def test_show_tables_hs2(self): grant_access("test", "default", "metastore") with patch('beeswax.server.dbms.get') as get: with patch('beeswax.server.dbms.KazooClient') as KazooClient: server_config = get_query_server_config(name='beeswax') KazooClient.return_value = Mock( # Bug "TypeError: expected string or buffer" if False, to add a new test case and fix exists=Mock(return_value=True), get_children=Mock( return_value=[';']) ) get.return_value = Mock( get_databases=Mock( return_value=['sfdc'] ), get_database=Mock( return_value={} ), get_tables_meta=Mock( return_value=[{'name': 'customer'}, {'name': 'opportunities'}] ), server_name='hive' ) response ='/metastore/tables/sfdc?format=json') get.assert_called() assert_equal(response.status_code, 200) data = json.loads(response.content) assert_equal(data['status'], 0) assert_equal(data['table_names'], ['customer', 'opportunities']) assert_equal(data['tables'], [{'name': 'customer'}, {'name': 'opportunities'}])
def setup_class(cls): cls.finish = [] if not is_live_cluster(): raise SkipTest cls.client = make_logged_in_client() cls.user = User.objects.get(username='******') add_to_group('test') cls.db = dbms.get(cls.user, get_query_server_config(name='impala')) cls.DATABASE = get_db_prefix(name='impala') queries = [ 'DROP TABLE IF EXISTS %(db)s.tweets;' % { 'db': cls.DATABASE }, 'DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS %(db)s CASCADE;' % { 'db': cls.DATABASE }, 'CREATE DATABASE %(db)s;' % { 'db': cls.DATABASE } ] for query in queries: resp = _make_query(cls.client, query, database='default', local=False, server_name='impala') resp = wait_for_query_to_finish(cls.client, resp, max=180.0) content = json.loads(resp.content) assert_true(content['status'] == 0, resp.content) queries = [ """ CREATE TABLE tweets (row_num INTEGER, id_str STRING, text STRING) STORED AS PARQUET; """, """ INSERT INTO TABLE tweets VALUES (1, "531091827395682000", "My dad looks younger than costa"); """, """ INSERT INTO TABLE tweets VALUES (2, "531091827781550000", "There is a thin line between your partner being vengeful and you reaping the consequences of your bad actions towards your partner."); """, """ INSERT INTO TABLE tweets VALUES (3, "531091827768979000", "@Mustang_Sally83 and they need to get into you :))))"); """, """ INSERT INTO TABLE tweets VALUES (4, "531091827114668000", "@RachelZJohnson thank you rach!xxx"); """, """ INSERT INTO TABLE tweets VALUES (5, "531091827949309000", "i think @WWERollins was robbed of the IC title match this week on RAW also i wonder if he will get a rematch i hope so @WWE"); """ ] for query in queries: resp = _make_query(cls.client, query, database=cls.DATABASE, local=False, server_name='impala') resp = wait_for_query_to_finish(cls.client, resp, max=180.0) content = json.loads(resp.content) assert_true(content['status'] == 0, resp.content)
def setUp(self):'/beeswax/install_examples') self.user = User.objects.get(username='******') grant_access("test", "test", "notebook") self.db = dbms.get(self.user, get_query_server_config()) self.cluster.fs.do_as_user('test', self.cluster.fs.create_home_dir, '/user/test') self.api = HS2Api(self.user) self.notebook_json = """ { "uuid": "f5d6394d-364f-56e8-6dd3-b1c5a4738c52", "id": 1234, "sessions": [{"type": "hive", "properties": [], "id": "1234"}], "type": "query-hive", "name": "Test Hiveserver2 Editor", "isSaved": false, "parentUuid": null } """ self.statement = 'SELECT description, salary FROM sample_07 WHERE (sample_07.salary > 100000) ORDER BY salary DESC LIMIT 1000' self.snippet_json = """ { "status": "running", "database": "%(database)s", "id": "d70d31ee-a62a-4854-b2b1-b852f6a390f5", "result": { "type": "table", "handle": {}, "id": "ca11fcb1-11a5-f534-8200-050c8e1e57e3" }, "statement": "%(statement)s", "statement_raw": "%(statement)s", "type": "hive", "properties": { "files": [], "functions": [], "settings": [ { "value": "mr", "key": "hive.execution.engine" } ] } } """ % { 'database': self.db_name, 'statement': self.statement } doc, created = Document2.objects.get_or_create(id=1234, name='Test Hive Query', type='query-hive', owner=self.user, is_history=True, data=self.notebook_json)
def setUp(self): self.client = make_logged_in_client(username="******", groupname="test", recreate=False, is_superuser=False) self.user = User.objects.get(username='******') add_to_group('test') grant_access("test", "test", "notebook") self.db = dbms.get(self.user, get_query_server_config()) self.api = HS2Api(self.user)
def setUp(self): self.finish = [] # We need a real Impala cluster currently if not 'impala' in sys.argv and not os.environ.get( 'TEST_IMPALAD_HOST'): raise SkipTest if os.environ.get('TEST_IMPALAD_HOST'): self.finish.append( SERVER_HOST.set_for_testing( os.environ.get('TEST_IMPALAD_HOST'))) self.client = make_logged_in_client() self.user = User.objects.get(username='******') add_to_group('test') self.db = dbms.get(self.user, get_query_server_config(name='impala')) hql = """ USE default; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS %(db)s.tweets; DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS %(db)s; CREATE DATABASE %(db)s; USE %(db)s; """ % { 'db': self.DATABASE } resp = _make_query(self.client, hql, database='default', local=False, server_name='impala') resp = wait_for_query_to_finish(self.client, resp, max=30.0) hql = """ CREATE TABLE tweets (row_num INTEGER, id_str STRING, text STRING) STORED AS PARQUET; INSERT INTO TABLE tweets VALUES (1, "531091827395682000", "My dad looks younger than costa"); INSERT INTO TABLE tweets VALUES (2, "531091827781550000", "There is a thin line between your partner being vengeful and you reaping the consequences of your bad actions towards your partner."); INSERT INTO TABLE tweets VALUES (3, "531091827768979000", "@Mustang_Sally83 and they need to get into you :))))"); INSERT INTO TABLE tweets VALUES (4, "531091827114668000", "@RachelZJohnson thank you rach!xxx"); INSERT INTO TABLE tweets VALUES (5, "531091827949309000", "i think @WWERollins was robbed of the IC title match this week on RAW also i wonder if he will get a rematch i hope so @WWE"); """ resp = _make_query(self.client, hql, database=self.DATABASE, local=False, server_name='impala') resp = wait_for_query_to_finish(self.client, resp, max=30.0) def tearDown(self): for f in self.finish: f()
def setUp(self):'/beeswax/install_examples') self.user = User.objects.get(username='******') add_to_group('test') grant_access("test", "test", "notebook") self.db = dbms.get(self.user, get_query_server_config()) self.cluster.fs.do_as_user('test', self.cluster.fs.create_home_dir, '/user/test') self.api = HS2Api(self.user) self.statement = 'SELECT description, salary FROM sample_07 WHERE (sample_07.salary > 100000) ORDER BY salary DESC LIMIT 1000'
def setUp(self):'/beeswax/install_examples') self.user = User.objects.get(username='******') grant_access("test", "test", "notebook") self.db = dbms.get(self.user, get_query_server_config()) self.cluster.fs.do_as_user('test', self.cluster.fs.create_home_dir, '/user/test') self.api = HS2Api(self.user) self.statement = 'SELECT description, salary FROM sample_07 WHERE (sample_07.salary > 100000) ORDER BY salary DESC LIMIT 1000'
def setUp(self):'/beeswax/install_examples') self.user = User.objects.get(username='******') grant_access("test", "test", "notebook") self.db = dbms.get(self.user, get_query_server_config()) self.cluster.fs.do_as_user('test', self.cluster.fs.create_home_dir, '/user/test') self.api = HS2Api(self.user) self.notebook_json = """ { "uuid": "f5d6394d-364f-56e8-6dd3-b1c5a4738c52", "id": 1234, "sessions": [{"type": "hive", "properties": [], "id": "1234"}], "type": "query-hive", "name": "Test Hiveserver2 Editor", "isSaved": false, "parentUuid": null } """ self.statement = 'SELECT description, salary FROM sample_07 WHERE (sample_07.salary > 100000) ORDER BY salary DESC LIMIT 1000' self.snippet_json = """ { "status": "running", "database": "%(database)s", "id": "d70d31ee-a62a-4854-b2b1-b852f6a390f5", "result": { "type": "table", "handle": {}, "id": "ca11fcb1-11a5-f534-8200-050c8e1e57e3" }, "statement": "%(statement)s", "statement_raw": "%(statement)s", "type": "hive", "properties": { "files": [], "functions": [], "settings": [] } } """ % {'database': self.db_name, 'statement': self.statement} doc, created = Document2.objects.get_or_create( id=1234, name='Test Hive Query', type='query-hive', owner=self.user, is_history=True, data=self.notebook_json)
def test_thrift_over_http_config(): resets = [ conf.SERVER_HOST.set_for_testing('impalad_host'), conf.SERVER_PORT.set_for_testing(21050), conf.USE_THRIFT_HTTP.set_for_testing(True) ] with patch('impala.dbms.get_hs2_http_port') as get_hs2_http_port: get_hs2_http_port.return_value = 30000 try: query_server = get_query_server_config(name='impala') assert_equal(query_server['server_port'], 30000) assert_equal(query_server['transport_mode'], 'http') assert_equal(query_server['http_url'], 'http://impalad_host:30000') finally: for reset in resets: reset()
def setup_class(cls): cls.finish = [] if not is_live_cluster(): raise SkipTest cls.client = make_logged_in_client() cls.user = User.objects.get(username='******') add_to_group('test') cls.db = dbms.get(cls.user, get_query_server_config(name='impala')) cls.DATABASE = get_db_prefix(name='impala') queries = [""" DROP TABLE IF EXISTS %(db)s.tweets; """ % {'db': cls.DATABASE}, """ DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS %(db)s CASCADE; """ % {'db': cls.DATABASE}, """ CREATE DATABASE %(db)s; """ % {'db': cls.DATABASE}] for query in queries: resp = _make_query(cls.client, query, database='default', local=False, server_name='impala') resp = wait_for_query_to_finish(cls.client, resp, max=180.0) content = json.loads(resp.content) assert_true(content['status'] == 0, resp.content) queries = [""" CREATE TABLE tweets (row_num INTEGER, id_str STRING, text STRING) STORED AS PARQUET; """, """ INSERT INTO TABLE tweets VALUES (1, "531091827395682000", "My dad looks younger than costa"); """, """ INSERT INTO TABLE tweets VALUES (2, "531091827781550000", "There is a thin line between your partner being vengeful and you reaping the consequences of your bad actions towards your partner."); """, """ INSERT INTO TABLE tweets VALUES (3, "531091827768979000", "@Mustang_Sally83 and they need to get into you :))))"); """, """ INSERT INTO TABLE tweets VALUES (4, "531091827114668000", "@RachelZJohnson thank you rach!xxx"); """, """ INSERT INTO TABLE tweets VALUES (5, "531091827949309000", "i think @WWERollins was robbed of the IC title match this week on RAW also i wonder if he will get a rematch i hope so @WWE"); """] for query in queries: resp = _make_query(cls.client, query, database=cls.DATABASE, local=False, server_name='impala') resp = wait_for_query_to_finish(cls.client, resp, max=180.0) content = json.loads(resp.content) assert_true(content['status'] == 0, resp.content)
def test_thrift_over_http_config_with_proxy_endpoint(): resets = [ conf.SERVER_HOST.set_for_testing('impala_proxy'), conf.SERVER_PORT.set_for_testing(36000), conf.USE_THRIFT_HTTP.set_for_testing(True), conf.PROXY_ENDPOINT.set_for_testing('/endpoint') ] with patch('impala.dbms.get_hs2_http_port') as get_hs2_http_port: get_hs2_http_port.return_value = 30000 try: query_server = get_query_server_config(name='impala') assert_equal(query_server['server_port'], 36000) assert_equal(query_server['transport_mode'], 'http') assert_equal(query_server['http_url'], 'http://impala_proxy:36000/endpoint') finally: for reset in resets: reset()
def setUp(self): self.finish = [] # We need a real Impala cluster currently if not 'impala' in sys.argv and not os.environ.get('TEST_IMPALAD_HOST'): raise SkipTest if os.environ.get('TEST_IMPALAD_HOST'): self.finish.append(SERVER_HOST.set_for_testing(os.environ.get('TEST_IMPALAD_HOST'))) self.client = make_logged_in_client() self.user = User.objects.get(username='******') add_to_group('test') self.db = dbms.get(self.user, get_query_server_config(name='impala')) hql = """ USE default; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS %(db)s.tweets; DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS %(db)s; CREATE DATABASE %(db)s; USE %(db)s; """ % {'db': self.DATABASE} resp = _make_query(self.client, hql, database='default', local=False, server_name='impala') resp = wait_for_query_to_finish(self.client, resp, max=30.0) hql = """ CREATE TABLE tweets (row_num INTEGER, id_str STRING, text STRING) STORED AS PARQUET; INSERT INTO TABLE tweets VALUES (1, "531091827395682000", "My dad looks younger than costa"); INSERT INTO TABLE tweets VALUES (2, "531091827781550000", "There is a thin line between your partner being vengeful and you reaping the consequences of your bad actions towards your partner."); INSERT INTO TABLE tweets VALUES (3, "531091827768979000", "@Mustang_Sally83 and they need to get into you :))))"); INSERT INTO TABLE tweets VALUES (4, "531091827114668000", "@RachelZJohnson thank you rach!xxx"); INSERT INTO TABLE tweets VALUES (5, "531091827949309000", "i think @WWERollins was robbed of the IC title match this week on RAW also i wonder if he will get a rematch i hope so @WWE"); """ resp = _make_query(self.client, hql, database=self.DATABASE, local=False, server_name='impala') resp = wait_for_query_to_finish(self.client, resp, max=30.0) def tearDown(self): for f in self.finish: f()
def setUp(self): user = User.objects.get(username='******') self.db = dbms.get(user, get_query_server_config()) add_permission("test", "test", "write", "metastore")
def setUp(self): user = User.objects.get(username='******') self.db = dbms.get(user, get_query_server_config())