try: # The following loop does what we see in the diagram of Exercise 1: # acquire data, compute features, visualize raw EEG and the features while True: """ 3.1 ACQUIRE DATA """ # Obtain EEG data from the LSL stream eeg_data, timestamp = inlet.pull_chunk(timeout=1, max_samples=int( shift_length * fs)) # Only keep the channel we're interested in ch_data = np.array(eeg_data)[:, index_channel] # Update EEG buffer eeg_buffer, filter_state = BCIw.update_buffer( eeg_buffer, ch_data, notch=True, filter_state=filter_state) """ 3.2 COMPUTE FEATURES """ # Get newest samples from the buffer data_epoch = BCIw.get_last_data(eeg_buffer, epoch_length * fs) # Compute features feat_vector = BCIw.compute_feature_vector(data_epoch, fs) feat_buffer, _ = BCIw.update_buffer(feat_buffer, np.asarray([feat_vector])) """ 3.3 VISUALIZE THE RAW EEG AND THE FEATURES """ plotter_eeg.update_plot(eeg_buffer) plotter_feat.update_plot(feat_buffer) plt.pause(0.00001) except KeyboardInterrupt: print('Closing!')
print('Press Ctrl-C in the console to break the while loop.') try: while True: """ 3.1 ACQUIRE DATA """ # Obtain EEG data from the LSL stream eeg_data, timestamp = inlet.pull_chunk( timeout=1, max_samples=int(shift_length * fs)) # Only keep the channel we're interested in ch_data = np.array(eeg_data)[:, index_channel] # Update EEG buffer eeg_buffer, filter_state = BCIw.update_buffer( eeg_buffer, ch_data, notch=True, filter_state=filter_state) """ 3.2 COMPUTE FEATURES AND CLASSIFY """ # Get newest samples from the buffer data_epoch = BCIw.get_last_data(eeg_buffer, epoch_length * fs) # Compute features feat_vector = BCIw.compute_feature_vector(data_epoch, fs) y_hat = BCIw.test_classifier(classifier, feat_vector.reshape(1, -1), mu_ft, std_ft) print(y_hat) decision_buffer, _ = BCIw.update_buffer(decision_buffer,
# script with <Ctrl-C> print('Press Ctrl-C in the console to break the while loop.') try: while True: """ 3.1 ACQUIRE DATA """ # Obtain EEG data from the LSL stream eeg_data, timestamp = inlet.pull_chunk(timeout=1, max_samples=int( shift_length * fs)) # Only keep the channel we're interested in ch_data = np.array(eeg_data)[:, index_channel] # Update EEG buffer eeg_buffer, filter_state = BCIw.update_buffer( eeg_buffer, ch_data, notch=True, filter_state=filter_state) """ 3.2 COMPUTE FEATURES AND CLASSIFY """ # Get newest samples from the buffer data_epoch = BCIw.get_last_data(eeg_buffer, epoch_length * fs) # Compute features feat_vector = BCIw.compute_feature_vector(data_epoch, fs) y_hat = BCIw.test_classifier(classifier, feat_vector.reshape(1, -1), mu_ft, std_ft) print(y_hat) decision_buffer, _ = BCIw.update_buffer(decision_buffer, np.reshape(y_hat, (-1, 1))) """ 3.3 VISUALIZE THE DECISIONS """ plotter_decision.update_plot(decision_buffer)
try: # The following loop does what we see in the diagram of Exercise 1: # acquire data, compute features, visualize raw EEG and the features while True: """ 3.1 ACQUIRE DATA """ # Obtain EEG data from the LSL stream eeg_data, timestamp = inlet.pull_chunk( timeout=1, max_samples=int(shift_length * fs)) # Only keep the channel we're interested in ch_data = np.array(eeg_data)[:, index_channel] # Update EEG buffer eeg_buffer, filter_state = BCIw.update_buffer( eeg_buffer, ch_data, notch=True, filter_state=filter_state) """ 3.2 COMPUTE FEATURES """ # Get newest samples from the buffer data_epoch = BCIw.get_last_data(eeg_buffer, epoch_length * fs) # Compute features feat_vector = BCIw.compute_feature_vector(data_epoch, fs) feat_buffer, _ = BCIw.update_buffer(feat_buffer, np.asarray([feat_vector])) """ 3.3 VISUALIZE THE RAW EEG AND THE FEATURES """ plotter_eeg.update_plot(eeg_buffer) plotter_feat.update_plot(feat_buffer)
""" 3.1 ACQUIRE DATA """ # Beep aud1.stop() # Obtain EEG data from the LSL stream eeg_data, timestamp = inlet.pull_chunk( timeout=1, max_samples=int(shift_length * fs)) # Only keep the channel we're interested in ch_data = np.array(eeg_data)[:, index_channel] # Update EEG buffer eeg_buffer, filter_state = BCIw.update_buffer( eeg_buffer, ch_data, notch=True, filter_state=filter_state) """ 3.2 COMPUTE FEATURES """ # Get newest samples from the buffer data_epoch = utils.get_last_data(eeg_buffer, epoch_length * fs) # Classify Epoch example = np.expand_dims(data_epoch, axis=0) example = torch.from_numpy(example) example = example.type(torch.FloatTensor) output = nntrace(example) if output[0,1] > output[0,0]: label = "Up"
#%% Start pulling data mules_client.flushdata() # Flush old data from MuLES # The try/except structure allows to quit the while loop by aborting the # script with <Ctrl-C> print(' Press Ctrl-C in the console to break the While Loop') try: # The following loop does what we see in the diagram of Exercise 1: # acquire data, compute features, visualize the raw EEG and the features while True: """ 1- ACQUIRE DATA """ eeg_data = mules_client.getalldata() # Obtain EEG data from MuLES eeg_data = eeg_data[:, indexes_channel] # Removes unwanted channels eeg_buffer = BCIw.update_buffer(eeg_buffer, eeg_data)[0] # Update EEG buffer # filter here eeg_buffer_f = lfilter(b, a, eeg_buffer, axis=0) # Compute PSD for buffer eeg_buffer_psd = experiment.psd_fft(eeg_buffer_f, fs)[0] # Select the last win_test_secs seconds to perform task test_eeg = eeg_buffer_f[(-win_test_secs*fs):,:] """ 2- COMPUTE FEATURES """ value = CalculaCCA(test_eeg.T) """ 3- VISUALIZE THE RAW EEG AND THE FEATURES """ plotter_time.update_plot(eeg_buffer) # Plot EEG buffer in time domain