コード例 #1
naeDict['ebu3b'] = ['505', '506']
deviceList = naeDict[buildingName]

beginTime = datetime(2016, 1, 18)
endTime = datetime(2016, 1, 25)

# Init raw set

missingDataList = list()
for nae in deviceList:
    devices = sensors_dict[nae]
    for sensor in devices['objs'][1:]:
        h_obj = sensor['props']
        srcid = nae + '_' + str(h_obj['type']) + '_' + str(h_obj['instance'])
        print srcid
            uuid = bdm.get_sensor_uuids(
                context={'source_identifier': srcid})[0]
            ts = bdm.get_sensor_ts(uuid, 'PresentValue', beginTime, endTime)
            resampledTs = resample_data(ts, beginTime, endTime, 'nextval')
            filename = rawdataDir + srcid + '.shelve'
            #			with open(filename, 'wb') as fp:
            #				pickle.dump(resampledTs, fp)
            writer = shelve.open(filename)
            writer['data'] = resampledTs

print missingDataList
コード例 #2
naeDict = dict()
naeDict['ebu3b'] = ['505', '506']
deviceList = naeDict[buildingName]

beginTime = datetime(2016,1,18)
endTime = datetime(2016,1,25)

# Init raw set

missingDataList = list()
for nae in deviceList:
	devices = sensors_dict[nae]
	for sensor in devices['objs'][1:]:
		h_obj = sensor['props']
		srcid = nae + '_' + str(h_obj['type']) + '_' + str(h_obj['instance'])
		print srcid
			uuid = bdm.get_sensor_uuids(context={'source_identifier':srcid})[0]
			ts = bdm.get_sensor_ts(uuid, 'PresentValue', beginTime, endTime)
			resampledTs = resample_data(ts, beginTime, endTime, 'nextval')
			filename = rawdataDir + srcid + '.shelve'
#			with open(filename, 'wb') as fp:
#				pickle.dump(resampledTs, fp)
			writer = shelve.open(filename)
			writer['data'] = resampledTs

print missingDataList
コード例 #3
class Actuator(object):
    __metaclass__ = ABCMeta
    minLatency = None  # 0 minimum
    inputType = None  # should be selected among above type classes
    #lowerActuators = list()
    #higherActuators = list()
    affectingDependencyDict = dict(
    )  # values of this dict are each actuator's minLatency
    affectedDependencyDict = dict(
    )  # values of this dict are this actuator's minLatency
    controlFlag = False
    uuid = None
    name = None
    bdm = None
    sensorType = None  # ==actuator
    resetVal = None
    depMapFile = 'metadata/dependency_map.json'

    def __init__(self, minLatency):
        # minLatency(datetime) ->
        self.minLatency = minLatency
        self.bdm = BDWrapper()
        #		depMap = pickle.load(open(self.depMapFile, 'rb'))
        with open(self.depMapFile, 'rb') as fp:
            depMap = json.load(fp)
        if self.uuid in depMap.keys():
            for depUuid in depMap[self.uuid]:
                self.affectingDependencyDict[depUuid] = timedelta(minutes=10)
                self.affectedDependencyDict[depUuid] = timedelta(minutes=10)

    def set_value(self, val, tp):
        self.controlFlag = True
        if self.inputType.validate(val):
            self.bdm.set_sensor(self.uuid, self.sensorType, tp, val)
            print "Failed to validate a value of " + self.zone + '\'s Common Setpoint to ' + str(

    def get_value(self, beginTime, endTime):
        return self.bdm.get_sensor_ts(self.uuid, self.sensorType, beginTime,

    @abstractmethod  #Should this be abm?
    def reset_value(self, val, tp):
        self.bdm.set_sensor(self.uuid, self.sensorType, tp, val)
        self.controlFlag = False

    def get_latest_value(self, now):
        result = self.bdm.get_sensor_ts(self.uuid, self.sensorType,
                                        now - timedelta(hours=6),
                                        now + timedelta(minutes=10))
        if result.empty:
            return None
            return result.tail(1).values[0], result.tail(1).index[0]

    def get_second_latest_value(self, now):
        result = self.bdm.get_sensor_ts(self.uuid, self.sensorType,
                                        now - timedelta(hours=6),
                                        now + timedelta(minutes=10))
        if len(result) <= 1:
            return None
            return result.tail(2).values[1], result.tail(2).index[1]

    def check_control_flag(self):
        return self.controlFlag

    def check_dependency(self, commDict, setTime):
        if (commDict['set_time'] >
                setTime - self.minLatency) and commDict['uuid'] == self.uuid:
            return True
            return False

    def get_dependency(self, uuid):
        if uuid in self.affectingDependencyDict.keys():
            return self.affectingDependencyDict[uuid]
        elif uuid in self.affectedDependencyDict.keys():
            return self.affectedDependencyDict[uuid]
            return None

    def get_dependent_actu_list(self):
        return self.affectingDependencyDict.keys(
        ) + self.affectedDependencyDict.keys()

    def get_longest_dependency(self):
        return max(max(self.affectedDependencyDict.values()),

    def validate_input(self, given):
        return self.inputType.validate(given)
コード例 #4
ファイル: analyzer.py プロジェクト: jbkoh/metadata_analyzer
class Analyzer:
	bdm = None
	expLogColl = None
	#timeGran = timedelta(minutes=5)
	timeGran = timedelta(minutes=2)
	actuNames = None
	sensorNames = None
	zonelist = None
	feater = None
	clust = None
	def __init__(self):
		self.actuNames = ActuatorNames()
		self.sensorNames = SensorNames()
		self.bdm = BDWrapper()
		self.expLogColl = CollectionWrapper('experience_log')
		#self.zonelist = self.csv2list('metadata/partialzonelist.csv')
		self.zonelist = self.csv2list('metadata/zonelist.csv')
		self.feater = FeatureExtractor()
		self.clust = Clusterer()
	def csv2list(self, filename):
		outputList = list()
		with open(filename, 'r') as fp:
			reader = csv.reader(fp, delimiter=',')
			for row in reader:
		return outputList

	def get_actuator_uuid(self, zone=None, actuType=None):
		context = dict()
		if zone != None:
		if actuType != None:
		uuids = self.bdm.get_sensor_uuids(context)
		if len(uuids)>1:
			raise QRError('Many uuids are found', context)
		elif len(uuids)==0:
			raise QRError('No uuid is found', context)
			return uuids[0]

	def normalize_data_avg(self, rawData, beginTime, endTime):
		procData = pd.Series({beginTime:float(rawData[0])})
		tp = beginTime
		while tp<=endTime:
			tp = tp+self.timeGran
			leftSeries = rawData[:tp]
			if len(leftSeries)>0:
				idx = len(leftSeries)-1
				leftVal = leftSeries[idx]
				leftIdx = leftSeries.index[idx]
				leftVal = None
			rightSeries = rawData[tp:]
			if len(rightSeries)>0:
				rightVal = rightSeries[0]
				rightIdx = rightSeries.index[0]
				rightVal = None
			if rightVal==None and leftVal!=None:
				newVal = leftVal
			elif rightVal!=None and leftVal==None:
				newVal = rightVal
			elif tp==leftIdx:
				newVal = leftVal
			elif tp==rightIdx:
				newVal = rightVal
			elif rightVal!=None and leftVal!=None:
				leftDist = (tp - leftIdx).total_seconds()
				rightDist = (rightIdx - tp).total_seconds()
				newVal = (leftVal*rightDist+rightVal*leftDist)/(rightDist+leftDist)
				print "ERROR: no data found in raw data"
				newVal = None
			newData = pd.Series({tp:newVal})
			procData = procData.append(newData)
		return procData

	def normalize_data_nextval_deprecated(self, rawData, beginTime, endTime):
		procData = pd.Series({beginTime:float(rawData[0])})
		tp = beginTime
		while tp<=endTime:
			tp = tp+self.timeGran
			leftSeries = rawData[:tp]
			if len(leftSeries)>0:
				idx = len(leftSeries)-1
				leftVal = leftSeries[idx]
				leftIdx = leftSeries.index[idx]
				leftVal = None
			rightSeries = rawData[tp:]
			if len(rightSeries)>0:
				rightVal = rightSeries[0]
				rightIdx = rightSeries.index[0]
				rightVal = None

			if rightVal != None:
				newVal = rightVal
				newVal = leftVal

			newData = pd.Series({tp:newVal})
			procData = procData.append(newData)
		return procData

	def normalize_data(self, rawData, beginTime, endTime, normType):
		rawData = rawData[beginTime:endTime]
		if not beginTime in rawData.index:
			rawData[beginTime] = rawData.head(1)[0]
			rawData = rawData.sort_index()
		if not endTime in rawData.index:
			rawData[endTime] = rawData.tail(1)[0]
			rawData = rawData.sort_index()
		if normType=='nextval':
			procData = rawData.resample('2Min', fill_method='pad')
		elif normType=='avg':
			procData = rawData.resample('2Min', how='mean')
			procData = None

		return procData

	def receive_a_sensor(self, zone, actuType, beginTime, endTime, normType):
		print zone, actuType
		uuid = self.get_actuator_uuid(zone, actuType)
		rawData = self.bdm.get_sensor_ts(uuid, 'PresentValue', beginTime, endTime)
		if actuType!=self.actuNames.damperCommand:
			rawData = self.remove_negativeone(rawData)
		procData = self.normalize_data(rawData, beginTime, endTime, normType)
		return procData

	def receive_entire_sensors_notstore(self, beginTime, endTime, normType, exceptZoneList=[]):
		#TODO: Should be parallelized here
		dataDict = dict()
		for zone in self.zonelist:
			if not zone in exceptZoneList:
				dataDict[zone] = self.receive_zone_sensors(zone, beginTime, endTime, normType)
		return dataDict
	def receive_entire_sensors(self, beginTime, endTime, filename, normType, exceptZoneList=[]):
#		filename='data/'+beginTime.isoformat()[0:-7].replace(':','_') + '.pkl'
		dataDict = self.receive_entire_sensors_notstore(beginTime, endTime, normType, exceptZoneList=exceptZoneList)
		with open(filename, 'wb') as fp:
			pickle.dump(dataDict, fp)
#			json.dump(dataDict,fp)

	def clustering(self, inputData, dataDict):
		fftFeat = self.feater.get_fft_features(inputData, dataDict)
		minmaxFeat = self.feater.get_minmax_features(dataDict)
		dtwFeat = self.feater.get_dtw_features(inputData, dataDict)
		freqFeat = self.feater.get_freq_features(inputData, dataDict)
		featDict = dict()
		for zone in self.zonelist:
			featList = list()
			featDict[zone] = featList
		print featDict['RM-4132']
		return self.clust.cluster_kmeans(featDict)
	def remove_negativeone(self, data):
		if -1 in data.values:
			indices = np.where(data==-1)
			for idx in indices:
				data[idx] = data[idx-1]
		return data

	def receive_zone_sensors(self, zone, beginTime, endTime, normType):
		zoneDict = dict()
		for actuType in self.actuNames.nameList+self.sensorNames.nameList:
			if actuType=='Actual Supply Flow':
				uuid = self.get_actuator_uuid(zone, actuType)
			except QRError:
#			if actuType == self.actuNames.commonSetpoint:
#				wcad = self.receive_a_sensor(zone, 'Warm Cool Adjust', beginTime, endTime, normType)
#				data = self.receive_a_sensor(zone, actuType, beginTime, endTime, normType)
#				data = data + wcad
#				pass
			if actuType != self.actuNames.damperCommand:
				if actuType==self.actuNames.occupiedCommand:
				data = self.receive_a_sensor(zone, actuType, beginTime, endTime, normType)
				data = self.receive_a_sensor(zone, actuType, beginTime, endTime, normType)
			zoneDict[actuType] = data
		return zoneDict

	def store_zone_sensors(self, zone, beginTime, endTime, normType, filename):
		data = self.receive_zone_sensors(zone, beginTime, endTime, normType)
#		with open(filename, 'wb') as fp:
#			w = csv.DictWriter(fp, data.keys())
#			w.writeheader()
#			w.writerow(data)
		for key, val in data.iteritems():
			val.to_csv('rm4132.csv', header=key, mode='a')

	def store_minmax_dict(self):
		minDict = defaultdict(dict)
		maxDict = defaultdict(dict)
		beginTime = datetime(2015,2,1)
		endTime = datetime(2015,9,1)
		shortBeginTime = datetime(2015,8,1)
		shortEndTime = datetime(2015,8,2)

		for zone in self.zonelist:
			for pointType in self.actuNames.nameList+self.sensorNames.nameList:
					if pointType=='Occupied Command':
						minDict[zone][pointType] = 1
						maxDict[zone][pointType] = 3
					elif pointType=='Cooling Command':
						minDict[zone][pointType] = 0
						maxDict[zone][pointType] = 100
					elif pointType=='Cooling Command' or pointType=='Heating Command':
						minDict[zone][pointType] = 0
						maxDict[zone][pointType] = 100
					elif pointType=='Occupied Clg Min' or pointType=='Occupied Htg Flow' or pointType=='Cooling Max Flow':
						uuid = self.get_actuator_uuid(zone, pointType)
						data = self.bdm.get_sensor_ts(uuid, 'Presentvalue', shortBeginTime, shortEndTime)
						minDict[zone][pointType] = min(data)
						maxDict[zone][pointType] = max(data)
					elif pointType=='Temp Occ Sts':
						minDict[zone][pointType] = 0
						maxDict[zone][pointType] = 1
					elif pointType=='Reheat Valve Command':
						minDict[zone][pointType] = 0
						maxDict[zone][pointType] = 100
					elif pointType=='Actual Supply Flow' or pointType=='Actual Sup Flow SP':
						uuid = self.get_actuator_uuid(zone, pointType)
						data = self.bdm.get_sensor_ts(uuid, 'Presentvalue', shortBeginTime, shortEndTime)
						maxFlow = data[0]
						minDict[zone][pointType] = 0
						maxDict[zone][pointType] = maxFlow
					elif pointType=='Damper Position':
						minDict[zone][pointType] = 0
						maxDict[zone][pointType] = 100
					elif pointType=='Damper Command':
						uuid = self.get_actuator_uuid(zone, pointType)
						data = self.bdm.get_sensor_ts(uuid, 'Presentvalue', shortBeginTime, shortEndTime)
						meanData = np.mean(data)
						stdData = np.std(data)
						meanAgain = np.mean(data[np.logical_and(data<=meanData+2*stdData, data>=meanData-2*stdData)])
						minDict[zone][pointType] = meanData-2*stdData
						maxDict[zone][pointType] = meanData+2*stdData
						uuid = self.get_actuator_uuid(zone, pointType)
						data = self.bdm.get_sensor_ts(uuid, 'Presentvalue', beginTime, endTime)
						minDict[zone][pointType] = min(data)
						maxDict[zone][pointType] = max(data)

					print "Something is wrong"
		with open('metadata/mindict.pkl', 'wb') as fp:
			pickle.dump(minDict, fp)
		with open('metadata/maxdict.pkl', 'wb') as fp:
			pickle.dump(maxDict, fp)
コード例 #5
class Actuator(object):
	__metaclass__ = ABCMeta
	minLatency = None # 0 minimum
	inputType = None # should be selected among above type classes
	#lowerActuators = list() 
	#higherActuators = list()
	affectingDependencyDict = dict() # values of this dict are each actuator's minLatency
	affectedDependencyDict = dict() # values of this dict are this actuator's minLatency
	controlFlag = False 
	uuid = None
	name = None
	bdm = None
	sensorType = None # ==actuator
	resetVal = None
	depMapFile = 'metadata/dependency_map.json'

	def __init__(self, minLatency):
# minLatency(datetime) ->
		self.minLatency = minLatency
		self.bdm = BDWrapper()
#		depMap = pickle.load(open(self.depMapFile, 'rb'))
		with open(self.depMapFile,'rb') as fp:
			depMap = json.load(fp)
		if self.uuid in depMap.keys():
			for depUuid in depMap[self.uuid]:
				self.affectingDependencyDict[depUuid] = timedelta(minutes=10)
				self.affectedDependencyDict[depUuid] = timedelta(minutes=10)

	def set_value(self, val, tp):
		self.controlFlag = True
		if self.inputType.validate(val):
			self.bdm.set_sensor(self.uuid, self.sensorType, tp, val)
			print "Failed to validate a value of " + self.zone + '\'s Common Setpoint to ' + str(val)

	def get_value(self, beginTime, endTime):
		return self.bdm.get_sensor_ts(self.uuid, self.sensorType, beginTime, endTime)

	@abstractmethod #Should this be abm?
	def reset_value(self, val, tp):
		self.bdm.set_sensor(self.uuid, self.sensorType, tp, val)
		self.controlFlag = False

	def get_latest_value(self, now):
		result = self.bdm.get_sensor_ts(self.uuid, self.sensorType, now-timedelta(hours=6), now+timedelta(minutes=10))
		if result.empty:
			return None
			return result.tail(1).values[0], result.tail(1).index[0]
	def get_second_latest_value(self,now):
		result = self.bdm.get_sensor_ts(self.uuid, self.sensorType, now-timedelta(hours=6), now+timedelta(minutes=10))
		if len(result)<=1:
			return None
			return result.tail(2).values[1], result.tail(2).index[1]
	def check_control_flag(self):
		return self.controlFlag

	def check_dependency(self, commDict, setTime):
		if (commDict['set_time']> setTime-self.minLatency) and commDict['uuid']==self.uuid:
			return True
			return False

	def get_dependency(self, uuid):
		if uuid in self.affectingDependencyDict.keys():
			return self.affectingDependencyDict[uuid]
		elif uuid in self.affectedDependencyDict.keys():
			return self.affectedDependencyDict[uuid]
			return None
	def get_dependent_actu_list(self):
		return self.affectingDependencyDict.keys() + self.affectedDependencyDict.keys()
	def get_longest_dependency(self):
		return max(max(self.affectedDependencyDict.values()),max(self.affectingDependencyDict.values()))

	def validate_input(self, given):
		return self.inputType.validate(given)