コード例 #1
    def test_get_rdf_groupsheets(self, mockrdf_data):

        # TODO: test rdf data clean/convert on basic fixture data
        # - at least one sample like ead harvest, one qub, one tei groupsheet
        #  -- test de-dupe across datasets / smushing
        # - test rdfgroupsheet model logic on a cleaned up version
        # (either by the scripts or static)

        # - not finding anything here because doesn't have correct type

        mockrdf_data.return_value = self.graph
        gs = get_rdf_groupsheets()
        print gs
コード例 #2
def profile(request, id):
    "Display a profile page for a single person associated with the Belfast Group."
    uri = local_uri(reverse("people:profile", args=[id]), request)
    g = rdf_data()
    uriref = rdflib.URIRef(uri)
    # check that the generated URI is actually a person in our rdf dataset;
    # if not, 404
    if not (uriref, rdflib.RDF.type, rdfns.SCHEMA_ORG.Person) in g:
        raise Http404
    person = RdfPerson(g, uriref)
    groupsheets = get_rdf_groupsheets(author=uri)  # TODO: move to rdfperson class

    return render(
        {"person": person, "groupsheets": groupsheets, "page_rdf_type": "schema:ProfilePage"},
コード例 #3
def list_groupsheets(request):
    '''View to display a list of all Group sheets from the RDF data.  Includes
    logic to generate and filter by facets for digital editions, authors, coverage
    dates, and source collections.

    Looks for a :class:`~django.contrib.flatpages.models.FlatPage` for this url,
    and if found, passes to the template display at the top of the list of
    Group sheets.

    # get flatpage for this url, if any
    flatpage = get_flatpage(request)

    url_args = {}
    filters = {}
    filter_digital = request.GET.get('edition', None)
    if filter_digital is not None:
        filters['has_url'] = True
        url_args['edition'] = 'digital'

    filter_author = request.GET.get('author', None)
    if filter_author is not None:
        # filter is in slug form; use that to build local uri
        url_args['author'] = filter_author
        author_uri = local_uri(reverse('people:profile', args=[filter_author]),
        filters['author'] = author_uri

    filter_source = request.GET.get('source', None)
    if filter_source is not None:
        url_args['source'] = filter_source
        # TODO: preferred label / slugs / local identifier for these?
        # currently arg is the uri
        filters['source'] = filter_source

    filter_time = request.GET.get('dates', None)
    if filter_time is not None:
        url_args['dates'] = filter_time
        filters['coverage'] = filter_time

    results = get_rdf_groupsheets(**filters)
    # TODO: support source filter; make more django-like

    # generate labels/totals for 'facet' filters
    digital_count = 0
    authors = defaultdict(int)
    sources = defaultdict(int)
    time_periods = defaultdict(int)
    for r in results:
        # if not already filtered on digital, get a count
        if filter_digital is None and r.url:
            digital_count += 1
        if filter_author is None:
            # use author list to ensure *all* authors are listed properly
            for author in r.author_list:
                authors[author] += 1
        if filter_source is None:
            for s in r.sources:
                sources[s] += 1
        if filter_time is None:
            time_periods[r.coverage] += 1

    # generate lists of dicts for easy sorting in django template
    authors = [{'author': k, 'total': v} for k, v in authors.iteritems()]
    sources = [{'source': k, 'total': v} for k, v in sources.iteritems()]
    time_periods = [{'time_period': k, 'total': v} for k, v in time_periods.iteritems()]

    facets = {'digital': digital_count, 'authors': authors, 'sources': sources,
              'time_periods': time_periods}

    url_suffix = ''
    url_suffix = urllib.urlencode(url_args)
    # if not empty, prepend & for easy combination with other url args
    if url_suffix != '':
        url_suffix = '&%s' % url_suffix

    # generate query args to remove individual filters
    filters = {}
    if filter_digital is not None:
        args = url_args.copy()
        del args['edition']
        filter_args = urllib.urlencode(args)
        filters['digital edition'] = '?' + (filter_args if filter_args else '')
    if filter_author is not None:
        args = url_args.copy()
        del args['author']
        # pull author display name from results
        # TODO: init rdfperson and use that label instead?
        if results:
            for a in results[0].author_list:
                # groupsheets may have multiple authors, so make sure
                # we get the correct label for the active filter
                if str(a.identifier) == author_uri:
                    filters["%s, %s" % (a.lastname, a.firstname)] = '?' + urllib.urlencode(args)

    if filter_source is not None:
        args = url_args.copy()
        del args['source']
        if results:
            # pull source name from results (TODO: shorter labels)
            for s in results[0].sources:
                # groupsheets may have multiple sources, so make sure
                # we get the correct label
                if str(s.identifier) == filter_source:
                    filters[s.name] = '?' + urllib.urlencode(args)

    if filter_time is not None:
        args = url_args.copy()
        del args['dates']
        filters[filter_time] = '?' + urllib.urlencode(args)

    return render(request, 'groupsheets/list.html',
                  {'documents': results, 'facets': facets,
                   'url_suffix': url_suffix, 'filters': filters,
                   'flatpage': flatpage})