def __init__(self, type, color, weight, wheel_size, brake_type, price, bike_subtype, has_suspension, gear_count): Bikes.__init__(self, type, color, weight, wheel_size, brake_type, price) self.bike_subtype = bike_subtype self.has_suspension = has_suspension self.gear_count = gear_count
def __init__(self, type, color, weight, wheel_size, brake_type, price, max_speed, frame_material, safety_score): Bikes.__init__(self, type, color, weight, wheel_size, brake_type, price) self.max_speed = max_speed self.frame_material = frame_material self.safety_score = safety_score
import numpy as np import os from os import listdir from os.path import isfile, join, dirname from bokeh.plotting import figure from bokeh.layouts import layout, widgetbox from bokeh.models import ColumnDataSource, Div, HoverTool from bokeh.models.widgets import Slider, Select, TextInput, DateRangeSlider from import curdoc from bokeh.models.annotations import Title from bokeh.models.callbacks import CustomJS from bikes import Bikes df, stations, min_date, max_date = Bikes.retrieve_data() stations_names = path = os.getcwd() filename = "bike_meter.html" desc = Div(text=open(join(path, filename)).read(), width=800) axis_map = { "empty_slots": "empty_slots", "free_bikes": "free_bikes", "total_slots": "total_slots", "usage_ratio": "usage_ratio" } # Create Column Data Source that will be used by the plot
def total_worth(self, current_discount, total_use): msrp = Bikes.calc_msrp(self, current_discount) total_worth = msrp * total_use print(total_worth)
def __init__(self, type, color, weight, wheel_size, brake_type, price, has_pegs, has_gyro): Bikes.__init__(self, type, color, weight, wheel_size, brake_type, price) self.has_pegs = has_pegs self.has_gyro = has_gyro