def test_has_variance(self): """ Tests that has_variance only evaluates to true when it has a non zero std_dev in each dimension ------- """ no_variance = clustlib.has_variance(ones) cluster = clustlib.Cluster(DIMENSIONS) other = clustlib.Cluster(DIMENSIONS) clustlib.update_cluster(point, cluster) clustlib.update_cluster(point, other) point_a = numpy.ones(2) point_b = numpy.ones(2) point_a[1] = 2 point_b[0] = 2 clustlib.update_cluster(point_a, cluster) clustlib.update_cluster(point_b, other) merged = clustlib.merge_clusters(other, cluster) self.assertFalse(no_variance, "No dimension has variance") self.assertFalse(clustlib.has_variance(cluster), "Second dimension has variance") self.assertFalse(clustlib.has_variance(other), "First dimension has variance") self.assertTrue(clustlib.has_variance(merged), "Both dimensions have variance")
def test_try_include(self): """ Tests if try_include detects a used point and empty cluster_set. Tests that the point gets included when threshold = INFINITY. Tests that the point is disregarded when threshold = -1 ------- """ used = numpy.ones(DIMENSIONS) used[0] = numpy.nan self.assertTrue(setlib.try_include(used, arbitrary_set, model), "Used point not detected") self.assertFalse(setlib.try_include(point, [], model), "Empty set not detected") model.threshold = -1 self.assertFalse(setlib.try_include(point, arbitrary_set, model), "Incorrectly included") model.threshold = INFINITY self.assertTrue(setlib.try_include(point, arbitrary_set, model), "Incorrectly excluded") self.assertGreater(arbitrary_set[0].size, 1, "Set not updated") arbitrary_set[0] = clustlib.Cluster(DIMENSIONS) clustlib.update_cluster(point, arbitrary_set[0]) model.threshold = model.eucl_threshold
def test_variance(self): """ Tests that the has_variance flag of a cluster updates accordingly. ------- """ cluster = clustlib.Cluster(2) clustlib.update_cluster(numpy.ones(2), cluster) self.assertFalse(cluster.has_variance, "Cluster has variance when it should not") clustlib.update_cluster(numpy.ones(2) * 2, cluster) self.assertTrue(cluster.has_variance, "Cluster variance not updated")
def test_cluster_point(self): """ Tests that the closest cluster is updated and that a used point is detected. ------- """ another = clustlib.Cluster(2) clustlib.update_cluster(point, another) model.discard.append(another) model.discard.append(twos) clustlib.cluster_point(point, model) self.assertEqual(model.discard[0].size, 2) nan = numpy.zeros(2) nan[0] = numpy.nan clustlib.cluster_point(nan, model) model.discard = []
def test_std_dev(self): """ Tests that two computed population standard deviations compute to the same value as when computing with numpy ------- """ yet_another = numpy.ones(2) yet_another = yet_another * 4 fours = clustlib.Cluster(2) clustlib.update_cluster(yet_another, fours) merged = clustlib.merge_clusters(fours, ones) std_dev = clustlib.std_dev(merged) self.assertEqual(std_dev[0], numpy.std([1, 4]), "Incorrect std_dev") clustlib.update_cluster(point * 5, merged) std_dev = clustlib.std_dev(merged) res = numpy.std([1, 4, 5]) std_dev[1] = round(std_dev[1], 5) res = round(res, 5) self.assertEqual(std_dev[1], res, "Incorrect std_dev")
from bfr import ptlib DIMENSIONS = 2 NOF_POINTS = 5 NOF_CLUSTERS = 5 model = bfr.Model(mahalanobis_factor=3.0, euclidean_threshold=5.0, merge_threshold=10.0, dimensions=DIMENSIONS, init_rounds=10, nof_clusters=NOF_CLUSTERS) model.initialized = True INFINITY = 13371337.0 point = numpy.ones(2) other_point = point * 2 ones = clustlib.Cluster(2) twos = clustlib.Cluster(2) clustlib.update_cluster(point, ones) clustlib.update_cluster(other_point, twos) arbitrary_set = [ones, ones] class PtlibTests(unittest.TestCase): """Test cases for the module bfr.ptlib""" class PtlibTests(unittest.TestCase): def test_squared_diff(self): """ Tests that the sum of dimensions of ({1, 1} - {2, 2}) ^ 2 == 2