def main(): # get api information api_file_path = 'api_key' api_key, api_secret = get_api_information(api_file_path) # initialize client client = Client(api_key, api_secret) # define symbol symbol = 'BTCUSDT' output_dir = f'../output/dataframes/{symbol}' # iterate over all intervals for interval in kline_intervals().keys(): start_time = timer() # get data df = get_all_candles(client, symbol, interval, client._get_earliest_valid_timestamp(symbol, interval)) # store data df.to_csv(f'{output_dir}/{symbol}_{interval[-1]}_{interval[:-1]}.csv', index=False) print(f'Done with interval {interval} after {timer() - start_time}s.')
''' define how to process incoming WebSocket messages ''' if msg['e'] != 'error': print(msg['c']) btc_price['last'] = msg['c'] btc_price['bid'] = msg['b'] btc_price['last'] = msg['a'] else: btc_price['error'] = True bsm = BinanceSocketManager(client) conn_key = bsm.start_symbol_ticker_socket('BTCUSDT', btc_trade_history) bsm.start() timestamp = client._get_earliest_valid_timestamp('BTCUSDT', '1m') print(timestamp) # bsm.stop_socket(conn_key) # request historical candle (or klines) data # bars = client.get_historical_klines('BTCUSDT','1m', timestamp, limit=1000) bars = client.get_historical_klines("BTCUSDT", Client.KLINE_INTERVAL_1MINUTE, "1 day ago UTC") with open('btc_bars.csv', 'w', newline='') as f: wr = csv.writer(f) for line in bars: wr.writerow(line)
class Data: def __init__(self, interval: str = '1h', symbol: str = 'BTCUSDT', loadData: bool = True, updateData: bool = True, log: bool = False, logFile: str = 'data', logObject=None, precision: int = 2, callback=None, caller=None): """ Data object that will retrieve current and historical prices from the Binance API and calculate moving averages. :param: interval: Interval for which the data object will track prices. :param: symbol: Symbol for which the data object will track prices. :param: loadData: Boolean for whether data will be loaded or not. :param: updateData: Boolean for whether data will be updated if it is loaded. :param: precision: Precision to round data to. :param: callback: Signal for GUI to emit back to (if passed). :param: caller: Caller of callback (if passed). """ self.callback = callback # Used to emit signals to GUI if provided. self.caller = caller # Used to specify which caller emitted signals for GUI. self.binanceClient = Client( ) # Initialize Binance client to retrieve data. self.logger = self.get_logging_object(enable_logging=log, logFile=logFile, loggerObject=logObject) self.validate_interval(interval) # Validate the interval provided. self.interval = interval # Interval to trade in. self.intervalUnit, self.intervalMeasurement = self.get_interval_unit_and_measurement( ) self.precision = precision # Decimal precision with which to show data. self.dataLimit = 2000 # Max amount of data to contain. self.downloadCompleted = False # Boolean to determine whether data download is completed or not. self.downloadLoop = True # Boolean to determine whether data is being downloaded or not. self.tickers = self.binanceClient.get_all_tickers( ) # A list of all the tickers on Binance. self.symbol = symbol.upper() # Symbol of data being used. self.validate_symbol(self.symbol) # Validate symbol. = [] # Total bot data. self.ema_dict = {} # Cached past EMA data for memoization. self.rsi_data = {} # Cached past RSI data for memoization. self.current_values = { # This dictionary will hold current data values. 'date_utc':, 'open': 0, 'high': 0, 'low': 0, 'close': 0, 'volume': 0, 'quote_asset_volume': 0, 'number_of_trades': 0, 'taker_buy_base_asset': 0, 'taker_buy_quote_asset': 0 } self.databaseTable = f'data_{self.interval}' self.databaseFile = self.get_database_file() self.create_table() if loadData: # Create, initialize, store, and get values from database. self.load_data(update=updateData) @staticmethod def get_logging_object(enable_logging: bool, logFile: str, loggerObject): """ Returns a logger object. :param enable_logging: Boolean that determines whether logging is enabled or not. :param logFile: File to log to. :param loggerObject: Logger object to return if there is one already specified. :return: Logger object or None. """ if loggerObject: return loggerObject if enable_logging: return get_logger(log_file=logFile, logger_name=logFile) return None def validate_interval(self, interval: str): """ Validates interval. If incorrect interval, raises ValueError. :param interval: Interval to be checked. """ if not self.is_valid_interval(interval): raise ValueError(f'Invalid interval {interval} specified.') def validate_symbol(self, symbol: str): """ Validates symbol for data to be retrieved. Raises ValueError if symbol type is incorrect. :param symbol: Symbol to be checked. """ if not self.is_valid_symbol(symbol): raise ValueError(f'Invalid symbol {symbol} specified.') def load_data(self, update: bool = True): """ Loads data to Data object. :param update: Boolean that determines whether data is updated or not. """ self.get_data_from_database() if update: if not self.database_is_updated(): self.output_message("Updating data...") self.update_database_and_data() else: self.output_message("Database is up-to-date.") def output_message(self, message: str, level=2, printMessage: bool = False): """ I need to research the logging module better, but in essence, this function just logs and optionally prints message provided. :param message: Messaged to be logged and potentially printed. :param level: Level message will be logged at. :param printMessage: Boolean that decides whether message will also be printed or not. """ if printMessage: print(message) if self.logger: if level == 2: elif level == 3: self.logger.debug(message) elif level == 4: self.logger.warning(message) elif level == 5: self.logger.critical(message) def get_database_file(self) -> str: """ Retrieves database file path. :return: Database file path. """ database_folder = os.path.join(ROOT_DIR, 'Databases') if not os.path.exists(database_folder): os.mkdir(database_folder) filePath = os.path.join(database_folder, f'{self.symbol}.db') return filePath def create_table(self): """ Creates a new table with interval if it does not exist. """ with closing(sqlite3.connect(self.databaseFile)) as connection: with closing(connection.cursor()) as cursor: cursor.execute(f''' CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS {self.databaseTable}( date_utc TEXT PRIMARY KEY, open_price TEXT NOT NULL, high_price TEXT NOT NULL, low_price TEXT NOT NULL, close_price TEXT NOT NULL, volume TEXT NOT NULL, quote_asset_volume TEXT NOT NULL, number_of_trades TEXT NOT NULL, taker_buy_base_asset TEXT NOT NULL, taker_buy_quote_asset TEXT NOT NULL );''') connection.commit() def dump_to_table(self, totalData: list = None) -> bool: """ Dumps date and price information to database. :return: A boolean whether data entry was successful or not. """ if totalData is None: totalData = query = f'''INSERT INTO {self.databaseTable} (date_utc, open_price, high_price, low_price, close_price, volume, quote_asset_volume, number_of_trades, taker_buy_base_asset, taker_buy_quote_asset) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?);''' with closing(sqlite3.connect(self.databaseFile)) as connection: with closing(connection.cursor()) as cursor: for data in totalData: try: cursor.execute(query, ( data['date_utc'].strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'), data['open'], data['high'], data['low'], data['close'], data['volume'], data['quote_asset_volume'], data['number_of_trades'], data['taker_buy_base_asset'], data['taker_buy_quote_asset'], )) except sqlite3.IntegrityError: pass # This just means the data already exists in the database, so ignore. except sqlite3.OperationalError: connection.commit() self.output_message( "Insertion to database failed. Will retry next run.", 4) return False connection.commit() self.output_message("Successfully stored all new data to database.") return True def get_latest_database_row(self) -> list: """ Returns the latest row from database table. :return: Row data or None depending on if value exists. """ with closing(sqlite3.connect(self.databaseFile)) as connection: with closing(connection.cursor()) as cursor: cursor.execute( f'SELECT date_utc FROM {self.databaseTable} ORDER BY date_utc DESC LIMIT 1' ) return cursor.fetchone() def get_data_from_database(self): """ Loads data from database and appends it to run-time data. """ with closing(sqlite3.connect(self.databaseFile)) as connection: with closing(connection.cursor()) as cursor: rows = cursor.execute(f''' SELECT "date_utc", "open_price", "high_price", "low_price", "close_price", "volume", "quote_asset_volume", "number_of_trades", "taker_buy_base_asset", "taker_buy_quote_asset" FROM {self.databaseTable} ORDER BY date_utc DESC ''').fetchall() if len(rows) > 0: self.output_message("Retrieving data from database...") else: self.output_message("No data found in database.") return for row in rows: date_utc = datetime.strptime( row[0], '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S').replace(tzinfo=timezone.utc){ 'date_utc': date_utc, 'open': float(row[1]), 'high': float(row[2]), 'low': float(row[3]), 'close': float(row[4]), 'volume': float(row[5]), 'quote_asset_volume': float(row[6]), 'number_of_trades': float(row[7]), 'taker_buy_base_asset': float(row[8]), 'taker_buy_quote_asset': float(row[9]), }) def database_is_updated(self) -> bool: """ Checks if data is updated or not with database by interval provided in accordance to UTC time. :return: A boolean whether data is updated or not. """ result = self.get_latest_database_row() if result is None: return False latestDate = datetime.strptime( result[0], '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S').replace(tzinfo=timezone.utc) return self.is_latest_date(latestDate) # noinspection PyProtectedMember def get_latest_timestamp(self) -> int: """ Returns latest timestamp available based on database. :return: Latest timestamp. """ result = self.get_latest_database_row() if result is None: return self.binanceClient._get_earliest_valid_timestamp( self.symbol, self.interval) else: latestDate = datetime.strptime( result[0], '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S').replace(tzinfo=timezone.utc) return int(latestDate.timestamp() ) * 1000 + 1 # Converting timestamp to milliseconds # noinspection PyProtectedMember def update_database_and_data(self): """ Updates database by retrieving information from Binance API """ result = self.get_latest_database_row() if result is None: # Then get the earliest timestamp possible timestamp = self.binanceClient._get_earliest_valid_timestamp( self.symbol, self.interval) self.output_message( f'Downloading all available historical data for {self.interval} intervals.' ) else: latestDate = datetime.strptime( result[0], '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S').replace(tzinfo=timezone.utc) timestamp = int(latestDate.timestamp() ) * 1000 # Converting timestamp to milliseconds dateWithIntervalAdded = latestDate + timedelta( minutes=self.get_interval_minutes()) self.output_message( f"Previous data up to UTC {dateWithIntervalAdded} found.") if not self.database_is_updated(): newData = self.get_new_data(timestamp) self.output_message("Successfully downloaded all new data.") self.output_message("Inserting data to live program...") self.insert_data(newData) self.output_message("Storing updated data to database...") self.dump_to_table([-len(newData):]) else: self.output_message("Database is up-to-date.") # noinspection PyProtectedMember def custom_get_new_data(self, limit: int = 500, progress_callback=None, locked=None, removeFirst=False, caller=-1) -> List[dict]: """ Returns new data from Binance API from timestamp specified, however this one is custom-made. :param caller: Caller that called this function. Only used for botThread. :param removeFirst: Boolean whether newest data is removed or not. :param locked: Signal to emit back to GUI when storing data. Cannot be canceled once here. Used for databases. :param progress_callback: Signal to emit back to GUI to show progress. :param limit: Limit per pull. :return: A list of dictionaries. """ # This code below is taken from binance client and slightly refactored. self.downloadLoop = True output_data = [] # Initialize our list timeframe = interval_to_milliseconds(self.interval) start_ts = total_beginning_timestamp = self.get_latest_timestamp() end_progress = time.time() * 1000 - total_beginning_timestamp idx = 0 while True and self.downloadLoop: tempData = self.binanceClient.get_klines(symbol=self.symbol, interval=self.interval, limit=limit, startTime=start_ts, endTime=None) if not len(tempData): break output_data += tempData start_ts = tempData[-1][0] if progress_callback: progress = (start_ts - total_beginning_timestamp) / end_progress * 94 progress_callback.emit(int(progress), "Downloading data...", caller) idx += 1 # check if we received less than the required limit and exit the loop if len(tempData) < limit: # exit the while loop break # increment next call by our timeframe start_ts += timeframe # sleep after every 5th call to be kind to the API if idx % 5 == 0: time.sleep(1) if not self.downloadLoop: progress_callback.emit(-1, "Download canceled.", caller) return [] if locked: locked.emit() if removeFirst: # This should be refactored once data is inserted in the reverse order. output_data.pop() progress_callback.emit(95, "Saving data...", caller) self.insert_data(output_data) progress_callback.emit( 97, "This may take a while. Dumping data to database...", caller) if removeFirst: # We don't want current data as it's not the latest data. self.dump_to_table([:len(output_data)]) else: self.dump_to_table([1:len(output_data)]) progress_callback.emit(100, "Downloaded all new data successfully.", caller) self.downloadLoop = False self.downloadCompleted = True return def get_new_data(self, timestamp: int, limit: int = 1000) -> list: """ Returns new data from Binance API from timestamp specified. :param timestamp: Initial timestamp. :param limit: Limit per pull. :return: A list of dictionaries. """ newData = self.binanceClient.get_historical_klines(self.symbol, self.interval, timestamp + 1, limit=limit) self.downloadCompleted = True return newData[: -1] # Up to -1st index, because we don't want current period data. def is_latest_date(self, latestDate: datetime) -> bool: """ Checks whether the latest date available is the latest period available. :param latestDate: Datetime object. :return: True or false whether date is latest period or not. """ minutes = self.get_interval_minutes() current_date = latestDate + timedelta(minutes=minutes) + timedelta( seconds=5) # 5s leeway for server update return current_date >= timezone.utc) - timedelta(minutes=minutes) def data_is_updated(self) -> bool: """ Checks whether data is fully updated or not. :return: A boolean whether data is updated or not with Binance values. """ latestDate =[0]['date_utc'] return self.is_latest_date(latestDate) def insert_data(self, newData: list): """ Inserts data from newData to run-time data. :param newData: List with new data values. """ temp_data = [] for data in newData[::-1]: parsedDate = datetime.fromtimestamp(int(data[0]) / 1000, tz=timezone.utc) current_dict = { 'date_utc': parsedDate, 'open': float(data[1]), 'high': float(data[2]), 'low': float(data[3]), 'close': float(data[4]), 'volume': float(data[5]), 'quote_asset_volume': float(data[6]), 'number_of_trades': float(data[7]), 'taker_buy_base_asset': float(data[8]), 'taker_buy_quote_asset': float(data[9]), } temp_data.append(current_dict) = temp_data + def update_data(self, verbose: bool = False): """ Updates run-time data with Binance API values. """ latestDate =[0]['date_utc'] timestamp = int(latestDate.timestamp()) * 1000 dateWithIntervalAdded = latestDate + timedelta( minutes=self.get_interval_minutes()) if verbose: self.output_message( f"Previous data found up to UTC {dateWithIntervalAdded}.") if not self.data_is_updated(): # self.try_callback("Found new data. Attempting to update...") newData = [] while len(newData) == 0: time.sleep( 0.5 ) # Sleep half a second for server to refresh new values. newData = self.get_new_data(timestamp) self.insert_data(newData) if verbose: self.output_message("Data has been updated successfully.\n") # self.try_callback("Updated data successfully.") else: self.output_message("Data is up-to-date.\n") def remove_past_data_if_needed(self): """ Remove past data past data limit. """ if len( > self.dataLimit: # Remove past data. self.dump_to_table() =[:self.dataLimit // 2] def get_current_data(self, counter: int = 0) -> dict: """ Retrieves current market dictionary with open, high, low, close prices. :param counter: Counter to check how many times bot is trying to retrieve current data. :return: A dictionary with current open, high, low, and close prices. """ try: self.remove_past_data_if_needed() if not self.data_is_updated(): self.update_data() currentInterval =[0]['date_utc'] + timedelta( minutes=self.get_interval_minutes()) currentTimestamp = int(currentInterval.timestamp() * 1000) nextInterval = currentInterval + timedelta( minutes=self.get_interval_minutes()) nextTimestamp = int(nextInterval.timestamp() * 1000) - 1 currentData = self.binanceClient.get_klines( symbol=self.symbol, interval=self.interval, startTime=currentTimestamp, endTime=nextTimestamp, )[0] currentDataDictionary = { 'date_utc': currentInterval, 'open': float(currentData[1]), 'high': float(currentData[2]), 'low': float(currentData[3]), 'close': float(currentData[4]), 'volume': float(currentData[5]), 'quote_asset_volume': float(currentData[6]), 'number_of_trades': float(currentData[7]), 'taker_buy_base_asset': float(currentData[8]), 'taker_buy_quote_asset': float(currentData[9]), } self.current_values = currentDataDictionary if counter > 0: self.try_callback("Successfully reconnected.") return currentDataDictionary except Exception as e: sleepTime = 5 + counter * 2 error_message = f"Error: {e}. Retrying in {sleepTime} seconds..." self.output_message(error_message, 4) self.try_callback( f"Internet connectivity issue detected. Trying again in {sleepTime} seconds." ) self.ema_dict = {} # Reset EMA cache as it could be corrupted. time.sleep(sleepTime) return self.get_current_data(counter=counter + 1) def try_callback(self, message: str): """ Attempts to emit a signal to the GUI that called this data object (if it was called by a GUI). :param message: Message to send back. """ if self.callback and self.caller is not None: self.callback.emit(self.caller, message) def get_current_price(self) -> float: """ Returns the current market ticker price. :return: Ticker market price """ try: return float( self.binanceClient.get_symbol_ticker( symbol=self.symbol)['price']) except Exception as e: error_message = f'Error: {e}. Retrying in 15 seconds...' self.output_message(error_message, 4) self.try_callback(message=error_message) time.sleep(15) return self.get_current_price() def get_interval_unit_and_measurement(self) -> Tuple[str, int]: """ Returns interval unit and measurement. :return: A tuple with interval unit and measurement respectively. """ unit = self.interval[-1] # Gets the unit of the interval. eg 12h = h measurement = int( self.interval[:-1]) # Gets the measurement, eg 12h = 12 return unit, measurement def get_interval_minutes(self) -> int: """ Returns interval minutes. :return: An integer representing the minutes for an interval. """ if self.intervalUnit == 'h': return self.intervalMeasurement * 60 elif self.intervalUnit == 'm': return self.intervalMeasurement elif self.intervalUnit == 'd': return self.intervalMeasurement * 24 * 60 else: raise ValueError("Invalid interval.", 4) def create_folders_and_change_path(self, folderName: str): """ Creates appropriate folders for data storage then changes current working directory to it. :param folderName: Folder to create. """ os.chdir(ROOT_DIR) if not os.path.exists( folderName): # Create CSV folder if it doesn't exist os.mkdir(folderName) os.chdir(folderName) # Go inside the folder. if not os.path.exists( self.symbol ): # Create symbol folder inside CSV folder if it doesn't exist. os.mkdir(self.symbol) os.chdir(self.symbol) # Go inside the folder. def write_csv_data(self, totalData: list, fileName: str, armyTime: bool = True) -> str: """ Writes CSV data to CSV folder in root directory of application. :param armyTime: Boolean if date will be in army type. If false, data will be in standard type. :param totalData: Data to write to CSV file. :param fileName: Filename to name CSV in. :return: Absolute path to CSV file. """ currentPath = os.getcwd() self.create_folders_and_change_path(folderName="CSV") with open(fileName, 'w') as f: f.write( "Date_UTC, Open, High, Low, Close, Volume, Quote_Asset_Volume, Number_of_Trades, " "Taker_Buy_Base_Asset, Taker_Buy_Quote_Asset\n") for data in totalData: if armyTime: parsedDate = data['date_utc'].strftime("%m/%d/%Y %H:%M") else: parsedDate = data['date_utc'].strftime("%m/%d/%Y %I:%M %p") f.write( f'{parsedDate}, {data["open"]}, {data["high"]}, {data["low"]}, {data["close"]}, ' f'{data["volume"]}, {data["quote_asset_volume"]}, {data["number_of_trades"]}, ' f'{data["taker_buy_base_asset"]}, {data["taker_buy_quote_asset"]}\n' ) path = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), fileName) os.chdir(currentPath) return path def create_csv_file(self, descending: bool = True, armyTime: bool = True, startDate: datetime = None) -> str: """ Creates a new CSV file with current interval and returns the absolute path to file. :param startDate: Date to have CSV data from. :param descending: Boolean that decides whether values in CSV are in descending format or not. :param armyTime: Boolean that dictates whether dates will be written in army-time format or not. """ self.update_database_and_data() # Update data if updates exist. fileName = f'{self.symbol}_data_{self.interval}.csv' data = if startDate is not None: for index, period in enumerate(data): if period['date_utc'].date() < startDate: data =[:index] break if descending: path = self.write_csv_data(data, fileName=fileName, armyTime=armyTime) else: path = self.write_csv_data(data[::-1], fileName=fileName, armyTime=armyTime) self.output_message(f'Data saved to {path}.') return path @staticmethod def get_custom_csv_data(symbol: str, interval: str, descending: bool = True) -> str: """ Creates a new CSV file with interval specified and returns the absolute path of CSV file. :param symbol: Symbol to get data for. :param interval: Interval to get data for. :param descending: Returns data in specified sort. If descending, writes data from most recent to oldest data. """ tempData = Data(interval=interval, symbol=symbol) return tempData.create_csv_file(descending=descending) def is_valid_interval(self, interval: str) -> bool: """ Returns whether interval provided is valid or not. :param interval: Interval argument. :return: A boolean whether the interval is valid or not. """ availableIntervals = ('12h', '15m', '1d', '1h', '1m', '2h', '30m', '3d', '3m', '4h', '5m', '6h', '8h') if interval in availableIntervals: return True else: self.output_message( f'Invalid interval. Available intervals are: \n{availableIntervals}' ) return False def is_valid_symbol(self, symbol: str) -> bool: """ Checks whether the symbol provided is valid or not for Binance. :param symbol: Symbol to be checked. :return: A boolean whether the symbol is valid or not. """ for ticker in self.tickers: if ticker['symbol'] == symbol: return True return False def is_valid_average_input(self, shift: int, prices: int, extraShift: int = 0) -> bool: """ Checks whether shift, prices, and (optional) extraShift are valid. :param shift: Periods from current period. :param prices: Amount of prices to iterate over. :param extraShift: Extra shift for EMA. :return: A boolean whether shift, prices, and extraShift are logical or not. """ if shift < 0: self.output_message("Shift cannot be less than 0.") return False elif prices <= 0: self.output_message("Prices cannot be 0 or less than 0.") return False elif shift + extraShift + prices > len( + 1: self.output_message( "Shift + prices period cannot be more than data available.") return False return True def verify_integrity(self) -> bool: """ Verifies integrity of data by checking if there's any repeated data. :return: A boolean whether the data contains no repeated data or not. """ if len( < 1: self.output_message("No data found.", 4) return False previousData =[0] for data in[1:]: if data['date_utc'] == previousData['date_utc']: self.output_message("Repeated data detected.", 4) self.output_message(f'Previous data: {previousData}', 4) self.output_message(f'Next data: {data}', 4) return False previousData = data self.output_message("Data has been verified to be correct.") return True def get_total_non_updated_data(self) -> DATA_TYPE: return [self.current_values] + def get_summation(self, prices: int, parameter: str, round_value: bool = True, update: bool = True) -> float: """ Returns total summation. :param update: Boolean for whether function should call API and get latest data or not. :param prices: Amount of periods to iterate through for summation. :param parameter: Parameter to iterate through. :param round_value: Boolean that determines whether returned output is rounded or not. :return: Total summation. """ data = [self.get_current_data() ] + if update else self.get_total_non_updated_data() data = data[:prices] total = 0 for period in data: total += period[parameter] if round_value: return round(total, self.precision) return total def get_lowest_low_value(self, prices: int, parameter: str = 'low', round_value: bool = True, update: bool = True) -> float: """ Function that returns the lowest low values. :param update: Boolean for whether function should call API and get latest data or not. :param prices: Amount of periods to iterate through. :param parameter: Parameter to iterate through. By default, it is low. :param round_value: Boolean that determines whether returned output is rounded or not. :return: Lowest low value from periods. """ data = [self.get_current_data() ] + if update else self.get_total_non_updated_data() data = data[:prices] lowest = data[0][parameter] for period in data[1:]: if period[parameter] < lowest: lowest = period[parameter] if round_value: return round(lowest, self.precision) return lowest def get_highest_high_value(self, prices: int, parameter: str = 'high', round_value: bool = True, update: bool = True) -> float: """ Function that returns the highest high values. :param update: Boolean for whether function should call API and get latest data or not. :param prices: Amount of periods to iterate through. :param parameter: Parameter to iterate through. By default, it is high. :param round_value: Boolean that determines whether returned output is rounded or not. :return: Highest high value from periods. """ data = [self.get_current_data() ] + if update else self.get_total_non_updated_data() data = data[:prices] highest = data[0][parameter] for period in data[1:]: if period[parameter] > highest: highest = period[parameter] if round_value: return round(highest, self.precision) return highest @staticmethod def helper_get_ema(up_data: list, down_data: list, periods: int) -> tuple: """ Helper function to get the EMA for relative strength index. :param down_data: Other data to get EMA of. :param up_data: Data to get EMA of. :param periods: Number of periods to iterate through. :return: EMA """ emaUp = up_data[0] emaDown = down_data[0] alpha = 1 / periods for index in range(1, len(up_data)): emaUp = up_data[index] * alpha + emaUp * (1 - alpha) emaDown = down_data[index] * alpha + emaDown * (1 - alpha) return emaUp, emaDown def get_rsi(self, prices: int = 14, parameter: str = 'close', shift: int = 0, round_value: bool = True, update: bool = True) -> float: """ Returns relative strength index. :param update: Boolean for whether function should call API and get latest data or not. :param prices: Amount of prices to iterate through. :param parameter: Parameter to use for iterations. By default, it's close. :param shift: Amount of prices to shift prices by. :param round_value: Boolean that determines whether final value is rounded or not. :return: Final relative strength index. """ if not self.is_valid_average_input(shift, prices): raise ValueError('Invalid input specified.') if shift > 0: updateDict = False data = shift -= 1 else: updateDict = True data = [self.get_current_data( )] + if update else self.get_total_non_updated_data() start = 500 + prices + shift if len( data) > 500 + prices + shift else len(data) data = data[shift:start] data = data[:] data.reverse() ups, downs = get_ups_and_downs(data=data, parameter=parameter) averageUp, averageDown = self.helper_get_ema(ups, downs, prices) rs = averageUp / averageDown rsi = 100 - 100 / (1 + rs) if shift == 0 and updateDict: self.rsi_data[prices] = rsi if round_value: return round(rsi, self.precision) return rsi def get_sma(self, prices: int, parameter: str, shift: int = 0, round_value: bool = True, update: bool = True) -> float: """ Returns the simple moving average with run-time data and prices provided. :param update: Boolean for whether function should call API and get latest data or not. :param boolean round_value: Boolean that specifies whether return value should be rounded :param int prices: Number of values for average :param int shift: Prices shifted from current price :param str parameter: Parameter to get the average of (e.g. open, close, high or low values) :return: SMA """ if not self.is_valid_average_input(shift, prices): raise ValueError('Invalid average input specified.') data = [self.get_current_data() ] + if update else self.get_total_non_updated_data() data = data[ shift:prices + shift] # Data now starts from shift and goes up to prices + shift sma = get_sma(data, prices, parameter) if round_value: return round(sma, self.precision) return sma def get_wma(self, prices: int, parameter: str, shift: int = 0, round_value: bool = True, update: bool = True) -> float: """ Returns the weighted moving average with run-time data and prices provided. :param update: Boolean for whether function should call API and get latest data or not. :param shift: Prices shifted from current period. :param boolean round_value: Boolean that specifies whether return value should be rounded :param int prices: Number of prices to loop over for average :param parameter: Parameter to get the average of (e.g. open, close, high or low values) :return: WMA """ if not self.is_valid_average_input(shift, prices): raise ValueError('Invalid average input specified.') data = [self.get_current_data() ] + if update else self.get_total_non_updated_data() data = data[shift:prices + shift] wma = get_wma(data, prices, parameter) if round_value: return round(wma, self.precision) return wma def get_ema(self, prices: int, parameter: str, shift: int = 0, sma_prices: int = 5, round_value: bool = True, update: bool = True) -> float: """ Returns the exponential moving average with data provided. :param update: Boolean for whether function should call API and get latest data or not. :param shift: Prices shifted from current period. :param round_value: Boolean that specifies whether return value should be rounded :param int sma_prices: SMA prices to get first EMA over :param int prices: Days to iterate EMA over (or the period) :param str parameter: Parameter to get the average of (e.g. open, close, high, or low values) :return: EMA """ if not self.is_valid_average_input(shift, prices, sma_prices): raise ValueError('Invalid average input specified.') elif sma_prices <= 0: raise ValueError( "Initial amount of SMA values for initial EMA must be greater than 0." ) if not self.data_is_updated( ): # Check if data is valid. If not, memoized data will be corrupted. self.ema_dict = {} self.update_data() data = [self.get_current_data() ] + if update else self.get_total_non_updated_data() data = data[shift:] ema, self.ema_dict = get_ema(data, prices, parameter, sma_prices, self.ema_dict) if round_value: return round(ema, self.precision) return ema
import backtrader.indicators as btind key = "" secret = "" client = Client(key, secret) currencies = ['BTCUSDT', 'BCHUSDT', 'ETHUSDT', 'XRPUSDT', 'BNBUSDT'] bitcoin = client.get_historical_klines("BTCUSDT", Client.KLINE_INTERVAL_15MINUTE, "20 Oct, 2020") df = {} timestamp = [] timeperiod = '1h' for crypto in currencies: timestamp.append(client._get_earliest_valid_timestamp(crypto, timeperiod)) timestamp = max(timestamp) startdate = timestamp for crypto in currencies: klines = client.get_historical_klines(crypto, timeperiod, startdate) for line in klines: del line[6:] df[crypto] = pd.DataFrame( klines, columns=['date', 'open', 'high', 'low', 'close', 'volume']) df[crypto]['date'] = pd.to_datetime(df[crypto]['date'], unit='ms') df[crypto].set_index('date', inplace=True)
def BTC_alarm(request): #GET DATA client = Client('x','x') # valid intervals - 1m, 3m, 5m, 15m, 30m, 1h, 2h, 4h, 6h, 8h, 12h, 1d, 3d, 1w, 1M # get timestamp of earliest date data is available timestamp = client._get_earliest_valid_timestamp('BTCUSDT', '1d') # request historical candle (or klines) data bars = client.get_historical_klines('BTCUSDT', '1d', timestamp, limit=1000) # delete unwanted data - just keep date, open, high, low, close for line in bars: del line[5:] # option 4 - create a Pandas DataFrame and export to CSV BTC_data = pd.DataFrame(bars, columns=['Date', 'BTC_24hOpenUSD', 'BTC_24hHighUSD', 'BTC_24hLowUSD', 'BTC_ClosingPriceUSD']) #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #TRANSFORMACIÓN DATOS #Eliminamos las columnas que no utilizaremos en el estudio del BTC_data["BTC_24hHighUSD"] del BTC_data["BTC_24hLowUSD"] #Nos aseguramos que los datos deseados son numéricos BTC_data['BTC_ClosingPriceUSD'] = pd.to_numeric(BTC_data['BTC_ClosingPriceUSD']) BTC_data['BTC_24hOpenUSD'] = pd.to_numeric(BTC_data['BTC_24hOpenUSD']) #Nos aseguramos que el campo date es un datetime # BTC_data['Date'] = pd.to_datetime(BTC_data['Date'], format='%Y-%m-%d') BTC_data['Date'] = pd.to_datetime(BTC_data['Date'], unit='ms') #Nos aseguramos de los DataFrames están ordenados por fecha BTC_data = BTC_data.sort_values(by='Date', ascending=True) #Comprobación de que exite un único registro por fecha #Si hay algún registro sin fecha, lo crea e introduce los valores del día anterior, desde binance no he detectado ninguno num_rows = BTC_data.shape[0]-1 i_i = BTC_data.index.min() #índice inicial d1 = BTC_data.loc[i_i, 'Date'] d = 0 #contador de días i = i_i #contador de índices incluyendo nuevos registros n = i_i #contador de índices con solo los registros de las fechas encontradas while i <=num_rows: comp_date = d1 + timedelta(days=d) #Fecha que tendremos que comprobar que existe #Si existe la fecha if BTC_data[BTC_data['Date']==comp_date]['Date'].size>0: n+=1 #Si no existe la fecha else: #Hallamos los datos del día anterior closing_value = BTC_data.loc[n, 'BTC_ClosingPriceUSD'] open_value = BTC_data.loc[n, 'BTC_24hOpenUSD'] #Creamos el nuevo registro y le introducimos los datos del día anterior # print("No existía registro de " + comp_date) BTC_data.loc[num_rows+i]=[comp_date, closing_value, open_value] BTC_data = BTC_data.sort_values(by='Date', ascending=True) num_rows = BTC_data.shape[0]-1 i+=1 d+=1 #Se reemplaza los valores por los BTC_ClosingPriceUSD del día anterior para asegurarnos que son correctos (descubrí que no lo eran, posiblemente por los llamados gaps en el precio de Bitcoin) #Despreciaremos el primer registro ya que no podremos encontrar el BTC_ClosingPriceUSD del día anterior BTC_data.loc[2:,"BTC_24hOpenUSD"] = BTC_data["BTC_ClosingPriceUSD"].shift(1) #Hallamos las fechas máximas y mínimas first_date = BTC_data['Date'].min() last_date = BTC_data['Date'].max() #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #CALCULAR ALARMAS #Mejores medias móviles obtenidas en MA_a_max = 9 MA_b_max = 23 #Creamos las mejores medias móviles de para los precios de apertura y cierre BTC_data["BTC_Closing_BMA_a"] = BTC_data["BTC_ClosingPriceUSD"].rolling(window=MA_a_max,min_periods=0).mean() BTC_data["BTC_Closing_BMA_b"] = BTC_data["BTC_ClosingPriceUSD"].rolling(window=MA_b_max,min_periods=0).mean() BTC_data["BTC_24Open_BMA_a"] = BTC_data["BTC_24hOpenUSD"].rolling(window=MA_a_max,min_periods=0).mean() BTC_data["BTC_24Open_BMA_b"] = BTC_data["BTC_24hOpenUSD"].rolling(window=MA_b_max,min_periods=0).mean() #Creamos las señales de alarma de compra y venta #Si en un día la media móvil de 9 estaba por debajo de la de 23 y termina el día por encima, señal de compra = 1 BTC_data["BTC_buy_alarm"] = [1 if Open_BMA_b > Open_BMA_a and Closing_BMA_a > Closing_BMA_b else 0 for (Open_BMA_a,Open_BMA_b,Closing_BMA_a,Closing_BMA_b) in zip(BTC_data['BTC_24Open_BMA_a'],BTC_data['BTC_24Open_BMA_b'],BTC_data['BTC_Closing_BMA_a'],BTC_data['BTC_Closing_BMA_b'])] #Si en un día la media móvil de 9 estaba por arriba de la de 23 y termina el día por debajo, señal de venta = 1 BTC_data["BTC_sell_alarm"] = [1 if Open_BMA_b < Open_BMA_a and Closing_BMA_a < Closing_BMA_b else 0 for (Open_BMA_a,Open_BMA_b,Closing_BMA_a,Closing_BMA_b) in zip(BTC_data['BTC_24Open_BMA_a'],BTC_data['BTC_24Open_BMA_b'],BTC_data['BTC_Closing_BMA_a'],BTC_data['BTC_Closing_BMA_b'])] buy = BTC_data.loc[BTC_data.index[-2], "BTC_buy_alarm"] sell = BTC_data.loc[BTC_data.index[-2], "BTC_sell_alarm"] comparation_MA = BTC_data.loc[BTC_data.index[-2], "BTC_Closing_BMA_a"] - BTC_data.loc[BTC_data.index[-2], "BTC_Closing_BMA_b"] #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #CREACIÓN MENSAJE last_close_price = BTC_data.loc[BTC_data.index[-2], "BTC_ClosingPriceUSD"] last_open_price = BTC_data.loc[BTC_data.index[-2], "BTC_24hOpenUSD"] last_variation = (last_close_price-last_open_price)/last_open_price*100 last_close_price_format = "{:,}".format(last_close_price).replace(',','~').replace('.',',').replace('~','.') last_open_price_format = "{:,}".format(last_open_price).replace(',','~').replace('.',',').replace('~','.') if last_variation>=0: last_variation_format = '<span style="color: MediumSeaGreen">+'+ str(round(last_variation,2)) + '%</span>' else: last_variation_format = '<span style="color: red">' + str(round(last_variation,2)) + '%</span>' extra_text = "<ul> <li>Open: " + str(last_open_price_format) + "$</li> <li>Close: " + str(last_close_price_format) + "$</li> <li>Change: " + last_variation_format +"</li></ul>" subject_buy = "BTC BUY ALARM" message_buy = '<h1 style="color:MediumSeaGreen;">HA SALTADO LA SEÑAL DE COMPRA DE BTC</h1>' subject_sell = "BTC SELL ALARM" message_sell = '<h1 style="color:red;">HA SALTADO LA SEÑAL DE VENTA DE BTC</h1>' subject_stay_in = "BTC alarm updated" message_stay_in = "<h2>PERMANECE DENTRO DEL MERCADO</h2>" subject_stay_out = "BTC alarm updated" message_stay_out = "<h2>PERMANECE FUERA DEL MERCADO</h2>" if buy == 1: subject = subject_buy text = message_buy elif sell == 1: subject = subject_sell text = message_sell elif comparation_MA > 0: subject = subject_stay_in text = message_stay_in else: subject = subject_stay_out text = message_stay_out text_inicial = "<p>Se han actualizado las señales de compra/venta.</p>" text = text_inicial + text + extra_text sender_mail = '*****@*****.**' receiver_mail = '*****@*****.**' message = Mail( from_email=sender_mail, to_emails=receiver_mail, subject=subject, html_content=text) try: sg = SendGridAPIClient(os.environ.get('SENDGRID_API_KEY')) response = sg.send(message) print(response.status_code) print(response.body) print(response.headers) return "Ha funcionado" except Exception as e: print(e.message) return "No ha funcionado"
from binance.client import Client import os import configparser import pandas as pd api_key = os.environ.get('binance_api') api_secret = os.environ.get('binance_secret') client = Client(api_key, api_secret) client.API_URL = '' tickers = client.get_account() balance = client.get_asset_balance(asset='ETH') # Getting earliest timestamp availble (on Binance) earliest_timestamp = client._get_earliest_valid_timestamp( 'ETHUSDT', '1d') # Here "ETHUSDT" is a trading pair and "1d" is time interval print(earliest_timestamp) # Getting historical data (candle data or kline) candle = client.get_historical_klines("ETHUSDT", "1d", earliest_timestamp, limit=1000) print(candle[1]) #print(balance) eth_df = pd.DataFrame(candle, columns=[ 'dateTime', 'open', 'high', 'low', 'close', 'volume',