def setUp(): cleanUp() user_admin = dict(**USER_BASE, email='*****@*****.**') user_admin_info = UsersBusiness.create(user_admin, admin=True) user = dict(**USER_BASE, email='*****@*****.**') user_info = UsersBusiness.create(user, admin=False) return user_admin_info, user_info
def post(self): """ create new user """ data, status = validate(request.json, 'user_create', validate_password=True) if status is False: raise BadRequest(json.dumps(data)) admin = data.get('admin', False) # Only admin users can create. if admin: user_id, grants, _ = get_userinfo_by_token() if 'admin' not in grants: raise Forbidden('You need to be an administrator!') user = UsersBusiness.create(data, admin=admin) if not user: raise InternalServerError('Error creating user!') return marshal(user, get_user_serializer()), 200
def authorize_revoke_client(cls, action, user_id, client_id, scope=[]): model = UsersBusiness.init_infos()['model'] user = UsersBusiness.get_by_id(user_id) if not user: raise NotFound('User not Found!') new_list = [] if action == 'authorize': ''' Authorize client ''' has_client = False for client in user['clients_authorized']: if str(client['id']) == str(client_id): client['scope'] = client['scope'] + scope has_client = True break if not has_client: user['clients_authorized'].append({ "id": ObjectId(client_id), "scope": scope }) new_list = user['clients_authorized'] else: ''' Revoke client ''' for client in user['clients_authorized']: if str(client['id']) == client_id: new_list.append({ 'id': client['id'], 'scope': [ item for item in client['scope'] if item not in scope ] }) else: new_list.append(client) try: model.update_one({"_id": ObjectId(user_id)}, {"$set": { "clients_authorized": list(new_list) }}) return True except Exception: return False
def get(self, id): """ list all authorized clients of a specific user """ clients = UsersBusiness.list_clients_authorized(id) clients = clients[0]['clients'] if len(clients) else [] return marshal({"clients": clients}, get_clients_serializer())
def delete(self, id): """ apply soft_delete in user (disable) """ status = UsersBusiness.delete(id) if not status: NotFound("User not Found!") return {"message": "Deleted user!"}
def get(self, id): """ user informations by id """ user = UsersBusiness.get_by_id(id) if not user: raise NotFound("User not Found!") return marshal(user, get_user_serializer())
def token(cls, user_id, service, scope=''): client_infos = ClientsBusiness.get_by_name(service) if not client_infos: raise Forbidden('Client not found!') user = UsersBusiness.get_by_id(user_id) client = list( filter(lambda c: c['id'] == client_infos['_id'], user['clients_authorized'])) if len(client) <= 0: raise Forbidden('Not authorized!') authorized = False if scope else True typ = '' name = '' actions = [] ''' filter and valid scope ''' if scope: params = scope.lower().split(':') if len(params) != 3: raise BadRequest('Invalid scope!') typ = params[0] name = params[1] actions = params[2].split(',') for user_scope in client[0]['scope']: if not user_scope: raise Forbidden('Not authorized!') typ_scope, name_scope, actions_scope = user_scope.lower().split(':') if typ_scope == typ: if name_scope == name or name_scope == '*': has_actions = True for action in actions: if action not in actions_scope.split(',') and '*' not in actions_scope: has_actions = False if has_actions: authorized = True break if not authorized: raise Forbidden('Not authorized!') ''' generate client token ''' token_client = cls.encode_client_token( service, typ, name, actions, user, client_infos) expired_date = time.mktime(time.localtime( int(time.time()) + int(Config.EXPIRES_IN_CLIENT))) return { "user_id": user_id, "callback": client_infos['redirect_uri'], "token": token_client.decode('utf8'), "access_token": token_client.decode('utf8'), "expired_date": time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", time.localtime(expired_date)) }
def put(self, id): """ update a user's information """ data, status = validate(request.json, 'user_update') if status is False: raise BadRequest(json.dumps(data)) user = UsersBusiness.update(id, data) if not user: raise InternalServerError('Error updating user!') return {"message": "User updated!"}
def token(cls, user_id, service, scope=''): client_infos = ClientsBusiness.get_by_name(service) user = UsersBusiness.get_by_id(user_id) client = list( filter(lambda c: c['id'] == client_infos['_id'], user['clients_authorized'])) if len(client) <= 0: raise Forbidden('Not authorized!') authorized = False if scope else True typ = '' name = '' actions = [] ''' filter and valid scope ''' if scope: params = scope.split(':') if len(params) != 3: return BadRequest('Invalid scope!') typ = params[0] name = params[1] actions = params[2].split(',') for user_scope in client[0]['scope']: if not user_scope: raise Forbidden('Not authorized!') typ_scope, name_scope, actions_scope = user_scope.split(':') if typ_scope == typ: if name_scope == name or name_scope == '*': has_actions = True for action in actions: if action not in actions_scope.split( ',') and '*' not in actions_scope: has_actions = False if has_actions: authorized = True break if not authorized: raise Forbidden('Not authorized!') ''' generate client token ''' token_client = cls.encode_client_token(service, typ, name, actions, user, client_infos) return { "user_id": user_id, "callback": client_infos['redirect_uri'], "token": token_client.decode('utf8'), "access_token": token_client.decode('utf8') }
def setUp(): cleanUp() user_admin = dict( **USER_BASE, email='*****@*****.**' ) user_admin_info = UsersBusiness.create(user_admin, admin=True) user = dict( **USER_BASE, email='*****@*****.**' ) user_info = UsersBusiness.create(user, admin=False) app_1_info = dict( client_name='test', client_uri='http://localhost:8080/test', redirect_uri='http://localhost:8080/test/test', type_secret='string', client_secret='abc', user_id=[user_admin_info['_id']],, expired_at=None, _id=ObjectId('5e59557579da4ec3ff04a682') ) app_2_info = dict( client_name='registry', client_uri='http://localhost:8080/registry', redirect_uri='http://localhost:8080/registry/test', type_secret='file', client_secret='/data/home/key', user_id=[user_info['_id']],, expired_at=None, _id=ObjectId('5e59557579da4ec3ff04a683') ) mongo.db.clients.insert_many([app_1_info, app_2_info]) return user_admin_info, user_info
def put(self): """ change user password by secret token """ data, status = validate(request.json, 'user_reset_password', validate_password=True) if status is False: raise BadRequest(json.dumps(data)) status = UsersBusiness.reset_password(data['password'], data['token']) if not status: raise InternalServerError('Error updating user password!') return {"message": "Password updated!"}
def post(self): """ send email to enable function to change user password """ data, status = validate(request.json, 'user_send_password') if status is False: raise BadRequest(json.dumps(data)) user = UsersBusiness.send_token_password(**data) if not user: raise InternalServerError('Error in send email!') return { "email": user['email'], "message": "We send a link to your email!" }
def put(self, id): """ change user password """ data, status = validate(request.json, 'user_change_password', validate_password=True) if status is False: raise BadRequest(json.dumps(data)) user = UsersBusiness.change_password(id, data['old_password'], data['password']) if not user: raise InternalServerError('Error updating user password!') return {"message": "Password updated!"}
def login(cls, username, password): model = UsersBusiness.init_infos()['model'] user = model.find_one({ "credential.username": username, "deleted_at": None }) if not user: raise NotFound('User not found!') if check_password_hash(user['credential']['password'], password) is False: raise BadRequest('Incorrect password!') user_id = str(user['_id']) token = cls.encode_auth_token(user_id, user['credential']['grants'], 'user') result = { "user_id": user_id, "access_token": token.decode('utf8').replace("'", '"') } return result
def get_userinfo_by_token(client_id=False): try: bearer, authorization = request.headers['Authorization'].split() if 'bearer' not in bearer.lower(): raise Forbidden('Invalid token!') except Exception: raise Forbidden('Token is required!') if authorization: result, status = AuthBusiness.decode_auth_token(authorization) if status: user = UsersBusiness.get_by_id(result["id"]) if user: if client_id: client = ClientsBusiness.get_by_id(client_id) if not client: raise NotFound('Client not Found!') return str(user['_id']), user['credential']['grants'], client return str(user['_id']), user['credential']['grants'], False raise NotFound('User not found') raise Unauthorized(str(result)) raise Forbidden('Token is required!')
def create(cls, user_id, client_infos): model = cls.init_infos()['model'] user = UsersBusiness.get_by_id(user_id) if not user: raise NotFound('User not Found!') """ check if client name is already registered """ client = model.find_one({ "client_name": client_infos['client_name'], "$or": [{ "expired_at": { "$gt": } }, { "expired_at": None }] }) if client: raise Conflict('A client with this name already exists') """ create client credentials """ client_infos['user_id'] = user['_id'] client_infos['created_at'] = client_infos['expired_at'] = client_infos.get('expired_at', None) """ save in mongodb """ try: model.insert_one(client_infos) return client_infos except Exception: return False
def login(cls, username, password): model = UsersBusiness.init_infos()['model'] user = model.find_one( {"credential.username": username, "deleted_at": None}) if not user: raise NotFound('User not found!') if check_password_hash(user['credential']['password'], password) is False: raise BadRequest('Incorrect password!') user_id = str(user['_id']) token = cls.encode_auth_token( user_id, user['credential']['grants'], 'user') expired_date = time.mktime(time.localtime( int(time.time()) + int(Config.EXPIRES_IN_AUTH))) result = { "user_id": user_id, "grants": user['credential']['grants'], "access_token": token.decode('utf8').replace("'", '"'), "expired_date": time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", time.localtime(expired_date)) } return result
def get(self, client_id): """ list users authorized (with scope) by app/client """ users = UsersBusiness.get_all_by_client(client_id) return marshal({"users": users}, get_users_serializer())
def post(self, token): status = UsersBusiness.valid_token_password(token) if not status: raise InternalServerError('Token not found or expired!') return {"status": bool(status), "message": "Successfully!"}
def get(self): """ user list """ users = UsersBusiness.get_all() return marshal({"users": users}, get_users_serializer())