コード例 #1
    def GetDataFilename(self, *parts, **kwargs):
        Returns a full filename in the data-directory.

        @params parts: list(str)
            Path parts. Each part is joined to form a path.

        :keyword bool absolute:
            If True, returns the filename as an abspath

        :rtype: str
            The full path prefixed with the data-directory.

            This method triggers the data-directory creation.
        # Make sure the data-dir exists.

        result = [self._data_dir] + list(parts)
        result = '/'.join(result)

        if 'absolute' in kwargs and kwargs['absolute']:
            from ben10.filesystem import StandardizePath
            import os
            result = StandardizePath(os.path.abspath(result))

        return result
コード例 #2
    def ListFilenames(self):
        from ben10.filesystem import StandardizePath

        return [
            StandardizePath(i) for i in self.wrapped.namelist()
            if not i.endswith('/')
コード例 #3
ファイル: pytest_fixtures.py プロジェクト: nicoddemus/ben10
    def test_embed_data(self, embed_data):
        assert not os.path.isdir('data_fixtures__test_embed_data')


        assert os.path.isdir('data_fixtures__test_embed_data')

        # Checking if all contents of pytest_fixtures is present
        assert os.path.isfile(embed_data.GetDataFilename('alpha.txt'))
        assert os.path.isfile(
        assert os.path.isfile(

        # Checking auxiliary functions
        assert embed_data.GetDataDirectory(
        ) == 'data_fixtures__test_embed_data'
        assert embed_data.GetDataFilename(
            'alpha.txt') == 'data_fixtures__test_embed_data/alpha.txt'

        assert embed_data.GetDataDirectory(absolute=True) \
            == StandardizePath(os.path.abspath('data_fixtures__test_embed_data'))
        assert embed_data.GetDataFilename('alpha.txt', absolute=True) \
            == StandardizePath(os.path.abspath('data_fixtures__test_embed_data/alpha.txt'))
コード例 #4
    def GetDataDirectory(self, absolute=False, create_dir=True):
        :param bool absolute:
            If True, returns the path as an abspath

        :param bool create_dir:
            If True (default) creates the data directory.

        :rtype: str
            Returns the data-directory name.

            This method triggers the data-directory creation.
        if create_dir:

        if absolute:
            from ben10.filesystem import StandardizePath
            import os
            return StandardizePath(os.path.abspath(self._data_dir))

        return self._data_dir
コード例 #5
ファイル: shellmatic.py プロジェクト: Kaniabi/shellmatic
 def __init__(self, path):
     self.__path = StandardizePath(path, strip=True)
     assert isinstance(self.__path, six.text_type)
コード例 #6
ファイル: shellmatic.py プロジェクト: Kaniabi/shellmatic
    class PathValue(ValueType):

        TYPENAME = 'path'

        def __init__(self, path):
            self.__path = StandardizePath(path, strip=True)
            assert isinstance(self.__path, six.text_type)

        def _cmpkey(self):
            Implements Comparable._cmpkey
            return StandardizePath(ntpath.normcase(self.__path))

        def __str__(self):
            return self.AsPrint()

        def __repr__(self):
            return '<PathValue %s>' % self.__str__()

        def path(self):
            return os.path.expandvars(self.__path)

        def ExpandVars(self):
            self.__path = os.path.expandvars(self.__path)

        def AsList(self):
            return [self.__path.lower()]

        def AsJson(self):
            return self.__path.lower()

        def AsPrint(self):
            return self.__path

        def AsBatch(self, expandvars=False, nodep=False):
            :param bool expandvars:
                If True expand environment variables references in the returning value.
                If False platformize environment variables references.
            if expandvars:
                result = os.path.expandvars(self.__path)
            elif nodep:
                result = ntpath.normpath(self.__path)
                result = ntpath.normpath(self.__path)
                result = ntpath.normcase(result)
                result = self._PlatformizeEnvVarsReferences(result)
            return result

        def IsDir(self):
            return os.path.isdir(self.path)

        def IsFile(self):
            return os.path.isfile(self.path)

        def CreateFile(self, contents, encoding=None):
            return CreateFile(self.path, contents, encoding=encoding)

        def _PlatformizeEnvVarsReferences(cls, value):
            import re
            return re.sub('\$(\w+)', lambda x: '%' + x.group(1).upper() + '%', value)
コード例 #7
ファイル: execute.py プロジェクト: nicoddemus/ben10
def Execute(
    input=None,  # @ReservedAssignment
    Executes a shell command

    :type command_line: list(str) or str
    :param command_line:
        List of command - line to execute, including the executable as the first element in the

    :param str cwd:
        The current working directory for the execution.

    :type environ: dict(str, str)
    :param environ:
        The environment variables available for the subprocess. This will replace the current
        If a value is "COPY_FROM_ENVIRON" the value is replaced by the current environment
        value before executing the command - line.
        This dictionary will be modified by the Execute, so make sure that this is a copy of
        your actual data, not the original.

    :param dict(str:str) extra_environ:
        Environment variables (name, value) to add to the execution environment.

    :type input: str | None
    :param input:
        Text to send as input to the process.

    :param callback(str) output_callback:
        A optional callback called with the process output as it is generated.

    :param callback(int) return_code_callback:
        A optional callback called with the execution return -code.
        The returned value is ignored.
        Because our return value is an iterator, the only way (I found) to give the user access
        to the return -code is via callback.

    :param bool shell:
        From subprocess.py:

        If shell is True, the specified command will be executed through the shell.

        On UNIX, with shell=False (default): In this case, the Popen class uses os.execvp() to
        execute the child program.  'command_line' should normally be a sequence.  A string will
        be treated as a sequence with the string as the only item (the program to execute).

        On UNIX, with shell=True: If 'command_line' is a string, it specifies the command string
        to execute through the shell.  If 'command_line' is a sequence, the first item specifies
        the command string, and any additional items will be treated as additional shell

    :param bool ignore_auto_quote:
        If True, passes the entire command line to subprocess as a single string, instead of
        a list of strings.

        This is useful when we want to avoid subprocess' algorithm that tries to handle quoting
        on its own when receiving a list of arguments.

        This way, we are able to use quotes as we wish, without having them escaped by subprocess.

    :param bool clean_eol:
        If True, output returned and passed to callback will be stripped of eols (\r \n)

    :param bool pipe_stdout:
        If True, pipe stdout so that it can be returned as a string and passed to the output
        callback. If False, stdout will be dumped directly to the console (preserving color),
        and the callback will not be called.

    :rtype: list(str)
        Returns the process execution output as a list of strings.
    def CmdLineStr(cmd_line):
        return '    ' + '\n    '.join(cmd_line)

    def EnvStr(env):
        result = ''
        for i, j in sorted(env.items()):
            if os.sep in j:
                j = '\n    * ' + '\n    * '.join(sorted(j.split(os.pathsep)))
            result += '  - %s = %s\n' % (i, j)
        return result

    # We accept strings as the command_line.
    is_string_command_line = isinstance(command_line, str)

    # Handle string/list command_list
    if ignore_auto_quote and not is_string_command_line:
        # ... with ignore_auto_quote we want a string command_line... but it came as a list
        #     NOTE: This simple join may cause problems since we can have spaces in a argument. The correct way of
        #           doing would be something like "shlex.join" (that does not exists, by the way).
        command_line = ' '.join(command_line)

    elif not ignore_auto_quote and is_string_command_line:
        # ... without ignore_auto_quote we want a list command_line... but it came as a string
        if sys.platform == 'win32':
            command, arguments = SafeSplit(command_line, ' ', 1)
            assert command.count(
            ) != 1, 'Command may have spaces in it. Use list instead of string.'

            # Always use normpath for command, because Windows does not like posix slashes
            command = StandardizePath(command)
            command = os.path.normpath(command)
            command_line = [command] + shlex.split(arguments)
            command_line = shlex.split(command_line)

    if cwd is None:
        cwd = '.'

    with Cwd(cwd):
        if environ is None:
            environ = os.environ.copy()

        if extra_environ:

        replace_environ = {}
        for i_name, i_value in environ.iteritems():
            if i_value is COPY_FROM_ENVIRONMENT and i_name in os.environ:
                replace_environ[i_name] = os.environ[i_name]

            with EnvironmentContextManager(environ):
                popen = subprocess.Popen(
                    stdout=subprocess.PIPE if pipe_stdout else None,
        except Exception, e:
                e, 'While executing "System.Execute":\n'
                '  environment::\n'
                '  current working dir::\n'
                '    %s\n\n'
                '  command_line::\n'
                '%s\n' %
                (EnvStr(environ), os.getcwd(), CmdLineStr(command_line)))

            result = []
            if popen.stdin:
                if input:
                    except IOError, e:
                        import errno
                        if e.errno != errno.EPIPE and e.errno != errno.EINVAL:

            if popen.stdout:
                # TODO: EDEN-245: Refactor System.Execute and derivates (git, scons, etc)
                if clean_eol:  # Read one line at the time, and remove EOLs
                    for line in iter(popen.stdout.readline, ""):
                        line = line.rstrip('\n\r')
                        if output_callback:
                else:  # Read one char at a time, to keep \r and \n
                    current_line = ''
                    carriage = False
                    for char in iter(lambda: popen.stdout.read(1), ""):

                        # Check if last line was \r, if not, print what we have
                        if char != '\n' and carriage:
                            carriage = False
                            if output_callback:
                            current_line = ''

                        current_line += char

                        if char == '\r':
                            carriage = True

                        if char == '\n':
                            if output_callback:
                            carriage = False
                            current_line = ''