コード例 #1
def PrintResults(prefix, vertex_ones, vertex_twos, edge_weights,
                 maintained_edges, algorithm):
    # get the ground truth and print out the results
    seg2gold_mapping = seg2gold.Mapping(prefix)

    # get the number of edges
    nedges = edge_weights.shape[0]

    # see how multicut has changed the results
    labels = []
    cnn_results = []
    multicut_results = []

    # go through each edge
    for ie in range(nedges):
        vertex_one = vertex_ones[ie]
        vertex_two = vertex_twos[ie]

        # skip if there is no ground truth
        if seg2gold_mapping[vertex_one] < 1 or seg2gold_mapping[vertex_two] < 1:

        # over 0.5 on edge weight means the edge should collapse
        cnn_results.append(edge_weights[ie] > 0.5)

        # since this edge has ground truth add to list
        # subtract one here since a maintained edge is one that should not be merged
        multicut_results.append(1 - maintained_edges[ie])

        if seg2gold_mapping[vertex_one] == seg2gold_mapping[vertex_two]:

    print 'CNN Results:'
    PrecisionAndRecall(np.array(labels), np.array(cnn_results))

    print 'Multicut Results'
    PrecisionAndRecall(np.array(labels), np.array(multicut_results))
コード例 #2
def MergeGroundTruth(prefix, model_prefix):
    # read the segmentation data
    segmentation = dataIO.ReadSegmentationData(prefix)

    # get the multicut filename (with graph weights)
    multicut_filename = 'multicut/{}-{}.graph'.format(model_prefix, prefix)

    # read the gold data
    gold = dataIO.ReadGoldData(prefix)

    # read in the segmentation to gold mapping
    mapping = seg2gold.Mapping(segmentation, gold)

    # get the maximum segmentation value
    max_value = np.amax(segmentation) + 1

    # create union find data structure
    union_find = [UnionFind.UnionFindElement(iv) for iv in range(max_value)]

    # read in all of the labels
    with open(multicut_filename, 'rb') as fd:
        # read the number of vertices and edges
        nvertices, nedges, = struct.unpack('QQ', fd.read(16))

        # read in all of the edges
        for ie in range(nedges):
            # read in the two labels
            label_one, label_two, = struct.unpack('QQ', fd.read(16))

            # skip over the reduced labels and edge weight

            # if the labels are the same and the mapping is non zero
            if mapping[label_one] == mapping[label_two] and mapping[label_one]:
                UnionFind.Union(union_find[label_one], union_find[label_two])

    # create a mapping
    mapping = np.zeros(max_value, dtype=np.int64)

    # update the segmentation
    for iv in range(max_value):
        label = UnionFind.Find(union_find[iv]).label

        mapping[iv] = label

    merged_segmentation = seg2seg.MapLabels(segmentation, mapping)

    gold_filename = 'gold/{}_gold.h5'.format(prefix)

    # TODO fix this code temporary filename
    truth_filename = 'multicut/{}-truth.h5'.format(prefix)

    # temporary write h5 file
    dataIO.WriteH5File(merged_segmentation, truth_filename, 'stack')

    import time
    start_time = time.time()
    print ('Ground truth: ')
    # create the command line
    command = '~/software/PixelPred2Seg/comparestacks --stack1 {} --stackbase {} --dilate1 1 --dilatebase 1 --relabel1 --relabelbase --filtersize 100 --anisotropic'.format(truth_filename, gold_filename)

    # execute the command
    print (time.time() - start_time)
コード例 #3
# read the input segmentation data
segmentation = dataIO.ReadSegmentationData(prefix)

# subset is either training, validation, or testing
subset = 'testing'

# remove the singleton slices
node_generation.RemoveSingletons(prefix, segmentation)
print("Step 1 done")
# need to update the prefix and segmentation
# removesingletons writes a new h5 file to disk
prefix = '{}-segmentation-wos'.format(prefix)
segmentation = dataIO.ReadSegmentationData(prefix)
# need to rerun seg2gold mapping since segmentation changed
seg2gold_mapping = seg2gold.Mapping(prefix, segmentation, gold)
print("Step 2 done")

# generate locations for segments that are too small
node_generation.GenerateNodes(prefix, segmentation, subset, seg2gold_mapping)
print("Step 3 done")

# run inference for node network
node_model_prefix = '/n/home03/tanav/axonem/biologicalgraphs/neuronseg/architectures/nodes-400nm-3x20x60x60-Kasthuri/nodes'