コード例 #1
def plot_bending_modes(nodes, n=3):
    print "\nPloting {0} first bending modes:".format(n)
    f, axarr = plt.subplots(n, sharex=True)
    for j, N in enumerate(nodes):
        beam = BendingBeam(L, S, mat, BCs=[0, 1], nodes=N)
        eigs = beam.get_modes()

        for i, (eigval, eigvec) in enumerate(eigs[:n]):
            print "N:", N, ", f=", eigval, "Hz"
            y = eigvec[::2] / eigvec[-2]
            x = np.linspace(0, L, len(y))
            axarr[i].plot(x, y, styles[j])

    axarr[n-1].set_xlabel(r"Length of the beam ($y$ axis) in meters")
    axarr[n/2].set_ylabel("Normalized vertical deflection")

    for i, (f, mode) in enumerate(cantilever_bending_modes(beam, n, points=20)):
        print f, "Hz"
        x = mode.T[0]
        y = mode.T[1]
        axarr[i].plot(x, y, styles[2])
    axarr[n/2].legend(["N = 8", "N = 20", "static"],
                      loc='center right',
                      bbox_to_anchor=(1.3, 0.5))

コード例 #2
sys.path.append(os.path.abspath("../"))  # noqa

from beam import BendingBeam, TwistingBeam
from materials import IsotropicMaterial, aluminum
from analytical_beam_modes import cantilever_bending_modes
from analytical_beam_modes import cantilever_twisting_modes

from hermes_section import section as S

mat = IsotropicMaterial(**aluminum['6061-T6'])

L = 1.
styles = ['r*-', 'g.-', 'bo-']
bstyles = ['k+-', 'r.-', 'g^-', 'b*-', 'cd-', 'mo-']

bending_beam = BendingBeam(L, S, mat)

def style_gen(token, color=0, line=0):
    colors = 'brkgmc'
    tokens = 'o.+vds*'
    lines = ['-', '-.', '--', ':']
    color = colors[color % len(colors)]
    token = tokens[token % len(tokens)]
    line = lines[line % len(lines)]
    return "{0}{1}{2}".format(color, token, line)

def subplot_modes(modes):
    modes is a list of lists (one for each natural frequency)