コード例 #1
ファイル: brain.py プロジェクト: microgold/Becca35
class Brain(object):
    A biologically motivated learning algorithm.

    Becca's Brain contains all of its learning algorithms,
    integrated into a single whole.

    Check out connector.py for an example for how to attach a world
    to a brain.
    def __init__(self,
        Configure the Brain.

        brain_name : str
            A descriptive string identifying the brain.
        log_directory : str
            The full path name to a directory where information and
            backups for the world can be stored and retrieved.
        num_actions : array of ints
            The total number of action outputs that the world is expecting.
        num_sensors : array of ints
            The total number of sensor inputs that the world is providing.
        # num_sensors : int
        #     The number of distinct sensors that the world will be passing in
        #     to the brain.
        self.num_sensors = num_sensors
        # num_actions : int
        #     The number of distinct actions that the brain can choose to
        #     execute in the world.
        self.num_actions = num_actions
        num_inputs = self.num_sensors + self.num_actions
        max_num_inputs = num_inputs
        max_num_features = 1 + 3 * max_num_inputs
        # actions : array of floats
        #     The set of actions to execute this time step.
        self.actions = np.ones(self.num_actions) * .1

        # timestep : int
        #     The age of the brain in discrete time steps.
        self.timestep = 0
        # backup_interval : int
        #     The number of time steps between saving a copy of the brain
        #     out to a pickle file for easy recovery.
        self.backup_interval = 1e5
        # name : str
        #     Unique name for this brain.
        self.name = brain_name

        if log_directory is None:
            # Identify the full local path of the brain.py module.
            # This trick is used to conveniently locate other Becca resources.
            module_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
            # log_dir : str
            #     Relative path to the log directory. This is where backups
            #     and images of the brain's state and performance are kept.
            self.log_dir = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(module_path, 'log'))
            self.log_dir = log_directory
        # Check whether the directory is already there. If not, create it.
        if not os.path.isdir(self.log_dir):
        # pickle_filename : str
        #     Relative path and filename of the backup pickle file.
        self.pickle_filename = os.path.join(self.log_dir,

        # affect : Affect
        #     See the pydocs in the module affect.py for the class Affect.
        self.affect = Affect()
        # satisfaction : float
        #     The level of contentment experienced by the brain.
        #     Higher contentment dampens curiosity and the drive to explore.
        self.satisfaction = 0.

        # featurizer : Featurizer
        #     The featurizer is an unsupervised learner that learns
        #     features from the inputs.
        self.featurizer = Featurizer(max_num_inputs, max_num_features)
        # model : Model
        #     The model builds sequences of features and goals and uses
        #     them to choose new goals.
        self.model = Model(max_num_features, self)

    def sense_act_learn(self, sensors, reward):
        Take sensor and reward data in and use them to choose an action.

        sensors : array of floats
            The information coming from the sensors in the world.
            The array should have self.num_sensors inputs.
            Whatever the low and high value of each sensor, its value
            will be rescaled to fall between 0 and 1.
            Sensor values are interpreted as fuzzy binary
            values, rather than continuous values. For instance,
            the brain doesn't interpret a contact sensor value of .5
            to mean that the contact
            sensor was only weakly contacted. It interprets it
            to mean that the sensor was fully contacted for 50% of the sensing
            duration or that there is a 50% chance that the sensor was
            fully contacted during the entire sensing duration. For another
            example, a light sensor reading of zero won't be
            interpreted as by the brain as darkness. It will just be
            interpreted as a lack of information about the lightness.
        reward : float
            The extent to which the brain is being rewarded by the
            world. It is expected to be between -1 and 1, inclusive.
            -1 is the worst pain ever. 1 is the most intense ecstasy
            imaginable. 0 is neutral.

        actions : array of floats
            The action commands that the brain is sending to the world
            to be executed. The array should have self.num_actions
            inputs in it. Each value should be binary: 0 and 1. This
            allows the brain to learn most effectively how to interact
            with the world to obtain more reward.
        self.timestep += 1

        # Calculate the "mood" of the agent.
        self.satisfaction = self.affect.update(reward)

        input_activities = np.concatenate((self.actions, sensors))
        feature_activities, live_features = self.featurizer.featurize(
        feature_goals = self.model.step(feature_activities, live_features,
        # Pass goals back down.
        input_goals = self.featurizer.defeaturize(feature_goals)

        # Isolate the actions from the rest of the goals.
        self.actions = input_goals[:self.num_actions]

        # Create a set of random actions.
        # This is occasionally helpful when debugging.
        take_random_actions = False
        if take_random_actions:
            self.actions = self.random_actions()

        # Periodically back up the brain.
        if (self.timestep % self.backup_interval) == 0:

        return self.actions

    def random_actions(self):
        Generate a random set of actions.

        This is used for debugging. Running a world with random
        actions gives a baseline performance floor on a world.

        actions : array of floats
            See sense_act_learn.actions.
        threshold = .1 / float(self.num_actions)
        action_strength = np.random.random_sample(self.num_actions)
        actions = np.zeros(self.num_actions)
        actions[np.where(action_strength < threshold)] = 1.
        return actions

    def report_performance(self):
        Make a report of how the brain did over its lifetime.

        performance : float
            The average reward per time step collected by
            the brain over its lifetime.
        performance = self.affect.visualize(self.timestep, self.name,
        return performance

    def backup(self):
        Archive a copy of the brain object for future use.

        success : bool
            If the backup process completed without any problems, success
            is True, otherwise it is False.
        success = False
            with open(self.pickle_filename, 'wb') as brain_data:
                pickle.dump(self, brain_data)
            # Save a second copy. If you only save one, and the user
            # happens to ^C out of the program while it is being saved,
            # the file becomes corrupted, and all the learning that the
            # brain did is lost.
            make_second_backup = False
            if make_second_backup:
                with open('{0}.bak'.format(self.pickle_filename),
                          'wb') as brain_data_bak:
                    pickle.dump(self, brain_data_bak)
        except IOError as err:
            print('File error: {0} encountered while saving brain data'.format(
        except pickle.PickleError as perr:
            print('Pickling error: {0} encountered while saving brain data'.
            success = True
        return success

    def restore(self):
        Reconstitute the brain from a previously saved brain.

        restored_brain : Brain
            If restoration was successful, the saved brain is returned.
            Otherwise a notification prints and a new brain is returned.
        restored_brain = self
            with open(self.pickle_filename, 'rb') as brain_data:
                loaded_brain = pickle.load(brain_data)

            # Compare the number of channels in the restored brain with
            # those in the already initialized brain. If it matches,
            # accept the brain. If it doesn't,
            # print a message, and keep the just-initialized brain.
            # Sometimes the pickle file is corrputed. When this is the case
            # you can manually overwrite it by removing the .bak from the
            # .pickle.bak file. Then you can restore from the backup pickle.
            if ((loaded_brain.num_sensors == self.num_sensors)
                    and (loaded_brain.num_actions == self.num_actions)):
                print('Brain restored at timestep {0} from {1}'.format(
                    str(loaded_brain.timestep), self.pickle_filename))
                restored_brain = loaded_brain
                print('The brain {0} does not have the same number'.format(
                print('of sensors and actions as the world.')
                print('Creating a new brain from scratch.')
        except IOError:
            print('Couldn\'t open {0} for loading'.format(
        except pickle.PickleError:
            print('Error unpickling world')
#    except pickle.PickleError, err:
#   print('Error unpickling world: {0}'.format(err))
        return restored_brain

    def visualize(self):
        Show the current state and some history of the brain.

        This is typically called from a world's visualize method.
        print(' ')
        print('{0} is {1} time steps old'.format(self.name, self.timestep))

        self.affect.visualize(self.timestep, self.name, self.log_dir)