def init_reader(self): mdoptions = metadatatools.get_metadata_options(metadatatools.ALL) self.rdr.setMetadataOptions(mdoptions) self.rdr.setGroupFiles(False) self.metadata = metadatatools.createOMEXMLMetadata() self.rdr.setMetadataStore(self.metadata) try: self.rdr.setId(self.path) except jutil.JavaException as e: # logger.warn(e.message) # for line in traceback.format_exc().split("\n"): # logger.warn(line) je = e.throwable if has_omero_packages() and jutil.is_instance_of( je, "Glacier2/PermissionDeniedException"): # Handle at a higher level raise if jutil.is_instance_of(je, "loci/formats/FormatException"): # je =, "getCause", # "()Ljava/lang/Throwable;") # Handle at a higher level raise if jutil.is_instance_of(je, "java/io/FileNotFoundException"): raise IOError(errno.ENOENT, "The file, \"%s\", does not exist." % self.path, self.path) e2 = IOError( errno.EINVAL, "Could not load the file as an image (see log for details)", self.path.encode('utf-8')) raise e2
def __load_using_bioformats(path, c, z, t, series, index, rescale, wants_max_intensity, channel_names): FormatTools = make_format_tools_class() ImageReader = make_image_reader_class() ChannelSeparator = make_reader_wrapper_class( "loci/formats/ChannelSeparator") # # Bioformats is more picky about slashes than Python # if sys.platform.startswith("win"): path = path.replace("/", os.path.sep) # # Bypass the ImageReader and scroll through the class list. The # goal here is to ask the FormatHandler if it thinks it could # possibly parse the file, then only give the FormatReader access # to the open file stream so it can't damage the file server. # # Pass 0 - allow access to stream if reader believes it is the correct # reader no matter what the file contents. # Pass 1 - allow access to stream if reader indicates that it supports # files with this file's suffix. # Pass 2 - allow all readers access to the stream # env = jutil.get_env() with GetImageReader(path) as rdr: mdoptions = metadatatools.get_metadata_options(metadatatools.ALL) rdr.setMetadataOptions(mdoptions) rdr.setGroupFiles(False) metadata = metadatatools.createOMEXMLMetadata() rdr.setMetadataStore(metadata) rdr.setId(path) width = rdr.getSizeX() height = rdr.getSizeY() pixel_type = rdr.getPixelType() little_endian = rdr.isLittleEndian() if pixel_type == FormatTools.INT8: dtype = np.char scale = 255 elif pixel_type == FormatTools.UINT8: dtype = np.uint8 scale = 255 elif pixel_type == FormatTools.UINT16: dtype = '<u2' if little_endian else '>u2' scale = 65535 elif pixel_type == FormatTools.INT16: dtype = '<i2' if little_endian else '>i2' scale = 65535 elif pixel_type == FormatTools.UINT32: dtype = '<u4' if little_endian else '>u4' scale = 2**32 elif pixel_type == FormatTools.INT32: dtype = '<i4' if little_endian else '>i4' scale = 2**32 - 1 elif pixel_type == FormatTools.FLOAT: dtype = '<f4' if little_endian else '>f4' scale = 1 elif pixel_type == FormatTools.DOUBLE: dtype = '<f8' if little_endian else '>f8' scale = 1 max_sample_value = rdr.getMetadataValue('MaxSampleValue') if max_sample_value is not None: try: scale =, 'intValue', '()I') except: bioformats.logger.warning( "WARNING: failed to get MaxSampleValue for image. Intensities may be improperly scaled." ) if series is not None: rdr.setSeries(series) if index is not None: image = np.frombuffer(rdr.openBytes(index), dtype) if len(image) / height / width in (3, 4): n_channels = int(len(image) / height / width) if rdr.isInterleaved(): image.shape = (height, width, n_channels) else: image.shape = (n_channels, height, width) image = image.transpose(1, 2, 0) else: image.shape = (height, width) elif rdr.isRGB() and rdr.isInterleaved(): index = rdr.getIndex(z, 0, t) image = np.frombuffer(rdr.openBytes(index), dtype) image.shape = (height, width, 3) elif c is not None and rdr.getRGBChannelCount() == 1: index = rdr.getIndex(z, c, t) image = np.frombuffer(rdr.openBytes(index), dtype) image.shape = (height, width) elif rdr.getRGBChannelCount() > 1: n_planes = rdr.getRGBChannelCount() rdr = ChannelSeparator(rdr) planes = [ np.frombuffer(rdr.openBytes(rdr.getIndex(z, i, t)), dtype) for i in range(n_planes) ] if len(planes) > 3: planes = planes[:3] elif len(planes) < 3: # > 1 and < 3 means must be 2 # see issue #775 planes.append(np.zeros(planes[0].shape, planes[0].dtype)) image = np.dstack(planes) image.shape = (height, width, 3) elif rdr.getSizeC() > 1: images = [ np.frombuffer(rdr.openBytes(rdr.getIndex(z, i, t)), dtype) for i in range(rdr.getSizeC()) ] image = np.dstack(images) image.shape = (height, width, rdr.getSizeC()) if not channel_names is None: metadata = metadatatools.MetadataRetrieve(metadata) for i in range(rdr.getSizeC()): index = rdr.getIndex(z, 0, t) channel_name = metadata.getChannelName(index, i) if channel_name is None: channel_name = metadata.getChannelID(index, i) channel_names.append(channel_name) elif rdr.isIndexed(): # # The image data is indexes into a color lookup-table # But sometimes the table is the identity table and just generates # a monochrome RGB image # index = rdr.getIndex(z, 0, t) image = np.frombuffer(rdr.openBytes(index), dtype) if pixel_type in (FormatTools.INT16, FormatTools.UINT16): lut = rdr.get16BitLookupTable() lut = np.array([ env.get_short_array_elements(d) for d in env.get_object_array_elements(lut) ]).transpose() else: lut = rdr.get8BitLookupTable() lut = np.array([ env.get_byte_array_elements(d) for d in env.get_object_array_elements(lut) ]).transpose() image.shape = (height, width) if not np.all(lut == np.arange(lut.shape[0])[:, np.newaxis]): image = lut[image, :] else: index = rdr.getIndex(z, 0, t) image = np.frombuffer(rdr.openBytes(index), dtype) image.shape = (height, width) rdr.close() if rescale: image = image.astype(np.float32) / float(scale) if wants_max_intensity: return image, scale return image
def fn(path=path, c=c, z=z, t=t, series=series, index=index, rescale=rescale, wants_max_intensity=wants_max_intensity, channel_names=channel_names): FormatTools = make_format_tools_class() ImageReader = make_image_reader_class() ChannelSeparator = make_reader_wrapper_class( "loci/formats/ChannelSeparator") # # Bioformats is more picky about slashes than Python # if sys.platform.startswith("win"): path = path.replace("/",os.path.sep) # # Bypass the ImageReader and scroll through the class list. The # goal here is to ask the FormatHandler if it thinks it could # possibly parse the file, then only give the FormatReader access # to the open file stream so it can't damage the file server. # env = jutil.get_env() class_list = get_class_list() stream = jutil.make_instance('loci/common/RandomAccessInputStream', '(Ljava/lang/String;)V', path) filename = os.path.split(path)[1] IFormatReader = make_iformat_reader_class() rdr = None for klass in env.get_object_array_elements(class_list.get_classes()): wclass = jutil.get_class_wrapper(klass, True) maybe_rdr = IFormatReader() maybe_rdr.o = wclass.newInstance() maybe_rdr.setGroupFiles(False) if maybe_rdr.suffixNecessary: if not maybe_rdr.isThisTypeSZ(filename, False): continue if maybe_rdr.suffixSufficient: rdr = maybe_rdr break if (maybe_rdr.isThisTypeStream(stream)): rdr = maybe_rdr break if rdr is None: raise ValueError("Could not find a Bio-Formats reader for %s", path) mdoptions = metadatatools.get_metadata_options(metadatatools.ALL) rdr.setMetadataOptions(mdoptions) metadata = metadatatools.createOMEXMLMetadata() rdr.setMetadataStore(metadata) rdr.setId(path) width = rdr.getSizeX() height = rdr.getSizeY() pixel_type = rdr.getPixelType() little_endian = rdr.isLittleEndian() if pixel_type == FormatTools.INT8: dtype = np.char scale = 255 elif pixel_type == FormatTools.UINT8: dtype = np.uint8 scale = 255 elif pixel_type == FormatTools.UINT16: dtype = '<u2' if little_endian else '>u2' scale = 65535 elif pixel_type == FormatTools.INT16: dtype = '<i2' if little_endian else '>i2' scale = 65535 elif pixel_type == FormatTools.UINT32: dtype = '<u4' if little_endian else '>u4' scale = 2**32 elif pixel_type == FormatTools.INT32: dtype = '<i4' if little_endian else '>i4' scale = 2**32-1 elif pixel_type == FormatTools.FLOAT: dtype = '<f4' if little_endian else '>f4' scale = 1 elif pixel_type == FormatTools.DOUBLE: dtype = '<f8' if little_endian else '>f8' scale = 1 max_sample_value = rdr.getMetadataValue('MaxSampleValue') if max_sample_value is not None: try: scale =, 'intValue', '()I') except: bioformats.logger.warning("WARNING: failed to get MaxSampleValue for image. Intensities may be improperly scaled.") if series is not None: rdr.setSeries(series) if index is not None: image = np.frombuffer(rdr.openBytes(index), dtype) if len(image) / height / width in (3,4): image.shape = (height, width, int(len(image) / height / width)) else: image.shape = (height, width) elif rdr.isRGB() and rdr.isInterleaved(): index = rdr.getIndex(z,0,t) image = np.frombuffer(rdr.openBytes(index), dtype) image.shape = (height, width, 3) elif c is not None and rdr.getRGBChannelCount() == 1: index = rdr.getIndex(z,c,t) image = np.frombuffer(rdr.openBytes(index), dtype) image.shape = (height, width) elif rdr.getRGBChannelCount() > 1: rdr.close() rdr = ImageReader() rdr.allowOpenToCheckType(False) rdr = ChannelSeparator(rdr) rdr.setGroupFiles(False) rdr.setId(path) red_image, green_image, blue_image = [ np.frombuffer(rdr.openBytes(rdr.getIndex(z,i,t)),dtype) for i in range(3)] image = np.dstack((red_image, green_image, blue_image)) image.shape=(height,width,3) elif rdr.getSizeC() > 1: images = [np.frombuffer(rdr.openBytes(rdr.getIndex(z,i,t)), dtype) for i in range(rdr.getSizeC())] image = np.dstack(images) image.shape = (height, width, rdr.getSizeC()) if not channel_names is None: metadata = metadatatools.MetadataRetrieve(metadata) for i in range(rdr.getSizeC()): index = rdr.getIndex(z, 0, t) channel_name = metadata.getChannelName(index, i) if channel_name is None: channel_name = metadata.getChannelID(index, i) channel_names.append(channel_name) else: index = rdr.getIndex(z,0,t) image = np.frombuffer(rdr.openBytes(index),dtype) image.shape = (height,width) rdr.close(), 'close', '()V') del rdr # # Run the Java garbage collector here. # jutil.static_call("java/lang/System", "gc","()V") if rescale: image = image.astype(np.float32) / float(scale) if wants_max_intensity: return image, scale return image