def test_patch(self): self.login('*****@*****.**') with cas_mockup_server(), self.given( 'Testing the patch method on APIv1', verb='PATCH', url='/apiv1', json=[ dict(op='MENTION', path=f'targets/{}/mentions', value={ 'body': 'sample message', 'originTargetId': }), dict(op='MENTION', path=f'members/{}/mentions', value={ 'body': 'abc', 'originTargetId': }), ]): assert status == 200 assert len(response.json) == 2 assert response.json[0]['id'] is not None assert response.json[1]['id'] is not None when( 'One of requests response faces non 200 OK', json=[dict(op='MENTION', path='targets/0/mentions', value={})]) assert status == 404
def test_stream(app, Given): endresponseiscalled = 0 @app.when def endresponse(resp): nonlocal endresponseiscalled endresponseiscalled += 1 @app.route() @yhttp.text def get(req): yield 'foo' yield 'bar' yield 'baz' @app.route('/binary') def get(req): # noqa: W0404 req.response.length = 9 yield b'foo' yield b'bar' yield b'baz' with Given(): assert status == 200 assert response.text == 'foobarbaz' assert endresponseiscalled == 1 when('/binary') assert status == 200 assert response.text == 'foobarbaz' assert response.headers['content-length'] == '9' assert endresponseiscalled == 2
def test_jsonpatch(self): with self.given('Testing the patch method', verb='PATCH', url='/', json=[ dict(op='CREATE', path='', value=dict(title='first')), dict(op='CREATE', path='', value=dict(title='second')) ]): assert status == 200 assert len(response.json) == 2 assert response.json[0]['id'] is not None assert response.json[1]['id'] is not None when('Testing the list method using patch', json=[dict(op='LIST', path='')]) assert len(response.json) == 1 assert len(response.json[0]) == 3 when('Trying to pass without value', json=[ dict(op='CREATE', path='', value=dict(title='third')), dict(op='CREATE', path=''), ]) assert status == 400
def test_update_from_request(self): with self.given( 'Posting a datetime in form', verb='POST', form=dict( when='2001-01-01T00:01', ) ): assert status == 200 assert response.json == '2001-01-01T00:01:00' when( 'Posting a date instead of datetime', form=dict( when='2001-01-01' ) ) assert status == 200 assert response.json == '2001-01-01T00:00:00' when( 'Posting an invalid datetime', form=dict( when='2001-00-01' ) ) assert status == '400 Invalid date or time: 2001-00-01'
def test_status(app, Given): @app.route() @statuscode('201 Created') def post(req): return b'' @app.route() @statuscode('205 Reset Content') def put(req): return b'' @app.route() @statuscode(nocontent) # 204 No Content def delete(req): return b'' with Given(verb='POST'): assert status == '201 Created' when(verb='PUT') assert status == 205 when(verb='DELETE') assert status == 204 assert response == ''
def test_update(self): self.login(email='*****@*****.**', password='******') with self.given( 'delete member', f'/apiv1/members/id: {}', 'DELETE', ): assert status == 200 assert response.json['id'] == assert response.json['title'] == self.member1.title assert response.json['email'] == assert response.json['firstName'] == self.member1.first_name assert response.json['lastName'] == self.member1.last_name assert response.json['gender'] == self.member1.gender session = self.create_session() assert not session.query(Member) \ .filter( == \ .one_or_none() when('Request is not authorized', authorization=None) assert status == 401 self.logout()
def test_routing_basic(app, Given): @app.route() def get(req): return 'get index' @app.route() def post(req): return 'post index' @app.route(verb=['delete', 'remove']) def delete_remove(req): return 'delete remove' with Given(): assert status == 200 assert response == 'get index' when(verb='post') assert status == 200 assert response == 'post index' when(verb='invalid') assert status == 405 when('/invalid') assert status == 404 when(verb='delete') assert status == 200 assert response == 'delete remove' when(verb='remove') assert status == 200 assert response == 'delete remove'
def test_equality(): call = dict( title=\ 'Binding and registering the device after verifying the ' 'activation code', description=\ 'As a new visitor I have to bind my device with activation ' 'code and phone number', url='/apiv1/devices/name: SM-12345678', verb='POST', as_='visitor', query=dict( a=1, b=2 ), form=dict( activationCode='746727', phone='+9897654321' ) ) with Given(wsgi_application, **call): assert response.status == '200 OK' assert response.status == 200 assert response == '{"code": 745525}' assert response == { 'code': 745525, } when('Trying invalid code', form=dict(activationCode='badCode')) assert response.status == 400
def test_redirector(redismock): redismock.set('foo', '') with Given(app, url='/foo'): assert status == 302 assert response.headers['LOCATION'] == '' when(url='/notexists') assert status == 404
def test_sql_errors(self): with self.given('Testing SQL exceptions', '/', 'POST', form=dict(title='test')): assert response.json['title'] == 'test' when('Posting gain to raise a unique_violation sql error') assert status == 409
def test_server_timestamp_header(self): with self.given('Geting server\'s timestamp'): assert status == 200 assert 'X-Server-Timestamp' in response.headers settings.merge('timestamp: false') when('With default configuration') assert status == 200 assert 'X-Server-Timestamp' not in response.headers
def test_commit_decorator(self): with self.given('Testing the operation of commit decorator', verb='POST', url='/', form=dict(title='first')): when('Geting the result of appling commit decorator', verb='GET', url='/first') assert response.json['title'] == 'first' assert response.json['id'] == 1
def test_append_form_field(): call = dict(title='test raw request body', verb='POST', body=b'abcd') with Given(wsgi_application, **call): assert status == 200 assert response.text == 'abcd' when('Another try!', body=b'1234') assert status == 200 assert response.text == '1234'
def test_shortener(randommock, redismock): with Given(app, verb='POST', json=dict(url='')): assert status == 201 assert response.text == 'f00' when(json=dict(url='invalidurl')) assert status == 400 when(json=given - 'url') assert status == '400 Field missing: url'
def test_commit_on_raise_http_success(self): with self.given( 'Testing the operation of commit decorator on raise 2xx', verb='SUCCESS', url='/', form=dict(title='HTTPSuccess')): when('Geting the result of appling commit decorator', verb='GET', url='/HTTPSuccess') assert response.json['title'] == 'HTTPSuccess'
def test_commit_on_raise_http_redirect(self): with self.given( 'Testing the operation of commit decorator on raise 3xx', verb='REDIRECT', url='/', form=dict(title='HTTPRedirect')): when('Geting the result of appling commit decorator', verb='GET', url='/HTTPRedirect') assert response.json['title'] == 'HTTPRedirect'
def test_readonly(app, Given): @app.route() @validate(fields=dict(bar=dict(readonly=True), )) def post(req): pass with Given(verb='post'): assert status == 200 when(form=dict(bar='bar')) assert status == '400 Field bar is readonly'
def test_nobody(app, Given): @app.route() @validate(nobody=True) def foo(req): assert req.form == {} with Given(verb='foo'): assert status == 200 when(form=dict(bar='baz')) assert status == '400 Body Not Allowed'
def test_type(app, Given): @app.route() @validate(fields=dict(bar=dict(type_=int), )) def post(req): pass with Given(verb='post'): assert status == 200 when(json=dict(bar='bar')) assert status == '400 Invalid type: bar'
def test_markdownserver(app): with Given(app): assert status == 200 assertbody(EXPECTED_TOC) when('/foo') assert status == 200 assertbody('<h2 id="foo-bar-baz">Foo Bar Baz</h2>\n') when('/notexists') assert status == 404
def test_nobody_get(app, Given): @app.route() @validate(nobody=True) def get(req, *, bar=None): assert req.form.get('bar') == bar with Given(): assert status == 200 when(query=dict(bar='baz')) assert status == 200
def test_querystring(app, Given): @app.route() def get(req, *, baz=None): return f'{req.query.get("foo")} {baz}' with Given('/?foo=bar&baz=qux'): assert status == 200 assert response.text == 'bar qux' when(query=given - 'baz') assert status == 200 assert response.text == 'bar None'
def test_commit_decorator_and_json_patch(self): with self.given( 'The commit decorator should not to do anything if the request\ is a jsonpatch.', verb='PATCH', url='/', json=[ dict(op='post', path='', value=dict(title='second')), dict(op='post', path='', value=dict(title='third')) ]): when('Inset form parameter to body', verb='GET', url='/third') assert response.json['title'] == 'third'
def test_logout(self): with self.given('Log in to get a token and refresh token cookie', '/login', 'POST', form=dict(email='*****@*****.**', password='******')): assert status == 200 assert 'token' in response.json assert response.headers['X-Identity'] == '1' self._authentication_token = response.json['token'] when('Logging out', '/logout', 'DELETE') assert 'X-Identity' not in response.headers
def test_routing_encodedurl_route(app, Given): @app.route(r'/([ a-z]+)', re.I) def get(req, id_): return id_ with Given('/id: foo%20bar'): assert status == 200 assert response == 'foo bar' when(url_parameters=given | dict(id='foo Bar')) assert status == 200 assert response == 'foo Bar'
def test_create(self): email = '*****@*****.**' password = '******' with self.given( 'get token', '/apiv1/tokens', 'CREATE', json=dict( email=email, password=password, ), ): assert status == 200 assert 'token' in response.json when('Invalid password', json=given | dict(password='******')) assert status == '400 Incorrect Email Or Password' when('Not exist email', json=given | dict(email='*****@*****.**')) assert status == '400 Incorrect Email Or Password' when('Invalid email format', json=given | dict(email='')) assert status == '400 Invalid Email Format' when('Trying to pass with empty form', json={}) assert status == '400 Empty Form'
def test_multipartform(app, Given): app.settings.debug = False @app.route() def post(req): assert req.contenttype.startswith('multipart/form') assert req.form['foo'] == 'bar' with Given(verb='post', multipart=dict(foo='bar')): assert status == 200 when(body='', content_type='multipart/form-data; boundary=') assert status == 400 assert response == '400 Cannot parse the request'
def test_querystringform(app, Given): @app.route('/empty') def get(req): assert req.form == {} @app.route() def get(req): assert req.form['foo'] == 'bar' with Given(query=dict(foo='bar')): assert status == 200 when('/empty', query={}) assert status == 200
def test_pagination(self): with self.given('Getting a single object using pagination', query=dict(take=1)): assert len(response.json) == 1 assert response.json[0]['title'] == 'test' assert response.json[0]['visible'] == False when('Trying to get an non-existence db object', '/non-existence-user') assert status == 404 when('Getting a plain dictionary', '/me') assert response.json == {'title': 'me'}
def test_login(self): with self.given('Logging-in', verb='LOGIN', form=dict(email='*****@*****.**', password='******')): assert status == '200 OK' assert len(response.text.split('.')) == 3 when('Invalid user', form=given | dict(email='not-exists')) assert status == 400 when('No user', form=given - 'email') assert status == 400