コード例 #1
ファイル: api.py プロジェクト: Lunga001/bika.lims-1
def get_search_results(portal_type=None, uid=None, **kw):
    """Search the catalog and return the results

    :returns: Catalog search results
    :rtype: iterable

    # If we have an UID, return the object immediately
    if uid is not None:
        logger.info("UID '%s' found, returning the object immediately" % uid)
        return u.to_list(get_object_by_uid(uid))

    # allow to search search for the Plone Site with portal_type
    include_portal = False
    if u.to_string(portal_type) == "Plone Site":
        include_portal = True

    # The request may contain a list of portal_types, e.g.
    # `?portal_type=Document&portal_type=Plone Site`
    if "Plone Site" in u.to_list(req.get("portal_type")):
        include_portal = True

    # Build and execute a catalog query
    results = search(portal_type=portal_type, uid=uid, **kw)

    if include_portal:
        results = list(results) + u.to_list(get_portal())

    return results
コード例 #2
ファイル: api.py プロジェクト: andersonsmith/bika.lims
def get_search_results(portal_type=None, uid=None, **kw):
    """Search the catalog and return the results

    :returns: Catalog search results
    :rtype: iterable

    # If we have an UID, return the object immediately
    if uid is not None:
        logger.info("UID '%s' found, returning the object immediately" % uid)
        return u.to_list(get_object_by_uid(uid))

    # allow to search search for the Plone Site with portal_type
    include_portal = False
    if u.to_string(portal_type) == "Plone Site":
        include_portal = True

    # The request may contain a list of portal_types, e.g.
    # `?portal_type=Document&portal_type=Plone Site`
    if "Plone Site" in u.to_list(req.get("portal_type")):
        include_portal = True

    # Build and execute a catalog query
    results = search(portal_type=portal_type, uid=uid, **kw)

    if include_portal:
        results = list(results) + u.to_list(get_portal())

    return results
コード例 #3
ファイル: catalog.py プロジェクト: zhangjian0111/bika.lims
    def get_keyword_query(self, **kw):
        """Generates a query from the given keywords.
        Only known indexes make it into the generated query.

        :returns: Catalog query
        :rtype: dict
        query = dict()

        # Only known indexes get observed
        indexes = self.catalog.get_indexes()

        # Handle additional keyword parameters
        for k, v in kw.iteritems():
            # handle uid in keywords
            if k.lower() == "uid":
                k = "UID"
            # handle portal_type in keywords
            if k.lower() == "portal_type":
                if v:
                    v = _.to_list(v)
            if k not in indexes:
                logger.warn("Skipping unknown keyword parameter '%s=%s'" %
                            (k, v))
            if v is None:
                logger.warn("Skip None value in kw parameter '%s=%s'" % (k, v))
            logger.debug("Adding '%s=%s' to query" % (k, v))
            query[k] = v

        return query
コード例 #4
ファイル: catalog.py プロジェクト: Lunga001/bika.lims-1
    def search(self, query):
        """search the catalog
        logger.info("Catalog query={}".format(query))

        # Support to set the catalog as a request parameter
        catalogs = _.to_list(req.get("catalog", None))
        if catalogs:
            return bikaapi.search(query, catalog=catalogs)
        # Delegate to the search API of Bika LIMS
        return bikaapi.search(query)
コード例 #5
ファイル: catalog.py プロジェクト: zhangjian0111/bika.lims
    def to_index_value(self, value, index):
        """Convert the value for a given index

        # ZPublisher records can be passed to the catalog as is.
        if isinstance(value, HTTPRequest.record):
            return value

        if isinstance(index, basestring):
            index = self.get_index(index)

        if index.id == "portal_type":
            return filter(lambda x: x, _.to_list(value))
        if index.meta_type == "DateIndex":
            return DateTime(value)
        if index.meta_type == "BooleanIndex":
            return bool(value)
        if index.meta_type == "KeywordIndex":
            return value.split(",")

        return value