コード例 #1
def toolshed_to_dict(options):
    ts = ToolShedInstance(url=options.url_toolshed)
    ts.verify = False
    repositories = ts.repositories.get_repositories()

    listrepos = []

    for repo in repositories:
        revisions = ts.repositories.get_ordered_installable_revisions(repo['name'], repo['owner'])
        if len(revisions) > 0:
            revision = revisions[-1:]
        listrepos.append({'name': repo['name'], 'owner': repo['owner'], 'tool_panel_section_id': '', 'tool_shed_url': options.url_toolshed,
                          'tool_panel_section_label': '', 'revisions': revision, 'verify_ssl': False})
    listrepos = set_section_id(ts, listrepos, options.url_galaxy_ref)
    dict_repos = {'api_key': options.adminkey_galaxy_target, 'galaxy_instance': options.url_galaxy_target, 'tools': listrepos}
    write_yaml(dict_repos, options.output_yaml)
コード例 #2
def _tools_to_install(owners=['devteam', 'iuc'], return_formatted=False):
    This is mostly a convenience method to jumpstart the tools list.

    Get a list of tools that should be installed. This list is composed by
    including all the non-package tools that are owned by `owners` from the Main
    Tool Shed.
    If `return_formatted` is set, return a list of dicts that have been formatted
    according to the required input file for installing tools (see other methods).

    *Note*: there is no way to programatically get a category a tool belongs in
    a Tool Shed so the returned list cannot simply be used as the input file but
    (manual!?!) adjustment is necessesary to provide tool category for each tool.
    tsi = ToolShedInstance('https://toolshed.g2.bx.psu.edu')
    repos = tsi.repositories.get_repositories()
    tti = []  # tools to install
    for repo in repos:
        if repo['owner'] in owners and 'package' not in repo['name']:
            if return_formatted:
                repo = {
                    'name': repo['name'],
                    'owner': repo['owner'],
                    'tool_shed_url': 'https://toolshed.g2.bx.psu.edu',
                    'tool_panel_section_id': ''
    return tti
コード例 #3
def get_new_revision(tool, repos, trusted_owners):
    matching_owners = [o for o in trusted_owners if tool['owner'] == o['owner']]
    if not matching_owners:
    [owner] = matching_owners
    blacklist = owner.get('blacklist', []) if isinstance(owner, dict) else []
    blacklisted_revisions = [b.get('revision', 'all') for b in blacklist if b.get('name') == tool['name']]
    if 'all' in blacklisted_revisions:

    toolshed = ToolShedInstance(url='https://' + tool['tool_shed_url'])
    repo_client = ToolShedRepositoryClient(toolshed)
    matching_repos = [r for r in repos if r['name'] == tool['name'] and r['owner'] == tool['owner']]
    if not matching_repos:

        latest_revision = repo_client.get_ordered_installable_revisions(tool['name'], tool['owner'])[-1]
    except Exception as e:
        print('Skipping %s.  Error querying tool revisions: %s' % (tool['name'], str(e)))

    blacklisted = latest_revision in blacklisted_revisions
    installed = latest_revision in [r['changeset_revision'] for r in matching_repos]
    if blacklisted or installed:

    def get_version(revision):
            data = repo_client.get_repository_revision_install_info(tool['name'], tool['owner'], revision)
            repository, metadata, install_info = data
            version = metadata['valid_tools'][0]['version']
            return version
        except Exception as e:
            print('Skipping %s.  Error querying tool revisions: %s' % (tool['name'], str(e)))

    latest_revision_version = get_version(latest_revision)
    installed_versions = [get_version(r['changeset_revision']) for r in matching_repos]
    if latest_revision_version is None or None in installed_versions:  # skip on errors from get_version
    skip_tests = latest_revision_version in installed_versions
    if skip_tests:
        print('Latest revision %s of %s has version %s already installed on GA.  Skipping tests for this tool ' % (
            latest_revision, tool['name'], latest_revision_version

    return {'revisions': [latest_revision], 'skip_tests': skip_tests}
コード例 #4
def check_installable(tools):
    # Go through all tool_shed_url values in request files and run get_ordered_installable_revisions
    # to ascertain whether the specified revision is installable
    errors = []
    tools_by_shed = {}
    for tool in tools:
        if 'tool_shed_url' not in tool.keys():
            tool.update({'tool_shed_url': default_tool_shed})
        if tool['tool_shed_url'] in tools_by_shed.keys():
            tools_by_shed[tool['tool_shed_url']] = [tool]

    for shed in tools_by_shed.keys():
        url = 'https://%s' % shed
        toolshed = ToolShedInstance(url=url)
        repo_client = ToolShedRepositoryClient(toolshed)

        for counter, tool in enumerate(tools_by_shed[shed]):
                installable_revisions = repo_client.get_ordered_installable_revisions(
                    tool['name'], tool['owner'])
                if counter == 0:
                    sys.stderr.write('Connected to toolshed %s\n' % url)
                installable_revisions = [
                    str(r) for r in installable_revisions
                ][::-1]  # un-unicode and list most recent first
                if not installable_revisions:
                        'Tool with name: %s, owner: %s and tool_shed_url: %s has no installable revisions'
                        % (tool['name'], tool['owner'], shed))
            except Exception as e:
                raise Exception(e)

            if 'revisions' in tool.keys(
            ):  # Check that requested revisions are installable
                for revision in tool['revisions']:
                    if revision not in installable_revisions:
                        errors.append('%s revision %s is not installable' %
                                      (tool['name'], revision))
                tool.update({'revisions': [installable_revisions[0]]})
    return errors
コード例 #5
def get_changeset_revisions(repository, force_latest_revision=False):
    Select the correct changeset revision for a repository,
    and make sure the repository exists
    (i.e a request to the tool shed with name and owner returns a list of revisions).
    Return repository or None, if the repository could not be found on the specified tool shed.
    # Do not connect to the internet when not necessary
    if repository.get('changeset_revision') is None or force_latest_revision:
        ts = ToolShedInstance(url=repository['tool_shed_url'])
        # Get the set revision or set it to the latest installable revision
        installable_revisions = ts.repositories.get_ordered_installable_revisions(
            repository['name'], repository['owner'])
        if not installable_revisions:  #
            raise LookupError(
                "Repo does not exist in tool shed: {0}".format(repository))
        repository['changeset_revision'] = installable_revisions[-1]

    return repository
コード例 #6
ファイル: shed_tools.py プロジェクト: shiltemann/ephemeris
 def get_changeset_revision(self, repository):
     Select the correct changeset revision for a repository,
     and make sure the repository exists (i.e a request to the tool shed with name and owner returns a list of revisions).
     Return repository or None, if the repository could not be found on the specified tool shed.
     ts = ToolShedInstance(url=repository['tool_shed_url'])
     # Get the set revision or set it to the latest installable revision
     installable_revisions = ts.repositories.get_ordered_installable_revisions(
         repository['name'], repository['owner'])
     if not installable_revisions:  # Repo does not exist in tool shed
         now = dt.datetime.now()
             msg="Repository does not exist in tool shed",
         return None
     if not repository['changeset_revision'] or self.force_latest_revision:
         repository['changeset_revision'] = installable_revisions[-1]
     return repository
コード例 #7
def get_toolshed_instance(url):
    if not url.startswith('https://'):
        url = 'https://' + url
    return ToolShedInstance(url=url)
コード例 #8
def main():
        tool_list_file = 'tool_shed_tool_list.yaml'
        # Load tool list
        with open(tool_list_file, 'r') as f:
            tl = yaml.load(f)

        r_info = tl['tools']
        responses = []
        counter = 1
        total_num_tools = len(r_info)
        default_err_msg = 'All repositories that you are attempting to install have been previously installed.'

        gInstance = GalaxyInstance(url=GALAXY_URL, key=API_KEY)
        tsc = ToolShedClient(gInstance)
        tool_set = tsc.get_repositories()
        tool_name_list = [x['name'] for x in tool_set]

        for r in r_info:

            #if r['name'] in tool_name_list:
            #    print '%s already installed. skipping...' % r['name']
            #    continue

            if 'install_tool_dependencies' not in r:
                r['install_tool_dependencies'] = True
            if 'install_repository_dependencies' not in r:
                r['install_repository_dependencies'] = True
            if 'tool_shed_url' not in r:
                r['tool_shed_url'] = 'http://toolshed.g2.bx.psu.edu'

            ts = ToolShedInstance(url=r['tool_shed_url'])

            if 'revision' not in r:
                r['revision'] = ts.repositories.get_ordered_installable_revisions(
                    r['name'], r['owner'])[-1]

            start = dt.datetime.now()
            print '\n(%s/%s) Installing tool %s from %s to section %s (revision:%s depend-install:%s depend_repo_install:%s) ' % (
                counter, total_num_tools, r['name'], r['owner'],
                r['tool_panel_section_id'], r['revision'],

                response = tsc.install_repository_revision(
                    r['tool_shed_url'], r['name'], r['owner'], r['revision'],
            # new_tool_panel_section_label='API tests')
                print 'failed installing %s tool.' % r['name']
                info = sys.exc_info()
                err_msg = '>>>>>> This tool already installed in Galaxy.' if '"err_code": 400008' in str(
                    info[1]) else str(info[1])
                print err_msg
                print 'successful %s installation.' % r['name']
            end = dt.datetime.now()

            counter += 1

        # print responses
        print "\r\nAll tools listed in %s have been installed." % tool_list_file

        info = sys.exc_info()
        tbinfo = traceback.format_tb(info[2])
        print 'Error Info...'.ljust(80, '=')
        for tbi in tbinfo:
            print tbi
        print '  %s' % str(info[1])
        print '\n'.rjust(85, '=')
コード例 #9
def get_new_revision(tool, repos, trusted_owners):
    matching_owners = [
        o for o in trusted_owners if tool['owner'] == o['owner']
    if not matching_owners:
    [owner] = matching_owners
    skipped_tools = owner.get('skip_tools', []) if isinstance(owner,
                                                              dict) else []
    skipped_revisions = [
        st.get('revision', 'all') for st in skipped_tools
        if st.get('name') == tool['name']
    if 'all' in skipped_revisions:

    matching_repos = [
        r for r in repos
        if r['name'] == tool['name'] and r['owner'] == tool['owner']
    if not matching_repos:

    toolshed = ToolShedInstance(url='https://' + tool['tool_shed_url'])
        latest_revision = toolshed.repositories.get_ordered_installable_revisions(
            tool['name'], tool['owner'])[-1]
    except Exception as e:
        print('Skipping %s.  Error querying tool revisions: %s' %
              (tool['name'], str(e)))

    skip_this_tool = latest_revision in skipped_revisions
    installed = latest_revision in [
        r['changeset_revision'] for r in matching_repos
    if skip_this_tool or installed:

    # Check whether the new revision updates tool versions on Galaxy.  If it does not, it will be installed
    # in place of the current latest revision on Galaxy and needs to be flagged as a version update so that
    # it will not be autoremoved in the instance of failing tests

    def get_installable_revision_for_revision(revision):
        # make a call to the toolshed to get a large blob of information about the repository
        # that includes the hash of the corresponding installable revision.
            data = toolshed.repositories.get_repository_revision_install_info(
                tool['name'], tool['owner'], revision)
            repository, metadata, install_info = data
            desc, clone_url, installable_revision, ctx_rev, owner, repo_deps, tool_deps = install_info[
        except Exception as e:  # KeyError, ValueError, bioblend.ConnectionError, return None
                'Unexpected result querying install info for %s, %s, %s, returning None'
                % (tool['name'], tool['owner'], revision))
            return None
        return installable_revision

    latest_installed_revision = sorted(matching_repos,
                                       key=lambda x: int(x['ctx_rev']),
    latest_installed_revision_installable_revision = get_installable_revision_for_revision(
    if latest_installed_revision_installable_revision is None:
        return  # skip on errors from revision query
    version_update = latest_installed_revision_installable_revision == latest_revision
    if version_update:
            'Latest revision %s of %s is a version update of installed revision %s.  Skipping tests for this tool '
            % (latest_revision, tool['name'], latest_installed_revision))
    return {'revisions': [latest_revision], 'version_update': version_update}
コード例 #10
def install_tools(options):
    Parse the default input file and proceed to install listed tools.

    :type options: OptionParser object
    :param options: command line arguments parsed by OptionParser
    istart = dt.datetime.now()
    tool_list_file = options.tool_list_file
    tl = load_input_file(tool_list_file)  # Input file contents
    tools_info = tl['tools']  # The list of tools to install
    galaxy_url = options.galaxy_url or tl['galaxy_instance']
    api_key = options.api_key or tl['api_key']
    gi = galaxy_instance(galaxy_url, api_key)
    tsc = tool_shed_client(gi)
    itl = installed_revisions(tsc)  # installed tools list

    responses = []
    errored_tools = []
    skipped_tools = []
    counter = 0
    tools_info = _flatten_tools_info(tools_info)
    total_num_tools = len(tools_info)
    default_err_msg = ('All repositories that you are attempting to install '
                       'have been previously installed.')

    # Process each tool/revision: check if it's already installed or install it
    for tool_info in tools_info:
        counter += 1
        already_installed = False  # Reset the flag
        tool = {}  # Payload for the tool we are installing
        # Copy required `tool_info` keys into the `tool` dict
        tool['name'] = tool_info.get('name', None)
        tool['owner'] = tool_info.get('owner', None)
        tool['tool_panel_section_id'] = tool_info.get('tool_panel_section_id',
        # Check if all required tool sections have been provided; if not, skip
        # the installation of this tool. Note that data managers are an exception
        # but they must contain string `data_manager` within the tool name.
        if not tool['name'] or not tool['owner'] or (
                not tool['tool_panel_section_id']
                and 'data_manager' not in tool.get('name', '')):
                "Missing required tool info field; skipping [name: '{0}'; "
                "owner: '{1}'; tool_panel_section_id: '{2}']".format(
                    tool['name'], tool['owner'],
        # Populate fields that can optionally be provided (if not provided, set
        # defaults).
        tool['install_tool_dependencies'] = \
            tool_info.get('install_tool_dependencies', True)
        tool['install_repository_dependencies'] = \
            tool_info.get('install_repository_dependencies', True)
        tool['tool_shed_url'] = \
            tool_info.get('tool_shed_url', 'https://toolshed.g2.bx.psu.edu/')
        ts = ToolShedInstance(url=tool['tool_shed_url'])
        # Get the set revision or set it to the latest installable revision
        tool['revision'] = tool_info.get(
                tool['name'], tool['owner'])[-1])
        # Check if the tool@revision is already installed
        for installed in itl:
            if the_same_tool(
                    tool) and installed['revision'] == tool['revision']:
                    "({0}/{1}) Tool {2} already installed at revision {3} "
                    "(Is latest? {4}). Skipping...".format(
                        counter, total_num_tools, tool['name'],
                        tool['revision'], installed['latest']))
                    'name': tool['name'],
                    'owner': tool['owner'],
                    'revision': tool['revision']
                already_installed = True
        if not already_installed:
            # Initate tool installation
            start = dt.datetime.now()
            log.debug('(%s/%s) Installing tool %s from %s to section %s at '
                      'revision %s (TRT: %s)' %
                      (counter, total_num_tools, tool['name'], tool['owner'],
                       tool['tool_panel_section_id'], tool['revision'],
                       dt.datetime.now() - istart))
                response = tsc.install_repository_revision(
                    tool['tool_shed_url'], tool['name'], tool['owner'],
                    tool['revision'], tool['install_tool_dependencies'],
                tool_id = None
                tool_status = None
                if len(response) > 0:
                    tool_id = response[0].get('id', None)
                    tool_status = response[0].get('status', None)
                if tool_id and tool_status:
                    # Possibly an infinite loop here. Introduce a kick-out counter?
                    log.debug("\tTool installing", extra={'same_line': True})
                    while tool_status not in ['Installed', 'Error']:
                        log.debug("", extra={'same_line': True})
                        tool_status = update_tool_status(tsc, tool_id)
                    end = dt.datetime.now()
                        "\tTool %s installed successfully (in %s) at revision %s"
                        % (tool['name'], str(end - start), tool['revision']))
                    end = dt.datetime.now()
                        "\tCould not retrieve tool status for {0}".format(
            except ConnectionError, e:
                response = None
                end = dt.datetime.now()
                if default_err_msg in e.body:
                    log.debug("\tTool %s already installed (at revision %s)" %
                              (tool['name'], tool['revision']))
                        "\t* Error installing a tool (after %s)! Name: %s,"
                        "owner: %s, revision: %s, error: %s" %
                        (tool['name'], str(end - start), tool['owner'],
                         tool['revision'], e.body))
                        'name': tool['name'],
                        'owner': tool['owner'],
                        'revision': tool['revision'],
                        'error': e.body
            outcome = {
                'tool': tool,
                'response': response,
                'duration': str(end - start)
コード例 #11
def install_tools(options):
    Parse the default input file and proceed to install listed tools.

    :type options: OptionParser object
    :param options: command line arguments parsed by OptionParser
    istart = dt.datetime.now()
    tool_list_file = options.tool_list_file
    if tool_list_file:
        tl = load_input_file(tool_list_file)  # Input file contents
        tools_info = tl['tools']  # The list of tools to install
    elif options.tool_yaml:
        tools_info = [yaml.load(options.tool_yaml)]
        # An individual tool was specified on the command line
        tools_info = [{"owner": options.owner,
                       "name": options.name,
                       "tool_panel_section_id": options.tool_panel_section_id,
                       "tool_shed_url": options.tool_shed_url or MTS}]
    galaxy_url = options.galaxy_url or tl.get('galaxy_instance')
    api_key = options.api_key or tl.get('api_key')
    gi = galaxy_instance(galaxy_url, api_key)
    tsc = tool_shed_client(gi)
    itl = installed_tool_revisions(gi)  # installed tools list

    responses = []
    errored_tools = []
    skipped_tools = []
    installed_tools = []
    counter = 0
    tools_info = _flatten_tools_info(tools_info)
    total_num_tools = len(tools_info)
    default_err_msg = ('All repositories that you are attempting to install '
                       'have been previously installed.')

    # Process each tool/revision: check if it's already installed or install it
    for tool_info in tools_info:
        counter += 1
        already_installed = False  # Reset the flag
        tool = {}  # Payload for the tool we are installing
        # Copy required `tool_info` keys into the `tool` dict
        tool['name'] = tool_info.get('name', None)
        tool['owner'] = tool_info.get('owner', None)
        tool['tool_panel_section_id'] = tool_info.get('tool_panel_section_id', None)
        tool['tool_panel_section_label'] = tool_info.get('tool_panel_section_label', None)
        # Check if all required tool sections have been provided; if not, skip
        # the installation of this tool. Note that data managers are an exception
        # but they must contain string `data_manager` within the tool name.
        if not tool['name'] or not tool['owner'] or (not (tool['tool_panel_section_id']
                                                          or tool['tool_panel_section_label'])
                                                     and 'data_manager' not in tool.get('name', '')):
            log.error("Missing required tool info field; skipping [name: '{0}'; "
                      "owner: '{1}'; tool_panel_section_id: '{2}']; tool_panel_section_label: '{3}'"
                      .format(tool['name'], tool['owner'], tool['tool_panel_section_id'],
        # Populate fields that can optionally be provided (if not provided, set
        # defaults).
        tool['install_tool_dependencies'] = \
            tool_info.get('install_tool_dependencies', True)
        tool['install_repository_dependencies'] = \
            tool_info.get('install_repository_dependencies', True)
        tool['tool_shed_url'] = \
            tool_info.get('tool_shed_url', MTS)
        ts = ToolShedInstance(url=tool['tool_shed_url'])
        # Get the set revision or set it to the latest installable revision
        tool['revision'] = tool_info.get('revision', ts.repositories.
                                         (tool['name'], tool['owner'])[-1])
        # Check if the tool@revision is already installed
        for installed in itl:
            if the_same_tool(installed, tool) and tool['revision'] in installed['revisions']:
                log.debug("({0}/{1}) Tool {2} already installed at revision {3}. Skipping."
                          .format(counter, total_num_tools, tool['name'], tool['revision']))
                skipped_tools.append({'name': tool['name'], 'owner': tool['owner'],
                                      'revision': tool['revision']})
                already_installed = True
        if not already_installed:
            # Initate tool installation
            start = dt.datetime.now()
            log.debug('(%s/%s) Installing tool %s from %s to section "%s" at '
                      'revision %s (TRT: %s)' %
                      (counter, total_num_tools, tool['name'], tool['owner'],
                       tool['tool_panel_section_id'] or tool['tool_panel_section_label'],
                       tool['revision'], dt.datetime.now() - istart))
                response = install_repository_revision(tool, tsc)
                end = dt.datetime.now()
                log_tool_install_success(tool=tool, start=start, end=end,
            except ConnectionError, e:
                response = None
                end = dt.datetime.now()
                if default_err_msg in e.body:
                    log.debug("\tTool %s already installed (at revision %s)" %
                              (tool['name'], tool['revision']))
                    if e.message == "Unexpected response from galaxy: 504":
                        log.debug("Timeout during install of %s, extending wait to 1h"
                                  % ((tool['name'])))
                        success = wait_for_install(tool=tool, tsc=tsc, timeout=3600)
                        if success:
                            log_tool_install_success(tool=tool, start=start, end=end,
                            response = e.body  # TODO: find a better response message
                            log_tool_install_error(tool=tool, start=start, end=end,
                                                   e=e, errored_tools=errored_tools)
                        log_tool_install_error(tool=tool, start=start, end=end,
                                               e=e, errored_tools=errored_tools)
            outcome = {'tool': tool, 'response': response, 'duration': str(end - start)}
コード例 #12
def install_tools(options):
    Parse the default input file and proceed to install listed tools.

    :type options: OptionParser object
    :param options: command line arguments parsed by OptionParser
    istart = dt.datetime.now()
    tool_list_file = options.tool_list_file
    tl = load_input_file(tool_list_file)  # Input file contents
    tools_info = tl['tools']  # The list of tools to install
    galaxy_url = options.galaxy_url or tl['galaxy_instance']
    api_key = options.api_key or tl['api_key']
    gi = galaxy_instance(galaxy_url, api_key)
    tsc = tool_shed_client(gi)
    itl = installed_tools(tsc)  # installed tools list

    responses = []
    errored_tools = []
    skipped_tools = []
    counter = 1
    total_num_tools = len(tools_info)
    default_err_msg = 'All repositories that you are attempting to install have been previously installed.'
    for r in tools_info:
        already_installed = False
        if 'install_tool_dependencies' not in r:
            r['install_tool_dependencies'] = True
        if 'install_repository_dependencies' not in r:
            r['install_repository_dependencies'] = True
        if 'tool_shed_url' not in r:
            r['tool_shed_url'] = 'https://toolshed.g2.bx.psu.edu'
        # Check if the tool is already installed
        for it in itl:
            if r['name'] == it['name'] and r['owner'] == it['owner'] and \
               it['tool_shed'] in r['tool_shed_url'] and it['latest']:
                    "({0}/{1}) Tool {2} already installed. Skipping...".format(
                        counter, total_num_tools, r['name']))
                skipped_tools.append({'name': r['name'], 'owner': r['owner']})
                already_installed = True
        if not already_installed:
            # Set the payload
            ts = ToolShedInstance(url=r['tool_shed_url'])
            if 'revision' not in r:
                r['revision'] = ts.repositories.get_ordered_installable_revisions(
                    r['name'], r['owner'])[-1]
            # Initate tool installation
            start = dt.datetime.now()
            log.debug('(%s/%s) Installing tool %s from %s to section %s' %
                      (counter, total_num_tools, r['name'], r['owner'],
                       r.get('tool_panel_section_id', 'N/A')))
                response = tsc.install_repository_revision(
                    r['tool_shed_url'], r['name'], r['owner'], r['revision'],
                    r.get('tool_panel_section_id', ''))
                tool_id = None
                tool_status = None
                if len(response) > 0:
                    tool_id = response[0].get('id', None)
                    tool_status = response[0].get('status', None)
                if tool_id and tool_status:
                    # Possibly an infinite loop here. Introduce a kick-out counter?
                    log.debug("\tTool installing", extra={'same_line': True})
                    while tool_status not in ['Installed', 'Error']:
                        log.debug("", extra={'same_line': True})
                        tool_status = update_tool_status(tsc, tool_id)
                    end = dt.datetime.now()
                        "\tTool %s installed successfully (in %s) at revision %s"
                        % (r['name'], str(end - start), r['revision']))
                    end = dt.datetime.now()
                        "\tCould not retrieve tool status for {0}".format(
            except ConnectionError, e:
                response = None
                end = dt.datetime.now()
                if default_err_msg in e.body:
                    log.debug("\tTool %s already installed (at revision %s)" %
                              (r['name'], r['revision']))
                        "\t* Error installing a tool (after %s)! Name: %s,"
                        "owner: %s, revision: %s, error: %s" %
                        (r['name'], str(end - start), r['owner'],
                         r['revision'], e.body))
                        'name': r['name'],
                        'owner': r['owner'],
                        'revision': r['revision'],
                        'error': e.body
            outcome = {
                'tool': r,
                'response': response,
                'duration': str(end - start)
        counter += 1
コード例 #13
gi = GalaxyInstance(tl['galaxy_instance'], tl['api_key'])
r_info = tl['tools']

responses = []

counter = 1
total_num_tools = len(r_info)
default_err_msg = 'All repositories that you are attempting to install have been previously installed.'
for r in r_info:
    if 'install_tool_dependencies' not in r:
        r['install_tool_dependencies'] = True
    if 'install_repository_dependencies' not in r:
        r['install_repository_dependencies'] = True
    if 'tool_shed_url' not in r:
        r['tool_shed_url'] = 'http://toolshed.g2.bx.psu.edu'
    ts = ToolShedInstance(url=r['tool_shed_url'])
    if 'revision' not in r:
        r['revision'] = ts.repositories.get_ordered_installable_revisions(
            r['name'], r['owner'])[-1]

    tsc = ToolShedClient(gi)
    start = dt.datetime.now()
    print '\n(%s/%s) Installing tool %s from %s to section %s' % (counter,
        total_num_tools, r['name'], r['owner'], r['tool_panel_section_id'])
    response = tsc.install_repository_revision(r['tool_shed_url'], r['name'],
        r['owner'], r['revision'], r['install_tool_dependencies'],
        r['install_repository_dependencies'], r['tool_panel_section_id'])
        # new_tool_panel_section_label='API tests')
    end = dt.datetime.now()
    if 'error' in response:
        if response['error'] == default_err_msg: