def __init__(self, wds_url=None): """ Create a Work Data Service object. Keyword arguments: wds_url -- Reconnect to an existing WDS (optional). """ # Pilot Data self.pilot_data={} self.pilot_store_services=[] # Pilot Job self.pilot_job_services=[] self.work_units={} if wds_url == None: + str(uuid.uuid1()) application_url = CoordinationAdaptor.get_base_url(bigdata.application_id) self.url = CoordinationAdaptor.add_wds(application_url, self) else: = self.__get_wds_id(wds_url) self.url = wds_url # Background Thread for scheduling self.scheduler = Scheduler() self.wu_queue = Queue.Queue() self.pd_queue = Queue.Queue() self.stop=threading.Event() self.scheduler_thread=threading.Thread(target=self._scheduler_thread) self.scheduler_thread.start()
class WorkDataService(WorkDataService): """ TROY WorkDataService. The WorkDataService is the application's interface to submit WorkUnits and PilotData/DataUnit to the Pilot-Manager in the P* Model. """ WDS_ID_PREFIX="wds-" def __init__(self, wds_url=None): """ Create a Work Data Service object. Keyword arguments: wds_url -- Reconnect to an existing WDS (optional). """ # Pilot Data self.pilot_data={} self.pilot_store_services=[] # Pilot Job self.pilot_job_services=[] self.work_units={} if wds_url == None: + str(uuid.uuid1()) application_url = CoordinationAdaptor.get_base_url(bigdata.application_id) self.url = CoordinationAdaptor.add_wds(application_url, self) else: = self.__get_wds_id(wds_url) self.url = wds_url # Background Thread for scheduling self.scheduler = Scheduler() self.wu_queue = Queue.Queue() self.pd_queue = Queue.Queue() self.stop=threading.Event() self.scheduler_thread=threading.Thread(target=self._scheduler_thread) self.scheduler_thread.start() def __get_wds_id(self, wds_url): start = wds_url.index(self.WDS_ID_PREFIX) end =wds_url.index("/", start) return wds_url[start:end] ########################################################################### # Pilot Job def add_pilot_job_service(self, pjs): """ Add a PilotJobService to this WUS. Keyword arguments: pilotjob_services -- The PilotJob Service(s) to which this Work Unit Service will connect. Return: Result """ self.pilot_job_services.append(pjs) CoordinationAdaptor.update_wds(self.url, self) def remove_pilot_job_service(self, pjs): """ Remove a PilotJobService from this WUS. Note that it won't cancel the PilotJobService, it will just no longer be connected to this WUS. Keyword arguments: pilotjob_services -- The PilotJob Service(s) to remove from this Work Unit Service. Return: Result """ self.pilot_job_services.remove(pjs) CoordinationAdaptor.update_wds(self.url, self) def submit_work_unit(self, work_unit_description): """ Submit a WU to this Work Unit Service. Keyword argument: wud -- The WorkUnitDescription from the application Return: WorkUnit object """ wu = WorkUnit(work_unit_description, self) self.work_units[]=wu self.wu_queue.put(wu) CoordinationAdaptor.update_wds(self.url, self) return wu ########################################################################### # Pilot Data def add_pilot_store_service(self, pss): """ Add a PilotStoreService Keyword arguments: pss -- The PilotStoreService to add. Return: None """ self.pilot_store_services.append(pss) CoordinationAdaptor.update_wds(self.url, self) def remove_pilot_store_service(self, pss): """ Remove a PilotStoreService Keyword arguments: pss -- The PilotStoreService to remove Return: None """ self.pilot_store_services.remove(pss) CoordinationAdaptor.update_wds(self.url, self) def list_pilotstores(self): """ List all PDs of PDS """ return self.pilot_store_services def list_pilotdata(self): """ List all PDs of PDS """ return self.pilot_data.items() def get_pilotdata(self, pd_id): if self.pilot_data.has_key(pd_id): return self.pilot_data[pd_id] return None def submit_pilot_data(self, pilot_data_description): """ creates a pilot data object and binds it to a physical resource (a pilotstore) """ pd = PilotData(pilot_data_service=self, pilot_data_description=pilot_data_description) self.pilot_data[]=pd self.pd_queue.put(pd) # queue currently not persisted CoordinationAdaptor.update_wds(self.url, self) return pd def cancel(self): """ Cancel the PDS. All associated PD objects are deleted and removed from the associated pilot stores. Keyword arguments: None Return: None """ # terminate background thread self.stop.set() CoordinationAdaptor.delete_wds(self.url) def get_state(self): return self.state def get_id(self): return str( ########################################################################### # Internal Scheduling def __update_scheduler_resources(self): logging.debug("__update_scheduler_resources") ps = [s for i in self.pilot_store_services for s in i.list_pilotstores()] self.scheduler.set_pilot_stores(ps) pj = [p for i in self.pilot_job_services for p in i.list_pilotjobs()] logging.debug("Pilot-Jobs: " + str(pj)) self.scheduler.set_pilot_jobs(pj) def _schedule_pd(self, pd): """ Schedule PD to a suitable pilot store Currently one level of scheduling is used: 1.) Add all resources managed by PSS of this PSS 2.) Select one resource """ logging.debug("Schedule PD") self.__update_scheduler_resources() selected_pilot_store = self.scheduler.schedule_pilot_data(pd.pilot_data_description) return selected_pilot_store def _schedule_wu(self, wu): logging.debug("Schedule PD") self.__update_scheduler_resources() selected_pilot_job = self.scheduler.schedule_pilot_job(wu.work_unit_description) return selected_pilot_job def _scheduler_thread(self): while True and self.stop.isSet()==False: try: logging.debug("Scheduler Thread: " + str(self.__class__) + " Pilot Data") pd = self.pd_queue.get(True, 1) # check whether this is a real pd object if isinstance(pd, PilotData): ps=self._schedule_pd(pd) if(ps!=None): logging.debug("Transfer to PS finished.") pd.add_pilot_store(ps) pd.update_state(State.Running) else: self.pd_queue.put(pd) except Queue.Empty: pass try: logging.debug("Scheduler Thread: " + str(self.__class__) + " Pilot Job") wu = self.wu_queue.get(True, 1) if isinstance(wu, WorkUnit): pj=self._schedule_wu(wu) if pj !=None: wu = self.__expand_working_directory(wu, pj) pj._submit_wu(wu) else: self.wu_queue.put(pd) except Queue.Empty: pass except: exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback = sys.exc_info() logger.error("*** print_tb:") traceback.print_tb(exc_traceback, limit=1, file=sys.stderr) logger.error("*** print_exception:") traceback.print_exception(exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback, limit=2, file=sys.stderr) time.sleep(5) logging.debug("Re-Scheduler terminated") def __expand_working_directory(self, work_unit, pilot_job): """ Expand pilotdata:// url specified in the work_unit_description to a local url on the machine of the PJ pilotdata://localhost/434bfc5c-23fd-11e1-a43f-00264a13ca4c to /tmp/pilotstore//434bfc5c-23fd-11e1-a43f-00264a13ca4c on machine running pilot_job """ working_directory=work_unit.work_unit_description["working_directory"] if working_directory.find(PilotData.PD_ID_PREFIX)!=-1: pilot_data_url = working_directory pj_description = pilot_job.pilot_job_description pj_dc_affinity = pj_description["affinity_datacenter_label"] pj_machine_affinity = pj_description["affinity_machine_label"] ps = [s for i in self.pilot_store_services for s in i.list_pilotstores()] # find all pilot stores with the same affinity candidate_ps = [] for i in ps: ps_description = i.pilot_store_description ps_dc_affinity = ps_description["affinity_datacenter_label"] ps_machine_affinity = ps_description["affinity_machine_label"] if ps_dc_affinity == pj_dc_affinity and ps_machine_affinity == pj_machine_affinity: candidate_ps.append(i) # check whether required pilot_data is part of pilot_store target_ps = None target_pd = None for ps in candidate_ps: for pd in ps.list_pilotdata(): if pd.url == pilot_data_url: logging.debug("Found PD %s at %s"%(pd.url, ps.service_url)) target_ps = ps target_pd = pd break if target_pd == None: self.__stage_pd_to_pj(pilot_data_url, pj) ps_url = target_ps.url_for_pd(target_pd) components = urlparse.urlparse(ps_url) work_unit.work_unit_description["working_directory"] = components.path work_unit._update_work_unit_description(work_unit.work_unit_description) logging.debug("__expand_working_directory %s: Set working directory to %s"%(pilot_data_url, work_unit.work_unit_description["working_directory"])) return work_unit return work_unit def __stage_pd_to_pj(self, pilotdata, pilotjob): """ stage required files to machine of pilot job """ pass def __find_ps_at_pj_resource(self, pilotjob): pass