コード例 #1
def sim_fn(g: Plotter):
    env = g.entity(components=[Action, State])
    car = g.entity(components=[Velocity, Position])

    # process car physics
    # compute velocity based on acceleration action & decceleration due to gravity
    acceleration, gravity, max_speed = 0.001, 0.0025, 0.07
    # apply acceleration based on accelerate action:
    # 0: Accelerate to the Left
    # 1: Don't accelerate
    # 2: Accelerate to the Right
    car[Velocity].x += (env[Action].accelerate - 1) * acceleration
    # apply gravity inverse to the mountain path used by the car
    # the mountain is defined by y = sin(3*x)
    # as such we apply gravity inversely using y = cos(3*x)
    # apply negative gravity as gravity works in the opposite direction of movement
    car[Velocity].x += g.cos(3 * car[Position].x) * (-gravity)
    car[Velocity].x = g.clip(car[Velocity].x,

    # compute new position from current velocity
    min_position, max_position = -1.2, 0.6
    car[Position].x += car[Velocity].x
    car[Position].x = g.clip(car[Position].x, min_position, max_position)

    # collision: stop car when colliding with min_position
    if car[Position].x <= min_position:
        car[Velocity].x = 0.0

    # resolve simulation state: reward and simulation completition
    env[State].reward = 0 if car[Position].x >= 0.5 else -1
    env[State].ended = True if car[Position].x > 0.5 else False
コード例 #2
    def physics_sys(g: Plotter):
        # compute velocity from car's rotation and speed
        car = g.entity(components=[Movement, Velocity, Position, Meta])
        # rotation
        heading_x, heading_y = g.cos(
            car[Movement].rotation), -g.sin(car[Movement].rotation)
        # speed
        car[Velocity].x = car[Movement].speed * heading_x
        car[Velocity].y = car[Movement].speed * heading_y

        # update car position based on current velocity
        car[Position].x += car[Velocity].x
        car[Position].y += car[Velocity].y