def lose(self): blt.clear() blt.set('window:size=60x20') blt.set('font: UbuntuMono-R.ttf, size=14') blt.print_( 0, 0, """ A zombie blunders into you and grasps your arm instinctively. the smell of blood fills the air after one bite, and as you black out you can almost see the rest of the zombies shambling towards their next meal. You stacked {0} out of 10 corpses. *** Press Escape to exit *** *** Press R to restart *** Stuck? See for spoilers! """.format(self.calculate_score()), blt.state(blt.TK_WIDTH), blt.state(blt.TK_HEIGHT), blt.TK_ALIGN_CENTER) blt.refresh() while True: kp = if kp == blt.TK_R: self.restart = True if kp in [blt.TK_CLOSE, blt.TK_ESCAPE, blt.TK_R]: break self.stop = True
def option_menu_input(): if terminal.has_input(): key = index = terminal.state(terminal.TK_CHAR) - ord('a') if key == terminal.TK_ESCAPE or index == 2: return OptionMenuSelection.BACK_TO_MAIN_MENU elif key == terminal.TK_CLOSE: save_game(World) terminal.close() sys.exit() elif index == 0: # change language if Texts.get_current_language() == 'fr': Texts.set_language('en') else: Texts.set_language('fr') show_main_options_menu() elif index == 1: # graphical mode if Interface.mode == GraphicalModes.ASCII: terminal.clear() Interface.change_graphical_mode(GraphicalModes.TILES) elif Interface.mode == GraphicalModes.TILES: terminal.clear() Interface.change_graphical_mode(GraphicalModes.ASCII) show_main_options_menu() return MainMenuSelection.NO_RESPONSE
def renderGame(self, map): term.bkcolor(term.color_from_argb(255, 25, 25, 25)) term.clear() for panel in self.main.panel: self.main.panel[panel].render() term.refresh()
def mpGameLoop(client): _map = Map(70, 50) player = client.players[] mapReady = False while True: client.Loop() if client.msgQ.qsize() > 0: msg = client.msgQ.get() if msg['action'] == 'gameMap': _map.mapFrom(msg['gameMap']) mapReady = True playerx, playery = _map.findPlayerLoc() player.x = playerx player.y = playery terminal.clear() _map.do_fov(player.x, player.y, constants.FOV_RADIUS) if mapReady: _map.render_map() terminal.layer(1) for k, v in client.players.items(): v.draw() terminal.refresh() terminal.layer(1) for k, v in client.players.items(): v.clear() ex = handle_keys(player, _map.game_map) if ex == 1: _map.do_fov(player.x, player.y, constants.FOV_RADIUS) client.Send({ 'action': 'posUpdate', 'posUpdate': [player.x, player.y] }) if ex == 2: terminal.bkcolor(black) break
def main_menu(self): self.game_state = 'main_menu' if self.current_game is None: options = [(75, 23, "(S)tart New Game"), (75, 25, "(L)oad a Saved Game"), (75, 27, "E(x)it Game")] else: options = [(75, 23, "(S)tart New Game"), (75, 25, "(L)oad a Saved Game"), (75, 27, "(R)esume Current Game"), (75, 29, "E(x)it Game")] terminal.clear() gui.display_menu(options) while True: key = if key in (terminal.TK_CLOSE, terminal.TK_ESCAPE): sys.exit() elif key == terminal.TK_S: new_game = self.start_new_game() self.game_state = 'playing' elif key == terminal.TK_L: try: self.load_game() except: print('Load error.') continue elif key == terminal.TK_X: sys.exit() elif key == terminal.TK_R and self.current_game is not None: self.game_state = 'playing'
def test_multiple_fonts(): blt.set("window.title='Omni: multiple fonts in scene'") # Load several fonts blt.set("window.size=64x20; font: ../Media/VeraMono.ttf, size=10x20") blt.set("italic font: ../Media/VeraMoIt.ttf, size=10x20") blt.set("bold font: ../Media/VeraMoBd.ttf, size=10x20") blt.set("huge font: ../Media/VeraMono.ttf, size=20x40, spacing=2x2") blt.clear() blt.color("white") _, h = blt.puts( 2, 1, "If you [color=orange][font=italic]really[/font][/color] want, " "you can even put [color=orange][font=bold]emphasis[/font][/color] on a text. " "This works by loading several truetype tilesets with custom codepages to an " "unused code points and using [color=orange]font[/color] postformatting tag.", width=60) blt.puts(2, 1 + h + 1, "[font=huge]It's pretty easy to print in bigger fonts as well.", width=60) blt.refresh() key = 0 while key not in (blt.TK_CLOSE, blt.TK_ESCAPE): key = # Clean up blt.set( "window.size=80x25; font: default; italic font: none; bold font: none; huge font: none" )
def DrawProjectile(points): blt.layer(251) render_all(entities, gamemap) lx = -1 ly = -1 for i in range(0, len(points) - 1): blt.puts(points[i][0], points[i][1], "[color=cyan]*[/color]") if lx >= 0: blt.puts(lx, ly, "[color=black] [/color]") blt.clear_area(lx, ly, 1, 1) blt.refresh() lx = points[i][0] ly = points[i][1] blt.refresh() # for i in range(0, len(px) - 1): # blt.puts(int(px[i]), int(py[i]), "[color=cyan]*[/color]") # if lx >= 0: # blt.puts(lx, ly, "[color=black] [/color]") # blt.clear_area(lx, ly, 1, 1) # blt.refresh() # lx = px[i] # ly = py[i] # blt.refresh() blt.clear()
def _render_room(blueprint, openings, room, conjunction_point): # Draw the currently pending room blt.clear() room.render(ANIMATION_RENDERER) blt.bkcolor(colors.CLEAR) blt.refresh() time.sleep(ANIMATION_FRAME_LENGTH / 1000) # If it was added successfully, show the world with its new addition. if conjunction_point is not None: blt.clear() ANIMATION_CAMERA.move_to(conjunction_point[0], conjunction_point[1]) ANIMATION_RENDERER.transform(ANIMATION_CAMERA) for y in range(len(blueprint)): for x in range(len(blueprint[0])): blueprint[y][x].render(x, y, ANIMATION_RENDERER) for (x, y) in openings: ANIMATION_RENDERER.render( x, y, Symbol(' ', blt.color_from_name("white")), 0, colors.WORLD_GEN_OPENING) blt.bkcolor(colors.CLEAR) blt.refresh() time.sleep(ANIMATION_FRAME_LENGTH / 1000) ANIMATION_CAMERA.move_to(0, 0) ANIMATION_RENDERER.transform(ANIMATION_CAMERA)
def test_window_resize(): blt.set( "window: title='Omni: window resizing', resizeable=true, minimum-size=27x5" ) symbol = 0x2588 while True: blt.clear() w = blt.state(blt.TK_WIDTH) h = blt.state(blt.TK_HEIGHT) for x in range(w): blt.put(x, 0, symbol if x % 2 else '#') blt.put(x, h - 1, symbol if x % 2 else '#') for y in range(h): blt.put(0, y, symbol if y % 2 else '#') blt.put(w - 1, y, symbol if y % 2 else '#') blt.puts(3, 2, "Terminal size is %dx%d" % (w, h)) blt.refresh() key = if key in (blt.TK_CLOSE, blt.TK_ESCAPE): break blt.set("window: resizeable=false")
def pprint_center(self, text: List[str]): """ Prints a string or list of strings in the center of the window :param text: List of strings to be printed """ height = self.window.height width = self.window.width cellsize, _ = self.window.cell_size.split('x') cell_width = int(cellsize) center = int(width / 2) bearlib.clear() bearlib.layer(1) bearlib.composition("TK_ON") y = int(height / 2 - len(text) / 2) for i, s in enumerate(text): middle_char = int(len(s) / 2) x = int(center - middle_char) pos = 0 for c in s: offset = (center - x) * (cell_width / 2) bearlib.put_ext(x, y + i, int(offset), 0, c) x = x + 1 pos = pos + 1 bearlib.composition("TK_OFF") bearlib.layer(0) bearlib.refresh()
def draw(self): terminal.clear() self.tree.draw() for ui_element in self.ui_elements: ui_element.draw() terminal.refresh()
def run_game(): terminal.clear() TestMap = Maps() Hero = Mobs(19, 10, 0, '455', '@', 'human') # TODO: Перекинуть добавку моба в класс мобов TestMap.add_mob(Hero) aos = AreaOfSight.AoS(Hero, TestMap) TestMap.draw(aos.get()) time = 0 terminal.printf(0, 0, 'time=' + str(time)) terminal.refresh() # TODO: Обработчик нажатий клавиш, мэйн луп, настройка клавиатуры через меню while True: key = while key not in Config.comand.values(): if key == Config.comand['close'] or key == Config.comand['esc']: break time+=TestMap.move_mob(Hero, key) aos = AreaOfSight.AoS(Hero, TestMap) TestMap.draw(aos.get()) terminal.printf(0, 0, 'time=' + str(time)) terminal.refresh() terminal.clear() terminal.refresh()
def options(): choice = menu('OPTIONS', [ 'Old School Tiles | ' + str(var.old_school_tiles), 'Graphical Tiles | ' + str(var.graphical_tiles), 'BSP Map Generation | ' + str(var.bsp_map_gen), 'BSP Full Rooms | ' + str(var.FULL_ROOMS), 'Return to Main Menu' ], 24) if choice == 0: var.old_school_tiles = not var.old_school_tiles terminal.clear() options() elif choice == 1: var.graphical_tiles = not var.graphical_tiles terminal.clear() options() elif choice == 2: var.bsp_map_gen = not var.bsp_map_gen terminal.clear() options() elif choice == 3: var.FULL_ROOMS = not var.FULL_ROOMS terminal.clear() options() elif choice == 4: terminal.clear()
def draw(self): terminal.clear() self.player.draw() self.gui.draw() terminal.refresh()
def game_main_loop(): game_quit = False while not game_quit: # clear blt.clear() # draw game draw_game() # refresh term blt.refresh() # avoid blocking the game with while not game_quit and blt.has_input(): player_action = game_handle_keys() map_calculate_fov() if player_action == "QUIT": game_quit = True # let the AIs take action if player_action != "no-action" and player_action != "mouse_click": for ent in GAME.current_entities: if # save game save_game() # quit the game blt.close()
def mainloop(): #main values closed = False gameType = 0 # 0 - default/ 1 - fight/ 2 - inventory/ 3 - map/ 4 - dialogue/6/7/8/9 debug_value = 0 debug_string = (" debug") screen_width = 120 screen_height = 40 BASE_damage = 5 #player values map_x = 0 map_y = 0 player_infight = False player_alive = True player_lvl = 1 player_EXP = 0 player_stat1 = 5 player_stat2 = 5 player_stat3 = 5 blt.set("window.title='pythonRPG'") blt.clear() blt.color("white") debug_view = ("[color=orange]Debug string:" + debug_string + "[/color]]" ) #make string in puts rather than blt.puts(2, 3, debug_view) #create another variable blt.refresh() while closed == False: blt.refresh()
def main(): terminal.set("window.title='Scrollable Calendar Grid'") terminal.set("input.filter={keyboard, mouse+}") escape_codes = [terminal.TK_Q, terminal.TK_ESCAPE, 224] b = TextBox(point(0, 0), 80, 25, "asdf" * 10) b.split_x() b.l.split_y() b.r.split_y() c = None while True: terminal.clear() for (x, y, s) in b.blt_border(): terminal.puts(x, y, s) for (x, y, s) in b.blt_text(): terminal.puts(x, y, s) terminal.refresh() c = if c in escape_codes: break if b.l.split: b.l.join() continue elif b.r.split: b.r.join() continue b.join()
def scene(): blt.set(f"window.title=' {textutils.lucynest} help'") width = blt.state(blt.TK_WIDTH) height = blt.state(blt.TK_HEIGHT) info = "Manual..." while True: blt.clear() blt.puts(0, 1, "Help", width, 1, blt.TK_ALIGN_CENTER) blt.puts(0, 0, utils.multiline_trim(info), width, line - 2, bltutils.align_center) blt.puts(0, line - 2, "Keybindings", width, line - 2, blt.TK_ALIGN_CENTER) keybindings() blt.puts(2, height - 2, utils.button_quit()) blt.refresh() key = if key in (blt.TK_ESCAPE, blt.TK_CLOSE): break
def main_menu(self, num, x, y, click, enter): self.input_state = 'main' dict = [ ['[color=grey] New Game', 'New Game'], ['[color=grey] Continue', ' Continue'], ['[color=grey] Quit Game', ' Quit Game'], ] terminal.clear() terminal.layer(0) button0_rect = [self.center_text(dict[0][1]), 16, 8, 1] button1_rect = [self.center_text(dict[1][1]), 18, 10, 1] button2_rect = [self.center_text(dict[2][1]), 20, 13, 1] self.menu_num += num if self.menu_num > 2: self.menu_num = 0 if self.menu_num < 0: self.menu_num = 2 if x != 0 or y != 0: clickable = False if y >= button0_rect[1] and y <= button0_rect[1] + button0_rect[3]: if x >= button0_rect[ 0] and x <= button0_rect[0] + button0_rect[2]: clickable = True self.menu_num = 0 if y >= button1_rect[1] and y <= button1_rect[1] + button1_rect[3]: if x >= button1_rect[ 0] and x <= button1_rect[0] + button1_rect[2]: clickable = True self.menu_num = 1 if y >= button2_rect[1] and y <= button2_rect[1] + button2_rect[3]: if x >= button2_rect[ 0] and x <= button2_rect[0] + button2_rect[2]: clickable = True self.menu_num = 2 if self.menu_num == 0: terminal.printf(button0_rect[0], button0_rect[1], dict[0][1]) else: terminal.printf(button0_rect[0], button0_rect[1], dict[0][0]) if self.menu_num == 1 and num != 0: terminal.printf(button1_rect[0], button1_rect[1], dict[1][1]) if self.coords == []: self.main_menu(num, 0, 0, False, False) return else: terminal.printf(button1_rect[0], button1_rect[1], dict[1][0]) if self.menu_num == 2: terminal.printf(button2_rect[0], button2_rect[1], dict[2][1]) else: terminal.printf(button2_rect[0], button2_rect[1], dict[2][0]) terminal.printf(self.center_text('This is [color=red]Space '), 11, 'This is [color=red]Space ') #terminal.printf(self.center_text('press Enter'), 12, 'press Enter') terminal.refresh() if (click == True and clickable == True) or enter == True: if self.menu_num == 0: self.load_sector() if self.menu_num == 1: self.input_state = 'sector' if self.menu_num == 2: terminal.close()
def test_layers(): blt.set("window.title='Omni: layers'") pixel = c_uint32(blt.color_from_name("dark gray")) blt.set("U+E000: %d, raw-size=1x1, resize=48x48, resize-filter=nearest" % addressof(pixel)) blt.clear() blt.color("white") blt.puts(2, 1, "[color=orange]1.[/color] Without layers:") blt.put(7, 3, 0xE000) blt.puts(5, 4, "[color=dark green]abcdefghij") blt.puts(2, 8, "[color=orange]2.[/color] With layers:") blt.layer(1) blt.put(7, 10, 0xE000) blt.layer(0) blt.puts(5, 11, "[color=dark green]abcdefghij") blt.refresh() key = None while key not in (blt.TK_CLOSE, blt.TK_ESCAPE): key = blt.set("U+E000: none")
def main_game_loop(self): blt.clear() self.render_map() self.render_entities() self.ecs.update() self.render_panel() blt.refresh()
def open_menu(self, menu): blt.layer(RenderLayer.BACKGROUND.value) blt.clear() blt.layer(RenderLayer.MENU.value) blt.clear() blt.refresh() self.current_menu = menu
def main(): # generate opening scene UIManager.push(TitleScene()) key = 0 shift_down = False # main game loop while key != terminal.TK_CLOSE: terminal.clear() UIManager.render() terminal.refresh() GAME.scheduler.process() key = shift_down = bool(terminal.check(terminal.TK_SHIFT)) player_cmd = UIManager.peek().handle_input(key, shift_down) GAME.player.push_player_action(player_cmd) # if no UIs to show, game is closed if UIManager.empty: break # cleanup UIManager.clear() # if the close button was clicked with UIs on the stack terminal.close()
def exit_window(self): # Menus in game if self.app_states == AppStates.GAME: if # Si pas de menu, on propose de quitter elif not = QuitMenu(self) # Si menu, avec back to main quand on exit elif self.app_states = AppStates.MAIN_MENU self.current_menu = MainMenu(self) else: # on quitte le menu actuel pour revenir au jeu elif self.app_states == AppStates.MAIN_MENU: # Je suis dans le main menu, je quitte l'appli if isinstance(self.current_menu, MainMenu): self.quit_app = True else: self.current_menu = MainMenu(self) blt.clear() blt.refresh()
def draw_menu_state(lst): terminal.clear() caption = ".*{Gold Miner}*." terminal.color("yellow") terminal.print_(10, 10, caption) draw_double_line(10, 11, len(caption)) draw_select_box(lst, 10, 13) terminal.refresh()
def show_lose_screen(): # Clears the screen terminal.clear() # Prints lose message terminal.printf(6, 6, "[color=black][bkcolor=white] You Lose! ") terminal.printf(5, 7, "[color=black][bkcolor=white] Press enter ") terminal.printf(3, 8, "[color=black][bkcolor=white] to exit game.... ")
def main_loop(): terminal.clear() menu = MenuControls() menu.print_caption() while not menu.time_to_quit: menu.print() menu.key_processing() terminal.clear()
def update(self): terminal.clear() for e in self.entities: if e.is_visible: e.render() terminal.refresh()
def show_win_screen(): # Clears the screen terminal.clear() # Prints win message terminal.printf(7, 6, "[color=black][bkcolor=white] You Win! ") terminal.printf(5, 7, "[color=black][bkcolor=white] Press enter ") terminal.printf(3, 8, "[color=black][bkcolor=white] to exit game.... ")
def initialize_fov(): terminal.clear() # set fov_map for y in range(var.MAP_HEIGHT): for x in range(var.MAP_WIDTH): lib.map_set_properties(var.fov_map, x, y, not[x][y].block_sight, not[x][y].blocked)
def main(): terminal.set("window: title='Test!', size=80x25, cellsize=16x32;") terminal.set("input.filter=keyboard,mouse") terminal.set("font: res/font.png, size=12x24, codepage=437, align=top-left") terminal.set("0xE000: res/meph_32x32.png, size=32x32, align=top-left") terminal.set("0xE100: res/meph_trees.png, size=32x32, align=top-left") tx = 0 ty = 4 page = 0xE000 draw_page(tx, ty, page) terminal.refresh() event = while event != terminal.TK_CLOSE: terminal.clear() if event == terminal.TK_MOUSE_MOVE: mx = terminal.state(terminal.TK_MOUSE_X) my = terminal.state(terminal.TK_MOUSE_Y) terminal.printf(15, 0, "mx: {}, my: {}", mx, my) if mx >= tx and my >= ty: tid = page + (mx - tx) // 2 + (my - ty) * 16 terminal.printf(0, 3, "tile: {:04x}", tid) else: terminal.printf(0, 3, "tile: XXXX") elif event == terminal.TK_UP: page += 0x0100 elif event == terminal.TK_DOWN: page -= 0x0100 terminal.printf(0, 0, "event: {}", event) terminal.printf(0, 2, "page: {:x}", page) draw_page(tx, ty, page) terminal.refresh() event = terminal.close()
def test_basic_output(): blt.set("window.title='Omni: basic output'") blt.clear() blt.color("white") # Wide color range n = blt.print_(2, 1, "[color=orange]1.[/color] Wide color range: ") long_word = "antidisestablishmentarianism." long_word_length = len(long_word) for i in range(long_word_length): factor = i / long_word_length red = int((1 - factor) * 255) green = int(factor * 255) blt.color(blt.color_from_argb(255, red, green, 0)) blt.put(2 + n + i, 1, long_word[i]) blt.color("white") blt.print_(2, 3, "[color=orange]2.[/color] Backgrounds: [color=black][bkcolor=gray] grey [/bkcolor] [bkcolor=red] red ") blt.print_(2, 5, "[color=orange]3.[/color] Unicode support: Кириллица Ελληνικά α=β²±2°") blt.print_(2, 7, "[color=orange]4.[/color] Tile composition: @ + [color=red]|[/color] = @[+][color=red]|[/color], a vs. ¨ a[+][color=red]¨[/color]") blt.printf(2, 9, "[color=orange]5.[/color] Box drawing symbols:") blt.print_(5, 11, " ┌────────┐ \n" " │!......s└─┐\n" "┌──┘........s.│\n" "│............>│\n" "│...........┌─┘\n" "│<.@..┌─────┘ \n" "└─────┘ ■█┘╙ \n" ) blt.refresh() key = None while key not in (blt.TK_CLOSE, blt.TK_ESCAPE): key =
def test_tilesets(): blt.set("window.title='Omni: tilesets'") blt.composition(True) # Load tilesets blt.set("U+E100: ./Images/Runic.png, size=8x16") blt.set("U+E200: ./Images/Tiles.png, size=32x32, align=top-left") blt.set("U+E400: ./Images/test_tiles.png, size=16x16, align=top-left") blt.set("U+E300: ./Fonts/fontawesome-webfont.ttf, size=24x24, spacing=3x2, codepage=./Fonts/fontawesome-codepage.txt") blt.set("zodiac font: ./Fonts/Zodiac-S.ttf, size=24x36, spacing=3x3, codepage=437") blt.clear() blt.color("white") blt.print_(2, 1, "[color=orange]1.[/color] Of course, there is default font tileset.") blt.print_(2, 3, "[color=orange]2.[/color] You can load some arbitrary tiles and use them as glyphs:") blt.print_(2+3, 4, "Fire rune ([color=red][U+E102][/color]), " "water rune ([color=lighter blue][U+E103][/color]), " "earth rune ([color=darker green][U+E104][/color])") blt.print_(2, 6, "[color=orange]3.[/color] Tiles are not required to be of the same size as font symbols:") blt.put(2+3+0, 7, 0xE200+7) blt.put(2+3+5, 7, 0xE200+8) blt.put(2+3+10, 7, 0xE200+9) blt.print_(2, 10, "[color=orange]4.[/color] Like font characters, tiles may be freely colored and combined:") blt.put_ext(2+3+0, 11, 0, 0, tiles['stone_wall'], [blt.color_from_name("red"), blt.color_from_name("red"), blt.color_from_name("blue"), blt.color_from_name("red")]) blt.put_ext(2 + 3 + 2, 11, 0, 0, tiles['stone_wall'], [blt.color_from_name("red"), blt.color_from_name("blue"), blt.color_from_name("red"), blt.color_from_name("red")]) blt.put_ext(2 + 3 + 0, 13, 0, 0, tiles['stone_wall'], [blt.color_from_name("red"), blt.color_from_name("red"), blt.color_from_name("blue"), blt.color_from_name("blue")]) blt.put_ext(2 + 3 + 2, 13, 0, 0, tiles['stone_wall'], [blt.color_from_name("blue"), blt.color_from_name("blue"), blt.color_from_name("red"), blt.color_from_name("red")]) blt.put_ext(2 + 3 + 0 + 5, 11, 0, 0, '#', [blt.color_from_name("yellow"), blt.color_from_name("black"), blt.color_from_name("black"), blt.color_from_name("black")]) blt.put_ext(2 + 3 + 1 + 5, 11, 0, 0, 'A', [blt.color_from_name("black"), blt.color_from_name("yellow"), blt.color_from_name("yellow"), blt.color_from_name("black")]) blt.put_ext(2 + 3 + 0 + 5, 12, 0, 0, 'A', [blt.color_from_name("black"), blt.color_from_name("black"), blt.color_from_name("yellow"), blt.color_from_name("yellow")]) blt.put_ext(2 + 3 + 1 + 5, 12, 0, 0,'@', [blt.color_from_name("dark yellow"), blt.color_from_name("dark yellow"), blt.color_from_name("dark yellow"), blt.color_from_name("dark yellow")]) blt.put_ext(2 + 3 + 0 + 7, 11, 0, 0, 'A', [blt.color_from_name("black"), blt.color_from_name("yellow"), blt.color_from_name("black"), blt.color_from_name("black")]) blt.put_ext(2 + 3 + 0 + 7, 12, 0, 0, 'A', [blt.color_from_name("yellow"), blt.color_from_name("yellow"), blt.color_from_name("black"), blt.color_from_name("black")]) ''' # blt.color("lightest red") blt.put(2+3+4, 11,tiles['stairs']) # blt.color("purple") blt.put(2+3+8, 11, tiles['gold']) #blt.color("darkest red") blt.put(17, 11, 0xE400+0) blt.put(18, 11, 0xE400+0) blt.put(19, 11, 0xE400+1) blt.put(20, 11, 0xE400 + 0) blt.put(20, 11, 0xE400 + 2) blt.put(17, 12, 0xE400 + 10) blt.put(18, 12, 0xE400 + 10) blt.put(19, 12, 0xE400 + 11) blt.put(20, 12, 0xE400 + 10) blt.put(20, 12, 0xE400 + 12) ''' blt.put(21, 11, 0xE400+0) blt.color("blue") blt.put(18, 11, '@') blt.color("white") order = [11, 10, 14, 12, 13] for i in range(len(order)): blt.put(30 + i * 4, 11, 0xE200 + order[i]); blt.put(30 + (len(order)+1) * 4, 11, 0xE200 + order[i]) blt.put(30 + len(order) * 4, 11, 0xE200 + 15) blt.print_(2, 15, "[color=orange]5.[/color] And tiles can even come from TrueType fonts like this:") for i in range(6): blt.put(5 + i * 5, 15, 0xE300 + i) blt.print_(5, 18, "...or like this:\n[font=zodiac]D F G S C") blt.refresh() key = None while key not in (blt.TK_CLOSE, blt.TK_ESCAPE): key = # Clean up blt.set("U+E100: none; U+E200: none; U+E300: none; zodiac font: none") blt.composition(False)
def play(): while True: # Engine.Input.clear() Engine.Input.update() key = Engine.Input.key terminal.clear() terminal.color('white') # terminal.print_(terminal.state(terminal.TK_MOUSE_X), terminal.state(terminal.TK_MOUSE_Y),"HellowWorld") #test_anim.draw(terminal.state(terminal.TK_MOUSE_X),terminal.state(terminal.TK_MOUSE_Y)) if key == terminal.TK_MOUSE_LEFT: x, y = terminal.state(terminal.TK_MOUSE_X), terminal.state(terminal.TK_MOUSE_Y) # animations.append(create_anim(x,y, Utils.heat_map_chrs, Utils.explosion_colors, number=50)) #animations.append(Engine.Animation_System.Flame(x, y, size=25, density=70)) choice = random.randint(0,5) # Engine.Animation_System.(Engine.Animation_System.A_FLAME, **kwargs) #choice = 0 print choice # TODO: Cleaup Call. ADD KWARG support, Accept POS(x, y) instead of x,y. make all default variables overrideable via Kwargs animation_params={ 'origin': (x, y), 'target': (x, y) } if choice == 0: animations.append( Engine.Animation_System.Animation('Flame', animation_params)) # , angle=random.randint(270, 270))) if choice == 1: animations.append( Engine.Animation_System.Animation('Burst', animation_params)) if choice == 4: animations.append( Engine.Animation_System.Animation('Line', animation_params)) if choice == 2: animations.append( Engine.Animation_System.Animation('IceBreath', animation_params)) if choice == 3: animations.append( Engine.Animation_System.Animation('TinyFire', animation_params)) if choice == 5: animations.append( Engine.Animation_System.Animation('Xmas', animation_params)) #print len(animations) Render.draw_char(0, 15,15, '@') terminal.color('han') Render.draw_char(0, 17, 15, 'T') for ani in animations: result = if result == 'Done': print "Want?" animations.remove(ani) #print len(animations) terminal.refresh()