コード例 #1
def matched_claims(inspect=None):
        Checks how many claims are violated in aidRESULTS.
        Returs the number of preserved and the total number of claims.
    last_names = frozenset(name[0].split('.')[0] for name in get_existing_result_clusters())
    r_match = 0
    r_total = 0

    for lname in last_names:
        if inspect and lname != inspect:

        results_dict = dict(((row[1], row[2], row[3]), int(row[0].split(".")[1]))
                        for row in get_lastname_results(lname))

        results_clusters = max(results_dict.values()) + 1
        assert frozenset(results_dict.values()) == frozenset(range(results_clusters))

        pids = frozenset(x[0] for x in chain.from_iterable(personid_name_from_signature(r) for r in results_dict.keys()))

        matr = ((results_dict[x] for x in get_claimed_papers(pid) if x in results_dict) for pid in pids)
        matr = (dict((k, len(list(d))) for k, d in groupby(sorted(row))) for row in matr)
        matr = [[row.get(i, 0) for i in xrange(results_clusters)] for row in matr]

        r_match += sum(m[2] for m in maximized_mapping(matr))
        r_total += sum(sum(row) for row in matr)

    return r_match, r_total
コード例 #2
def merge():
        This function merges aidPERSONIDPAPERS with aidRESULTS.
        Use it after tortoise.
    last_names = frozenset(name[0].split('.')[0] for name in get_existing_result_clusters())

    def get_free_pids():
        while True:
            yield get_new_personid()

    free_pids = get_free_pids()

    def try_move_signature(sig, target_pid):
        paps = get_signature_info(sig)
        claimed = filter(lambda p: p[1] <= -2, paps)
        assigned = filter(lambda p:-2 < p[1] and p[1] < 2, paps)
        rejected = filter(lambda p: 2 <= p[1] and p[0] == target_pid, paps)

        if claimed or not assigned or assigned[0] == target_pid:

        assert len(assigned) == 1

        if rejected:
            move_signature(sig, free_pids.next())
            conflicts = find_conflicts(sig, target_pid)
            if not conflicts:
                move_signature(sig, target_pid)
                assert len(conflicts) == 1
                if conflicts[0][3] == 2:
                    move_signature(sig, free_pids.next())
                    move_signature(conflicts[0][:3], free_pids.next())
                    move_signature(sig, target_pid)

    for idx, last in enumerate(last_names):
        update_status(float(idx) / len(last_names), "%d/%d current: %s" % (idx, len(last_names), last))

        results = ((int(row[0].split(".")[1]), row[1:4]) for row in get_lastname_results(last))

        # [(last name number, [bibrefrecs])]
        results = [(k, map(itemgetter(1), d)) for k, d in groupby(sorted(results, key=itemgetter(0)), key=itemgetter(0))]

        # List of dictionaries.
        # [{new_pid -> N}]
        matr = []

        # Set of all old pids.
        old_pids = set()

        for k, ds in results:
            pids = []
            claim = []
            for d in ds:
                pid_flag = personid_from_signature(d)
                if pid_flag:
                    pid, flag = pid_flag[0]
                    if flag > 1:
                        claim.append((d, pid))

            matr.append(dict((k, len(list(d))) for k, d in groupby(sorted(pids))))

        # We cast it to list in order to ensure the order persistence.
        old_pids = list(old_pids)
        best_match = maximized_mapping([[row.get(old, 0) for old in old_pids] for row in matr])

        matched_clusters = [(results[new_idx][1], old_pids[old_idx]) for new_idx, old_idx, unused in best_match]
        not_matched_clusters = frozenset(xrange(len(results))) - frozenset(imap(itemgetter(0), best_match))
        not_matched_clusters = izip((results[i][1] for i in not_matched_clusters), free_pids)

        for sigs, pid in chain(matched_clusters, not_matched_clusters):
            for sig in sigs:
                try_move_signature(sig, pid)
