コード例 #1
ファイル: maps.py プロジェクト: mkapolka/beasts
def init_beast(custom_data, all_beasts, id_prepend=''):
    beast = Beast(custom_data.get('symbol', '?'))
    beast.id = uuid.uuid4().hex

    for key, value in custom_data.items():
        if isinstance(value, dict):
            setattr(beast, key, dict(value.items()))
            setattr(beast, key, value)
    if id_prepend and not beast.absolute_id:
        beast.id = '%s_%s' % (id_prepend, beast.id)
    beast.type = custom_data.get('type', None)
    beast.sprite = custom_data['sprite']
    for beast_data in custom_data.get('also', []):
        if inspect.isfunction(beast_data):
            beast_data = beast_data()
        also_beast = init_beast(beast_data, all_beasts, id_prepend)
    return beast
コード例 #2
    def jouer(self, plateau, fenetre, tour):
        input = np.array(plateau.grille)
        predictions = self.model.predict([input])
        raw_choice = predictions.argmax()
        choice = [
            raw_choice // plateau.taille[0], raw_choice % plateau.taille[0]
        #print("Network choice:",choice)
        if choice in plateau.mouvements:
            choice = random.choice(plateau.mouvements)
        #print("Final choice:  ",choice)
        return choice

if __name__ == "__main__":
    window = Window(taille=[800, 800], set=False)
    players = [Beast(2), NeuralNetwork()]
    training = Trainer(window, players, affichage=True)
    game = Othello(window, [NeuralNetwork(), Robot(1)])
コード例 #3
ファイル: maps.py プロジェクト: mkapolka/beasts
def generate(maps):
    customs = collections.defaultdict(list)
    all_beasts = {}
    all_maps = []
    for map_data in maps:
        beast_map = initialize_grid(map_data)
        for beast in beast_map.all_beasts():
            all_beasts[beast.id] = beast
            if beast.type:
            if beast.stitches:
            if beast.dimension:

    for pocket in customs['pocket']:
        do_pocket(pocket, all_beasts, customs)

    for alta in customs['alta']:
        alta.all = all_beasts[alta.to_id]

    for teleporter in customs['teleporter']:
        do_teleporter(teleporter, all_beasts, customs)

    for wall in customs['wall']:
        adjacent = '%s%s%s%s' % (
            'l' if wall.left.type != 'wall' else '',
            'r' if wall.right.type != 'wall' else '',
            'u' if wall.up.type != 'wall' else '',
            'd' if wall.down.type != 'wall' else '',
        corners = '%s%s%s%s' % (
            'F' if wall.left.up.type != 'wall' else '',
            'J' if wall.right.down.type != 'wall' else '',
            '7' if wall.right.up.type != 'wall' else '',
            'L' if wall.left.down.type != 'wall' else '',
        if adjacent == 'l':
            wall.right = wall
        if adjacent == 'r':
            wall.left = wall
        if adjacent == 'u':
            wall.down = wall
        if adjacent == 'd':
            wall.up = wall

        if not adjacent and corners == 'F':
            wall.right = wall
            wall.down = wall
        if not adjacent and corners == 'J':
            wall.left = wall
            wall.up = wall
        if not adjacent and corners == '7':
            wall.left = wall
            wall.down = wall
        if not adjacent and corners == 'L':
            wall.right = wall
            wall.up = wall

    for extender in customs['portal_extender']:
        base = all_beasts.get(extender.base_id)
        reciprocal = getattr(extender, 'reciprocal', False)
        offset_x = base.x - extender.x
        offset_y = base.y - extender.y
        rel_string = ''
        if offset_x > 0:
            rel_string += 'l' * offset_x
        if offset_x < 0:
            rel_string += 'r' * (offset_x * -1)
        if offset_y > 0:
            rel_string += 'u' * offset_y
        if offset_y < 0:
            rel_string += 'd' * (offset_y * -1)
        for key in base.stitches.keys():
            extender.stitches[key] = base.stitches[key] + rel_string + '/r' if reciprocal else ''

    for stitched in all_beasts.values():
        stitches = stitched.stitches
        if stitches:
            stitch(stitched, all_beasts, stitches.get('up', ''), stitches.get('down', ''), stitches.get('left', ''), stitches.get('right', ''), stitches.get('inner', ''))

    # Stitch up the levels that have stitched borders
    for level in all_maps:
        if level.wrap_mode == 'stitched':
            for direction, other_map in level.stitches.items():
                points = []
                other_points = []
                other_map = [m for m in all_maps if m.id == other_map][0]
                if direction == 'left':
                    points = level.left_wall_points()
                    other_points = other_map.right_wall_points()
                if direction == 'right':
                    points = level.right_wall_points()
                    other_points = other_map.left_wall_points()
                if direction == 'up':
                    points = level.up_wall_points()
                    other_points = other_map.down_wall_points()
                if direction == 'down':
                    points = level.down_wall_points()
                    other_points = other_map.up_wall_points()
                points = sorted(points)
                other_points = sorted(other_points)
                for i, point in enumerate(points):
                    i = float(i) / len(points)
                    other_i = int(math.floor(i * (len(points) / len(other_points))))
                    setattr(level.get(*point), direction, other_map.get(*other_points[other_i]))

    for origin in customs['rill_origin']:
        rills = customs['rill']
        rill_path = [origin]
        n = origin
        while n is not None:
            c = n
            n = None
            for adjacent in c.all_orig:
                if adjacent in rills and adjacent not in rill_path:
                    n = adjacent
        watchers = [Beast('r') for b in rill_path]
        for n, watcher in enumerate(watchers):
            watcher.sprite = 'rill'
            watcher.left = watchers[n - 1]
            watcher.right = watchers[n + 1] if n < len(watchers) - 1 else watchers[0]
            watcher.up = rill_path[n]
            watcher.down = rill_path[n]
            all_beasts[watcher.id] = watcher
        # Rill rider
        rill_rider = next(b for b in origin.also_beasts if b.type == 'rill_rider')
        rill_rider.up = watchers[0]
        all_beasts[rill_rider.id] = rill_rider

    for n, lurkroom in enumerate(customs['lurkroom']):
        previous = customs['lurkroom'][n - 1]
        lurkmap = lurkroom.map
        previous_lurkmap = previous.map
        for (x, y) in lurkmap.right_wall_points():
            lurkmap.get(x, y).right = previous_lurkmap.get(0, y)
            previous_lurkmap.get(0, y).left = lurkmap.get(x, y)

    golden_rill = []
    shuffled_beasts = all_beasts.values()
    for beast in shuffled_beasts:
        rill_segment = Beast('golden_rill')
        rill_segment.sprite = 'golden_rill'
        rill_segment.up = beast
        rill_segment.down = beast
    for n, beast in enumerate(golden_rill):
        left = golden_rill[n - 1]
        beast.left = left
        beast.left.right = beast

    for rider in customs['golden_rill_rider']:
        rider.up = random.choice(golden_rill)

    all_beasts['golden_rill_origin'].down = golden_rill[0]

    for rill in golden_rill:
        all_beasts[rill.id] = rill

    return all_beasts.values()