def newVideoStack(self, imageData, videoHeader): """ imageData: numpy image videoHeader: dict with (motor, um widht/height, date/time) """ print('bCanvas.newVideoStack() imageData:', imageData.shape, 'videoHeader:', videoHeader) # strip down imageData if len(imageData.shape) == 2: # ok pass elif len(imageData.shape) == 3: # assume last axis is r/g/b planes imageData = imageData[:, :, 0] xPixels, yPixels = imageData.shape # make _video folder if necc if not os.path.isdir(self.videoFolderPath): os.mkdir(self.videoFolderPath) # construct file path/name and save numVideoFiles = len(self.videoFileList) fileNumStr = str(numVideoFiles).zfill(3) saveVideoFile = 'v' + self.enclosingFolder + '_' + fileNumStr + '.tif' saveVideoPath = os.path.join(self.videoFolderPath, saveVideoFile) # fill in more of header videoHeader['bitDepth'] = 8 videoHeader['xVoxel'] = videoHeader['umHeight'] / xPixels videoHeader['yVoxel'] = videoHeader['umWidth'] / yPixels videoHeader['zVoxel'] = 1 videoHeader['unit'] = 'um' # save stack bimpy.util.bTiffFile.imsave(saveVideoPath, imageData, tifHeader=videoHeader) # load as bStack newVideoStack = bimpy.bStack(saveVideoPath, loadImages=True) # append to list self.appendVideo(newVideoStack) # save canvas file return newVideoStack
def convert(path): headerList = [] # used to generate one csv file for folder tmpPath, enclosingFolder = os.path.split(path) with javabridge.vm(run_headless=True, class_path=bioformats.JARS): # turn off logging, see: # ./bStack_env/lib/python3.7/site-packages/bioformats/ log4j = javabridge.JClassWrapper("loci.common.Log4jTools") log4j.enableLogging() log4j.setRootLevel("WARN") # build a list of oir header dictionaries for file in sorted(os.listdir(path)): if file.startswith('.'): continue if file.endswith('.oir'): filePath = os.path.join(path, file) myStack = bStack(filePath) myStack.loadHeader() myStack.header.prettyPrint() # print to command line headerList.append(myStack.header.header ) # used to generate one csv file for folder # save the .txt file baseFileName = os.path.basename(file) baseFileName, ext = baseFileName.split('.') textFilePath = os.path.join(path, baseFileName + '.txt') with open(textFilePath, 'w') as textFile: textFile.write(myStack.header.getMetaData()) # # generate one file with one row for each oir header if len(headerList) > 0: outFilePath = os.path.join(path, enclosingFolder + '.csv') with open(outFilePath, 'w') as outFile: print('saving file:', outFilePath) for idx, header in enumerate(headerList): if idx == 0: columnNames = '' for k, v in header.items(): columnNames += k + ',' outFile.write(columnNames + '\n') for k, v in header.items(): outFile.write(str(v) + ',') outFile.write('\n')
def main(path): myStack = bimpy.bStack(path, loadImages=False, loadTracing=True) app = QtWidgets.QApplication(sys.argv) ''' print(2) myPlot = bPyQtPlot(None, myStack) ''' myPlotWidget = bScatterPlotWidget(myStack, None) print(3) sys.exit(app.exec_()) # this will loop
def main(path): myStack = bimpy.bStack(path, loadImages=False, loadTracing=True) app = QtWidgets.QApplication(sys.argv) ''' print(2) myPlot = bPyQtPlot(None, myStack) ''' #myPlotWidget = bCaimanPlotWidget(parent=None, stackObject=myStack) myPlotWidget = bCaimanPlotWidget0(parent=None, stackObject=myStack) sys.exit(app.exec_()) # this will loop
def loadFolder(self): for file in sorted(os.listdir(self.folderPath)): if file.startswith('.'): continue try: fileExtension = file.split('.')[1] except: #IndexError continue if fileExtension in acceptableExtensions: fullStackPath = os.path.join(self.folderPath, file) print('fullStackPath:', fullStackPath) newStack = bStack(fullStackPath, loadImages=False) newStack.loadHeader() self.stackList.append(newStack) newStack.header.prettyPrint()
this_lpMinList[idx] = one_lpMin this_lpMaxList[idx] = one_lpMax this_lpSNRList[idx] = one_lpSNR #self.d2[slabIdx] = retDict['diam'] #print(' done my_mpWorker() edgeIdx:', edgeIdx) return edgeIdx, slabIdxList, thisDiamList, this_lpMinList, this_lpMaxList, this_lpSNRList if __name__ == '__main__': path = '/home/cudmore/data/nathan/SAN4/aicsAnalysis/testing/SAN4_tail_ch2.tif' channelToAnalyze = 2 # load the stack myStack = bimpy.bStack(path=path, loadImages=True, loadTracing=True) # # test worker ''' global gStackObject gStackObject = myStack detectionDict = myStack.myLineProfile.getDefaultDetectionParams() detectionDict['displayThisStack'] = channelToAnalyze # edgeIdx = 5 my_mpWorker(edgeIdx, detectionDict) ''' runDiameterPool(myStack, channelToAnalyze)
#xArray = np.array(xList) #intensityProfileList = np.array(intensityProfileList) #fwhm = np.array(fwhm) return np.asarray(xList), np.asarray(intensityProfileList), np.asarray( fwhmList) def euclideanDistance(self, pnt1, pnt2): """ given 2d/3d points, return the straight line (euclidean) distance btween them remeber, this is not accurate for 3d points as our Z is huge in scanning microscopy!!! """ if len(pnt1) == 2: return math.sqrt((pnt1[0] - pnt2[0])**2 + (pnt1[1] - pnt2[1])**2) elif len(pnt1) == 3: return math.sqrt((pnt1[0] - pnt2[0])**2 + (pnt1[1] - pnt2[1])**2 + +(pnt1[2] - pnt2[2])**2) if __name__ == '__main__': import bimpy path = '/Users/cudmore/box/data/nathan/EC-GCaMP-Test-20190920/ach-analysis/ach-aligned-8bit.tif' path = '/Users/cudmore/box/data/nathan/EC-GCaMP-Test-20190920/ach-analysis/ach-aligned-8bit-short2.tif' bs = bimpy.bStack(path) ba = bAnalysis(bs) slice = 0 src = [0, 0] dst = [100, 100] ans = ba.lineProfile(slice, src, dst, linewidth=2) print('ans:', ans)
def load(self, thisFile=None): """ Load a saved Python canvas todo: there should be some fields in saved json that are global to the canvas for example, window position """ #loadFilePath = os.path.join(self._folderPath, self.enclosingFolder + '_canvas.txt') print('=== bCanvas.load() thisFile:', thisFile) if thisFile is not None: if os.path.isfile(thisFile): self._filePath = thisFile self._folderPath, tmpFilename = os.path.split(self._filePath) with open(self._filePath) as f: data = json.load(f) else: print('Warning: bCanvasApp.load() did not load thisFile:', thisFile) return ''' print(' ') print ('bCanvas.load() loaded:') print('data:', json.dumps(data, indent=4)) ''' # iterate through keys in data and take action # e.g. ('canvasOptions', 'videofiles', 'scopefiles') for key, item in data.items(): #print(key,item) if key == 'canvasOptions': print('bCanvas.load() key:', key, 'item:', item) elif key == 'videoFiles': for fileName, fileDict in item.items(): videoFilePath = os.path.join(self.videoFolderPath, fileName) print(' bCanvas.load() is loading videoFilePath:', videoFilePath) videoStack = bimpy.bStack(videoFilePath, loadImages=True) for headerStr, headerValue in fileDict.items(): if headerStr in videoStack.header.header.keys(): videoStack.header.header[headerStr] = headerValue else: # todo: put this back in #print('warning: bCanvas.load() did not find VideoFile key "' + headerStr + '" in file', fileName) videoStack.header.header[headerStr] = headerValue #videoStack.printHeader() # append to list self._videoFileList.append(videoStack) elif key == 'scopeFiles': for fileName, fileDict in item.items(): #folderPath = fileDict['folderPath'] # to load from folder scopeFilePath = os.path.join(self._folderPath, fileName) print(' bCanvas.load() is loading scopeFilePath:', scopeFilePath) # todo: we need to load from folder # folderPath will trump scopeFilePath scopeStack = bimpy.bStack(scopeFilePath, loadImages=False) scopeStack.loadMax() for headerStr, headerValue in fileDict.items(): if headerStr in scopeStack.header.header.keys(): # don't do this scopeStack.header.header[headerStr] = headerValue pass else: # todo: put this back in #print('warning: bCanvas.load() did not find ScopeFile key "' + headerStr + '" in file', fileName) scopeStack.header.header[headerStr] = headerValue #scopeStack.printHeader() # append to list self._scopeFileList.append(scopeStack)
def old_buildFromScratch(self, folderPath=''): """ Given a folder path, build canvas from scratch """ if len(folderPath) > 0: self._folderPath = folderPath if not os.path.isdir(self._folderPath): # error print('error: bCanvas.buildFromScratch() did not find folderPath:', self._folderPath) # # video self._videoFileList = [] videoFolderPath = self.videoFolderPath for videoFile in sorted(os.listdir(videoFolderPath)): if videoFile.startswith('.'): continue videoFilePath = os.path.join(videoFolderPath, videoFile) if not os.path.isfile(videoFilePath): continue print('bCanvas.buildFromScratch() videoFilePath:', videoFilePath) #videoTif = self.openVideoFile(videoFilePath) # 20190708, was this #videoFile = bVideoFile(self, videoFilePath) videoFile = bimpy.bStack(videoFilePath) videoFile.loadHeader() # at least makes default bStackHeader() #videoFile.getHeaderFromDict(self.import_stackDict) videoFile.header.importVideoHeaderFromIgor(self.import_stackDict) videoFile.loadStack() # this is only for import from igor # append to list self._videoFileList.append(videoFile) # # scope self._scopeFileList = [] possibleImageFiles = ['.tif', '.oir'] for scopeFile in sorted(os.listdir(self._folderPath)): if scopeFile.startswith('.'): continue baseScopeFileName, fileExtension = os.path.splitext(scopeFile) if fileExtension not in possibleImageFiles: continue scopeFilePath = os.path.join(self._folderPath, scopeFile) if not os.path.isfile(scopeFilePath): continue #print('bCanvas.buildFromScratch() scopeFilePath:', scopeFilePath) tmpStack = bimpy.bStack(scopeFilePath, loadImages=False) tmpStack.loadHeader() #print('tmpStack.header.prettyPrint():', tmpStack.header.prettyPrint()) #print('tmpStack.header.getMetaData():', tmpStack.header.getMetaData()) #if scopeFile in fakeMotorPositons.keys(): baseScopeFileName = 'X' + baseScopeFileName print('baseScopeFileName:', baseScopeFileName) if baseScopeFileName in self.import_stackDict.keys(): print( ' **************** bCanvas.buildFromScratch() is adding motor position to header [[[FAKE DATA]]]' ) tmpStack.header.header['xMotor'] = self.import_stackDict[ baseScopeFileName].header['xMotor'] tmpStack.header.header['yMotor'] = self.import_stackDict[ baseScopeFileName].header['yMotor'] #tmpStack.header.header['xMotor'] = fakeMotorPositons[scopeFile]['xMotor'] #tmpStack.header.header['yMotor'] = fakeMotorPositons[scopeFile]['yMotor'] else: print(' WARNING: scopeFile', baseScopeFileName, 'does not have an x/y motor position') self._scopeFileList.append(tmpStack)
def importNewScopeFiles(self, watchDict=None): """ look through files in our hard-drive folder and look for new files. A new file is one that is not already in self.scopeFileList watchDict: dictionary mapping file name to x/y/z motor position passed when we are on Olympus Return list of files/folders we imported """ newStackList = [] # build a list of new files listDir = os.listdir(self._folderPath) theseFileExtensions = ['.tif', '.oir'] print('bCanvas.importNewScopeFiles()') print(' Looking in self._folderPath:', self._folderPath) print(' looking for files ending in theseFileExtensions:', theseFileExtensions) for potentialNewFile in listDir: tmpFile, fileExt = os.path.splitext(potentialNewFile) # adding option to load from folder of .tif folderPath = '' potentialFolder = os.path.join(self._folderPath, tmpFile) if os.path.isdir(potentialFolder): # todo: make this more precise like <canvas>_video videoFolderPath = self.videoFolderPath # todo: stop using properties !!! tmpVideoFolderPath, videoFolderName = os.path.split( videoFolderPath) #if potentialFolder.endswith('_video'): if tmpFile == videoFolderName: # don't load _video folder continue if tmpFile == 'max': # don't load max folder continue print(' tmpFile is a folder, potentialFolder:', potentialFolder) # load from folder of tif fileList = glob.glob(potentialFolder + '/*.tif') fileList = sorted(fileList) if len(fileList) == 0: print(' did not find any .tif files in folder:', potentialFolder) continue #folderPath = potentialFolder #potentialNewFile = fileList[0] print(' loading from folder potentialNewFile:', potentialNewFile) # was this elif not fileExt in theseFileExtensions: continue #if not potentialNewFile.endswith(thisFileExtension): # continue print(' bCanvas.importNewScopeFiles() considering file:', potentialNewFile) # check if file is in self.scopeFileList isInList = False for loadedScopeFile in self.scopeFileList: if loadedScopeFile.getFileName() == potentialNewFile: print( ' already in self.scopeFileList, potentialNewFile:', potentialNewFile) isInList = True break if not isInList: # found a file that is not in scopeFileList # we need to find it in bLogFilePosition print(' New file:', potentialNewFile, 'find it in bLogFilePosition') newFilePath = os.path.join(self._folderPath, potentialNewFile) # load stack with images and save max newScopeStack = bimpy.bStack(newFilePath, loadImages=True) newScopeStack.saveMax() # abb removed southwest # try and flip any/all motor in display widget? ''' if self.myCanvasWidget.myCanvasApp.xyzMotor.swapxy: tmp = newScopeStack.header.header['xMotor'] newScopeStack.header.header['xMotor'] = newScopeStack.header.header['yMotor'] newScopeStack.header.header['yMotor'] = tmp ''' ''' print('FAKE MOTOR POSITION FOR mp285') newScopeStack.header.header['xMotor'] = -2235 newScopeStack.header.header['yMotor'] = -844.56 ''' # append to header # todo: on windows use os.path.getctime(path_to_file) # see: cTime = os.path.getctime(newFilePath) dateStr = time.strftime('%Y%m%d', time.localtime(cTime)) timeStr = time.strftime('%H:%M:%S', time.localtime(cTime)) newScopeStack.header.header[ 'date'] = dateStr #time.strftime('%Y%m%d') newScopeStack.header.header[ 'time'] = timeStr"%H:%M:%S.%f")[:-4] newScopeStack.header.header['seconds'] = cTime #time.time() print(' newScopeStack:', newScopeStack.print()) # get motor position from dict if watchDict is not None: print( '\n when we are watching a folder, get motor position from myLogFilePositon' ) print( ' bCanvas.importNewScopeFiles is getting x/y motor for potentialNewFile:', potentialNewFile) print(' watchDict:', watchDict) #xPos, yPos = self.myCanvasWidget.myLogFilePositon.getFilePositon(potentialNewFile) # zPos is ignored on olympus (it is controlled by olympus software) xPos, yPos, zPos = self.getFilePositon( watchDict, potentialNewFile) print(' got xPos:', xPos, 'yPos:', yPos) if xPos is None or yPos is None: print( '\n\nCRITICAL ERROR IN bCanvas.import newScopeFile()\n\n' ) if xPos is not None and yPos is not None: newScopeStack.header.header['xMotor'] = xPos newScopeStack.header.header['yMotor'] = yPos else: print( ' error: bCanvas.importNewScopeFiles() did not find file position for file:', potentialNewFile) newScopeStack.header.header['xMotor'] = None newScopeStack.header.header['yMotor'] = None # append to return list newStackList.append(newScopeStack) self._scopeFileList.append(newScopeStack) #print('*** importNewScopeFiles() REMEMBER TO SAVE !!!') return newStackList
def searchDisconnectedEdges(self, params=None): """ params: Not used, placeholder for other search functions """ self.initSearch('searchDisconnectedEdges') for edgeIdx, edge in enumerate(self.slabList.edgeIter()): if not self.continueSearch: break if self.slabList.isDanglingEdge(edgeIdx): #hitDict = self._defaultSearchDict2() # just includes 'idx' #hitDict['edge1'] = int(edgeIdx) hitDict = edge self.addFound(hitDict) # debug quiting search with Key_Q #time.sleep(0.3) #print('edgeIdx:', edgeIdx) if not self.continueSearch: print('search cancelled') self.finishSearch(verbose=False) return self.hitDictList if __name__ == '__main__': path = '/Users/cudmore/box/Sites/DeepVess/data/20191017/blur/20191017__0001_z.tif' stack = bimpy.bStack(path, loadImages=False) mySearch = bSearchAnnotations(stack.slabList) mySearch.searchDeadEnd()
def __init__(self, path='', theStack=None, myStackWidget=None): print('=== bNapari.__init__() path:', path) self.myStackWidget = myStackWidget filename = os.path.basename(path) # load stack if neccessary if theStack is not None: self.mySimpleStack = theStack else: self.mySimpleStack = bimpy.bStack(path) # title = filename # todo oct 2020, add all open channels/masks stack = self.mySimpleStack.getStack('raw', channel=1) stack_nDim = len(stack.shape) self.viewer = napari.Viewer(title=title, ndisplay=stack_nDim) # # abb 20191216 removed self.bShapeAnalysisWidget = None #self.bShapeAnalysisWidget = bShapeAnalysisWidget(self.viewer, self.mySimpleStack) # xVoxel = self.mySimpleStack.xVoxel yVoxel = self.mySimpleStack.yVoxel zVoxel = self.mySimpleStack.zVoxel colormap = 'gray' if stack_nDim == 2: scale = (xVoxel, yVoxel) elif stack_nDim == 3: scale = (zVoxel, xVoxel, yVoxel) # (z, x, y) else: print('error: napari got stack dim it does not understand') colorMaps = ['green', 'red', 'blue'] # raw data for idx in range(self.mySimpleStack.numChannels): channel = idx + 1 colormap = colorMaps[idx] stack = self.mySimpleStack.getStack('raw', channel=channel) self.viewer.add_image(stack, name=str(channel), blending='additive', colormap=colormap, scale=scale) # mask data for idx in range(self.mySimpleStack.numChannels): channel = idx + 1 colormap = colorMaps[idx] stack = self.mySimpleStack.getStack('mask', channel=channel) self.viewer.add_image(stack, name='mask ' + str(channel), blending='additive', colormap=colormap, scale=scale) ''' dvMask = self.mySimpleStack.getDeepVessMask() if dvMask is not None: self.viewer.add_image(data=dvMask, contrast_limits=[0,1], opacity=0.8, colormap='gray', scale=scale, name='dvMask') ''' ''' @self.viewer.bind_key('u') def keyboard_u(viewer): shapeType, data = self._getSelectedLine() print(' keyboard_u()', shapeType, data) if shapeType == 'line': src = data[0] dst = data[1] self.bShapeAnalysisWidget.updateStackLineProfile(src, dst) if shapeType in ['rectangle', 'polygon']: self.bShapeAnalysisWidget.updateStackPolygon(data) ''' if self.mySimpleStack.slabList is not None: x = self.mySimpleStack.slabList.x * xVoxel y = self.mySimpleStack.slabList.y * yVoxel z = self.mySimpleStack.slabList.z * zVoxel d = self.mySimpleStack.slabList.d * xVoxel # use x d2 = self.mySimpleStack.slabList.d2 * xVoxel # use x nodeIdx = self.mySimpleStack.slabList.nodeIdx # this has nans which I assume will lead to some crashes ... points = np.column_stack(( z, x, y, )) scaleFactor = 0.6 print( 'warning: bNapari is scaling diameters by scaleFactor ... d = d *', scaleFactor) dCopy = d * scaleFactor d2Copy = d2 * scaleFactor fixedNodeSize = 4 # size_myNodes = [] face_color_myNodes = [] slabs_nodes = [] # size_myEdges = [] face_color_myEdges = [] slabs_edge = [] for idx in range(len(x)): if np.isnan(dCopy[idx]): thisSize = 5 else: thisSize = dCopy[idx] if nodeIdx[idx] >= 0: intNodeIdx = int(float(nodeIdx[idx])) nEdges = self.mySimpleStack.slabList.nodeDictList[ intNodeIdx]['nEdges'] #nodeSize = thisSize # dynamic size nodeSize = fixedNodeSize # fixed size slabs_nodes.append(idx) size_myNodes.append(nodeSize) if nEdges == 1: # dead end face_color_myNodes.append('orange') else: face_color_myNodes.append('red') else: slabSize = thisSize #slabSize = 5 # fixed size slabs_edge.append(idx) size_myEdges.append(slabSize) face_color_myEdges.append('cyan') # remember, (size, face_color), etc. Can be a scalar to set one value # debug if 0: print(' points:', points.shape) print(' len(size)', len(size)) print(' len(face_color)', len(face_color)) # nodes points_nodes = np.column_stack(( z[slabs_nodes], x[slabs_nodes], y[slabs_nodes], )) self.pointLayer = self.viewer.add_points( points_nodes, size=size_myNodes, face_color=face_color_myNodes) #, n_dimensional=False) = 'Nodes' # edges points_edges = np.column_stack(( z[slabs_edge], x[slabs_edge], y[slabs_edge], )) self.pointLayer = self.viewer.add_points( points_edges, size=size_myEdges, face_color=face_color_myEdges) #, n_dimensional=False) = 'Edges' # # connect edges with shape layer of 'path' print( 'making edge vector layer ... WE WILL ONLY DO THIS FOR 800 edges !!!' ) defaultWidth = 2 masterEdgeList = [] myPathColors = [] myPathEdgeWidths = [] for idx, edge in enumerate(self.mySimpleStack.slabList.edgeIter()): if idx > 800: continue edgeColor = edge[ 'color'] # when i make edges, i was not assigning color if edgeColor is None: edgeColor = 'cyan' slabList = edge['slabList'] #print('edge idx:', idx, 'edgeColor:', edgeColor, 'len(slabList):', len(slabList)) currentEdgeList = [] for slab in slabList: slabWidth = d2Copy[ slab] #* xVoxel # my slab width is still in pixels if np.isnan(slabWidth): #print('edge', idx, 'slab', slab, 'has nan width') slabWidth = defaultWidth currentEdgeList.append([z[slab], x[slab], y[slab]]) myPathColors.append(edgeColor) myPathEdgeWidths.append(slabWidth) masterEdgeList.append( currentEdgeList) # this will be list of list myEdgesPaths = [ np.array(xx) for xx in masterEdgeList ] # always give napari a list where each[i] is a np.array ??? # self.myShapePathLayer = self.viewer.add_shapes( myEdgesPaths, shape_type='path', edge_width=myPathEdgeWidths, edge_color=myPathColors, name='Edges Paths') self.myShapePathLayer.editable = True self.connectNapari() # connect signals and slots # # make selection layers if self.mySimpleStack.slabList is not None: # edge selection selectionSize = 7 * xVoxel #np.column_stack((6,6,6,)) face_color = 'yellow' tmpData = np.column_stack(( np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, )) #todo: fix this self.edgeSelectionLayer = self.viewer.add_points( tmpData, size=selectionSize, face_color=face_color, n_dimensional=False) = 'Edge Selection' # flashSize = 10 * xVoxel flashColor = 'magenta' self.edgeSelectionLayerFlash = self.viewer.add_points( tmpData, size=flashSize, face_color=flashColor, n_dimensional=False) = 'Flash Selection' # node selection selectionSize = 7 * xVoxel #np.column_stack((6,6,6,)) face_color = 'yellow' tmpData = np.column_stack(( np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, )) #todo: fix this self.nodeSelectionLayer = self.viewer.add_points( tmpData, size=selectionSize, face_color=face_color, n_dimensional=False) = 'Node Selection' # flashSize = 15 * xVoxel flashColor = 'magenta' self.nodeSelectionLayerFlash = self.viewer.add_points( tmpData, size=flashSize, face_color=flashColor, n_dimensional=False) = 'Node Selection'
def bMakeSkelFromMask(path, channelToAnalyze, maskStartStop): # load the stack myStack = bimpy.bStack(path=path, loadImages=True, loadTracing=True) # # some options remakeSkelFromMask = True saveAtEnd = True # SLOW: load mask and make skel from mask if remakeSkelFromMask: myStack.slabList.loadDeepVess(vascChannel=channelToAnalyze, maskStartStop=maskStartStop) # remove edges based on criterion if 1: # # remove all nCon==0 edgeListToRemove = bimpy.bVascularTracingAics._getListFromCriterion( myStack.slabList, 'edges', 'nCon', '==', 0, verbose=True) # delete the edges bimpy.bVascularTracingAics._deleteList(myStack.slabList, 'edges', edgeListToRemove, verbose=True) # # remove (nCon==1 and nSlab<20) edgeListToRemove = bimpy.bVascularTracingAics._getListFromCriterion( myStack.slabList, 'edges', 'nCon', '==', 1, verbose=True) # edgeListToRemove = bimpy.bVascularTracingAics._getListFromCriterion( myStack.slabList, 'edges', 'nSlab', '<', 20, fromThisList=edgeListToRemove, verbose=True) # delete edges bimpy.bVascularTracingAics._deleteList(myStack.slabList, 'edges', edgeListToRemove, verbose=True) # # now we have a bunch of nodes with nEdges==0 print(' == after deleting edges') nodeListToRemove = bimpy.bVascularTracingAics._getListFromCriterion( myStack.slabList, 'nodes', 'nEdges', '==', 0, verbose=True) # delete edges bimpy.bVascularTracingAics._deleteList(myStack.slabList, 'nodes', nodeListToRemove, verbose=True) print(' == after deleting nodes with nEdges==0') nodeListToRemove = bimpy.bVascularTracingAics._getListFromCriterion( myStack.slabList, 'nodes', 'nEdges', '==', 0, verbose=True) # anlyze all slab diameter in a cpu pool # this works, see ''' if 0: b_mpAnalyzeSlabs.runDiameterPool(myStack, channelToAnalyze) ''' if 1: myStack.slabList._preComputeAllMasks() # save, next time we load, we do not need to (make skel, analyze diameter) if saveAtEnd: myStack.saveAnnotations()
scale = (1,1,1) #path = '/Users/cudmore/Sites/bImpy-Data/vesselucida/20191017__0001.tif' # 1) show fernando this nathan immuno image path = '/Users/cudmore/box/data/bImpy-Data/vesselucida/20191017__0001.tif' path = '/Users/cudmore/box/Sites/DeepVess/data/20191017/blur/20191017__0001.tif' # 2) show fernando this oct image #path = '/Users/cudmore/box/data/bImpy-Data/OCTa/PV_Crop_Reslice.tif' #path = 'D:/Users/cudmore/data/vessellucida/20191017__0001.tif' #path = '/Users/cudmore/box/data/bImpy-Data/vesselucida/high_mag_top_of_node/tracing_20191217.tif' #scale = (0.5, 0.31074033574250315, 0.31074033574250315) myStack = bimpy.bStack(path=path) print('=== NAPARI') print('myStack.stack.shape:', myStack.stack.shape) # [channels, slices, x, y] # # we are using reshape(-1,1) here because each of x/y/x are of shape (n,) and we want (n,1) x = myStack.slabList.x.reshape((-1,1)) # to do, fix this (n,) shape converting to (n) y = myStack.slabList.y.reshape((-1,1)) z = myStack.slabList.z.reshape((-1,1)) # swap x/y xyzPoints = np.hstack((z, x, y)) #print('x.shape:', x.shape) print('xyzPoints.shape', xyzPoints.shape)