def main(): # step = args.step print('===> About training in a two-step process! ===') print('------\n' 'drop rate: [{}]\t' '\n------'.format(drop_rate)) # step 1: only train the fc layer if step == 1: print('===> Step 1 ...') bnn = BCNN(pretrained=True, n_classes=num_classes) bnn = nn.DataParallel(bnn).cuda() optimizer = optim.Adam(bnn.module.fc.parameters(), lr=learning_rate, weight_decay=weight_decay) # step 1: train the whole network elif step == 2: print('===> Step 2 ...') bnn = BCNN(pretrained=False, n_classes=num_classes) bnn = nn.DataParallel(bnn).cuda() optimizer = optim.Adam(bnn.parameters(), lr=learning_rate, weight_decay=weight_decay) else: raise AssertionError('Wrong step argument') correcter = self_correcter.Correcter(num_train_images, num_classes, queue_size) loadmodel = 'checkpoint.pth' # check if it is resume mode print( '-----------------------------------------------------------------------------' ) if resume: assert os.path.isfile( loadmodel), 'please make sure checkpoint.pth exists' print('---> loading checkpoint.pth <---') checkpoint = torch.load(loadmodel) assert step == checkpoint[ 'step'], 'step in checkpoint does not match step in argument' start_epoch = checkpoint['epoch'] best_accuracy = checkpoint['best_accuracy'] best_epoch = checkpoint['best_epoch'] bnn.load_state_dict(checkpoint['bnn_state_dict']) optimizer.load_state_dict(checkpoint['optimizer']) correcter.all_predictions = (checkpoint['all_predictions']) correcter.softmax_record = (checkpoint['softmax_record']) correcter.update_counters = (checkpoint['update_counters']) else: if step == 2: print('---> step2 checkpoint loaded <---') bnn.load_state_dict( torch.load('model/bnn_step1_vgg16_best_epoch.pth')) else: print('---> no checkpoint loaded <---') start_epoch = 0 best_accuracy = 0.0 best_epoch = None print( '-----------------------------------------------------------------------------' ) with open(logfile, "a") as f: f.write('------ Step: {} ...\n'.format(step)) f.write('------\n' 'drop rate: [{}]\tqueue_size: [{}]\t' 'warm_up: [{}]\tinit_lr: [{}]\t' '\n'.format(drop_rate, queue_size, warm_up, learning_rate)) scheduler = optim.lr_scheduler.ReduceLROnPlateau(optimizer, mode='max', factor=0.5, patience=4, verbose=True, threshold=learning_rate * 1e-3) for epoch in range(start_epoch, num_epochs): epoch_start_time = time.time() bnn.train() if epoch < warm_up: warm = True else: warm = False if not warm: correcter.separate_clean_and_unclean_keys(drop_rate) print("干净的样本数:", len(correcter.clean_key)) train_acc, train_total = train(train_loader, epoch, bnn, optimizer, warm, correcter=correcter) test_acc = evaluate(test_loader, bnn) if not warm: scheduler.step(test_acc) if test_acc > best_accuracy: best_accuracy = test_acc best_epoch = epoch + 1, 'model/bnn_step{}_vgg16_best_epoch.pth'.format(step)) epoch_end_time = time.time() print("all_predictions", len(correcter.all_predictions[0])) print("update_counters", correcter.update_counters[0]) save_checkpoint( { 'epoch': epoch + 1, 'bnn_state_dict': bnn.state_dict(), 'optimizer': optimizer.state_dict(), 'best_epoch': best_epoch, 'best_accuracy': best_accuracy, 'step': step, 'all_predictions': correcter.all_predictions, 'softmax_record': correcter.softmax_record, 'update_counters': correcter.update_counters }, filename=loadmodel) print('------\n' 'Epoch: [{:03d}/{:03d}]\tTrain Accuracy: [{:6.2f}]\t' 'Test Accuracy: [{:6.2f}]\t' 'Epoch Runtime: [{:6.2f}]\t'\ '\n------'.format( epoch + 1, num_epochs, train_acc, test_acc, epoch_end_time - epoch_start_time)) with open(logfile, "a") as f: output = 'Epoch: [{:03d}/{:03d}]\tTrain Accuracy: [{:6.2f}]\t' \ 'Test Accuracy: [{:6.2f}]\t' \ 'Epoch Runtime: [{:7.2f}]\tTrain_total[{:06d}]\tclean_key[{:06d}]'.format( epoch + 1, num_epochs, train_acc, test_acc, epoch_end_time - epoch_start_time,train_total,len(correcter.clean_key)) f.write(output + "\n") print('******\n' 'Best Accuracy 1: [{0:6.2f}], at Epoch [{1:03d}] ' '\n******'.format(best_accuracy, best_epoch)) with open(logfile, "a") as f: output = '******\n' \ 'Best Accuracy 1: [{0:6.2f}], at Epoch [{1:03d}]; ' \ '\n******'.format(best_accuracy, best_epoch) f.write(output + "\n")
def main(): # step = args.step print('===> About training in a two-step process! ===') print('------\n' 'drop rate: [{}]\tT_k: [{}]\t' 'start epoch: [{}]\t' '\n------'.format(drop_rate, T_k, start)) # step 1: only train the fc layer if step == 1: print('===> Step 1 ...') bnn = BCNN(pretrained=True, n_classes=num_classes) bnn = nn.DataParallel(bnn).cuda() optimizer = optim.Adam(bnn.module.fc.parameters(), lr=learning_rate, weight_decay=weight_decay) # step 1: train the whole network elif step == 2: print('===> Step 2 ...') bnn = BCNN(pretrained=False, n_classes=num_classes) bnn = nn.DataParallel(bnn).cuda() optimizer = optim.Adam(bnn.parameters(), lr=learning_rate, weight_decay=weight_decay) else: raise AssertionError('Wrong step argument') loadmodel = 'checkpoint.pth' # check if it is resume mode print( '-----------------------------------------------------------------------------' ) if resume: assert os.path.isfile( loadmodel), 'please make sure checkpoint.pth exists' print('---> loading checkpoint.pth <---') checkpoint = torch.load(loadmodel) assert step == checkpoint[ 'step'], 'step in checkpoint does not match step in argument' start_epoch = checkpoint['epoch'] best_accuracy = checkpoint['best_accuracy'] best_epoch = checkpoint['best_epoch'] bnn.load_state_dict(checkpoint['bnn_state_dict']) optimizer.load_state_dict(checkpoint['optimizer']) Cross_entropy = checkpoint['Cross_entropy'] logits_softmax = checkpoint['logits_softmax'] else: if step == 2: print('---> step2 checkpoint loaded <---') bnn.load_state_dict( torch.load('model/bnn_step1_vgg16_best_epoch.pth')) else: print('---> no checkpoint loaded <---') Cross_entropy = [] logits_softmax = [] start_epoch = 0 best_accuracy = 0.0 best_epoch = None print( '-----------------------------------------------------------------------------' ) with open(logfile, "a") as f: f.write('------ Step: {} ...\n'.format(step)) f.write('------\n' 'drop rate: [{}]\tT_k: [{}]\t' 'start epoch: [{}]\t' '\n------'.format(drop_rate, T_k, start)) for epoch in range(start_epoch, num_epochs): epoch_start_time = time.time() bnn.train() adjust_learning_rate(optimizer, epoch) #train returns 'Cross_entropy', used in saving checkpoints. train_acc, logits_softmax, Cross_entropy = train( train_loader, epoch, bnn, optimizer, logits_softmax, Cross_entropy) # dump the output: cross_entropy, image path, image label, image id. If you want to check the selection result, just use the code blow. # if len(Cross_entropy) > 0: # pickle.dump(Cross_entropy, open(cross_entropy_savapath + 'crossentropy_epoch{}_step{}.pkl'.format(epoch + 1,step), 'wb')) test_acc = evaluate(test_loader, bnn) if test_acc > best_accuracy: best_accuracy = test_acc best_epoch = epoch + 1, 'model/bnn_step{}_vgg16_best_epoch.pth'.format(step)) epoch_end_time = time.time() # save checkpoint save_checkpoint( { 'epoch': epoch + 1, 'bnn_state_dict': bnn.state_dict(), 'optimizer': optimizer.state_dict(), 'best_epoch': best_epoch, 'best_accuracy': best_accuracy, 'step': step, 'Cross_entropy': Cross_entropy, 'logits_softmax': logits_softmax }, filename=loadmodel) print('------\n' 'Epoch: [{:03d}/{:03d}]\tTrain Accuracy: [{:6.2f}]\t' 'Test Accuracy: [{:6.2f}]\t' 'Epoch Runtime: [{:6.2f}]\t'\ '\n------'.format( epoch + 1, num_epochs, train_acc, test_acc, epoch_end_time - epoch_start_time)) with open(logfile, "a") as f: output = 'Epoch: [{:03d}/{:03d}]\tTrain Accuracy: [{:6.2f}]\t' \ 'Test Accuracy: [{:6.2f}]\t' \ 'Epoch Runtime: [{:6.2f}]\t'.format( epoch + 1, num_epochs, train_acc, test_acc, epoch_end_time - epoch_start_time) f.write(output + "\n") print('******\n' 'Best Accuracy 1: [{0:6.2f}], at Epoch [{1:03d}] ' '\n******'.format(best_accuracy, best_epoch)) with open(logfile, "a") as f: output = '******\n' \ 'Best Accuracy 1: [{0:6.2f}], at Epoch [{1:03d}]; ' \ '\n******'.format(best_accuracy, best_epoch) f.write(output + "\n")