コード例 #1
    def test_passes_additional_kwargs_to_regressor_transform(self):
        regressor = mock.Mock(n_features=3)
        kwargs = {"foo": 3, "bar": 5}
        transform_ar(regressor, [], **kwargs)

        call_kwargs = regressor.transform.call_args[1]
        for key in kwargs:
            self.assertIn(key, call_kwargs)
            self.assertEqual(kwargs[key], call_kwargs[key])
コード例 #2
    def test_size_of_predictor_variable_correct_when_bias_is_true(self):
        p = 5
        regressor = mock.Mock(n_features=p + 1)

        n = 20
        a = n * [0]
        transform_ar(regressor, a, bias=True)

        call_args = regressor.transform.call_args[0]
        self.assertEqual(np.shape(call_args[0])[1], p + 1)
コード例 #3
    def test_args_sent_to_regressor_transform_have_the_correct_length(self):
        p = 4
        regressor = mock.Mock(n_features=p)

        n = 52
        a = n * [0]
        transform_ar(regressor, a)

        call_args = regressor.transform.call_args[0]
        self.assertEqual(len(call_args[0]), n - p)
        self.assertEqual(len(call_args[1]), n - p)
コード例 #4
    def test_y_values_passed_to_regressor_infer_fit_correct_when_bias_is_false(self):
        rng = np.random.default_rng(1)

        n = 57
        y = rng.normal(size=n)

        p = 4
        regressor = mock.Mock(n_features=p)
        transform_ar(regressor, y, bias=False)

        call_args = regressor.transform.call_args[0]
        np.testing.assert_allclose(call_args[1], y[p:])
コード例 #5
    def test_bias_false_by_default(self):
        p = 4
        regressor1 = mock.Mock(n_features=p)
        regressor2 = mock.Mock(n_features=p)

        n = 10
        a = n * [0]
        transform_ar(regressor1, a, bias=False)
        transform_ar(regressor2, a)

        call_args1 = regressor1.transform.call_args[0]
        call_args2 = regressor2.transform.call_args[0]

        self.assertEqual(np.shape(call_args1[0]), np.shape(call_args2[0]))
コード例 #6
    def test_returns_regressor_transform_output(self):
        regressor = mock.Mock(n_features=3)

        ret = (1, {"a": 3})
        regressor.transform.return_value = ret

        actual_ret = transform_ar(regressor, [])

        self.assertEqual(actual_ret, ret)
コード例 #7
    def test_X_values_passed_to_regressor_infer_fit_correct_when_bias_is_false(self):
        rng = np.random.default_rng(1)

        n = 57
        y = rng.normal(size=n)

        p = 4
        regressor = mock.Mock(n_features=p)
        transform_ar(regressor, y, bias=False)

        call_args = regressor.transform.call_args[0]

        expected_X = np.zeros((len(y) - p, p))
        for i in range(len(y) - p):
            for j in range(p):
                expected_X[i, j] = y[i - j + p - 1]

        np.testing.assert_allclose(call_args[0], expected_X)
コード例 #8
    def test_X_values_augmented_by_constant_one_when_bias_is_true(self):
        rng = np.random.default_rng(2)

        n = 23
        y = rng.normal(size=n)

        p = 5
        regressor1 = mock.Mock(n_features=p)
        regressor2 = mock.Mock(n_features=p + 1)

        transform_ar(regressor1, y, bias=False)
        transform_ar(regressor2, y, bias=True)

        call_args1 = regressor1.transform.call_args[0]
        call_args2 = regressor2.transform.call_args[0]

        X = call_args1[0]
        X_bias = call_args2[0]
        X_bias_exp = np.hstack((X, np.ones((len(X), 1))))

        np.testing.assert_allclose(X_bias, X_bias_exp)
コード例 #9
def hyper_score_ar(
    regressor_class: Callable,
    dataset: Sequence,
    metric: Callable[[np.ndarray, np.ndarray], float],
    rng: Union[int, np.random.RandomState, np.random.Generator] = 0,
    fit_kws: Optional[dict] = None,
    initial_weights: str = "default",
    monitor: Optional[Sequence] = None,
    monitor_step: int = 1,
    progress: Optional[Callable] = None,
    progress_trial: Optional[Callable] = None,
    test_fraction: float = 0.2,
    test_samples: Optional[int] = None,
) -> Tuple[float, SimpleNamespace]:
    """ Score hyperparameter choice for AR clustering.

    This runs a time series clustering algorithm on a set of signals and assesses the
    accuracy of the output using a given metric. This is done using a given set of
    hyperparameter values for the algorithm. The function then returns a summary score.

        Class to use to create regressors. One regressor is created for each signal in
        the dataset, and `transform_ar` is used to fit the regressor on each signal.
        Additional keyword arguments passed to `hyper_score_ar` are transferred to the
        `regressor_class` constructor -- you'll probably need at least `n_models` and
        `n_features`. A random number generator is chosen automatically by
        `hyper_score_ar` and passed as the `rng` argument to the constructor -- note
        that this will not pass `hyper_score_ar`s `rng` directly!
        Sequence of signals to use for testing the regressors. Each entry in `dataset`
        should be an object containing at least fields `y` and `usage_seq`, which should
        be arrays of equal length. `y` is the signal, `usage_seq` gives the ground truth
        of which generating model was used at each time step.
        The function to use to assess the accuracy of the clustering. This should take a
        vector `labels_true` of ground-truth latent states at each time step and a
        vector `labels_pred` of predicted (inferred) latent states, and return a scalar
        accuracy score.
        Random number generator or seed to use for generating initial weight values. If
        seed, a random number generator is created using `np.random.default_rng`.
        Additional argument to pass to `transform_ar`.
        How to set the initial weights (for regressors that have that option). This can
          "default":    do the default, i.e., no `weights` attribute passed to __init__
          "oracle_ar":  pass the `a` coefficients from the signal's `armas` member as
        Sequence of strings denoting values to monitor during the inference procedure
        for each regressor and signal pair. The special value "r" can be used to also
        store continuous latent-state assignments that are returned as the first output
        of `transform` / `transform_ar`.
        How often to record the values from `monitor`.
        Progress callable for monitoring how far the function is in running the
        regressor on each signal from the `dataset`. This is used to wrap an iterator,
        `progress(iterator) -> iterator`.
        Callable for monitoring the progress during each trial. This is directly passed
        to `transform_ar` (and thus to `regressor_class().transform`).
        Fraction of samples to use when estimating the clustering score.
        Number of samples to use when estimating the clustering score. If this is
        provided, it overrides `test_fraction`
    Additional keyword arguments are directly passed to the `regressor_class`

    Returns a tuple `(summary_score, details)`, where `summary_score` is the median of
    the scores assigned for the regressor output on each signal in the `dataset`, and
    `details` is a `SimpleNamespace` containing more details from the run:
        trial_scores (np.ndarray)       -- The scores for each trial.
        regressor_seeds (np.ndarray)    -- Random seeds used to initialize regressors.
        regressors (Sequence)           -- Regressors used for each trial.
        history (Sequence)              -- Monitoring data for each trial.
    # handle seed form of rng
    if not hasattr(rng, "normal"):
        rng = np.random.default_rng(rng)

    # handle optional fit_kws
    if fit_kws is None:
        fit_kws = {}
        fit_kws = copy.copy(fit_kws)
    fit_kws.setdefault("progress", progress_trial)

    # handle optional monitor
    if monitor is None:
        monitor = []

    # handle monitoring of transform output
    if "r" in monitor:
        monitor = [_ for _ in monitor if _ != "r"]
        store_r = True
        store_r = False

    # ensure monitor_step makes sense
    monitor_step = max(monitor_step, 1)

    # set up trial scores
    n_trials = len(dataset)
    trial_scores = np.zeros(n_trials)

    # set up regressor random seeds
    if hasattr(rng, "randint"):
        gen_integers = rng.randint
        gen_integers = rng.integers
    regressor_seeds = gen_integers(0, sys.maxsize, size=n_trials)

    # run the simulations
    it = dataset
    if progress is not None:
        it = progress(it)
    history = []
    regressors = []
    for i, signal in enumerate(it):
        # create the regressor
        crt_args = copy.copy(kwargs)

        crt_seed = regressor_seeds[i]
        crt_rng = np.random.default_rng(crt_seed)
        crt_args["rng"] = crt_rng

        if initial_weights == "oracle_ar" and not hasattr(crt_args, "weights"):
            crt_args["weights"] = np.asarray([_.a for _ in signal.armas])

        regressor = regressor_class(**crt_args)

        # run transform_ar with this regressor
        crt_monitor = monitor
        if len(crt_monitor) > 0 and monitor_step > 1:
            crt_monitor = AttributeMonitor(monitor, step=monitor_step)

        crt_r, crt_history = transform_ar(regressor,
        if store_r:
            crt_history.r = crt_r[::monitor_step]

        crt_inferred_usage = np.argmax(crt_r, axis=1)

        # score only the last test_fraction / test_samples samples
        if test_samples is None:
            crt_n = int(test_fraction * len(crt_r))
            crt_n = test_samples
        crt_score = metric(signal.usage_seq[-crt_n:],


        trial_scores[i] = crt_score

    # noinspection PyTypeChecker
    summary_score: float = np.median(trial_scores)
    details = SimpleNamespace(

    return summary_score, details
コード例 #10
    def test_calls_regressor_transform_once(self):
        regressor = mock.Mock(n_features=3)
        transform_ar(regressor, [])

コード例 #11
    def test_calls_regressor_transform_with_two_positional_args(self):
        regressor = mock.Mock(n_features=3)
        transform_ar(regressor, [])

        self.assertEqual(len(regressor.transform.call_args[0]), 2)
コード例 #12
    def test_does_not_pass_bias_to_regressor_transform(self):
        regressor = mock.Mock(n_features=3)
        transform_ar(regressor, [], bias=True)

        call_args = regressor.transform.call_args
        self.assertNotIn("bias", call_args[1])