コード例 #1
# get 4h candles for symbols
print('Loading candle data for symbols...')
for sym in symbols:
    Thread(target=load_candles, args=(sym,)).start()
while len(candles) < len(symbols):
    print('%s/%s loaded' %(len(candles), len(symbols)), end='\r', flush=True)

# calculate EMAs for each symbol
print('Calculating EMAs...')
for sym in candles:
    for period in EMA_PERIODS:
        iEMA = EMA([period])
        lst_candles = candles[sym][:]
        for c in lst_candles:
        if sym not in ema_values:
            ema_values[sym] = {}
        ema_values[sym][period] = iEMA.v()

# save filtered EMA results in txt files
print('Saving filtered EMA results to txt files...')
for sym in ema_values:
    ema_50 = ema_values[sym][50]
    ema_200 = ema_values[sym][200]
    price = prices[sym]
    entry = ''
    if price < ema_50:
    # save symbols trading below EMA (50)
        f = open('results/below_50.txt', 'a')
        entry = '%s: $%s\n' %(sym, round(price,3))
コード例 #2
def run_extract_candles():
    # create results folder if it doesn't exist
    if not os.path.exists('results/'):
    # start with blank files
    open('results/below_55.txt', 'w').close()
    open('results/above_55_below_200.txt', 'w').close()
    open('results/above_200.txt', 'w').close()
    # load symbols information
    print('Getting list of BTC trade pairs...')
    resp = requests.get(BASE_URL + '/api/v1/ticker/allBookTickers')
    tickers_list = json.loads(resp.content)
    for ticker in tickers_list:
        if str(ticker['symbol'])[-3:] == 'BTC':
    # get 4h candles for symbols
    print('Loading candle data for symbols...')
    for sym in symbols:
        #print('BINANCE:' + sym)
        Thread(target=load_candles, args=(sym,)).start()
    while len(candles) < len(symbols):
        print('%s/%s loaded' %(len(candles), len(symbols)), end='\r', flush=True)
    # calculate EMAs for each symbol
    print('Calculating EMAs...')
    for sym in candles:
        for period in EMA_PERIODS:
            iEMA = EMA(period)
            lst_candles = candles[sym][:]
            for c in lst_candles:
            if sym not in ema_values:
                ema_values[sym] = {}
            ema_values[sym][period] = iEMA.v()
    # save filtered EMA results in txt files
    print('Saving filtered EMA results to txt files...')
    for sym in ema_values:
        ema_55 = ema_values[sym][55]
        ema_200 = ema_values[sym][200]
        price = prices[sym]
        entry = ''
        if price < ema_200:
        # save symbols trading below EMA (50)
            f = open('results/below_55.txt', 'a')
            entry = '%s: $%s\n' %(sym, round(price,3))
        elif price > ema_55 and price < ema_200:
        # save symbols trading above EMA(200)
            f = open('results/above_55_below_200.txt', 'a')
            entry = '%s: $%s\n' %(sym, round(price,3))
        elif price > ema_200:
        # save symbols trading above EMA(50) but below EMA(200)
            f = open('results/above_200.txt', 'a')
            entry = '%s: $%s\n' %(sym, round(price,3))
        del f # cleanup
    print('All done! Results saved in results folder.')
コード例 #3
Thread(target=show_progress).start() # show progress
for sym in symbols:
    Thread(target=import_candles, args=(sym,)).start()

# wait until all candles are loaded
while go_on == False:
print('\nAll candles loaded.')

# calculate EMA values
print('Calculating EMA values and scanning for crosses...', end='', flush=True)
for sym in symbols:
    for period in ema_periods:
        iEMA = EMA([period]) # define EMA object
        for candle in candles[sym]:
            iEMA.add(candle['close']) # add all close prices
        lst_ema = []
        lst_ema.append(iEMA.v()) # add current EMA value
        for i in range(historic_window):
            # add historic EMA values
        if sym not in ema_values: # add symbol key to dictionary
            ema_values[sym] = {}
        ema_values[sym][period] = lst_ema # save EMA values

# identify EMA crosses
ema_results = {
    'cross-downs': [],
    'cross-ups': []
for sym in symbols: