コード例 #1
ファイル: simul_summaries.py プロジェクト: wschoenell/bgpe
from bgpe.io.readchi2 import Chi2
from bgpe.fit.stats import percentiles
from bgpe.io.readlibrary import Library

from bgpe.plots.labels import aux_name_props #FIXME: Temporal. This should come from an XML file!

db_dir = '/home/william/databases/'
#db_dir = '/Users/william/Downloads/databases/'

lib_file = '%s/database_JPAS51_BA.hdf5' % db_dir
chi2_file = '%s/chi2_1k_0.%s.hdf5' % (db_dir, sys.argv[1])
stats_file = '%s/stats_1k_0.%s.hdf5' % (db_dir, sys.argv[1])

lib = Library(lib_file)
lib.get_filtersys(lib.filtersystems [0])

chi2 = Chi2(chi2_file)

f_L_range = np.arange(1,30,2)
stats = {'BMX': np.int,
         'P_999': np.float,
         'AVG': np.float,
         'STD': np.float,
         'P16': np.float,
         'P50': np.float,
         'P84': np.float}

# Create stats_file and populate it with respective datasets.
コード例 #2
ファイル: test_plotchi2.py プロジェクト: wschoenell/bgpe

def get_zslice(l, z):
    return l.library[np.argwhere(l.z == z),:]

filtersys = 'JPAS_51'
ccd = '1'
## Library
_dir = '/Users/william/Downloads/databases/'
f1 = _dir+'database_JPAS51_OB.hdf5'
f2 = _dir+'database_JPAS51_BA.hdf5'

l1 = Library(f1) #obj
l2 = Library(f2) #tmpl

l1.get_filtersys(filtersys, ccd)
l2.get_filtersys(filtersys, ccd)


ds_path = '/%s/%s/' % (filtersys, ccd)
h5file = _dir+'chi2_1k_0.01.hdf5'
#h5file = '../../scripts/testchi2.hdf5'

f = h5py.File(h5file)

o_list = get_zslice(l1, f.attrs.get('z'))

chi2_ds = f['/%s/chi2' % ds_path][0:100]
s_ds = f['/%s/s' % ds_path][0:100]
コード例 #3
ファイル: chi2fit.py プロジェクト: wschoenell/bgpe
    except Exception, e:
        if DEBUG or TESTRUN:
        indent = len(program_name) * " "
        sys.stderr.write(program_name + ": " + repr(e) + "\n")
        sys.stderr.write(indent + "  for help use --help")
        return 2

#    inp = Library(args.input)
    inp = Input(args.input)
    lib = Library(args.Library)
    inp.get_filtersys(args.filtersystem, args.ccd) # obj
    lib.get_filtersys(args.filtersystem, args.ccd) # libra
    o_list = inp.data
    if args.Nmax != None:
        o_list = o_list[:np.int(args.Nmax)]
    N_obj = len(o_list)
        f = h5py.File(args.output, mode = 'w-')
    except IOError:
        raise BGPECLIError('File %s already exists.' % args.output)
    # Define some auxiliar data...
    f.attrs.create('ifile', args.input)