コード例 #1
    def folderitem(self, obj, item, index):
        """Service triggered each time an item is iterated in folderitems.
        The use of this service prevents the extra-loops in child objects.
        :obj: the instance of the class to be foldered
        :item: dict containing the properties of the object to be used by
            the template
        :index: current index of the item
        item["Description"] = obj.Description()
        item["replace"]["Title"] = get_link(item["url"], item["Title"])

        instrument = obj.getInstrument()
        if instrument:
            instrument_url = api.get_url(instrument)
            instrument_title = api.get_title(instrument)
            item["Instrument"] = instrument_title
            item["replace"]["Instrument"] = get_link(instrument_url,

        # Method
        method_uid = obj.getMethodUID()
        if method_uid:
            method = api.get_object_by_uid(method_uid)
            method_url = api.get_url(method)
            method_title = api.get_title(method)
            item["Method"] = method_title
            item["replace"]["Method"] = get_link(method_url,

        return item
コード例 #2
ファイル: client.py プロジェクト: vinely/senaite.core
    def __call__(self, action, uids):
        published = []

        # get the selected ARReport objects
        reports = map(api.get_object_by_uid, uids)
        # get all the contained sample UIDs of the generated PDFs
        sample_uids = map(self.get_sample_uids_in_report, reports)
        # uniquify the UIDs of the contained samples
        unique_sample_uids = set(

        # publish all the contained samples of the selected reports
        for uid in unique_sample_uids:
            sample = api.get_object_by_uid(uid)
            if self.publish_sample(sample):

        # generate a status message of the published sample IDs
        message = _("No items published")
        if published:
            message = _("Published {}".format(", ".join(
                map(api.get_id, published))))

        # add the status message for the response
        self.add_status_message(message, "info")

        # redirect back
        referer = self.request.get_header("referer")
        return self.redirect(redirect_url=referer)
コード例 #3
ファイル: utils.py プロジェクト: senaite/senaite.lis2a
def create_sample(**kwargs):
    """Creates a new sample
    values = kwargs and kwargs or {}
    request = _api.get_request()
    date_sampled = DateTime().strftime("%Y-%m-%d")
        "DateSampled": values.get("DateSampled") or date_sampled,
    to_update = ["Client", "Contact", "SampleType"]
    for portal_type in to_update:
        field_value = values.get(portal_type)
        if not field_value:
            field_value = _api.get_uid(get_object(portal_type))
            values[portal_type] = field_value

    services = None
    if "services" in values:
        services = values.pop("services")

    if not services:
        services = map(_api.get_uid, get_objects("AnalysisService"))

    client = _api.get_object_by_uid(values.get("Client"))
    sample = create_analysisrequest(client, request, values, services)
    return sample
コード例 #4
    def action_update(self):
        """Form action enpoint to update the attachments

        order = []
        form = self.request.form
        attachments = form.get("attachments", [])

        for attachment in attachments:
            # attachment is a form mapping, not a dictionary -> convert
            values = dict(attachment)

            uid = values.pop("UID")
            obj = api.get_object_by_uid(uid)

            # delete the attachment if the delete flag is true
            if values.pop("delete", False):

            # remember the order

            # update the attachment with the given data

        # set the attachments order to the annotation storage

        # redirect back to the default view
        return self.request.response.redirect(self.context.absolute_url())
コード例 #5
    def __call__(self, value, *args, **kwargs):
        instance = kwargs['instance']
        request = kwargs.get('REQUEST', {})
        fieldname = kwargs['field'].getName()

        # This value in request prevents running once per subfield value.
        # self.name returns the name of the validator. This allows other
        # subfield validators to be called if defined (eg. in other add-ons)
        key = '{}-{}-{}'.format(self.name, instance.getId(), fieldname)
        if instance.REQUEST.get(key, False):
            return True

        # Walk through all AS UIDs and validate each parameter for that AS
        service_uids = request.get("uids", [])
        for uid in service_uids:
            err_msg = self.validate_service(request, uid)
            if not err_msg:

            # Validation failed
            service = api.get_object_by_uid(uid)
            title = api.get_title(service)

            err_msg = "{}: {}".format(title, _(err_msg))
            translate = api.get_tool('translation_service').translate
            instance.REQUEST[key] = to_utf8(translate(safe_unicode(err_msg)))
            return instance.REQUEST[key]

        instance.REQUEST[key] = True
        return True
コード例 #6
    def get_attachment_data_by_uid(self, uid):
        """Retrieve attachment data by UID
        attachment = api.get_object_by_uid(uid, default=None)
        # Attachment file not found/deleted
        if attachment is None:
            return {}
        f = attachment.getAttachmentFile()
        attachment_type = attachment.getAttachmentType()
        attachment_keys = attachment.getAttachmentKeys()
        filename = f.filename
        filesize = self.get_filesize(f)
        mimetype = f.getContentType()
        report_option = attachment.getReportOption()

        return {
            "obj": attachment,
            "attachment_type": attachment_type,
            "attachment_keys": attachment_keys,
            "file": f,
            "uid": uid,
            "filesize": filesize,
            "filename": filename,
            "mimetype": mimetype,
            "report_option": report_option,
コード例 #7
    def _to_service(self, thing):
        """Convert to Analysis Service

        :param thing: UID/Catalog Brain/Object/Something
        :returns: Analysis Service object or None

        # Convert UIDs to objects
        if api.is_uid(thing):
            thing = api.get_object_by_uid(thing, None)

        # Bail out if the thing is not a valid object
        if not api.is_object(thing):
            logger.warn("'{}' is not a valid object!".format(repr(thing)))
            return None

        # Ensure we have an object here and not a brain
        obj = api.get_object(thing)

        if IAnalysisService.providedBy(obj):
            return obj

        if IAnalysis.providedBy(obj):
            return obj.getAnalysisService()

        # An object, but neither an Analysis nor AnalysisService?
        # This should never happen.
        portal_type = api.get_portal_type(obj)
        logger.error("ARAnalysesField doesn't accept objects from {} type. "
                     "The object will be dismissed.".format(portal_type))
        return None
コード例 #8
def getResultsRange(self):
    """Returns the valid result range for this routine analysis based on the
    results ranges defined in the Analysis Request this routine analysis is
    assigned to.

    A routine analysis will be considered out of range if it result falls
    out of the range defined in "min" and "max". If there are values set for
    "warn_min" and "warn_max", these are used to compute the shoulders in
    both ends of the range. Thus, an analysis can be out of range, but be
    within shoulders still.
    :return: A dictionary with keys "min", "max", "warn_min" and "warn_max"
    :rtype: dict
    specs = ResultsRangeDict()
    analysis_request = self.getRequest()
    if not analysis_request:
        return specs

    keyword = self.getKeyword()
    ar_ranges = analysis_request.getResultsRange()
    # Get the result range that corresponds to this specific analysis
    an_range = [rr for rr in ar_ranges if rr.get('keyword', '') == keyword]
    rr = an_range and an_range[0].copy() or specs

    # Calculated Specification
    calc_uid = rr.get("calculation")
    calc = api.get_object_by_uid(calc_uid, None)
    if calc:
        spec = rr.copy()
        spec["analysis_uid"] = self.UID()
        calc_spec = calc.calculate_result(mapping={"spec": spec}, default=rr)
        if calc_spec:

    return rr
コード例 #9
 def get_object_at(self, row, column):
     """Returns an object this container contains at the given position
     uid = self.get_uid_at(row, column)
     if not api.is_uid(uid):
         return None
     return api.get_object_by_uid(uid, default=None)
コード例 #10
ファイル: aranalysesfield.py プロジェクト: xispa/bika.lims
    def _to_service(self, thing):
        """Convert to Analysis Service

        :param thing: UID/Catalog Brain/Object/Something
        :returns: Analysis Service object or None

        # Convert UIDs to objects
        if api.is_uid(thing):
            thing = api.get_object_by_uid(thing, None)

        # Bail out if the thing is not a valid object
        if not api.is_object(thing):
            logger.warn("'{}' is not a valid object!".format(repr(thing)))
            return None

        # Ensure we have an object here and not a brain
        obj = api.get_object(thing)

        if IAnalysisService.providedBy(obj):
            return obj

        if IAnalysis.providedBy(obj):
            return obj.getAnalysisService()

        # An object, but neither an Analysis nor AnalysisService?
        # This should never happen.
        msg = "ARAnalysesField doesn't accept objects from {} type. " \
            "The object will be dismissed.".format(api.get_portal_type(obj))
        return None
コード例 #11
    def process_form(self,
        """Return a list of dictionaries fit for ReferenceResultsField
        consumption. Only services which have float()able entries in result,min
        and max field will be included. If any of min, max, or result fields
        are blank, the row value is ignored here.
        values = {}

        # Process settings from the reference definition first
        ref_def = form.get("ReferenceDefinition")
        ref_def_uid = ref_def and ref_def[0]
        if ref_def_uid:
            ref_def_obj = api.get_object_by_uid(ref_def_uid)
            ref_results = ref_def_obj.getReferenceResults()
            # store reference results by UID to avoid duplicates
            rr_by_uid = dict(map(lambda r: (r.get("uid"), r), ref_results))

        # selected services
        service_uids = form.get("uids", [])

        for uid in service_uids:
            result = self._get_spec_value(form, uid, "result")
            if not result:
                # User has to set a value for result subfield at least

            # If neither min nor max have been set, assume we only accept a
            # discrete result (like if % of error was 0).
            s_min = self._get_spec_value(form, uid, "min", result)
            s_max = self._get_spec_value(form, uid, "max", result)

            service = api.get_object_by_uid(uid)
            values[uid] = {
                "keyword": service.getKeyword(),
                "uid": uid,
                "result": result,
                "min": s_min,
                "max": s_max

        return values.values(), {}
コード例 #12
    def action_add(self):
        """Form action to add a new attachment

        Code taken from bika.lims.content.addARAttachment.

        form = self.request.form
        parent = api.get_parent(self.context)
        attachment_file = form.get('AttachmentFile_file', None)
        AttachmentType = form.get('AttachmentType', '')
        AttachmentKeys = form.get('AttachmentKeys', '')
        ReportOption = form.get('ReportOption', 'r')

        # nothing to do if the attachment file is missing
        if attachment_file is None:
                "AttachmentView.action_add_attachment: Attachment file is missing"

        # create attachment
        attachment = self.create_attachment(parent,

        # append the new UID to the end of the current order

        # handle analysis attachment
        analysis_uid = form.get("Analysis", None)
        if analysis_uid:
            analysis = api.get_object_by_uid(analysis_uid)
            others = analysis.getAttachment()
            attachments = []
            for other in others:
            # The metadata for getAttachmentUIDs need to get updated,
            # otherwise the attachments are not displayed
            # https://github.com/senaite/bika.lims/issues/521

            others = self.context.getAttachment()
            attachments = []
            for other in others:


        if self.request['HTTP_REFERER'].endswith('manage_results'):
コード例 #13
 def get_object_by_uid(self, uid):
     """Get the object by UID
     obj = api.get_object_by_uid(uid, None)
     if obj is None:
         logger.warn("!! No object found for UID #{} !!")
     return obj
コード例 #14
ファイル: auditlog.py プロジェクト: rollomix92/senaite.core
def get_title_or_id_from_uid(uid):
    """Returns the title or ID from the given UID
    obj = api.get_object_by_uid(uid, default=None)
    if obj is None:
        return ""
    title_or_id = api.get_title(obj) or api.get_id(obj)
    return title_or_id
コード例 #15
def _get_title_or_id_from_uid(uid):
    """Returns the title or ID from the given UID
        obj = api.get_object_by_uid(uid)
    except api.APIError:
        return "<Deleted {}>".format(uid)
    title_or_id = api.get_title(obj) or api.get_id(obj)
    return title_or_id
コード例 #16
    def process_form(self, instance, field, form, empty_marker=None,
        """Return a list of dictionaries fit for AnalysisSpecsResultsField

        If neither hidemin nor hidemax are specified, only services which have
        float()able entries in result,min and max field will be included. If
        hidemin and/or hidemax specified, results might contain empty min
        and/or max fields.
        values = []

        # selected services
        service_uids = form.get("uids", [])

        if not service_uids:
            # Inject empty fields for the validator
            values = [dict.fromkeys(field.getSubfields())]

        for uid in service_uids:
            s_min = self._get_spec_value(form, uid, "min")
            s_max = self._get_spec_value(form, uid, "max")

            if not s_min and not s_max:
                # If user has not set value neither for min nor max, omit this
                # record. Otherwise, since 'min' and 'max' are defined as
                # mandatory subfields, the following message will appear after
                # submission: "Specifications is required, please correct."

            # TODO: disallow this case in the UI
            if s_min and s_max:
                if float(s_min) > float(s_max):
                    logger.warn("Min({}) > Max({}) is not allowed"
                                .format(s_min, s_max))

            min_operator = self._get_spec_value(
                form, uid, "min_operator", check_floatable=False)
            max_operator = self._get_spec_value(
                form, uid, "max_operator", check_floatable=False)

            service = api.get_object_by_uid(uid)
                "keyword": service.getKeyword(),
                "uid": uid,
                "min_operator": min_operator,
                "min": s_min,
                "max_operator": max_operator,
                "max": s_max,
                "warn_min": self._get_spec_value(form, uid, "warn_min"),
                "warn_max": self._get_spec_value(form, uid, "warn_max"),
                "hidemin": self._get_spec_value(form, uid, "hidemin"),
                "hidemax": self._get_spec_value(form, uid, "hidemax"),
                "rangecomment": self._get_spec_value(form, uid, "rangecomment",
        return values, {}
コード例 #17
 def getRetest(self):
     """Returns the retest that comes from this analysis, if any
     back_refs = get_backreferences(self, 'AnalysisRetestOf')
     if not back_refs:
         return None
     if len(back_refs) > 1:
         logger.warn("Analysis {} with multiple retests".format(self.id))
     return api.get_object_by_uid(back_refs[0])
コード例 #18
 def add_filter_by_instrument(self, query, out_params):
     if not self.request.form.get("getInstrumentUID", ""):
     query["getInstrumentUID"] = self.request.form["getInstrumentUID"]
     instrument = api.get_object_by_uid(query["getInstrumentUID"])
         "title": _("Instrument"),
         "value": instrument.Title(),
         "type": "text"
コード例 #19
 def add_filter_by_service(self, query, out_params):
     if not self.request.form.get("ServiceUID", ""):
     query["getServiceUID"] = self.request.form["ServiceUID"]
     service = api.get_object_by_uid(query["getServiceUID"])
         "title": _("Analysis Service"),
         "value": service.Title(),
         "type": "text"
コード例 #20
    def async_create_analysisrequest(self):
        msgs = []
        form = self.request.form
        records = json.loads(form.get('records', '[]'))
        attachments = json.loads(form.get('attachments', '[]'))
        ARs = []
        logger.info('Async create %s records' % len(records))
        for n, record in enumerate(records):
            client_uid = record.get("Client")
            client = api.get_object_by_uid(client_uid)

            if not client:
                msgs.append("Error: Client {} found".format(client_uid))

            # get the specifications and pass them directly to the AR
            # create function.
            specifications = record.pop("Specifications", {})

            # Create the Analysis Request
            ar = create_analysisrequest(client,

            _attachments = []
            for att_uid in attachments.get(str(n), []):
                attachment = api.get_object_by_uid(att_uid)
            if _attachments:

        if len(ARs) == 1:
            msgs.append('Created AR {}'.format(ARs[0]))
        elif len(ARs) > 1:
            msgs.append('Created ARs {}'.format(', '.join(ARs)))
            msgs.append('No ARs created')
        message = '; '.join(msgs)
        logger.info('AR Creation complete: {}'.format(message))
コード例 #21
 def get_next_container(self):
     """Returns the next container from the list of uids from the request
     that have not been yet processed or None
     next_uids = self.get_next_uids()
     if next_uids:
         container = api.get_object_by_uid(next_uids[0])
         if IStorageSamplesContainer.providedBy(container):
             return container
     return None
コード例 #22
 def getRetest(self):
     """Returns the retest that comes from this analysis, if any
     relationship = "{}RetestOf".format(self.portal_type)
     back_refs = get_backreferences(self, relationship)
     if not back_refs:
         return None
     if len(back_refs) > 1:
         logger.warn("Analysis {} with multiple retests".format(self.id))
     return api.get_object_by_uid(back_refs[0])
コード例 #23
 def _get_selected_items(self):
     """return a list of selected form objects
        full_objects defaults to True
     uids = self.get_selected_uids()
     selected_items = collections.OrderedDict()
     for uid in uids:
         obj = get_object_by_uid(uid)
         if obj:
             selected_items[uid] = obj
     return selected_items
コード例 #24
    def calc_dependants_gen(service, collector=None):
        """Generator for recursive resolution of dependant sevices.

        # The UID of the service
        service_uid = api.get_uid(service)

        # maintain an internal dependency mapping
        if collector is None:
            collector = {}

        # Stop iteration if we processed this service already
        if service_uid in collector:
            raise StopIteration

        # Get the dependant calculations of the service
        # (calculations that use the service in their formula).
        calc_uids = get_backreferences(
            service, relationship="CalculationDependentServices")

        for calc_uid in calc_uids:
            # Get the calculation object
            calc = api.get_object_by_uid(calc_uid)

            # Get the Analysis Services which have this calculation assigned
            dep_service_uids = get_backreferences(
                calc, relationship='AnalysisServiceCalculation')

            for dep_service_uid in dep_service_uids:
                dep_service = api.get_object_by_uid(dep_service_uid)

                # remember the dependent service
                collector[dep_service_uid] = dep_service

                # yield the dependent service
                yield dep_service

                # check the dependants of the dependant services
                for ddep_service in calc_dependants_gen(
                        dep_service, collector=collector):
                    yield ddep_service
コード例 #25
 def add_filter_by_client(self, query, out_params):
     """Applies the filter by client to the search query
     current_client = logged_in_client(self.context)
     if current_client:
         query['getClientUID'] = api.get_uid(current_client)
     elif self.request.form.get("ClientUID", ""):
         query['getClientUID'] = self.request.form['ClientUID']
         client = api.get_object_by_uid(query['getClientUID'])
         out_params.append({'title': _('Client'),
                            'value': client.Title(),
                            'type': 'text'})
コード例 #26
    def get_object(self, brain_or_object_or_uid):
        """Get the full content object. Returns None if the param passed in is
        not a valid, not a valid object or not found

        :param brain_or_object_or_uid: UID/Catalog brain/content object
        :returns: content object
        if api.is_uid(brain_or_object_or_uid):
            return api.get_object_by_uid(brain_or_object_or_uid, default=None)
        if api.is_object(brain_or_object_or_uid):
            return api.get_object(brain_or_object_or_uid)
        return None
コード例 #27
 def __call__(self):
     self.results = {}  # {category_title: listofdicts}
     for r in self.context.getReferenceResults():
         service = api.get_object_by_uid(r["uid"])
         cat = service.getCategoryTitle()
         if cat not in self.results:
             self.results[cat] = []
         r["service"] = service
     self.categories = self.results.keys()
     return self.template()
コード例 #28
 def get_container(self):
     """Returns the current samples container based on the uids passed in the
     if self.container:
         return self.container
     request_uids = self.get_uids_from_request()
     if not request_uids:
         if IStorageSamplesContainer.providedBy(self.context):
             self.container = self.context
         self.container = api.get_object_by_uid(request_uids[0])
     return self.container
コード例 #29
def create_items(portal_type=None, uid=None, endpoint=None, **kw):
    """ create items

    1. If the uid is given, get the object and create the content in there
       (assumed that it is folderish)
    2. If the uid is 0, the target folder is assumed the portal.
    3. If there is no uid given, the payload is checked for either a key
        - `parent_uid`  specifies the *uid* of the target folder
        - `parent_path` specifies the *physical path* of the target folder
    # import pdb;pdb.set_trace()
    # disable CSRF

    # destination where to create the content
    container = uid and api.get_object_by_uid(uid) or None

    # extract the data from the request
    records = req.get_request_data()

    results = []
    for record in records:

        # get the portal_type
        if portal_type is None:
            # try to fetch the portal type out of the request data
            portal_type = record.pop("portal_type", None)

        # check if it is allowed to create the portal_type
        if not is_creation_allowed(portal_type):
            fail(401, "Creation of '{}' is not allowed".format(portal_type))

        if container is None:
            # find the container for content creation
            container = find_target_container(portal_type, record)

        # Check if we have a container and a portal_type
        if not all([container, portal_type]):
            fail(400, "Please provide a container path/uid and portal_type")

        # create the object and pass in the record data
        obj = create_object(container, portal_type, **record)
        if type(obj) is list:

    if not results:
        fail(400, "No Objects could be created")

    return make_items_for(results, endpoint=endpoint)
コード例 #30
ファイル: labcontact.py プロジェクト: rollomix92/senaite.core
    def removeDepartment(self, dep):
        """Removes a department

        :param dep: UID or department object
        :returns: True when the department was removed
        if api.is_uid(dep):
            dep = api.get_object_by_uid(dep)
        deps = self.getDepartments()
        if dep not in deps:
            return False
        return True
コード例 #31
    def process_form(self,
        """Return a list of dictionaries fit for ARTemplate/Analyses field
        value = []

        # selected services
        service_uids = form.get("uids", [])
        # defined partitions
        partitions = form.get("Partition", [])
        partitions = partitions and partitions[0] or {}
        # hidden services
        hidden_services = form.get("Hidden", {})

        # get the service objects
        services = map(api.get_object_by_uid, service_uids)
        # get dependencies
        dependencies = map(lambda s: s.getServiceDependencies(), services)
        dependencies = list(itertools.chain.from_iterable(dependencies))
        # Merge dependencies and services
        services = set(services + dependencies)

        # get the profile
        profile_uid = form.get("AnalysisProfile_uid")
        if profile_uid:
            profile = api.get_object_by_uid(profile_uid)
            # update the services with those from the profile

        as_settings = []
        for service in services:
            service_uid = api.get_uid(service)
                "service_uid": service_uid,
                "partition": partitions.get(service_uid, "part-1")

            hidden = hidden_services.get(service_uid, "") == "on"
            as_settings.append({"uid": service_uid, "hidden": hidden})

        # set the analysis services settings

        # This returns the value for the Analyses Schema Field
        return value, {}
コード例 #32
    def folderitems(self):
        ars = {}
        for slot in self.context.getLayout():
            if slot['type'] != 'a':
            ar = slot['container_uid']
            if ar not in ars:
                ars[ar] = slot['position']

        items = []
        for ar, pos in ars.items():
            pos = str(pos)
            ar = api.get_object_by_uid(ar)
            # this folderitems doesn't subclass from the bika_listing.py
            # so we create items from scratch
            item = {
                'obj': ar,
                'id': ar.id,
                'uid': ar.UID(),
                'title': ar.Title(),
                'type_class': 'contenttype-AnalysisService',
                'url': ar.absolute_url(),
                'relative_url': ar.absolute_url(),
                'view_url': ar.absolute_url(),
                'Position': int(pos) if pos.isdigit() else pos,
                'RequestID': ar.id,
                'Client': ar.aq_parent.Title(),
                'created': self.ulocalized_time(ar.created()),
                'replace': {},
                'before': {},
                'after': {},
                'choices': {},
                'class': {},
                'state_class': 'state-active',
                'allow_edit': [],
                'required': [],
        items = sorted(items, key=itemgetter('Position'))

        return items
コード例 #33
ファイル: doctor.py プロジェクト: naralabs/bika.health
    def get_clients_vocabulary(self):
        Vocabulary list with clients
        :return: A DisplayList object
        if self.getBatches() or self.getAnalysisRequests():
            # Allow to change the client if there are no ARs associated
            client = self.getPrimaryReferrer()
            if not client:
                # Maybe all Batches and ARs assigned to this Doctor belong to
                # the same Client.. If so, just assign this client by default
                client_uids = map(lambda ar: ar.getClientUID,
                client_uids = list(set(client_uids))
                if len(client_uids) > 1:
                    # More than one client assigned!
                    return DisplayList([('', '')])
                clients = map(lambda batch: batch.getClient(),
                client_uids += map(lambda client: api.get_uid(client), clients)
                client_uids = list(set(client_uids))
                if len(client_uids) > 1:
                    # More than one client assigned!
                    return DisplayList([('', '')])

                client = api.get_object_by_uid(client_uids[0])

            return DisplayList([(api.get_uid(client), client.Title())])

        # If the current user is a client contact, do not display other clients
        client = api.get_current_client()
        if client:
            return DisplayList([(api.get_uid(client), client.Title())])

        # Search for clients
        query = dict(portal_type='Client', is_active=True,
                     sort_order='ascending', sort_on='title')
        brains = api.search(query, 'portal_catalog')
        clients = map(lambda brain: [api.get_uid(brain), brain.Title], brains)
        clients.insert(0, ['', ''])
        return DisplayList(clients)
コード例 #34
ファイル: api.py プロジェクト: andersonsmith/bika.lims
def get_object_by_uid(uid, default=None):
    """Proxy to bika.lims.api.get_object_by_uid
    return api.get_object_by_uid(uid, default)