コード例 #1
def after_retract(analysis_request):
    """Method triggered after a 'retract' transition for the Analysis Request
    passed in is performed. Cascades the transition to descendants (partitions)
    and analyses as well.
    do_action_to_descendants(analysis_request, "retract")
    do_action_to_analyses(analysis_request, "retract")
コード例 #2
def after_cancel(analysis_request):
    """Method triggered after a 'cancel' transition for the Analysis Request
    passed in is performed. Cascades this transition to its analyses and
    do_action_to_descendants(analysis_request, "cancel")
    do_action_to_analyses(analysis_request, "cancel")
コード例 #3
def after_publish(analysis_request):
    """Method triggered after an 'publish' transition for the Analysis Request
    passed in is performed. Performs the 'publish' transition Publishes the
    descendant partitions and all analyses associated to the analysis request
    as well.
    do_action_to_descendants(analysis_request, "publish")
    do_action_to_analyses(analysis_request, "publish")
コード例 #4
def after_reject(analysis_request):
    """Method triggered after a 'reject' transition for the Analysis Request
    passed in is performed. Cascades the transition to descendants (partitions)
    and analyses as well. If "notify on rejection" setting is enabled, sends a
    notification to the client contact.
    do_action_to_descendants(analysis_request, "reject")
    do_action_to_analyses(analysis_request, "reject")
コード例 #5
def after_prepublish(analysis_request):
    """Method triggered after a 'prepublish' transition for the Analysis
    Request passed in is performed. Performs the 'publish' transition to the
    descendant partitions.

    Also see: https://github.com/senaite/senaite.core/pull/1428
    do_action_to_descendants(analysis_request, "publish")
コード例 #6
def after_submit(analysis_request):
    """Function called after a 'submit' transition is triggered. Promotes the
    submission of ancestors and descendants (partitions).
    # This transition is not meant to be triggered manually by the user, rather
    # promoted by analyses. Hence, there is no need to cascade the transition
    # to the analyses the analysis request contains.
    do_action_to_ancestors(analysis_request, "submit")
    do_action_to_descendants(analysis_request, "submit")
コード例 #7
def after_verify(analysis_request):
    """Method triggered after a 'verify' transition for the Analysis Request
    passed in is performed. Promotes the 'verify' transition to ancestors,
    descendants and to the analyses that belong to the analysis request.
    # This transition is not meant to be triggered manually by the user, rather
    # promoted by analyses. Hence, there is no need to cascade the transition
    # to the analyses the analysis request contains.
    do_action_to_ancestors(analysis_request, "verify")
    do_action_to_descendants(analysis_request, "verify")
コード例 #8
def after_reinstate(analysis_request):
    """Method triggered after a 'reinstate' transition for the Analysis Request
    passed in is performed. Sets its status to the last status before it was
    cancelled. Reinstates the descendant partitions and all the analyses
    associated to the analysis request as well.
    do_action_to_descendants(analysis_request, "reinstate")
    do_action_to_analyses(analysis_request, "reinstate")

    # Force the transition to previous state before the request was cancelled
    prev_status = get_prev_status_from_history(analysis_request, "cancelled")
コード例 #9
def after_reject(analysis_request):
    """Method triggered after a 'reject' transition for the Analysis Request
    passed in is performed. Cascades the transition to descendants (partitions)
    and analyses as well. If "notify on rejection" setting is enabled, sends a
    notification to the client contact.
    do_action_to_descendants(analysis_request, "reject")
    do_action_to_analyses(analysis_request, "reject")

    # TODO Workflow - AnalysisRequest - Revisit rejection notification
    if not analysis_request.bika_setup.getNotifyOnSampleRejection():

    ancestor = analysis_request.getParentAnalysisRequest()
    if ancestor and api.get_workflow_status_of(ancestor) == "rejected":
        # No need to notify, notification done by the ancestor

    # Notify the Client about the Rejection.
    from bika.lims.utils.analysisrequest import notify_rejection