コード例 #1
ファイル: ann_cpu.py プロジェクト: cpatulea/evolution
def main():
  import input
  import random
  np.set_printoptions(precision=3, edgeitems=3, threshold=20)

  randSample = random.Random(input.SAMPLE_SEED)
  a = ANN()
  inp = input.Input("train3.tsv", randSample)
  popSize = 10
  timefun(a.prepare, inp.trainSet, popSize)

  params = []

  for paramsIndex in range(popSize):
    p = Parameters()
    for i in range(19):
      p.ih[0][i] = 0.0
      p.ih[1][i] = p.ih[2][i] = p.ih[3][i] = 0.0

      p.c[0][i] = 0.0
      p.c[1][i] = p.c[2][i] = p.c[3][i] = 0.0

    p.ih[0][0] = 1.0
    p.ih[1][11] = 1.0

    p.w[0] = -1e-0
    p.w[1] = -1.0 / (10.0 ** linterp(0, 4, float(paramsIndex) / popSize))
    p.w[2] = p.w[3] = 0.0

    p.ho[0] = 1.0
    p.ho[1] = 0.0 #-1.0
    p.ho[2] = p.ho[3] = 0.0


  outputValues = timefun(a.evaluate, params, True)

  n = inp.trainSet.size * 20/100
  thresholds = timefun(a.nlargest, n)

  lifts = timefun(a.lift, n)
  print "Lifts:", lifts
コード例 #2
ファイル: bench_ann.py プロジェクト: cpatulea/evolution
      def benchImpl(impl):
        a = impl.ANN()
        a.prepare(trainSet, len(population))

        def benchmarkee():
          a.evaluate(population, returnOutputs=False)

        avg, std = bench.timefun(benchmarkee, repeat=10, stats=True)
        sys.stdout.write("%12.01f" % (avg * 1000.0))
コード例 #3
ファイル: bench_nlargest.py プロジェクト: cpatulea/evolution
def main():
  import input
  np.set_printoptions(precision=3, edgeitems=3, threshold=10)

  # don't clutter the screen with details

  fullTrainSet = list(input.Input("train.tsv"))

  popSizes = [10, 100, 1000]
  trainSizes = [90, 900, 9000, 90000]
  benchParams = list(product(enumerate(popSizes), enumerate(trainSizes)))
  benchGpuAvg = np.zeros((len(popSizes), len(trainSizes)), np.float32)
  benchGpuStd = np.zeros_like(benchGpuAvg)
  benchCpuAvg = np.zeros_like(benchGpuAvg)
  benchCpuStd = np.zeros_like(benchGpuAvg)
  for index, ((popIndex, popSize), (trainIndex, trainSize)) in enumerate(benchParams):
    log.info("benchmarking %.01f%% popSize %d trainSize %d",
      100.0 * index / len(benchParams), popSize, trainSize)
    a = ann.ANN()

    trainSet = fullTrainSet[:trainSize]
    assert len(trainSet) == trainSize

    a.prepare(trainSet, popSize)
    params = [generateParams(linterp(1e-4, 1e-5, float(index) / popSize))
              for index in range(popSize)]
    n = len(trainSet) * 20/100
    avg, std = stats = timefun(a.nlargest, n, repeat=10, stats=True)
    benchGpuAvg[popIndex, trainIndex] = avg
    benchGpuStd[popIndex, trainIndex] = std
    outputs = a.evaluate(params, returnOutputs=True)
    avg, std = stats = timefun(nlargest_cpu, a, n, repeat=10, stats=True)
    benchCpuAvg[popIndex, trainIndex] = avg
    benchCpuStd[popIndex, trainIndex] = std