sample_file = variant_file
        if "sv" not in data:
            data["sv"] = []
        effects_vcf, _ = effects.add_to_vcf(sample_file, data, "snpeff")
        data["sv"].append({"variantcaller": "gridss",
                           "vrn_file": effects_vcf or sample_file})
    return out
コード例 #40
def run(items):
    """Perform detection of structural variations with Manta.
    paired = vcfutils.get_paired(items)
    data = paired.tumor_data if paired else items[0]
    work_dir = _sv_workdir(data)
    variant_file = _get_out_file(work_dir, paired)
    if not utils.file_exists(variant_file):
        with file_transaction(data, work_dir) as tx_work_dir:
            tx_workflow_file = _prep_config(items, paired, tx_work_dir)
            _run_workflow(items, paired, tx_workflow_file, tx_work_dir)
    assert utils.file_exists(variant_file), "Manta finished without output file %s" % variant_file
    out = []
    for data in items:
        sample_file = _select_sample(data, variant_file, work_dir)
        if "sv" not in data:
            data["sv"] = []
        effects_vcf, _ = effects.add_to_vcf(sample_file, data, "snpeff")
        data["sv"].append({"variantcaller": "manta",
                           "vrn_file": effects_vcf or sample_file})
    return out
コード例 #41
ファイル: cnvkit.py プロジェクト: druvus/bcbio-nextgen
def _add_variantcalls_to_output(out, data):
    """Call ploidy and convert into VCF and BED representations.
    call_file = "%s-call%s" % os.path.splitext(out["cns"])
    gender = dd.get_gender(data)
    if not utils.file_exists(call_file):
        with file_transaction(data, call_file) as tx_call_file:
            cmd = [
                os.path.join(os.path.dirname(sys.executable), "cnvkit.py"),
                "call", "--ploidy",
                str(dd.get_ploidy(data)), "-o", tx_call_file, out["cns"]
            if gender:
                cmd += ["--gender", gender]
                if gender.lower() == "male":
                    cmd += ["--male-reference"]
            do.run(cmd, "CNVkit call ploidy")
    calls = {}
    for outformat in ["bed", "vcf"]:
        out_file = "%s.%s" % (os.path.splitext(call_file)[0], outformat)
        calls[outformat] = out_file
        if not utils.file_exists(out_file):
            with file_transaction(data, out_file) as tx_out_file:
                cmd = [
                    os.path.join(os.path.dirname(sys.executable), "cnvkit.py"),
                    "export", outformat, "--sample-id",
                    dd.get_sample_name(data), "--ploidy",
                    str(dd.get_ploidy(data)), "-o", tx_out_file, call_file
                if gender and gender.lower() == "male":
                    cmd += ["--male-reference"]
                do.run(cmd, "CNVkit export %s" % outformat)
    out["call_file"] = call_file
    out["vrn_bed"] = annotate.add_genes(calls["bed"], data)
    effects_vcf, _ = effects.add_to_vcf(calls["vcf"], data, "snpeff")
    out["vrn_file"] = effects_vcf or calls["vcf"]
    return out
コード例 #42
ファイル: normalize.py プロジェクト: polojacky/bcbio-nextgen
def normalize(in_file,
    """Normalizes variants and reruns SnpEFF for resulting VCF
    out_file = "%s-nomultiallelic%s" % utils.splitext_plus(in_file)
    if not utils.file_exists(out_file):
        if vcfutils.vcf_has_variants(in_file):
            ready_ma_file = _normalize(in_file,
            if rerun_effects:
                ann_ma_file, _ = effects.add_to_vcf(ready_ma_file, data)
                if ann_ma_file:
                    ready_ma_file = ann_ma_file
            utils.symlink_plus(ready_ma_file, out_file)
            utils.symlink_plus(in_file, out_file)
    return vcfutils.bgzip_and_index(out_file, data["config"])
コード例 #43
def run(items, background=None):
    """Perform detection of structural variations with Manta.
    paired = vcfutils.get_paired(items)
    if paired:
        inputs = [paired.tumor_data]
        background = [paired.normal_data] if paired.normal_bam else []
        assert not background
        inputs, background = sshared.find_case_control(items)
    work_dir = _sv_workdir(inputs[0])
    variant_file = _run_gridss(inputs, background, work_dir)
    out = []
    for data in items:
        sample_file = variant_file
        if "sv" not in data:
            data["sv"] = []
        effects_vcf, _ = effects.add_to_vcf(sample_file, data, "snpeff")
            "variantcaller": "gridss",
            "vrn_file": effects_vcf or sample_file
    return out