コード例 #1
def setup_control_panels(portal):
    """Setup Plone control and Senaite management panels
    logger.info("Setup Control panels ...")

    # get the bika_setup object
    bika_setup = api.get_bika_setup()
    cp = api.get_tool("portal_controlpanel")

    def get_action_index(action_id):
        if action_id == "*":
            action = cp.listActions()[-1]
            action_id = action.getId()
        for n, action in enumerate(cp.listActions()):
            if action.getId() == action_id:
                return n
        return -1

    for item in CONTROL_PANELS:
        id = item.get("id")
        type = item.get("type")
        title = item.get("title")
        description = item.get("description")

        panel = bika_setup.get(id, None)
        if panel is None:
            logger.info("Creating Setup Folder '{}' in Setup.".format(id))
            # allow content creation in setup temporary
            portal_types = api.get_tool("portal_types")
            fti = portal_types.getTypeInfo(bika_setup)
            fti.filter_content_types = False
            myfti = portal_types.getTypeInfo(type)
            global_allow = myfti.global_allow
            myfti.global_allow = True
            _ = bika_setup.invokeFactory(type, id, title=title)
            panel = bika_setup[_]
            myfti.global_allow = global_allow
            fti.filter_content_types = True
            # set some meta data

        # Move configlet action to the right index
        action_index = get_action_index(id)
        ref_index = get_action_index(item["insert-after"])
        if (action_index != -1) and (ref_index != -1):
            actions = cp._cloneActions()
            action = actions.pop(action_index)
            actions.insert(ref_index + 1, action)
            cp._actions = tuple(actions)
            cp._p_changed = 1

        # reindex the object to render it properly in the navigation portlet
    logger.info("Setup Control panels [DONE]")
コード例 #2
ファイル: export.py プロジェクト: tumiemosweu/bhp.lims-1
    def search(self):
        """Search all ARs of the system
        catalog = api.get_tool("bika_catalog_analysisrequest_listing")

        query = {
            "portal_type": "AnalysisRequest",
            "sort_on": "created",
            "sort_order": "descending",

        # Client?
        client = self.get_current_client()
        if client:
            query["getClientUID"] = api.get_uid(client)

        # review_state
        review_state = self.request.get("review_state")
        if review_state in REVIEW_STATE_MAP:
            query["review_state"] = review_state

        # limit
        limit = self.request.get("limit", "30")
        if limit.isdigit():
            limit = int(limit)
            if limit > 0:
                query["sort_limit"] = int(limit)

        return catalog(query)
コード例 #3
def update_role_mappings(portal):
    logger.info("Updating role mappings ...")
    processed = dict()
    for rm_query in ROLE_MAPPINGS:
        wf_tool = api.get_tool("portal_workflow")
        wf_id = rm_query[0]
        workflow = wf_tool.getWorkflowById(wf_id)

        query = rm_query[1].copy()
        exclude_states = []
        if 'not_review_state' in query:
            exclude_states = query.get('not_review_state', [])
            del query['not_review_state']

        brains = api.search(query, rm_query[2])
        total = len(brains)
        for num, brain in enumerate(brains):
            if num % 100 == 0:
                logger.info("Updating role mappings '{0}': {1}/{2}".format(
                    wf_id, num, total))
            if api.get_uid(brain) in processed.get(wf_id, []):
                # Already processed, skip

            if api.get_workflow_status_of(brain) in exclude_states:
                # We explicitely want to exclude objs in these states

            if wf_id not in processed:
                processed[wf_id] = []
    logger.info("Updating role mappings [DONE]")
コード例 #4
def update_workflow(workflow_id, settings):
    logger.info("Updating workflow '{}' ...".format(workflow_id))
    wf_tool = api.get_tool("portal_workflow")
    workflow = wf_tool.getWorkflowById(workflow_id)
    if not workflow:
        logger.warn("Workflow '{}' not found [SKIP]".format(workflow_id))
    states = settings.get("states", {})
    for state_id, values in states.items():
        update_workflow_state(workflow, state_id, values)

    transitions = settings.get("transitions", {})
    for transition_id, values in transitions.items():
        update_workflow_transition(workflow, transition_id, values)
コード例 #5
def setup_catalogs(portal):
    """Setup Plone catalogs
    logger.info("Setup Catalogs ...")

    # Setup catalogs by type
    for type_name, catalogs in CATALOGS_BY_TYPE:
        at = api.get_tool("archetype_tool")
        # get the current registered catalogs
        current_catalogs = at.getCatalogsByType(type_name)
        # get the desired catalogs this type should be in
        desired_catalogs = map(api.get_tool, catalogs)
        # check if the catalogs changed for this portal_type
        if set(desired_catalogs).difference(current_catalogs):
            # fetch the brains to reindex
            brains = api.search({"portal_type": type_name})
            # updated the catalogs
            at.setCatalogsByType(type_name, catalogs)
            logger.info("Assign '%s' type to Catalogs %s" %
                        (type_name, catalogs))
            for brain in brains:
                obj = api.get_object(brain)
                logger.info("Reindexing '%s'" % repr(obj))

    # Setup catalog indexes
    to_index = []
    for catalog, name, meta_type in INDEXES:
        c = api.get_tool(catalog)
        indexes = c.indexes()
        if name in indexes:
            logger.info("Index '%s' already in Catalog [SKIP]" % name)

        logger.info("Adding Index '%s' for field '%s' to catalog '%s" %
                    (meta_type, name, catalog))
        if meta_type == "ZCTextIndex":
            addZCTextIndex(c, name)
            c.addIndex(name, meta_type)
        to_index.append((c, name))
        logger.info("Added Index '%s' for field '%s' to catalog [DONE]" %
                    (meta_type, name))

    for catalog, name in to_index:
        logger.info("Indexing new index '%s' ..." % name)
        logger.info("Indexing new index '%s' [DONE]" % name)

    # Setup catalog metadata columns
    for catalog, name in COLUMNS:
        c = api.get_tool(catalog)
        if name not in c.schema():
            logger.info("Adding Column '%s' to catalog '%s' ..." %
                        (name, catalog))
            logger.info("Added Column '%s' to catalog '%s' [DONE]" %
                        (name, catalog))
            logger.info("Column '%s' already in catalog '%s'  [SKIP]" %
                        (name, catalog))
    logger.info("Setup Catalogs [DONE]")