コード例 #1
def test_step(contour: Contour) -> None:
    first_vertex, *rest_vertices = contour

    result = edges_intersect(rest_vertices)
    next_result = edges_intersect(contour)

    first_edge, last_edge = ((first_vertex, rest_vertices[0]),
                             (rest_vertices[-1], first_vertex))
    rest_edges = contour_to_segments(rest_vertices)
    assert (next_result is (result and len(rest_vertices) > 2 and (any(
        segments_intersections(rest_edges[index], rest_edges[other_index])
        for index in range(len(rest_edges) - 1)
        for other_index in chain(range(index -
                                       1), range(index + 2,
                                                 len(rest_edges) - 1))
    ) or any(
        segments_relationship(edge, other_edge) is SegmentsRelationship.OVERLAP
        for edge, other_edge in combinations(rest_edges[:-1], 2))) or any(
            segments_intersections(first_edge, edge)
            for edge in rest_edges[1:-1]) or any(
                segments_intersections(last_edge, edge)
                for edge in rest_edges[:-2]) or len(rest_vertices) > 1 and
                            (segments_relationship(first_edge, rest_edges[0])
                             is SegmentsRelationship.OVERLAP
                             or segments_relationship(first_edge, last_edge) is
                             or segments_relationship(last_edge, rest_edges[0])
                             is SegmentsRelationship.OVERLAP)))
コード例 #2
def test_step(context: Context, contour: Contour) -> None:
    first_vertex, *rest_vertices = contour.vertices
    rest_contour = Contour(rest_vertices)

    result = edges_intersect(rest_contour)
    next_result = edges_intersect(contour)

    first_edge, last_edge = (Segment(first_vertex, rest_vertices[0]),
                             Segment(rest_vertices[-1], first_vertex))
    rest_edges = contour_to_edges(rest_contour)
    overlap_relations = (Relation.COMPONENT, Relation.COMPOSITE,
                         Relation.EQUAL, Relation.OVERLAP)
    assert (next_result is (result and len(rest_vertices) > 2 and (any(
            rest_edges[index].start, rest_edges[index].end,
            rest_edges[other_index].start, rest_edges[other_index].end)
        for index in range(len(rest_edges) - 1)
        for other_index in chain(range(index -
                                       1), range(index + 2,
                                                 len(rest_edges) - 1))
    ) or any(
        segments_pair_intersections(edge.start, edge.end, other_edge.start,
                                    other_edge.end) in overlap_relations
        for edge, other_edge in combinations(rest_edges[:-1], 2))) or any(
            segments_pair_intersections(first_edge.start, first_edge.end,
                                        edge.start, edge.end)
            for edge in rest_edges[1:-1]) or any(
                segments_pair_intersections(last_edge.start, last_edge.end,
                                            edge.start, edge.end)
                for edge in rest_edges[:-2]) or len(rest_vertices) > 1 and (
                        first_edge.start, first_edge.end, rest_edges[0].start,
                        rest_edges[0].end) in overlap_relations or
                    context.segments_relation(first_edge.start, first_edge.end,
                                              last_edge.start, last_edge.end)
                    in overlap_relations or context.segments_relation(
                        last_edge.start, last_edge.end, rest_edges[0].start,
                        rest_edges[0].end) in overlap_relations)))
コード例 #3
def test_degenerate_contour(contour: Contour) -> None:
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
コード例 #4
def test_reversed_coordinates(contour: Contour) -> None:
    result = edges_intersect(contour)

    assert result is edges_intersect(
        [reverse_point_coordinates(vertex) for vertex in contour])
コード例 #5
def test_reversed(contour: Contour) -> None:
    result = edges_intersect(contour)

    assert result is edges_intersect(contour[::-1])
コード例 #6
def test_base_case(contour: Contour) -> None:
    result = edges_intersect(contour)

    left_vertex, mid_vertex, right_vertex = sorted(contour)
    assert result is segment_contains((left_vertex, right_vertex), mid_vertex)
コード例 #7
def test_basic(contour: Contour) -> None:
    result = edges_intersect(contour)

    assert isinstance(result, bool)
コード例 #8
def check_for_self_intersection(pts):
    context = get_context()
    Point, Contour = context.point_cls, context.contour_cls
    ctr = [ Point(a,b) for [a,b] in pts ]
    curve = Contour(ctr)
    return edges_intersect(curve)
コード例 #9
def test_reversed_coordinates(contour: Contour) -> None:
    result = edges_intersect(contour)

    assert result is edges_intersect(reverse_contour_coordinates(contour))
コード例 #10
def test_base_case(context: Context, contour: Contour) -> None:
    result = edges_intersect(contour)

    left_vertex, mid_vertex, right_vertex = sorted(contour.vertices)
    assert result is context.segment_contains_point(left_vertex, right_vertex,