コード例 #1
ファイル: penalty.py プロジェクト: pariterre/bioptim
        def track_segment_with_custom_rt(penalty: PenaltyOption,
                                         all_pn: PenaltyNodeList,
                                         segment: Union[int, str], rt: int):
            Minimize the difference of the euler angles extracted from the coordinate system of a segment
            and a RT (e.g. IMU). By default this function is quadratic, meaning that it minimizes the difference.

            penalty: PenaltyOption
                The actual penalty to declare
            all_pn: PenaltyNodeList
                The penalty node elements
            segment: Union[int, str]
                The name or index of the segment
            rt: int
                The index of the RT in the bioMod

            penalty.quadratic = True if penalty.quadratic is None else penalty.quadratic

            nlp = all_pn.nlp
            segment_index = biorbd.segment_index(
                nlp.model, segment) if isinstance(segment, str) else segment

            r_seg = nlp.model.globalJCS(nlp.states["q"].mx,
            r_rt = nlp.model.RT(nlp.states["q"].mx, rt).rot()
            angles_diff = biorbd.Rotation_toEulerAngles(
                r_seg.transpose() * r_rt, "zyx").to_mx()

            angle_objective = BiorbdInterface.mx_to_cx(f"track_segment",
            return angle_objective
コード例 #2
ファイル: penalty.py プロジェクト: pariterre/bioptim
        def track_marker_with_segment_axis(
            penalty: PenaltyOption,
            all_pn: PenaltyNodeList,
            marker: Union[int, str],
            segment: Union[int, str],
            axis: Axis,
            Track a marker using a segment, that is aligning an axis toward the marker
            By default this function is quadratic, meaning that it minimizes the difference.

            penalty: PenaltyOption
                The actual penalty to declare
            all_pn: PenaltyNodeList
                The penalty node elements
            marker: int
                Name or index of the marker to be tracked
            segment: int
                Name or index of the segment to align with the marker
            axis: Axis
                The axis that should be tracking the marker

            if not isinstance(axis, Axis):
                raise RuntimeError("axis must be a bioptim.Axis")

            penalty.quadratic = True if penalty.quadratic is None else penalty.quadratic

            nlp = all_pn.nlp
            marker_idx = biorbd.marker_index(nlp.model, marker) if isinstance(
                marker, str) else marker
            segment_idx = biorbd.segment_index(
                nlp.model, segment) if isinstance(segment, str) else segment

            # Get the marker in rt reference frame
            jcs = nlp.model.globalJCS(nlp.states["q"].mx, segment_idx)
            marker = nlp.model.marker(nlp.states["q"].mx, marker_idx)
            marker_objective = BiorbdInterface.mx_to_cx(
                "marker", marker.to_mx(), nlp.states["q"])

            # To align an axis, the other must be equal to 0
            if penalty.rows is not None:
                raise ValueError(
                    "rows cannot be defined in track_marker_with_segment_axis")
            penalty.rows = [
                ax for ax in [Axis.X, Axis.Y, Axis.Z] if ax != axis

            return marker_objective