コード例 #1
def get_inhabitants(polygon, name):
    """The inhabitants of 2016 are used."""
    table = 'ew'
    cfg_data = cfg.get_dict(table)

    ew_fn = os.path.join(cfg.get('paths', 'fis_broker'), cfg_data['table'],
                         'shp', cfg_data['table'] + '.shp')

    logging.debug("Reading {0}".format(ew_fn))

    if not os.path.isfile(ew_fn):
        ew_fn = download.download_maps(single=table)
    ew = geometries.load(fullname=ew_fn)
    ew['centroid_column'] = ew.representative_point()
    ew = ew.set_geometry('centroid_column')

    neu = geometries.spatial_join_with_buffer(
    grp = neu.groupby(name).sum()
    grp['frac'] = grp['EW'].div(grp.sum()['EW']).multiply(100).round(1)
    return grp
コード例 #2
def process_alkis_buildings(shapefile_out, table, remove_non_heated=True):



    path = os.path.join(cfg.get("paths", "fis_broker"), table, "shp")
    shapefile_in = os.path.join(path, table + ".shp")

    # Download shp_file if it does not exist
    if not os.path.isfile(shapefile_in):
        shapefile_in = download.download_maps(single="alkis")

    geo_table = gpd.read_file(shapefile_in)

    # Removing parts of the Alkis table:
    # Bauart_sch == 0 : Data sets with Bauart_sch > 0 are building parts
    # LageZurErd != 1200 : Remove underground buildings
        "Length of data set before removing parts: {0}".format(len(geo_table))
    geo_table = geo_table[geo_table["BAT"].isnull()]
    geo_table = geo_table[geo_table["OFL"] != 1200]

    # Remove all data sets that are marked es non-heated in the alkis heat
    # factor table if remove_non_heated is set to True.
    if remove_non_heated is True:
        filename_heat_factor = os.path.join(
            cfg.get("paths", "data_berlin"),
            cfg.get("oeq", "alkis_heat_factor_table"),
        heat_factor = pd.read_csv(filename_heat_factor, index_col=[0])
        non_heated = list(heat_factor.loc[heat_factor.heat_factor == 0].index)
        geo_table = geo_table[~geo_table["BEZGFK"].isin(non_heated)]

        "Length of data set after removing parts: {0}".format(len(geo_table))

    # Calculate the perimeter and area of the polygons and add it as columns
    logging.info("Calculate perimeter and area of each polygon...")
    geo_table = geo_table.to_crs({"init": "epsg:3035"})
    geo_table["area"] = geo_table["geometry"].area
    geo_table["perimeter"] = geo_table["geometry"].length
    geo_table = geo_table.to_crs({"init": "epsg:4326"})

    # Dump table as new shape_file
    logging.info("Dump new table to shp-file.")
    return shapefile_out
コード例 #3
def process_alkis_buildings(shapefile_out, table, remove_non_heated=True):



    path = os.path.join(cfg.get('paths', 'fis_broker'), table, 'shp')
    shapefile_in = os.path.join(path, table + '.shp')

    # Download shp_file if it does not exist
    if not os.path.isfile(shapefile_in):
        shapefile_in = download.download_maps(single='alkis')

    geo_table = gpd.read_file(shapefile_in)

    # Removing parts of the Alkis table:
    # Bauart_sch == 0 : Data sets with Bauart_sch > 0 are building parts
    # LageZurErd != 1200 : Remove underground buildings
    logging.info("Length of data set before removing parts: {0}".format(
    geo_table = geo_table[geo_table['Bauart_sch'] == 0]
    geo_table = geo_table[geo_table['LageZurErd'] != 1200]

    # Remove all data sets that are marked es non-heated in the alkis heat
    # factor table if remove_non_heated is set to True.
    if remove_non_heated is True:
        filename_heat_factor = os.path.join(
            cfg.get('paths', 'data_berlin'),
            cfg.get('oeq', 'alkis_heat_factor_table'))
        heat_factor = pd.read_csv(filename_heat_factor, index_col=[0])
        non_heated = list(heat_factor.loc[heat_factor.heat_factor == 0].index)
        geo_table = geo_table[~geo_table['Gebaeudefu'].isin(non_heated)]

    logging.info("Length of data set after removing parts: {0}".format(

    # Calculate the perimeter and area of the polygons and add it as columns
    logging.info("Calculate perimeter and area of each polygon...")
    geo_table = geo_table.to_crs({'init': 'epsg:3035'})
    geo_table['area'] = geo_table['geometry'].area
    geo_table['perimeter'] = geo_table['geometry'].length
    geo_table = geo_table.to_crs({'init': 'epsg:4326'})

    # Dump table as new shape_file
    logging.info("Dump new table to shp-file.")
    return shapefile_out
コード例 #4
def installed_pv_capacity():
    table = cfg.get('pv_map', 'table')
    path = os.path.join(cfg.get('paths', 'fis_broker'), table, 'shp')
    shapefile = os.path.join(path, table + '.shp')
    if not os.path.isfile(shapefile):
        new_shapefile = download.download_maps(single='pv_map')
        if new_shapefile != shapefile:
            msg = "Wrong path will download this file every time {0} : {1}"
            logging.error(msg.format(shapefile, new_shapefile))
            shapefile = new_shapefile
    pv_cap = gpd.read_file(shapefile)
    pv_cap['spatial_na'] = pv_cap['gml_id'].str.split('.', expand=True)[1]
    pv_cap.set_index('spatial_na', inplace=True)
    return round(pv_cap.loc['090517'].BZR_GLEIST / 1000, 3)
コード例 #5
def merge_maps():
    gdf = {}

    table = 's_wfs_alkis_gebaeudeflaechen'
    path = os.path.join(cfg.get('paths', 'fis_broker'), table, 'shp')
    shapefile_alkis = os.path.join(path, table + '_prepared' + '.shp')
    if not os.path.isfile(shapefile_alkis):
        shapefile_alkis = process_alkis_buildings(shapefile_alkis, table)

    tables = download.get_map_config()

    # Filename and path for output files
    filename_poly_layer = os.path.join(
        cfg.get('paths', 'fis_broker'),
        cfg.get('fis_broker', 'merged_blocks_polygon'))

    # Columns to use
    cols = {
        'block': ['gml_id', 'PLR', 'STAT', 'STR_FLGES'],
        'nutz': ['STSTRNAME', 'TYPKLAR', 'WOZ_NAME'],
        'ew': ['EW_HA']

    logging.info("Read tables to be joined: {0}.".format(tuple(cols.keys())))
    for t in ['block', 'nutz', 'ew']:
        tables[t]['path'] = os.path.join(cfg.get('paths', 'fis_broker'),
                                         tables[t]['table'], 'shp',
                                         tables[t]['table'] + '.shp')
        logging.debug("Reading {0}".format(tables[t]['path']))

        if not os.path.isfile(tables[t]['path']):
            tables[t]['path'] = download.download_maps(single=t)
        gdf[t] = gpd.read_file(tables[t]['path'])[cols[t] + ['geometry']]

    logging.info("Spatial join of all tables...")

    gdf['block'].rename(columns={'gml_id': 'SCHL5'}, inplace=True)
    # Convert geometry to representative points to simplify the join
    gdf['block']['geometry'] = gdf['block'].representative_point()
    gdf['block'] = gpd.sjoin(gdf['block'],
    del gdf['block']['index_right']
    gdf['block'] = gpd.sjoin(gdf['block'], gdf['ew'], how='left', op='within')
    del gdf['block']['index_right']
    del gdf['block']['geometry']

    # Merge with polygon layer to dump polygons instead of points.
    gdf['block'] = pd.DataFrame(gdf['block'])
    polygons = gpd.read_file(tables['block']['path'])[['gml_id', 'geometry']]
    polygons.rename(columns={'gml_id': 'SCHL5'}, inplace=True)
    polygons = polygons.merge(gdf['block'], on='SCHL5')
    polygons = polygons.set_geometry('geometry')

    logging.info("Dump polygon layer to {0}...".format(filename_poly_layer))

    logging.info("Read alkis table...")
    alkis = gpd.read_file(shapefile_alkis)

    logging.info("Join alkis buildings with block data...")
    alkis = alkis[[
        'AnzahlDerO', 'area', 'perimeter', 'Gebaeudefu', 'gml_id', 'geometry'
    block_j = polygons[[
        'SCHL5', 'PLR', 'STAT', 'TYPKLAR', 'EW_HA', 'geometry'
    alkis['geometry'] = alkis.representative_point()

    alkis = gpd.sjoin(alkis, block_j, how='left', op='within')
    del alkis['index_right']

    # Join the alkis data with the map of the heating system fraction
    logging.info("Join alkis buildings with heiz data...")

    geoheiz_obj = reegis_tools.geometries.Geometry()
    geoheiz_obj.load_csv(cfg.get('paths', 'data_berlin'),
                         cfg.get('fis_broker', 'heating_systems_csv'))
    geoheiz_obj.df = geoheiz_obj.df.loc[geoheiz_obj.df['geometry'].notnull()]
    geoheiz_obj.df = geoheiz_obj.df.rename(columns={'block': 'heiz_block'})
    geoheiz = geoheiz_obj.gdf

    geoheiz = geoheiz[geoheiz.geometry.is_valid]

    alkis = gpd.sjoin(alkis, geoheiz, how='left', op='within')
    del alkis['index_right']

    logging.info("Add block data for non-matching points using buffers.")
    remain = len(alkis.loc[alkis['PLR'].isnull()])
        "This will take some time. Number of points: {0}".format(remain))

    # I think it is possible to make this faster and more elegant but I do not
    # not have the time to think about it. As it has to be done only once it
    # is not really time-sensitive.
    for row in alkis.loc[alkis['PLR'].isnull()].iterrows():
        idx = int(row[0])
        point = row[1].geometry
        intersec = False
        n = 0
        block_id = 0
        while not intersec and n < 500:
            bi = block_j.loc[block_j.intersects(point.buffer(n / 100000))]
            if len(bi) > 0:
                intersec = True
                bi = bi.iloc[0]
                block_id = bi['SCHL5']
                del bi['geometry']
                alkis.loc[idx, bi.index] = bi
            n += 1
        remain -= 1

        if intersec:
                "Block found for {0}: {1}, Buffer: {2}. Remains: {3}".format(
                    alkis.loc[idx, 'gml_id'][-12:], block_id[-16:], n, remain))
                "{0} does not intersect with any region. Please check".format(

        "Check: Number of buildings without PLR attribute: {0}".format(

    # Merge with polygon layer to dump polygons instead of points.
    logging.info("Merge new alkis layer with alkis polygon layer.")
    alkis = pd.DataFrame(alkis)
    del alkis['geometry']
    alkis_poly = gpd.read_file(shapefile_alkis)[['gml_id', 'geometry']]
    alkis_poly = alkis_poly.merge(alkis, on='gml_id')
    alkis_poly = alkis_poly.set_geometry('geometry')
    logging.info("Dump new alkis layer with additional block data.")

    filename_shp = os.path.join(cfg.get('paths', 'fis_broker'),
                                cfg.get('fis_broker', 'alkis_joined_shp'))

    return filename_shp
コード例 #6
def merge_maps():
    gdf = {}

    table = "s_wfs_alkis_gebaeudeflaechen"
    path = os.path.join(cfg.get("paths", "fis_broker"), table, "shp")
    shapefile_alkis = os.path.join(path, table + "_prepared" + ".shp")
    if not os.path.isfile(shapefile_alkis):
        shapefile_alkis = process_alkis_buildings(shapefile_alkis, table)

    tables = download.get_map_config()

    # Filename and path for output files
    filename_poly_layer = os.path.join(
        cfg.get("paths", "fis_broker"),
        cfg.get("fis_broker", "merged_blocks_polygon"),

    # Columns to use
    cols = {
        "block": ["gml_id", "PLR", "STAT", "STR_FLGES"],
        "nutz": ["STSTRNAME", "TYPKLAR", "WOZ_NAME"],
        "ew": ["EW_HA"],

    logging.info("Read tables to be joined: {0}.".format(tuple(cols.keys())))
    for t in ["block", "nutz", "ew"]:
        tables[t]["path"] = os.path.join(
            cfg.get("paths", "fis_broker"),
            tables[t]["table"] + ".shp",
        logging.debug("Reading {0}".format(tables[t]["path"]))

        if not os.path.isfile(tables[t]["path"]):
            tables[t]["path"] = download.download_maps(single=t)
        gdf[t] = gpd.read_file(tables[t]["path"])[cols[t] + ["geometry"]]

    logging.info("Spatial join of all tables...")

    gdf["block"].rename(columns={"gml_id": "SCHL5"}, inplace=True)
    # Convert geometry to representative points to simplify the join
    gdf["block"]["geometry"] = gdf["block"].representative_point()
    gdf["block"] = gpd.sjoin(
        gdf["block"], gdf["nutz"], how="inner", op="within"
    del gdf["block"]["index_right"]
    gdf["block"] = gpd.sjoin(gdf["block"], gdf["ew"], how="left", op="within")
    del gdf["block"]["index_right"]
    del gdf["block"]["geometry"]

    # Merge with polygon layer to dump polygons instead of points.
    gdf["block"] = pd.DataFrame(gdf["block"])
    polygons = gpd.read_file(tables["block"]["path"])[["gml_id", "geometry"]]
    polygons.rename(columns={"gml_id": "SCHL5"}, inplace=True)
    polygons = polygons.merge(gdf["block"], on="SCHL5")
    polygons = polygons.set_geometry("geometry")

    logging.info("Dump polygon layer to {0}...".format(filename_poly_layer))

    logging.info("Read alkis table...")
    alkis = gpd.read_file(shapefile_alkis)

    logging.info("Join alkis buildings with block data...")
    alkis = alkis[
        ["AOG", "area", "perimeter", "BEZGFK", "GFK", "gml_id", "geometry"]
    block_j = polygons[
        ["SCHL5", "PLR", "STAT", "TYPKLAR", "EW_HA", "geometry"]
    alkis["geometry"] = alkis.representative_point()

    alkis = gpd.sjoin(alkis, block_j, how="left", op="within")
    del alkis["index_right"]

    # Join the alkis data with the map of the heating system fraction
    logging.info("Join alkis buildings with heiz data...")

    geoheiz = geometries.load_csv(
        cfg.get("paths", "data_berlin"),
        cfg.get("fis_broker", "heating_systems_csv"),
    geoheiz = geoheiz.loc[geoheiz["geometry"].notnull()]
    geoheiz = geoheiz.rename(columns={"block": "heiz_block"})

    geoheiz = geometries.create_geo_df(geoheiz)

    geoheiz = geoheiz[geoheiz.geometry.is_valid]

    alkis = gpd.sjoin(alkis, geoheiz, how="left", op="within")
    del alkis["index_right"]

    logging.info("Add block data for non-matching points using buffers.")
    remain = len(alkis.loc[alkis["PLR"].isnull()])
        "This will take some time. Number of points: {0}".format(remain)

    # I think it is possible to make this faster and more elegant but I do not
    # not have the time to think about it. As it has to be done only once it
    # is not really time-sensitive.
    for row in alkis.loc[alkis["PLR"].isnull()].iterrows():
        idx = int(row[0])
        point = row[1].geometry
        intersec = False
        n = 0
        block_id = 0
        while not intersec and n < 500:
            bi = block_j.loc[block_j.intersects(point.buffer(n / 100000))]
            if len(bi) > 0:
                intersec = True
                bi = bi.iloc[0]
                block_id = bi["SCHL5"]
                del bi["geometry"]
                alkis.loc[idx, bi.index] = bi
            n += 1
        remain -= 1

        if intersec:
                "Block found for {0}: {1}, Buffer: {2}. Remains: {3}".format(
                    alkis.loc[idx, "gml_id"][-12:], block_id[-16:], n, remain
                "{0} does not intersect with any region. Please check".format(

        "Check: Number of buildings without PLR attribute: {0}".format(

    # Merge with polygon layer to dump polygons instead of points.
    logging.info("Merge new alkis layer with alkis polygon layer.")
    alkis = pd.DataFrame(alkis)
    del alkis["geometry"]
    alkis_poly = gpd.read_file(shapefile_alkis)[["gml_id", "geometry"]]
    alkis_poly = alkis_poly.merge(alkis, on="gml_id")
    alkis_poly = alkis_poly.set_geometry("geometry")
    logging.info("Dump new alkis layer with additional block data.")

    filename_shp = os.path.join(
        cfg.get("paths", "fis_broker"),
        cfg.get("fis_broker", "alkis_joined_shp"),

    return filename_shp