コード例 #1
ファイル: test_assembler.py プロジェクト: bempp/bempp
    def test_assemble_subblock_dense_complex_operator(self):
        from bempp.api import as_matrix, assemble_dense_block
        import numpy as np
        import bempp

        bempp.api.global_parameters.assembly.boundary_operator_assembly_type = 'dense'

        operator = self._complex_operator

        actual = as_matrix(assemble_dense_block(self._complex_operator, self._rows, self._cols,
                                                operator.domain, operator.dual_to_range))

        expected = as_matrix(operator.weak_form())[self._rows[0]:self._rows[1], self._cols[0]:self._cols[1]]

        self.assertAlmostEqual(np.linalg.norm(actual - expected), 0)
コード例 #2
def lu(A, b, lu_factor=None):
    """Simple direct solver interface.

    This function takes an operator and a grid function,
    converts the operator into a dense matrix and solves
    the system via LU decomposition. The result is again
    returned as a grid function.

    A : bempp.api.BoundaryOperator
         The left-hand side boundary operator
    b : bempp.api.GridFunction
         The right-hand side grid function
    lu_decomp : tuple
         Optionally pass the tuple (lu, piv)
         obtained by the scipy method scipy.linalg.lu_factor

    from bempp.api import GridFunction, as_matrix
    from scipy.linalg import solve, lu_solve

    if lu_factor is not None:
        vec = b.projections(A.dual_to_range)
        sol = lu_solve(lu_factor, vec)
        mat = as_matrix(A.weak_form())
        vec = b.projections(A.dual_to_range)
        sol = solve(mat, vec)
    return GridFunction(A.domain, coefficients=sol)
コード例 #3
ファイル: test_assembler.py プロジェクト: bempp/bempp
    def test_assemble_complete_dense_real_operator(self):
        from bempp.api import as_matrix, assemble_dense_block
        import numpy as np
        import bempp

        bempp.api.global_parameters.assembly.boundary_operator_assembly_type = 'dense'

        operator = self._real_operator

        actual = as_matrix(assemble_dense_block(self._real_operator, bempp.api.ALL, bempp.api.ALL,
                                                operator.domain, operator.dual_to_range))

        expected = as_matrix(operator.weak_form())

        self.assertAlmostEqual(np.linalg.norm(actual - expected), 0)
コード例 #4
    def test_assemble_complete_dense_complex_operator(self):
        """Assemble a complex dense operator."""
        from bempp.api import as_matrix, assemble_dense_block
        import numpy as np
        import bempp.api

        bempp.api.global_parameters.assembly.boundary_operator_assembly_type = \

        operator = self._complex_operator
        actual = as_matrix(
            assemble_dense_block(self._complex_operator, bempp.api.ALL,

        expected = as_matrix(operator.weak_form())

        self.assertAlmostEqual(np.linalg.norm(actual - expected), 0)
コード例 #5
ファイル: test_assembler.py プロジェクト: bempp/bempp
    def test_assemble_complete_dense_real_operator_non_square(self):
        "assemble an opperator with a non square matrix"
        from bempp.api import as_matrix, assemble_dense_block
        import numpy as np
        import bempp

        bempp.api.global_parameters.assembly.boundary_operator_assembly_type = 'dense'

        operator = self._real_operator_2

        actual = as_matrix(assemble_dense_block(operator, bempp.api.ALL, bempp.api.ALL,
                                                operator.domain, operator.dual_to_range))

        expected = as_matrix(operator.weak_form())

        self.assertEqual(512, actual.shape[0])
        self.assertEqual(258, actual.shape[1])
        np.testing.assert_allclose(actual, expected)
コード例 #6
    def test_assemble_subblock_dense_real_operator(self):
        """Assemble a subblock of a dense real operator."""
        from bempp.api import as_matrix, assemble_dense_block
        import numpy as np
        import bempp

        bempp.api.global_parameters.assembly.boundary_operator_assembly_type = \

        operator = self._real_operator

        actual = as_matrix(
            assemble_dense_block(self._real_operator, self._rows, self._cols))

        expected = as_matrix(operator.weak_form())[self._rows[0]:self._rows[1],

        self.assertAlmostEqual(np.linalg.norm(actual - expected), 0)
コード例 #7
    def test_assemble_complete_dense_real_operator_non_square(self):
        "Assemble an opperator with a non square matrix"
        from bempp.api import as_matrix, assemble_dense_block
        import numpy as np
        import bempp

        bempp.api.global_parameters.assembly.boundary_operator_assembly_type = \

        operator = self._real_operator_2

        actual = as_matrix(
            assemble_dense_block(operator, bempp.api.ALL, bempp.api.ALL))

        expected = as_matrix(operator.weak_form())

        self.assertEqual(512, actual.shape[0])
        self.assertEqual(258, actual.shape[1])
        np.testing.assert_allclose(actual, expected)
コード例 #8
def compute_lu_factors(A):
    Precompute the LU factors of a dense operator A.

    This function returns a tuple of LU factors of A.
    This tuple can be used in the `lu_factor` attribute
    of the lu function so that the LU decomposition is
    not recomputed at each call to lu.

    from bempp.api import as_matrix
    from scipy.linalg import lu_factor

    return lu_factor(as_matrix(A.weak_form()))
コード例 #9
ファイル: direct_solvers.py プロジェクト: rorypeck/bempp
def lu(A, b):
    """Simple direct solver interface.

    This function takes an operator and a grid function,
    converts the operator into a dense matrix and solves
    the system via LU decomposition. The result is again
    returned as a grid function.


    from numpy.linalg import solve
    from bempp.api import GridFunction, as_matrix

    mat = as_matrix(A.weak_form())
    vec = b.projections(A.dual_to_range)

    sol = solve(mat, vec)
    return GridFunction(A.domain, coefficients=sol)
コード例 #10
E = []
for kk in k:
    xtf = xTF(kk, n)
    Met = MET(xtf)
    met = Met.get()

    xtf.update(1j * kk)
    cMet = MET(xtf)
    cmet = cMet.get()

    print(' ')
    print('kk=', kk)
    print('shape(MET)=', met.shape)
    print(' ')

    print('converting...', end=' ', flush=True)
    A = bem.as_matrix(met)
    print('x', end=' ', flush=True)
    B = bem.as_matrix(cmet)
    print('eig...', end=' ', flush=True)
    w = la.eig(A, B, right=False)
    E.append(1. / np.min(np.abs(w)))
E = np.array(E)

plt.plot(k, E)

コード例 #11
ファイル: FOSD.py プロジェクト: pescap/Bempp-UQ
V = bem.operators.boundary.helmholtz.single_layer(space, space, space, k0)
V_sing_wf = assemble_singular_part(V, distance=4)
A = InverseSparseDiscreteBoundaryOperator(V_sing_wf, mu=0.01)

df = bem.GridFunction(space, fun=dirichlet_fun)

phi, info, res = bem.linalg.gmres(V,

Vm = bem.as_matrix(V.weak_form())

rhsp = np.array([-phi.projections()])
rhs2 = np.kron(rhsp, np.conj(rhsp.T)) * corr

Vm1 = np.linalg.pinv(Vm)
sigma = np.dot(np.dot(Vm1, rhs2), np.conj(Vm1).T)

from scipy.sparse.linalg import LinearOperator

class DenseTensorLinearOperator(LinearOperator):
    def __init__(self, A0, A1):
        self.A0 = A0
        self.A1 = A1
        self.n0 = self.A0.shape[0]
コード例 #12
ファイル: assembInt.py プロジェクト: zimoun/mtf
tAssemb = time() - tAssemb
print('#total time Assembling: {}'.format(tAssemb))

tt = time()
Jcsc = sp.lil_matrix(Jw.shape, dtype=complex)
row_start, col_start = 0, 0
row_end, col_end = 0, 0
for ii in range(len(domains)):
    Jb = Jw[ii, ii]
    Jd, Jn = Jb[0, 0], Jb[1, 1]

    mat = bem.as_matrix(Jd)
    mat = sp.lil_matrix(mat)
    r, c = mat.shape

    row_end += r
    col_end += c
    Jcsc[row_start:row_end, col_start:col_end] = mat
    row_start, col_start = row_end, col_end

    mat = bem.as_matrix(Jn)
    mat = sp.lil_matrix(mat)
    r, c = mat.shape

    row_end += r
    col_end += c
    Jcsc[row_start:row_end, col_start:col_end] = mat
コード例 #13
ファイル: assembDom.py プロジェクト: zimoun/mtf
tAssemb = time() - tAssemb
print('#total time Assembling: {}'.format(tAssemb))

tt = time()
Jcsc = sp.lil_matrix(Jw.shape, dtype=complex)
row_start, col_start = 0, 0
row_end, col_end = 0, 0
for ii in range(len(domains)):
    Jb = Jw[ii, ii]
    Jd, Jn = Jb[0, 0], Jb[1, 1]

    mat = bem.as_matrix(Jd)
    mat = sp.lil_matrix(mat)
    r, c = mat.shape

    row_end += r
    col_end += c
    Jcsc[row_start:row_end, col_start:col_end] = mat
    row_start, col_start = row_end, col_end

    mat = bem.as_matrix(Jn)
    mat = sp.lil_matrix(mat)
    r, c = mat.shape

    row_end += r
    col_end += c
    Jcsc[row_start:row_end, col_start:col_end] = mat
コード例 #14
def Y(x, n, d, r):
    phi = Get_phi(x)
    theta = Get_theta(x)
    r[0] = sph_harm(p, p, phi, theta)
    #r[0] = sph_harm(p,p,theta,phi)

Uinc = bem.GridFunction(sp, fun=Y)

V = bem.operators.boundary.helmholtz.single_layer(sp, sp, sp, kappa)
K = bem.operators.boundary.helmholtz.double_layer(sp, sp, sp, kappa)
W = bem.operators.boundary.helmholtz.hypersingular(sp, sp, sp, kappa)
M = bem.operators.boundary.sparse.identity(sp, sp, sp)

Vmat = bem.as_matrix(V.weak_form())
Kmat = bem.as_matrix(K.weak_form())
Wmat = bem.as_matrix(W.weak_form())
Mmat = bem.as_matrix(M.weak_form())

# Orthogonality

Utemp = Uinc.projections()
Err = np.vdot(Utemp, Uinc.coefficients)

print abs(np.real(Err) - 1), 'Err Orthogonality'

# V

j_p, dj_p = sph_jn(p, kappa)
y_p, dy_p = sph_yn(p, kappa)
コード例 #15
ファイル: eg.py プロジェクト: zimoun/mtf
count, tt = 1, time()
for tj in t[0:-1]:
    print('#', count, '/', N)
    count += 1
    print('updating...', end='\n  -> ', flush=True)
    tup = time()
    tup = time() - tup
    print('updated. time:', tup, end='\n', flush=True)
    Met = MET(xtf)
    met = Met.get()

    if bem.global_parameters.assembly.boundary_operator_assembly_type == 'dense':
        print('converting matrix...', end=' ', flush=True)
        tconv = time()
        mat = bem.as_matrix(met)
        tconv = time() - tconv
        print('done. time:', tconv, flush=True)
        print('solving...', end=' ', flush=True)
        tsolve = time()
        WWhat = la.solve(mat, Vhat)
        tsolve = time() - tsolve
        print('done. time:', tsolve, flush=True)
        An += phi(tj) * WWhat
        Bn += phi(tj) * psi(tj) * WWhat

    if its == True:
        print('its solving...', end=' ', flush=True)
        What = np.zeros((m, 1), dtype=np.complex)
        for ii in range(l):
            v = Vhat[:, ii]
コード例 #16
ファイル: eg-4.py プロジェクト: zimoun/mtf
count, tt = 1, time()
for tj in t[0:-1]:
    print('#', count, '/', N)
    count += 1
    print('updating...', end='\n  -> ', flush=True)
    tup = time()
    tup = time() - tup
    print('updated. time:', tup, end='\n', flush=True)
    Met = MET(xtf)
    met = Met.get()

    if bem.global_parameters.assembly.boundary_operator_assembly_type == 'dense':
        print('converting matrix...', end=' ', flush=True)
        tconv = time()
        mat = bem.as_matrix(met)
        tconv = time() - tconv
        print('done. time:', tconv, flush=True)
        print('solving...', end=' ', flush=True)
        tsolve = time()
        WWhat = la.solve(mat, Vhat)
        tsolve = time() - tsolve
        print('done. time:', tsolve, flush=True)
        An += phi(tj) * WWhat
        Bn += phi(tj) * psi(tj) * WWhat

    elif its == True:
        print('solving...', end=' ', flush=True)
        What = np.zeros((m, 1), dtype=np.complex)
        for ii in range(l):
            v = Vhat[:, ii]
コード例 #17
ファイル: eg-coss.py プロジェクト: zimoun/mtf
E = []
for kk in k:
    xtf = xTF(kk, n)
    Met = MET(xtf)
    met = Met.get()

    xtf.update(1j * kk)
    cMet = MET(xtf)
    cmet = cMet.get()

    print(' ')
    print('kk=', kk)
    print('shape(MET)=', met.shape)
    print(' ')

    print('converting...', end=' ', flush=True)
    A = bem.as_matrix(met)
    print('x', end=' ', flush=True)
    B = bem.as_matrix(cmet)
    print('eig...', end=' ', flush=True)
    w = la.eig(A, B, right=False)
E = np.array(E)

plt.plot(k, E)
