def test_logging_done_bee(self): """ Tests that the consumer calls a logger class and that the beesession is removed from the queue afterwards. """ sessions = {} BaitSession.client_id = 'dummy_client_id' BaitSession.honeypot_id = 'dummy_hive_id' beesession = BaitSession('telnet', '1234', '4321', '123') beesession.alldone = True sessions[] = beesession #mock a dummy logger dummy_logger = LoggerBase({}) log_mock = Mock() dummy_logger.log = log_mock status = { 'mode': 'Client', 'total_bees': 0, 'active_bees': 0, 'enabled_bees': [], 'client_id': uuid.uuid4(), 'managment_url': '', 'ip_address': '' } consumer = Consumer(sessions, {}, status) #inject the dummy logger into the consumer consumer.active_loggers = [dummy_logger] gevent.spawn(consumer.start_handling) #forcing cooperative yield. gevent.sleep(0) #assert that the log method of the logger object was called with beesession as parameter. dummy_logger.log.assert_called_once_with(beesession) #assert that the beesession was removed from the queue self.assertEquals(len(sessions), 0) consumer.stop_handling()
def test_logging_not_done_bee(self): """ Tests that the consumer does not process bait sessions that are not marked as done. """ sessions = {} BaitSession.client_id = 'dummy_client_id' BaitSession.honeypot_id = 'dummy_hive_id' beesession = BaitSession('telnet', '123', '1234', '4321') beesession.alldone = False sessions[] = beesession #mock a dummy logger dummy_logger = LoggerBase({}) log_mock = Mock() dummy_logger.log = log_mock status = { 'mode': 'Client', 'total_bees': 0, 'active_bees': 0, 'enabled_bees': [], 'client_id': uuid.uuid4(), 'managment_url': '', 'ip_address': '' } consumer = Consumer(sessions, {}, status) consumer.active_loggers = [dummy_logger] gevent.spawn(consumer.start_handling) #forcing cooperative yield. gevent.sleep(0) #assert that the log method was not called self.assertFalse(log_mock.called) #assert that we still has a single item in the queue self.assertEquals(len(sessions), 1) consumer.stop_handling()