コード例 #1
def main(Ns, ds, num_trials, statistic, approach, filename):
  doPrintd = False
  if len(Ns) == 1: doPrintd = True

  filename = "output/" + filename
  f = open(filename,"w")
  for N in Ns:
    print "N = " + str(N)
    for d in ds:
      if doPrintd: print d
      trials = num_trials*[0]      
      for i in range(num_trials):
        success,unmatched,matching,incident = bes.main(N,d,approach)
        assert success
        if unmatched > 0:
          for i in range(N):
            for e in incident[i]:
              print e 
          print matching
        trials[i] = unmatched 
      result = statistic(trials)
      if d == ds[-1]:
コード例 #2
def main(N, d, approach, freq):
  itr = 0
  max_unmatched = 0
  while True:
    itr += 1
    if itr % freq == 0: print "iteration #" + str(itr)

    if approach == 3:
      success,num_unmatched,matching,incident = besi.main(N,d)
      success,num_unmatched,matching,incident = bes.main(N,d,approach)
    assert success
    if num_unmatched > max_unmatched:
      for n in range(N):
        for e in incident[n]:
          print e
      print matching
      print "New max unmatched: " + str(num_unmatched)
      max_unmatched = num_unmatched
コード例 #3
    print "Script that outputs the maximum amount of unmatched nodes encountered during run."

    if len(argv) == 1:
        # Lauren's w/ multi --> approach = 0
        # Lauren's w/o multi --> approach = 1
        # Random, stupid edge selection --> approach = 2
        print "Enter N, d, approach:",
        params = raw_input().split()
        N = int(params[0])
        d = int(params[1])
        approach = int(params[2])
        N = int(argv[1])
        d = int(argv[2])
        approach = int(argv[3])

    max_unmatched = 0
    i = 0
    for right_sides in bes.create_all_right_sides(N, d):
        i += 1
        success, unmatched, matching, incident = bes.main(N, d, approach, right_sides=right_sides)
        if i % 100000:
            print i
        if unmatched > max_unmatched:
            print ""
            for i in range(N):
                for e in incident[i]:
                    print e
            print matching
            print "Max Unmatched = " + str(unmatched)