def copy_pd(self, pd, ps_new): ps_new.create_pd(pd) self.__filemanager.copy_pd(pd, ps_new) # update meta data at ps_new ps_new.pilot_data[] = pd CoordinationAdaptor.update_ps(ps_new)
def __init__(self, wds_url=None): """ Create a Work Data Service object. Keyword arguments: wds_url -- Reconnect to an existing WDS (optional). """ # Pilot Data self.pilot_data={} self.pilot_store_services=[] # Pilot Job self.pilot_job_services=[] self.work_units={} if wds_url == None: + str(uuid.uuid1()) application_url = CoordinationAdaptor.get_base_url(bigdata.application_id) self.url = CoordinationAdaptor.add_wds(application_url, self) else: = self.__get_wds_id(wds_url) self.url = wds_url # Background Thread for scheduling self.scheduler = Scheduler() self.wu_queue = Queue.Queue() self.pd_queue = Queue.Queue() self.stop=threading.Event() self.scheduler_thread=threading.Thread(target=self._scheduler_thread) self.scheduler_thread.start()
def __init__(self, pilot_store_service=None, pilot_store_description=None, ps_url=None): """ Initialize PilotStore at given service url: ssh://<hostname> gsissh://<hostname> Currently only ssh schemes are supported. In the future all SAGA URL schemes/adaptors should be supported. """ = None self.url = None self.pilot_store_description = None self.service_url=None self.size = None self.pilot_store_description = None self.pilot_data={} if ps_url==None and pilot_store_service!=None: # new ps = self.PS_ID_PREFIX+str(uuid.uuid1()) self.pilot_store_description = pilot_store_description self.url = CoordinationAdaptor.add_ps(CoordinationAdaptor.get_base_url(bigdata.application_id)+"/", self) elif ps_url != None: logger.warn("Reconnect to PilotStore: %s"%ps_url) dictionary = CoordinationAdaptor.get_ps(ps_url) ps_dict = dictionary["pilot_store"] for i in ps_dict: self.__setattr__(i, ps_dict[i]) self.initialize_pilot_store()
def submit_pilot_data(self, pilot_data_description): """ creates a pilot data object and binds it to a physical resource (a pilotstore) """ pd = PilotData(pilot_data_service=self, pilot_data_description=pilot_data_description) self.pilot_data[]=pd self.pd_queue.put(pd) # queue currently not persisted CoordinationAdaptor.update_wds(self.url, self) return pd
def add_pilot_store(self, pilot_store): """ add PD to a certain pilot store data will be moved into this store """ if len(self.pilot_stores) > 0: # copy files from other pilot store self.pilot_stores[0].copy_pd(self, pilot_store) else: # copy files from original location pilot_store.put_pd(self) self.pilot_stores.append(pilot_store) CoordinationAdaptor.update_pd(self)
def add_pilot_store_service(self, pss): """ Add a PilotStoreService Keyword arguments: pss -- The PilotStoreService to add. Return: None """ self.pilot_store_services.append(pss) CoordinationAdaptor.update_wds(self.url, self)
def add_pilot_job_service(self, pjs): """ Add a PilotJobService to this WUS. Keyword arguments: pilotjob_services -- The PilotJob Service(s) to which this Work Unit Service will connect. Return: Result """ self.pilot_job_services.append(pjs) CoordinationAdaptor.update_wds(self.url, self)
def remove_pilot_store_service(self, pss): """ Remove a PilotStoreService Keyword arguments: pss -- The PilotStoreService to remove Return: None """ self.pilot_store_services.remove(pss) CoordinationAdaptor.update_wds(self.url, self)
def cancel(self): """ Cancel the PDS. All associated PD objects are deleted and removed from the associated pilot stores. Keyword arguments: None Return: None """ # terminate background thread self.stop.set() CoordinationAdaptor.delete_wds(self.url)
def submit_work_unit(self, work_unit_description): """ Submit a WU to this Work Unit Service. Keyword argument: wud -- The WorkUnitDescription from the application Return: WorkUnit object """ wu = WorkUnit(work_unit_description, self) self.work_units[]=wu self.wu_queue.put(wu) CoordinationAdaptor.update_wds(self.url, self) return wu
def __init__(self, pss_url=None): """ Create a PilotStoreService Keyword arguments: pss_id -- restore from pss_id """ self.pilot_stores={} if pss_url == None: = self.PSS_ID_PREFIX + str(uuid.uuid1()) application_url = CoordinationAdaptor.get_base_url(bigdata.application_id) self.url = CoordinationAdaptor.add_pss(application_url, self) else: = self.__get_pss_id(pss_url)
def remove_pilot_job_service(self, pjs): """ Remove a PilotJobService from this WUS. Note that it won't cancel the PilotJobService, it will just no longer be connected to this WUS. Keyword arguments: pilotjob_services -- The PilotJob Service(s) to remove from this Work Unit Service. Return: Result """ self.pilot_job_services.remove(pjs) CoordinationAdaptor.update_wds(self.url, self)
def __init__(self, pilot_data_service=None, pilot_data_description=None, pd_url=None): """ 1.) create a new Pilot Data: pilot_data_service and pilot_data_description required 2.) reconnect to an existing Pilot Data: pd_url required """ if pd_url==None: = self.PD_ID_PREFIX + str(uuid.uuid1()) self.pilot_data_description = pilot_data_description self.pilot_stores=[] self.url = CoordinationAdaptor.add_pd(pilot_data_service.url, self) self.state = State.New self.data_units = DataUnit.create_data_unit_list(self, self.pilot_data_description["file_urls"]) CoordinationAdaptor.update_pd(self) else: = self.__get_pd_id(pd_url) self.url = pd_url self.__restore_state()
def create_pilotstore(self, pilot_store_description): """ Create a PilotStore Keyword arguments: pilot_store_description -- PilotStore Description { 'service_url': "ssh://<hostname>/base-url/" 'size': "1000" } Return value: A PilotStore handle """ ps = PilotStore(pilot_store_service=self, pilot_store_description=pilot_store_description) self.pilot_stores[]=ps # store pilot store in central data space CoordinationAdaptor.add_ps(self.url, ps) return ps
def __restore_state(self): pd_dict = CoordinationAdaptor.get_pd(self.url) self.pilot_data_description = pd_dict["pilot_data_description"] self.state = pd_dict["state"] data_unit_dict_list = pd_dict["data_units"] self.data_units = [DataUnit.create_data_unit_from_dict(i) for i in data_unit_dict_list] self.pilot_stores = [] for i in pd_dict["pilot_stores"]: logger.debug("PS:"+str(i)) ps = PilotStore(ps_url=str(i)) self.pilot_stores.append(ps)
def cancel(self): """ Cancel the PD. """ self.state = State.Done CoordinationAdaptor.update_pd(self)
def __restore_ps(self, pss_url): ps_list=CoordinationAdaptor.list_ps(pss_url) for i in ps_list: pass
def remove_pd(self, pd): """ Remove pilot data from pilot store """ if self.pilot_data.has_key( self.__filemanager.remove_pd(pd) del self.pilot_data[] CoordinationAdaptor.update_ps(self)
def put_pd(self, pd): logging.debug("Put PD: %s to PS: %s"%(,self.service_url)) self.__filemanager.create_pd( self.__filemanager.put_pd(pd) self.pilot_data[] = pd CoordinationAdaptor.update_ps(self)
def update_state(self, state): self.state=state CoordinationAdaptor.update_pd(self)
def remove_data_unit(self, data_unit): self.data_units.remove(data_unit) CoordinationAdaptor.update_pd(self)
def add_data_unit(self, data_unit): self.data_units.append(data_unit) CoordinationAdaptor.update_pd(self)