コード例 #1
def search(parent, children, root, T, N):
    # node is for checking index and its existence purpose
    # stack is to find index of values array to delete an element whenever len(values) is bigger than 2
    # value is for the binary index search purpose
    node = root
    total = 0
    stack = [node]
    values = [node]
    while node:
        print "node_start",node
        if children[node]:
            c = node = children[node].pop()
            #print node
            m, x = c - T, c + T
            #print "m,x",m, x

            #a binary way to count the possible pairs
            im = bisect_left(values, m)
            ix = bisect_right(values, x)
            #print im, ix, values
            total += ix - i
            insort(values, c)
            #print "values:",values
            print "stack:",stack
            values.pop(bisect_left(values, stack.pop()))
            node = parent[node]
            print "node:",node
    print stack,values
    return total
コード例 #2
ファイル: PointMesh.py プロジェクト: cpadavis/WavefrontPSF
    def format_coord(self, x, y):
        """ given x,y find z value from the interpolation grid
        extname = self.decam.getSensor(x,y)
        if extname==None:
            return     'x=%1.4f, y=%1.4f               '%(x, y)
            if self.interpEdges.has_key(extname):
                xEdges = self.interpEdges[extname][0][0,:]
                yEdges = self.interpEdges[extname][1][:,0]
                return     'x=%1.4f, y=%1.4f               '%(x, y)

            # get the right index into the interpValues array
            indY = bisect.bisect_left(yEdges,y)-1
            indX = bisect.bisect_left(xEdges,x)-1

        if self.interpValues.has_key(extname):
            shape = self.interpValues[extname].shape
            if indX>=0 and indX<shape[1] and indY>=0 and indY<shape[0]:
                z = self.interpValues[extname][indY,indX]
                return 'x=%1.4f, y=%1.4f, z=%1.4f, %s'%(x, y, z,extname)
                print "problem: ",extname,x,y
                return 'x=%1.4f, y=%1.4f               '%(x, y)
            return     'x=%1.4f, y=%1.4f               '%(x, y)
コード例 #3
ファイル: RangeMap.py プロジェクト: er432/Ranger
    def contains(self, val):
        """ Returns true if any of the ranges fully enclose the given
        value, which can be a single value or a Range object

        val : A single value or a Range object

            If the value type not compatible with the ranges
        true if any of the ranges fully enclose the given value
        if len(self) == 0: return False
        # Get the index+1 of the highest lower cut <= to the value or its
        # lower cutpoint and check if the value contained
        if isinstance(val, Range):
            lower_ind = max(bisect_left(self.lower_cuts, val.lowerCut)-1,0)
            return self.ranges[lower_ind].encloses(val)
            lower_ind = max(bisect_left(self.lower_cuts, val)-1,0)
            return self.ranges[lower_ind].contains(val)
 def __getitem__(self, key):
     Overriding the default __getitem__ method with behavior specific to sparse matrices
     # Your Code
     if isinstance(key, int):
         if key >= len(self):
             return None
         if len(self.indices) == 0 or len(self.vectors) == 0:                
             return make_vector([0] * self.ncols, lambda x: x == 0)
         idx = bisect_left(self.indices, key)
         return (make_vector([0] * self.ncols)               
                 if (idx == len(self.indices) or self.indices[idx] != key)
                     else self.vectors[idx])
         if key[0] >= len(self):
             return None
         idx = bisect_left(self.indices, key[0])
         return (0 if (idx == len(self.vectors)
                       or self.indices[idx] != key[0])
                 else self.vectors[idx][key[1]]) 
コード例 #5
ファイル: spikequeue.py プロジェクト: brian-team/brian2numba
    def push(self, sources):
        Push spikes to the queue.

        sources : ndarray of int
            The indices of the neurons that spiked.
        if len(sources) and len(self._delays):
            start = self._source_start
            stop = self._source_end
            if start > 0:
                start_idx = bisect.bisect_left(sources, start)
                start_idx = 0
            if stop <= sources[-1]:
                stop_idx = bisect.bisect_left(sources, stop, lo=start_idx)
                stop_idx = len(sources) + 1
            sources = sources[start_idx:stop_idx]
            if len(sources)==0:
            synapse_indices = self._neurons_to_synapses
            indices = np.concatenate([synapse_indices[source - start]
                                      for source in sources]).astype(np.int32)
            if self._homogeneous:  # homogeneous delays
                self._insert_homogeneous(self._delays[0], indices)
            else:  # vectorise over synaptic events
                self._insert(self._delays[indices], indices)
コード例 #6
    def count(self, val):
        """Return the number of occurrences of *val* in the list."""
        _maxes = self._maxes

        if not _maxes:
            return 0

        pos_left = bisect_left(_maxes, val)

        if pos_left == len(_maxes):
            return 0

        _lists = self._lists
        idx_left = bisect_left(_lists[pos_left], val)
        pos_right = bisect_right(_maxes, val)

        if pos_right == len(_maxes):
            return self._len - self._loc(pos_left, idx_left)

        idx_right = bisect_right(_lists[pos_right], val)

        if pos_left == pos_right:
            return idx_right - idx_left

        right = self._loc(pos_right, idx_right)
        left = self._loc(pos_left, idx_left)

        return right - left
コード例 #7
ファイル: RangeMap.py プロジェクト: er432/Ranger
    def overlaps(self, val):
        """ Returns true if any of the ranges at least partially overlap
        the given value, which can be a single value or a Range object

        val : A single value or a Range object

            If the value type not compatible with the ranges

        true if any of the ranges fully enclose the given value
        if len(self) == 0: return False
        # Get the index+1 of the highest lower cut <= to the value or its
        # lower cutpoint and check if the value overlaps
        if isinstance(val, Range):
            lower_ind = bisect_left(self.lower_cuts, val.lowerCut)-1
            upper_ind = bisect_left(self.lower_cuts, val.upperCut)
            for i in range(lower_ind,upper_ind):
                if val.isConnected(self.ranges[i]):
                    if not self.ranges[i].intersection(val).isEmpty():
                        return True
            return False
            lower_ind = bisect_left(self.lower_cuts,val)-1
            return self.ranges[lower_ind].contains(val)        
コード例 #8
ファイル: pathlist.py プロジェクト: 0x00B1/CellProfiler
    def add_paths(self, paths):
        """Add the given URLs to the control

        paths - a sequence of URLs
        uid = uuid.uuid4()
        npaths = len(paths)
        for i, path in enumerate(paths):
            if i % 100 == 0:
                        uid, float(i) / npaths,
                             "Loading %s into UI" % path)
            folder, filename = self.splitpath(path)
            display_name = urllib2.url2pathname(filename)
            width, _ = self.GetTextExtent(display_name)
            idx = bisect.bisect_left(self.folder_names, folder)
            if idx >= len(self.folder_names) or self.folder_names[idx] != folder:
                folder_item = self.FolderItem(self, folder)
                self.folder_names.insert(idx, folder)
                self.folder_items.insert(idx, folder_item)
                folder_item = self.folder_items[idx]
            fp = folder_item.filenames
            pidx = bisect.bisect_left(fp, filename)
            if pidx >= len(fp) or fp[pidx] != filename:
                fp.insert(pidx, filename)
                folder_item.widths.insert(pidx, width)
                folder_item.file_display_names.insert(pidx, display_name)
                folder_item.enabled.insert(pidx, True)
        if len(paths) > 0:
            cellprofiler.preferences.report_progress(uid, 1, "Done")
        self.schmutzy = True
コード例 #9
ファイル: registry.py プロジェクト: IUT1-CO2/ipopo
    def unregister(self, svc_ref):
        Unregisters a service

        :param svc_ref: A service reference
        :return: The unregistered service instance
        :raise BundleException: Unknown service reference
        with self.__svc_lock:
            if svc_ref not in self.__svc_registry:
                raise BundleException("Unknown service: {0}".format(svc_ref))

            # Get the owner
            bundle = self.__svc_bundle.pop(svc_ref)

            # Get the service instance
            service = self.__svc_registry.pop(svc_ref)

            for spec in svc_ref.get_property(OBJECTCLASS):
                spec_services = self.__svc_specs[spec]
                # Use bisect to remove the reference (faster)
                idx = bisect.bisect_left(spec_services, svc_ref)
                del spec_services[idx]
                if len(spec_services) == 0:
                    del self.__svc_specs[spec]

            # Delete bundle association
            bundle_services = self.__bundle_svc[bundle]
            idx = bisect.bisect_left(bundle_services, svc_ref)
            del bundle_services[idx]
            if len(bundle_services) == 0:
                # Don't keep empty lists
                del self.__bundle_svc[bundle]

            return service
コード例 #10
 def discard(self, value):
   _list = self._list
   _key =  self._key(value)
   _pair = self._pair(_key, value)
   if self._ordered:
   _maxes = _list._maxes
   if _maxes is None:
   pos = bisect_left(_maxes, _pair)
   if pos == len(_maxes):
   _lists = _list._lists
   idx = bisect_left(_lists[pos], _pair)
   len_lists = len(_lists)
   len_sublist = len(_lists[pos])
   while True:
     pair = _lists[pos][idx]
     if _key != pair.key:
     if value == pair.value:
       _list._delete(pos, idx)
     idx += 1
     if idx == len_sublist:
       pos += 1
       if pos == len_lists:
       len_sublist = len(_lists[pos])
       idx = 0
コード例 #11
ファイル: draw.intersect.py プロジェクト: nbykutsumi/PMM
def ret_domain_cy(a2lat, a2lon, clat, dlatlon):
    nyTmp, nxTmp = a2lat.shape
    a1lat = a2lat[:,nxTmp/2]
    a1lon = a2lon[:,nxTmp/2]

    idx_latmax = np.argmax(a1lat)
    a1lat0 = a1lat[:idx_latmax+1]
    a1lat1 = a1lat[idx_latmax+1:]
    a1lon0 = a1lon[:idx_latmax+1]
    a1lon1 = a1lon[idx_latmax+1:]

    #-- search first half: ascending --
    found_domain = 0
    idx_c  = bisect_left(a1lat0, clat)
    latTmp = a1lat0[idx_c]
    lonTmp = a1lon0[idx_c]
    if (clat-dlatlon<=latTmp)&(latTmp <=clat+dlatlon)&(clon-dlatlon<=lonTmp)&(lonTmp<=clon+dlatlon):
        found_domain = 1
        #-- search second half: descending --
        idx_c  = bisect_left(a1lat1[::-1], clat)
        idx_c  = len(a1lat) - idx_c -1
        latTmp = a1lat[idx_c]
        lonTmp = a1lon[idx_c]

        if (clat-dlatlon<=latTmp)&(latTmp <=clat+dlatlon)&(clon-dlatlon<=lonTmp)&(lonTmp<=clon+dlatlon):
            found_domain =1

    if found_domain==1:
        return idx_c

        print 'No matching scans in the target domain are found.'
        print 'Exit'
コード例 #12
 def count(self, value):
   _list = self._list
   _key =  self._key(value)
   _pair = self._pair(_key, value)
   if self._ordered:
     return _list.count(_pair)
   _maxes = _list._maxes
   if _maxes is None:
     return 0
   pos = bisect_left(_maxes, _pair)
   if pos == len(_maxes):
     return 0
   _lists = _list._lists
   idx = bisect_left(_lists[pos], _pair)
   total = 0
   len_lists = len(_lists)
   len_sublist = len(_lists[pos])
   while True:
     pair = _lists[pos][idx]
     if _key != pair.key:
       return total
     if value == pair.value:
       total += 1
     idx += 1
     if idx == len_sublist:
       pos += 1
       if pos == len_lists:
         return total
       len_sublist = len(_lists[pos])
       idx = 0
コード例 #13
 def __contains__(self, value):
   _list = self._list
   _key =  self._key(value)
   _pair = self._pair(_key, value)
   if self._ordered:
     return _pair in _list
   _maxes = _list._maxes
   if _maxes is None:
     return False
   pos = bisect_left(_maxes, _pair)
   if pos == len(_maxes):
     return False
   _lists = _list._lists
   idx = bisect_left(_lists[pos], _pair)
   len_lists = len(_lists)
   len_sublist = len(_lists[pos])
   while True:
     pair = _lists[pos][idx]
     if _key != pair.key:
       return False
     if value == pair.value:
       return True
     idx += 1
     if idx == len_sublist:
       pos += 1
       if pos == len_lists:
         return False
       len_sublist = len(_lists[pos])
       idx = 0
コード例 #14
ファイル: timing.py プロジェクト: Asudano/amen
    def _get_offsets(self, starting_sample, ending_sample, num_channels):
        Find the offset to the next zero-crossing, for each channel.
        offsets = []
        for zero_index in self.audio.zero_indexes:
            index = bisect_left(zero_index, starting_sample) - 1
            if index < 0:
                starting_offset = 0
                starting_crossing = zero_index[index]
                starting_offset = starting_crossing - starting_sample

            index = bisect_left(zero_index, ending_sample)
            if index >= len(zero_index):
                ending_offset = 0
                zci = min(bisect_right(zero_index, ending_sample), len(zero_index) - 1)
                ending_crossing = zero_index[zci]
                ending_offset = ending_crossing - ending_sample

            offsets.append((starting_offset, ending_offset))

        if num_channels == 1:
            results = (offsets[0], offsets[0])
        elif num_channels == 2:
            results = (offsets[0], offsets[1])

        return results
コード例 #15
ファイル: 3SumClosest.py プロジェクト: fdsnsf/leetcode
def threeSumClosest(nums, target):
	summ = sum(nums[-3:])
	if target >= summ:
		return summ
	length = len(nums)
	result =  sum(nums[:3])
	if result >= target:
		return result
	ta = abs(result-target)
	if ta == 0:
		return result
	for i in range(length-2):
		left = bisect.bisect_left(nums, target - nums[i] - nums[-1], lo = i + 1) #binary search
		if left > i + 1: left -= 1
		for j in range(left, length-1):
			n3 = target - nums[i] - nums[j]
			ind =  bisect.bisect_left(nums , n3, j+1)
			values = [ind-1, ind]
			for val in values:
				if val > j and val < length:
					summ = nums[i] + nums[j] + nums[val]
					if summ == target:
						return target
					if abs(summ - target) < ta:
						result = summ
						ta = abs(summ - target)
			if nums[i] + nums[j] + nums[j+1] > target: break
	return result
コード例 #16
def lis_traditional(array):
    If we want to have a list such that list[i] is the
    smallest ending for a increasing subsequence of size i
    We can iterate for every num in the array finding where to
    update to keep the property:
    1 -> x1
    2 -> x2
    3 -> x3
    We can update to:
    1 -> x1
    2 -> x2
    3 -> num
    M = min(len(array), max(array)) + 1
    # smallest_val[i] = smallest ending of a increasing subsequence of len i
    smallest_val = [M] * M
    smallest_val[0] = 0
    # smallest_idx[i] = index of the smallest ending of an inc subseq of len i
    smallest_idx = [-1] * M
    prev = [None] * len(array)
    for i, num in enumerate(array):
        index = bisect.bisect_left(smallest_val, num)
        smallest_val[index] = num
        smallest_idx[index] = i
        prev[i] = smallest_idx[index - 1]
    last = smallest_idx[bisect.bisect_left(smallest_val, M) - 1]
    ans = []
    while last != -1:
        last = prev[last]
    return ans[::-1]
コード例 #17
ファイル: cvrgHMM.py プロジェクト: BioinformaticsArchive/fCNV
 def getCloseGCArrivalsSum(self, gc_ratio, wins):
     Computes sum of sequencing fragments in bins with closest GC ratio
     num_neighbors = self.num_neighbors
     #binary search the position
     pos_l = bisect_left(wins, (gc_ratio, 0.)) 
     pos_r = bisect_left(wins, (gc_ratio, float("inf")))
     pos = (pos_l + pos_r) / 2
     if pos == len(wins): pos -= 1
     close_arrivals = wins[pos][1]
     have = 1
     dis = 0
     left = pos
     right = pos+1
     while have < num_neighbors:
         dis += 1
         if pos+dis < len(wins):
             close_arrivals += wins[pos+dis][1]
             right += 1
             have += 1
         if pos-dis > 0:
             close_arrivals += wins[pos-dis][1]
             left -= 1
             have += 1
     var = 0.
     mean = close_arrivals / num_neighbors
     for x in range(left, right):
         var += (wins[x][1] - mean)**2
     var /= (num_neighbors - 1)
     return close_arrivals, var
コード例 #18
ファイル: challenge12.py プロジェクト: GM3D/POH1
def find_best_price(cp):
    candidate = 0
    if cp > 2 * lowest_price:
        lowlimit = cp / 2
        lowlimit = lowest_price
    larger = cp - lowest_price
    i = bisect_left(prices, larger)
    if not larger in count_and_offset:
        i -= 1
        larger = prices[i]
    while larger >= lowlimit and candidate != cp:
        smaller = cp - larger
        if (not smaller in count_and_offset or \
                (count_and_offset[smaller] == 1 and cp == 2 * larger)):
            smaller = prices[bisect_left(prices, smaller) - 1]
        if smaller < lowest_price:
            i -= 1
            larger = prices[i]
        if smaller + larger > candidate:
            candidate = smaller + larger
        i -= 1
        larger = prices[i]
    return candidate
コード例 #19
ファイル: registry.py プロジェクト: gitter-badger/ipopo
    def __sort_registry(self, svc_ref):
        Sorts the registry, after the update of the sort key of given service

        :param svc_ref: A service reference with a modified sort key
        with self.__svc_lock:
            if svc_ref not in self.__svc_registry:
                raise BundleException("Unknown service: {0}".format(svc_ref))

            # Remove current references
            bundle_services = self.__bundle_svc[svc_ref.get_bundle()]
            idx = bisect.bisect_left(bundle_services, svc_ref)
            del bundle_services[idx]
            for spec in svc_ref.get_property(OBJECTCLASS):
                # Use bisect to remove the reference (faster)
                spec_refs = self.__svc_specs[spec]
                idx = bisect.bisect_left(spec_refs, svc_ref)
                del spec_refs[idx]

            # ... use the new sort key

            bisect.insort_left(bundle_services, svc_ref)
            for spec in svc_ref.get_property(OBJECTCLASS):
                # ... and insert it again
                spec_refs = self.__svc_specs[spec]
                bisect.insort_left(spec_refs, svc_ref)
コード例 #20
ファイル: __init__.py プロジェクト: HMSH00D/hacking-tools
    def get_item(self, i, d=None):
        """Finds out how many repeats this index implies, then picks strings."""
        if i < self.offset_break:
            by_bisect = bisect.bisect_left(self.offsets, (i, -1), hi=self.index_of_offset)
            by_bisect = bisect.bisect_left(self.offsets, (i, -1), lo=self.index_of_offset)

        if by_bisect == len(self.offsets) or self.offsets[by_bisect][0] > i:
            by_bisect -= 1

        num = i - self.offsets[by_bisect][0]
        count = self.offsets[by_bisect][1]

        if count > 100 and self.content_length < 1000:
            content = list(self.content)
            content = self.content

        result = []

        if count == 0:
            return ''

        for modulus in fastdivmod.divmod_iter(num, self.content_length):

        leftover = count - len(result)
        if leftover:
            assert leftover > 0
            result.extend([content[0]] * leftover)

        # smallest place value ends up on the right
        return ''.join(result[::-1])
コード例 #21
ファイル: FastIndex.py プロジェクト: jfmc/logen
 def get_two_tk_indices(self, char_pos1, char_pos2):
     line = bisect.bisect_left(self.newlines, char_pos1)
     line2 = bisect.bisect_left(self.newlines, char_pos2, line)
     return (
         str(line) + "." + str(char_pos1 - self.newlines[line - 1] - 1),
         str(line2) + "." + str(char_pos2 - self.newlines[line2 - 1] - 1),
コード例 #22
    def __contains__(self, val):
        """Return True if and only if *val* is an element in the list."""
        _maxes = self._maxes

        if not _maxes:
            return False

        key = self._key(val)
        pos = bisect_left(_maxes, key)

        if pos == len(_maxes):
            return False

        _keys = self._keys
        _lists = self._lists

        idx = bisect_left(_keys[pos], key)

        len_keys = len(_keys)
        len_sublist = len(_keys[pos])

        while True:
            if _keys[pos][idx] != key:
                return False
            if _lists[pos][idx] == val:
                return True
            idx += 1
            if idx == len_sublist:
                pos += 1
                if pos == len_keys:
                    return False
                len_sublist = len(_keys[pos])
                idx = 0
コード例 #23
ファイル: fograbber.py プロジェクト: cmdawson/mrmarket
	def midcurves_chain(self):
		if not self.product:
			raise Exception("Please set an exchange product first")
		optr = []
		mcsuffix = self.xs.midcurves[1]
		years = range(int(self.xs.midcurves[0])+1)
		ee0 = bisect_left(self.xs.optSerialMonths, EXCH_MONTHS[self.date.month - 1])
		optr += [self.make_record('mc', self.xs.optSerialMonths, ee) \
			for ee in range(ee0, ee0 + self.xs.numSerialMC)]
		ee0 += self.xs.numSerialMC
		while self.date > optr[0].expiry:
				optr.append(self.make_record('mc', self.xs.optSerialMonths, ee0))
				ee0 += 1
		ee0 = bisect_left(self.xs.optMonths, EXCH_MONTHS[self.date.month-1])
		optr += dropwhile(lambda y: y in optr or self.date > y.expiry, \
			[self.make_record('mc', self.xs.optMonths, ff) for ff in range(ee0, ee0 + self.xs.numMC)])	
		midcurves = [_OptR(str(y)+mcsuffix+rr.month, rr.undl[0]+str(int(rr.undl[1])+y+1-(y>0)), rr.expiry) \
			for rr in optr for y in years]
		return {mc.month: mc for mc in midcurves}
コード例 #24
  def Delete(self, name):
    """Deletes a task from the store by name.

      name: the name of the task to delete.

      TaskQueueServiceError.UNKNOWN_TASK: if the task is unknown.
      TaskQueueServiceError.INTERNAL_ERROR: if the store is corrupted.
      TaskQueueServiceError.OK: otherwise.
    pos = bisect.bisect_left(self._sorted_by_name, (name,))
    if pos >= len(self._sorted_by_name):

      return taskqueue_service_pb.TaskQueueServiceError.UNKNOWN_TASK
    if self._sorted_by_name[pos][1].task_name() != name:
      logging.info('looking for task name %s, got task name %s', name,
      return taskqueue_service_pb.TaskQueueServiceError.UNKNOWN_TASK
    old_task = self._sorted_by_name.pop(pos)[1]

    eta = old_task.eta_usec()
    pos = bisect.bisect_left(self._sorted_by_eta, (eta, name, None))
    if self._sorted_by_eta[pos][2] is not old_task:
      logging.error('task store corrupted')
      return taskqueue_service_pb.TaskQueueServiceError.INTERNAL_ERROR
    return taskqueue_service_pb.TaskQueueServiceError.OK
コード例 #25
ファイル: fograbber.py プロジェクト: cmdawson/mrmarket
	def options_chain(self):
		if not self.product:
			raise RuntimeError("Please set an exchange product first")
		exps = []
		if pd.notnull(self.xs.optSerialMonths):
			ee0 = bisect_left(self.xs.optSerialMonths, EXCH_MONTHS[self.date.month - 1])
			exps += [self.make_record('opt', self.xs.optSerialMonths, ee) \
				for ee in range(ee0, ee0 + self.xs.numSerialOpts)]
			# pop the first if it's past, otherwise pop the last
			#exps.pop(0 if (self.date > exps[0].expiry) else -1)
			# Remove and replace expired months
			ee0 += self.xs.numSerialOpts
			while self.date > exps[0].expiry:
				exps.append(self.make_record('opt', self.xs.optSerialMonths, ee0))
				ee0 += 1
		ee0 = bisect_left(self.xs.optMonths, EXCH_MONTHS[self.date.month-1])
		exps += dropwhile(lambda y: y in exps or self.date > y.expiry, \
			[self.make_record('opt', self.xs.optMonths, ff) for ff in range(ee0, ee0 + self.xs.numOpts + 1)])	
		#for ee in exps:
		#	print ee
		return {ee.month: ee for ee in exps}
コード例 #26
 def is_good_pair(self, n1, n2):
     p1, p2 = self.p[n1 - 1], self.p[n2 - 1]
     diff = p2 - p1
     ret = True
     if self.p[bisect.bisect_left(self.p, diff, lo=0, hi=n2)] != diff:
         ret = False
         # return False
         #print('{} and {} have difference {}'.format(p1, p2, diff))
     s = p2 + p1
     if s > self.p[-1]:
         if s != self.p[-1]:
             ret = False
             #print('{} and {} have sum {}'.format(p1, p2, s))
         if self.p[bisect.bisect_left(self.p, s, lo=n2)] != s:
             ret = False
             #print('{} and {} have sum {}'.format(p1, p2, s))
     return ret
コード例 #27
  def Lookup(self, maximum, name=None, eta=None):
    """Lookup a number of sorted tasks from the store.

    If 'eta' is specified, the tasks are looked up in a list sorted by 'eta',
    then 'name'. Otherwise they are sorted by 'name'. We need to be able to
    sort by 'eta' and 'name' because tasks can have identical eta. If you had
    20 tasks with the same ETA, you wouldn't be able to page past them, since
    the 'next eta' would give the first one again. Names are unique, though.

      maximum: the maximum number of tasks to return.
      name: a task name to start with.
      eta: an eta to start with.

      A list of up to 'maximum' tasks.

      ValueError: if the task store gets corrupted.
    if eta is None:

      pos = bisect.bisect_left(self._sorted_by_name, (name,))

      tasks = (x[1] for x in self._sorted_by_name[pos:pos + maximum])
      return list(tasks)
    if name is None:
      raise ValueError('must supply name or eta')

    pos = bisect.bisect_left(self._sorted_by_eta, (eta, name))

    tasks = (x[2] for x in self._sorted_by_eta[pos:pos + maximum])
    return list(tasks)
コード例 #28
    def count(self, val):
        """Return the number of occurrences of *val* in the list."""
        _maxes = self._maxes

        if not _maxes:
            return 0

        key = self._key(val)
        pos = bisect_left(_maxes, key)

        if pos == len(_maxes):
            return 0

        _keys = self._keys
        _lists = self._lists

        idx = bisect_left(_keys[pos], key)

        total = 0
        len_keys = len(_keys)
        len_sublist = len(_keys[pos])

        while True:
            if _keys[pos][idx] != key:
                return total
            if _lists[pos][idx] == val:
                total += 1
            idx += 1
            if idx == len_sublist:
                pos += 1
                if pos == len_keys:
                    return total
                len_sublist = len(_keys[pos])
                idx = 0
コード例 #29
def correlationInRange(x, y, srange):
    Find the correlation of all scores
    where x is in the range of [score[0], score[1])

        x: set of scores
        y: set of scores in 1-1 correspondence with x
        srange: tuple consiting of (minS, maxS), which are the minimum
                and maximum scores in x which should be considered

    import bisect
    minS, maxS = srange

    minI = bisect.bisect_left(x, minS)
    maxI = bisect.bisect_left(x, maxS)

    xs = x[minI:maxI]
    ys = y[minI:maxI]

    pr = sp.stats.pearsonr(xs, ys)[0]
    sr = sp.stats.spearmanr(xs, ys)[0]

    return pr, sr
コード例 #30
ファイル: harvester.py プロジェクト: caparicajr/fatiando
def _find_index(point, mesh):
    Find the index of the cell that has point inside it.
    x1, x2, y1, y2, z1, z2 = mesh.bounds
    nz, ny, nx = mesh.shape
    xs = mesh.get_xs()
    ys = mesh.get_ys()
    zs = mesh.get_zs()
    x, y, z = point
    if (x <= x2 and x >= x1 and y <= y2 and y >= y1 and
        ((z <= z2 and z >= z1 and mesh.zdown) or
         (z >= z2 and z <= z1 and not mesh.zdown))):
        if mesh.zdown:
            # -1 because bisect gives the index z would have. I want to know
            # what index z comes after
            k = bisect.bisect_left(zs, z) - 1
            # If z is not positive downward, zs will not be sorted
            k = len(zs) - bisect.bisect_left(zs[::-1], z)
        j = bisect.bisect_left(ys, y) - 1
        i = bisect.bisect_left(xs, x) - 1
        seed = i + j*nx + k*nx*ny
        # Check if the cell is not masked (topography)
        if mesh[seed] is not None:
            return seed
    return None
コード例 #31
ファイル: scheduling.py プロジェクト: VOLTTRON/volttron
def cron(cron_string, start=None, stop=None, second=0):
    '''Return a schedule generator from a cron-style string.

    cron_string is a cron-style time expression consisting of five
    whitespace-separated fields explained in further detail below.
    start and stop are used to bound the schedule and can be None,
    datetime.datetime or datetime.timedelta objects or numeric values,
    such as is returned by time.time(). If start is None, the current
    time is used. If it is a timedelta, it will be added to the current
    time. If stop is None, cron will generate values infinitely. If it
    is a timedelta, the end time is the start time plus stop. Each
    iteration yields a datetime.datetime object. Since the smallest cron
    unit is a minute, second may be passed in to offset the time within
    the minute.

    The following description of the cron fields is taken from the
    crontab(5) man page (with slight modifications).

    The time and date fields are:

           field          allowed values
           -----          --------------
           minute         0-59
           hour           0-23
           day of month   1-31
           month          1-12 (or names, see below)
           day of week    0-7 (0 or 7 is Sunday, or use names)

    A field may contain an asterisk (*), which always stands for

    Ranges of numbers are allowed.  Ranges are two numbers separated
    with a hyphen.  The specified range is inclusive.  For example, 8-11
    for an 'hours' entry specifies execution at hours 8, 9, 10, and 11.
    If the range start or end value is left off, the first or last value
    will be used.  For example, -8 for an 'hours' entry is equivalent to
    0-8, 20- for a 'days of month' entry is equivalent to 20-31, and -
    for a 'months' entry is equivalent to 1-12.

    Lists are allowed.  A list is a set of numbers (or ranges) separated
    by commas.  Examples: "1,2,5,9", "0-4,8-12".

    Step values can be used in conjunction with ranges.  Following a
    range with "/<number>" specifies skips of the number's value through
    the range.  For example, "0-23/2" can be used in the 'hours' field
    to specify every other hour.  Step values are also permitted after
    an asterisk, "*/2" in the 'hours' field is equivalent to "0-23/2".

    Names can also be used for the 'month' and 'day of week' fields.
    Use at least the first three letters of the particular day or month
    (case does not matter).

    Note: The day can be specified in the following two fields: 'day of
    month', and 'day of week'.  If both fields are restricted (i.e., do
    not contain the "*" character), then both are used to compute
    date/time values.  For example, "30 4 1,15 * 5" is interpreted as
    "4:30 am on the 1st and 15th of each month, plus every Friday."

    if not 0 <= second < 60:
        raise ValueError('second is out of the range [0, 59]')
    minutes, hours, days, months, weekdays = parse_cron_string(cron_string)
    # Convert 0-Sunday to 7-Sunday to match datetime.isoweekday()
    if weekdays and weekdays[0] == 0:
        weekdays = weekdays[1:] + (() if weekdays[-1] == 7 else (7,))
    # Check that there are some valid month/day combinations.
    if months and days and not weekdays:
        unsafe = set([(2, 30), (2, 31), (4, 31), (6, 31), (9, 31), (11, 31)])
        combos = set([(m, d) for m in months for d in days])
        if not combos - unsafe:
            raise ValueError('given months and days produce only '
                             'impossible combinations')

    start, stop = _start_stop(start, stop)

    # Default fields to full range of values
    months = months or list(range(1, 13))
    hours = hours or list(range(0, 24))
    minutes = minutes or list(range(0, 60))

    def _weekdays(year, month, day=1):
        '''Iterate over all the days in weekdays for the given year and
        month starting with day.
        dt = date(year, month, day)
        weekday = dt.isoweekday()
        i = bisect_left(weekdays, weekday)
        dt += timedelta(weekdays[i] - weekday if i < len(weekdays)
                        else weekdays[0] + 7 - weekday)
        day, weekday = dt.day, dt.isoweekday()
        for next in chain(weekdays[i + 1:], cycle(weekdays)):
            if day > 31:
            yield day
            day, weekday = day + (next - weekday if next > weekday
                                  else next + 7 - weekday), next

    # Handle special case when the start month and day are in the set
    if start.month in months:
        if (not (days or weekdays) or days and start.day in days or
                weekdays and start.isoweekday() in weekdays):
            if start.hour in hours:
                for minute in minutes[bisect_right(minutes, start.minute):]:
                    yield datetime(start.year, start.month, start.day, start.hour, minute, second)
            for hour in hours[bisect_right(hours, start.hour):]:
                for minute in minutes:
                    yield datetime(start.year, start.month, start.day, hour, minute, second)
        first_month = [(start.year, start.month, start.day + 1)]
        first_month = []

    # Iterate over all values until stop is hit
    for year, month, first_day in chain(first_month,
            ((start.year, m, 1) for m in months[bisect_right(months, start.month):]),
            ((y, m, 1) for y in count(start.year + 1) for m in months)):
            if days:
                _days = days[bisect_left(days, first_day):]
                if weekdays:
                    _days = merge(_days, _weekdays(year, month, first_day))
            elif weekdays:
                _days = _weekdays(year, month, first_day)
                _days = list(range(first_day, 32))
            for day in _days:
                for hour in hours:
                    for minute in minutes:
                        dt = datetime(year, month, day, hour, minute, second)
                        if stop and dt > stop:
                        yield dt
        except ValueError:
コード例 #32
s = [0] * (n + 1)
a = [0] * (n + 1)
a[0] = (0, 0)
for i in range(n):
    s[i + 1] = s[i] - 3 * (S[i] == '1') + 2 * (S[i] == '0')
    a[i + 1] = (s[i + 1], i + 1)

dp = [0] * (n + 1)
dp[0] = a[0][1]
for i in range(n):
    dp[i + 1] = max(dp[i], a[i + 1][1])

answer = 0
for i in range(n):
    dx = a[0][0] - s[i]
    if s[n] <= 0:
        x = K - 1
        if dx + s[n] * x > 0:
    elif dx > 0:
        x = min(K - 1, -dx // s[n])

    v = x * s[n] - s[i]
    p = bisect_left(a, (-v + 1, 0)) - 1
    answer = max(answer, dp[p] - i + x * n)

コード例 #33
 def DaysToExpire(self, today, contractIndex):
     index = bisect.bisect_left(self.expiry, today)
     return (self.expiry[index + contractIndex].date() - today).days
コード例 #34
    def Initialize(self):

        self.SetStartDate(2011, 1, 1)  # Set Start Date
        self.SetEndDate(2014, 12, 31)  # Set End Date
        self.SetCash(100000000)  # Set Strategy Cash

        # if the weight of a futures contract is lower than this, we will not trade
        self.thresholdToPlaceOrder = 0.001
        self.multipler = 1000  # VIX multipler is $1000

        # transaction fee
        self.fee = 0.05

        # we use the implied vol from the call options as the mean vol doesn't always exist, e.g. 2014/02/14
        self.vixvolColPrefix = "ivcall"

        # we don't trade on weekends and holidays
        holidays = self.TradingCalendar.GetDaysByType(
            TradingDayType.PublicHoliday, self.StartDate, self.EndDate)
        self.holidays = [i.Date.date() for i in holidays]


        # the token is purchased from Quandl with a monthly cost, will need to be updated if it expires.
        self.vxxvol = self.AddData(QuandlVxx, "VOL/VXX", Resolution.Daily,
        self.vixvol = self.AddData(QuandlVxx, "VOL/VIX", Resolution.Daily,

        # vix data
        self.vix = self.AddData(CBOE, "VIX", Resolution.Daily).Symbol

        # VX9 misses 01/23 - 03/23 in 2015, exclude vx9 from modeling
        # need 8 monthly futures because when calculating the weights I will exclude the current front month
        self.nfut = 7
        self.nexclude = 0
        self.VIX_futures_names = [
            "VX" + str(i) for i in range(1, 1 + self.nfut)
        self.VIX_symbols = []
        for vname in self.VIX_futures_names:
                self.AddData(QuandlFutures, "CHRIS/CBOE_" + vname,

        # the data of VXX or vxx.1 don't match with online sources (e.g. yahoo) after 2018
        # https://www.quantconnect.com/forum/discussion/7975/can-039-t-load-historical-vxx-data-even-though-it-looks-like-it-exists/p1
        # use this ticker before 2019
        self.vxx = self.AddEquity(
            "vxx.1", Resolution.Daily
        ).Symbol  # Add VXX, vxx.1 is the permtick according to the link
        # use this ticker after 2018
        #self.vxx = self.AddEquity("VXX",  Resolution.Daily).Symbol

        vixfuture = self.AddFuture(Futures.Indices.VIX)
        vixfuture.SetFilter(timedelta(0), timedelta(300))

        # 2011 to present
        expiry_f = self.Download(
        self.expiry = pd.read_csv(

        #stores the map from expiry to the contract
        self.contracts = {}

        # index of the front contract
        self.frontMonthIndex = bisect.bisect_left(self.expiry, self.StartDate)

        # weight for vix future contracts and vxx (the last one)
        self.curWeight = np.array([0.] * (self.nfut - self.nexclude + 1))

        if self.frontMonthIndex == 0:
            self.Log("start date is earlier than available data, quiting...")

        # some dates have bad data, and mess up the backtesting, exclude them in the list
        # the hacky way to get around these bad days is to liquidate before these days, and
        # then buy back after these days
        self.bad_dates = [date(2012,11,5), date(2012,11,6), date(2012,11,7),\
                          date(2013,10,10),date(2013,10,28),date(2013,10,29), date(2013,10,30),date(2013,10,31), date(2014,10,15)]

        # we trade at 10am ET every day
        self.Schedule.On(self.DateRules.EveryDay(), self.TimeRules.At(10, 0),
コード例 #35
ファイル: core.py プロジェクト: chubbymaggie/amoco
 def locate(self,vaddr):
     p = self.__cache
     if vaddr in p: return p.index(vaddr)
     i = bisect_left(p,vaddr)
     if i==0: return None
     else: return i-1
コード例 #36
ファイル: 4894999.py プロジェクト: qifanyyy/CLCDSA
import bisect
N = int(input())
W = [int(input()) for l in range(N)]
box = [W[0]]
for i in range(1, N):
    if max(box) < W[i]:
        box[bisect.bisect_left(box, W[i])] = W[i]
コード例 #37
 def get(self, timestamp):
     """Get the resource sample nearest to the given timestamp"""
     closest = min(bisect_left(self._values, (timestamp, None)),
                   len(self) - 1)
     return self._values[closest]
コード例 #38
ファイル: box.py プロジェクト: xmy1990/pygal
    def _box_points(values, mode='extremes'):
        Default mode: (mode='extremes' or unset)
            Return a 7-tuple of 2x minimum, Q1, Median, Q3,
        and 2x maximum for a list of numeric values.
        1.5IQR mode: (mode='1.5IQR')
            Return a 7-tuple of min, Q1 - 1.5 * IQR, Q1, Median, Q3,
        Q3 + 1.5 * IQR and max for a list of numeric values.
        Tukey mode: (mode='tukey')
            Return a 7-tuple of min, q[0..4], max and a list of outliers
        Outliers are considered values x: x < q1 - IQR or x > q3 + IQR
        SD mode: (mode='stdev')
            Return a 7-tuple of min, q[0..4], max and a list of outliers
        Outliers are considered values x: x < q2 - SD or x > q2 + SD
        SDp mode: (mode='pstdev')
            Return a 7-tuple of min, q[0..4], max and a list of outliers
        Outliers are considered values x: x < q2 - SDp or x > q2 + SDp

        The iterator values may include None values.

        Uses quartile definition from  Mendenhall, W. and
        Sincich, T. L. Statistics for Engineering and the
        Sciences, 4th ed. Prentice-Hall, 1995.

        def median(seq):
            n = len(seq)
            if n % 2 == 0:  # seq has an even length
                return (seq[n // 2] + seq[n // 2 - 1]) / 2
            else:  # seq has an odd length
                return seq[n // 2]

        def mean(seq):
            return sum(seq) / len(seq)

        def stdev(seq):
            m = mean(seq)
            l = len(seq)
            v = sum((n - m)**2 for n in seq) / (l - 1)  # variance
            return v**0.5  # sqrt

        def pstdev(seq):
            m = mean(seq)
            l = len(seq)
            v = sum((n - m)**2 for n in seq) / l  # variance
            return v**0.5  # sqrt

        outliers = []
        # sort the copy in case the originals must stay in original order
        s = sorted([x for x in values if x is not None])
        n = len(s)
        if not n:
            return (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0), []
        elif n == 1:
            return (s[0], s[0], s[0], s[0], s[0], s[0], s[0]), []
            q2 = median(s)
            # See 'Method 3' in http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quartile
            if n % 2 == 0:  # even
                q1 = median(s[:n // 2])
                q3 = median(s[n // 2:])
            else:  # odd
                if n == 1:  # special case
                    q1 = s[0]
                    q3 = s[0]
                elif n % 4 == 1:  # n is of form 4n + 1 where n >= 1
                    m = (n - 1) // 4
                    q1 = 0.25 * s[m - 1] + 0.75 * s[m]
                    q3 = 0.75 * s[3 * m] + 0.25 * s[3 * m + 1]
                else:  # n is of form 4n + 3 where n >= 1
                    m = (n - 3) // 4
                    q1 = 0.75 * s[m] + 0.25 * s[m + 1]
                    q3 = 0.25 * s[3 * m + 1] + 0.75 * s[3 * m + 2]

            iqr = q3 - q1
            min_s = s[0]
            max_s = s[-1]
            if mode == 'extremes':
                q0 = min_s
                q4 = max_s
            elif mode == 'tukey':
                # the lowest datum still within 1.5 IQR of the lower quartile,
                # and the highest datum still within 1.5 IQR of the upper
                # quartile [Tukey box plot, Wikipedia ]
                b0 = bisect_left(s, q1 - 1.5 * iqr)
                b4 = bisect_right(s, q3 + 1.5 * iqr)
                q0 = s[b0]
                q4 = s[b4 - 1]
                outliers = s[:b0] + s[b4:]
            elif mode == 'stdev':
                # one standard deviation above and below the mean of the data
                sd = stdev(s)
                b0 = bisect_left(s, q2 - sd)
                b4 = bisect_right(s, q2 + sd)
                q0 = s[b0]
                q4 = s[b4 - 1]
                outliers = s[:b0] + s[b4:]
            elif mode == 'pstdev':
                # one population standard deviation above and below
                # the mean of the data
                sdp = pstdev(s)
                b0 = bisect_left(s, q2 - sdp)
                b4 = bisect_right(s, q2 + sdp)
                q0 = s[b0]
                q4 = s[b4 - 1]
                outliers = s[:b0] + s[b4:]
            elif mode == '1.5IQR':
                # 1.5IQR mode
                q0 = q1 - 1.5 * iqr
                q4 = q3 + 1.5 * iqr
            return (min_s, q0, q1, q2, q3, q4, max_s), outliers
コード例 #39
from bisect import bisect_left

n = int(input())
s = list(map(int, input().split()))
q = int(input())
t = list(map(int, input().split()))
ans = 0
for ele in t:
    i = bisect_left(s, ele)
    if s[i] == ele:
        ans += 1
コード例 #40
def plot_volume_open_interest(
    ticker: str,
    expiry: str,
    min_sp: float,
    max_sp: float,
    min_vol: float,
    export: str = "",
    """Plot volume and open interest

    ticker: str
        Stock ticker
    expiry: str
        Option expiration
    min_sp: float
        Min strike price
    max_sp: float
        Max strike price
    min_vol: float
        Min volume to consider
    export: str
        Format for exporting data
    current_price = tradier_model.last_price(ticker)
    options = tradier_model.get_option_chains(ticker, expiry)

    calls = options[options.option_type == "call"][[
        "strike", "volume", "open_interest"
    puts = options[options.option_type == "put"][[
        "strike", "volume", "open_interest"

    # Process Calls Data
    df_calls = calls.pivot_table(index="strike",
                                 values=["volume", "open_interest"],
    df_calls["strike"] = df_calls.index
    df_calls["type"] = "calls"
    df_calls["open_interest"] = df_calls["open_interest"]
    df_calls["volume"] = df_calls["volume"]
    df_calls["oi+v"] = df_calls["open_interest"] + df_calls["volume"]
    df_calls["spot"] = round(current_price, 2)

    df_puts = puts.pivot_table(index="strike",
                               values=["volume", "open_interest"],
    df_puts["strike"] = df_puts.index
    df_puts["type"] = "puts"
    df_puts["open_interest"] = df_puts["open_interest"]
    df_puts["volume"] = -df_puts["volume"]
    df_puts["open_interest"] = -df_puts["open_interest"]
    df_puts["oi+v"] = df_puts["open_interest"] + df_puts["volume"]
    df_puts["spot"] = round(current_price, 2)

    call_oi = calls.set_index("strike")["open_interest"] / 1000
    put_oi = puts.set_index("strike")["open_interest"] / 1000

    df_opt = pd.merge(call_oi, put_oi, left_index=True, right_index=True)
    df_opt = df_opt.rename(columns={
        "open_interest_x": "OI_call",
        "open_interest_y": "OI_put"

    max_pain = op_helpers.calculate_max_pain(df_opt)

    if min_vol == -1 and min_sp == -1 and max_sp == -1:
        # If no argument provided, we use the percentile 50 to get 50% of upper volume data
        volume_percentile_threshold = 50
        min_vol_calls = np.percentile(df_calls["oi+v"],
        min_vol_puts = np.percentile(df_puts["oi+v"],

        df_calls = df_calls[df_calls["oi+v"] > min_vol_calls]
        df_puts = df_puts[df_puts["oi+v"] < min_vol_puts]

        if min_vol > -1:
            df_calls = df_calls[df_calls["oi+v"] > min_vol]
            df_puts = df_puts[df_puts["oi+v"] < -min_vol]

        if min_sp > -1:
            df_calls = df_calls[df_calls["strike"] > min_sp]
            df_puts = df_puts[df_puts["strike"] > min_sp]

        if max_sp > -1:
            df_calls = df_calls[df_calls["strike"] < max_sp]
            df_puts = df_puts[df_puts["strike"] < max_sp]

    if df_calls.empty and df_puts.empty:
            "The filtering applied is too strong, there is no data available for such conditions.\n"

    # Initialize the matplotlib figure
    _, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=plot_autoscale(), dpi=cfp.PLOT_DPI)

    # make x axis symmetric
    axis_origin = max(abs(max(df_puts["oi+v"])), abs(max(df_calls["oi+v"])))
    ax.set_xlim(-axis_origin, +axis_origin)


    g = sns.barplot(
        label="Calls: Open Interest",

    g = sns.barplot(
        label="Calls: Volume",

    g = sns.barplot(
        label="Puts: Open Interest",

    g = sns.barplot(
        label="Puts: Volume",

    # draw spot line
    s = [float(strike.get_text()) for strike in ax.get_yticklabels()]
    spot_index = bisect_left(
        s, current_price)  # find where the spot is on the graph
    spot_line = ax.axhline(spot_index, ls="--", color="dodgerblue", alpha=0.3)

    # draw max pain line
    max_pain_index = bisect_left(s, max_pain)
    max_pain_line = ax.axhline(max_pain_index,

    # format ticklabels without - for puts
    xlabels = [f"{x:,.0f}".replace("-", "") for x in g.get_xticks()]

        f"{ticker} volumes for {expiry} (open interest displayed only during market hours)"

    _ = ax.legend()
    handles, _ = ax.get_legend_handles_labels()

    # create legend labels + add to graph
    labels = [
        "Calls open interest",
        "Calls volume ",
        "Puts open interest",
        "Puts volume",
        "Current stock price",
        f"Max pain = {max_pain}",

    plt.legend(handles=handles[:], labels=labels)
    sns.despine(left=True, bottom=True)

    if gtff.USE_ION:
コード例 #41
ファイル: test04_01.py プロジェクト: choijaehoon1/backjoon
from bisect import bisect_left

n = int(input())

array = []
cnt = 0
for i in range(n):
    num = int(input())
    cnt += 1
    index = bisect_left(array, num)
    array.insert(index, num)

    if cnt % 2 != 0:
        print(array[cnt // 2])
        print(min(array[cnt // 2 - 1], array[cnt // 2]))
コード例 #42
ファイル: 887D.py プロジェクト: shhuan/algorithms
        sm[i] = sm[i-1] - b
        ps[i] = ps[i-1]
        fs[i] = fs[i-1] + 1
    X = min(X, sm[i])

ts = [x[0] for x in A]

if X >= 0:
    print(ts[-1] + 1)

for si, s in enumerate(ts):
    # update timerange [ti, ti+l)

    ti = bisect.bisect_left(ts, s+l)
    ti -= 1
    if 0 <= ti < n:
        t = ts[ti]
        if s <= t < s+l:
            p = ps[ti+1]-ps[si]
            f = fs[ti+1]-fs[si]
            diff = p*(c-a) + f*(b-d)
            if diff >= abs(X):


コード例 #43
def main():
    # Get data
    activity_metric = GC.activityMetrics()
    activity = GC.activity(activity=None)
    zone = GC.athleteZones(date=activity_metric["date"], sport="bike")
    all_intervals = GC.activityIntervals()

    selected_type = None
    if 'power' in activity:
        if len(all_intervals['type']) > 0:
            all_intervals = pd.DataFrame(all_intervals)
            selected_type = determine_selection_type(all_intervals)
            fail_msg = "No intervals found in this activities, possible solutions: <br>" \
                       "Create manual intervals or enable interval auto-discovery via Tools->Options->Intervals"
        fail_msg = "No power data found in this activities "

    if selected_type:
        # Define chart title
        title = "Average Power per Interval " \
                "(CP:" + str(zone["cp"][0]) + ") " + \
                "Selected Interval Type=" + str(selected_type)
        intervals = all_intervals[all_intervals['type'].str.contains(selected_type)]

        # Identify for every interval the zone color
        breaks = zone["zoneslow"][0]
        zone_colors = zone["zonescolor"][0]
        interval_colors = []
        avg_power_pct = []
        for interval in intervals["Average_Power"]:
            index = bisect.bisect_left(breaks, interval)
            interval_colors.append(zone_colors[index - 1])
            avg_power_pct.append(str(round((interval / zone["cp"][0]) * 100, 1)) + "%")

        # Add percentage labels
        legend = []
        zone_index = 1
        for zone in breaks:
            legend.append("Z" + str(zone_index) + "(" + str(zone) + ")")
            zone_index += 1

        # array of lap names to printed on the x-axis
        lap_names = np.asarray(intervals["name"])
        # array of y values
        watts_y = np.asarray(intervals["Average_Power"])
        # define x-axis (start time of the intervals)
        x = np.asarray(intervals["start"])
        # arrays used for text for every interval
        distance = np.asarray(intervals["Distance"])
        stop = np.asarray(intervals["stop"])
        duration = np.asarray(intervals["Duration"])
        # duration = [stop - start for stop, start in zip(stop, x)]

        # define x-axis heart rate
        heart_rate = np.asarray(list(activity['heart.rate']))
        # define x-axis seconds
        seconds = np.asarray(list(activity['seconds']))

        # Start building chart_not_working_yet_after_single_extract
        fig = go.Figure()

        add_legend_data(fig, legend, zone_colors)
        add_default_layout(fig, title, watts_y)

        if selected_type == "USER" or selected_type == "ALL":
            add_annotation(fig, x, watts_y, duration, distance, avg_power_pct, lap_names)
            add_interval_shapes(fig, x, watts_y, duration, lap_names, interval_colors)
            add_heart_rate_line(fig, seconds, heart_rate)
            x = np.arange(0.5, len(lap_names), 1)
            add_annotation(fig, x, watts_y, duration, distance, avg_power_pct, lap_names, bar_chart=True)
            add_interval_bars(fig, x, watts_y, lap_names, interval_colors, selected_type)

        plotly.offline.plot(fig, auto_open=False, filename=temp_file.name)


コード例 #44
    for prime in primes[greatest:]:

        while sum(consecutive_lst) > p:
            # if our smallest value times our longest length is greater than p, we know the length of p must be shorter
            if consecutive_lst.popleft() >= p // greatest:
                # we no longer care what value is returned as long as it is less than greatest
                return 1

        # the first time our list sums to p, return, as this is the longest the sum could be
        if sum(consecutive_lst) == p:
            return len(consecutive_lst)

    return 1  # our consecutive sum is only p

max_val = 10**6
primes = find_primes_less_than(max_val)

longest = 0
longest_len = 1

# rough estimate that our solution is between 950000 and 1000000
for i in primes[bisect.bisect_left(primes, max_val // 100 * 95):]:
    p_sum = consecutive_prime_sum(i, longest_len)

    if p_sum > longest_len:
        longest_len, longest = p_sum, i

print(longest)  # 997651, p_sum == 543
コード例 #45
 def get_cache_node(self, source_key: str):
     """Based on the source_key, determine which cache node to cache"""
     key_hash = self.generate_hash(source_key)
     index = bisect.bisect_left(self.cache_list, key_hash) % len(
     return self.cache_node[self.cache_list[index]]
コード例 #46
    def __init__(self, words, threshold, start_symbol=True,
                 with_counts=False, shelfname=None):

        if not with_counts:
            words = [(1, w) for w in words]

        self.start = start = '\0' if start_symbol else ''
        self.end = end = '\0'
        lendelta = len(start) + len(end)
        words = [(len(w) + lendelta, (c, start + w + end))
                 for c, w in words]

        self.nodes = nodes = self.setup_nodes(shelfname)

        if not words:

        lens, words = zip(*words)
        lens = numpy.array(lens)
        nwords = len(words)

        def zerodict():
            return collections.defaultdict(itertools.repeat(0).__next__)

        charcounts = zerodict()
        for count, word in words:
            for c in word[start_symbol:]:
                charcounts[c] += count

        totchars = sum(charcounts.values())
        transitions, counts = zip(*sorted(charcounts.items(),
        transitions = ''.join(transitions)
        counts = numpy.array(counts)
        totchars = counts.sum()

        probabilities = counts / totchars

        if transitions:
            nodes[''] = TmpNode(transitions,

        leftidx = 0
        skipwords = set()

        for n in range(2, lens[-threshold] + 1):

            leftidx = bisect.bisect_left(lens, n)

            ngram_counter = zerodict()
            for i in range(leftidx, nwords):
                if i in skipwords:
                count, word = words[i]
                skip = True
                for j in range(lens[i] - n + 1):
                    ngram = word[j: j + n]
                    if ngram[:-2] in nodes:
                        ngram_counter[ngram] += count
                        skip = False
                if skip:

            tmp_dict = collections.defaultdict(list)
            for ngram, count in ngram_counter.items():
                tmp_dict[ngram[:-1]].append((ngram[-1], count))

            for state, sscounts in tmp_dict.items():
                total = sum(count for _, count in sscounts)
                if total < threshold:
                trans_probs = {c: count / total
                               for c, count in sscounts
                               if count >= threshold}
                missing = 1 - sum(trans_probs.values())
                if missing == 1:

                if missing > 0:
                    parent_state = self.nodes[state[1:]]
                    for c, p in zip(parent_state.transitions,
                        trans_probs[c] = trans_probs.get(c, 0) + p * missing

                trans_probs = sorted(trans_probs.items(),
                transitions, probabilities = zip(*trans_probs)
                transitions = ''.join(transitions)
                probabilities = numpy.array(probabilities)
                # probabilities must sum to 1
#                assert abs(probabilities.sum() - 1) < 0.001

                nodes[state] = TmpNode(transitions, probabilities,

        Node = ngram_chain.Node
        for state, node in self.nodes.items():
            nodes[state] = Node(node.transitions, node.cumprobs,
コード例 #47
ファイル: searchInsert.py プロジェクト: jwkim1993/leetcode
 def searchInsert(self, nums: List[int], target: int) -> int:
     return bisect_left(nums, target)
コード例 #48
ファイル: ap_state.py プロジェクト: cglusky/junk
 def binary_search(self, arr, x, low=0, high=None):   # can't use arr to specify default for high
     high = high if high is not None else len(arr) # high defaults to len(arr)   
     pos = bisect_left(arr,x,low,high)          # find insertion position
     return (pos if pos != high and arr[pos] == x else -1) # don't walk off the end
コード例 #49
#푼날짜 5/25
from bisect import bisect_left
_ = int(input())
nlis = list(map(int, input().split()))

m = int(input())
mlis = list(map(int, input().split()))
smlis = list(set(mlis))
dic = {}
table = []
for i in range(len(smlis)):
    dic[smlis[i]] = 0
for i in range(len(smlis)):
    a = bisect_left(nlis, smlis[i])
    if a >= len(nlis):
        y = 1
    elif nlis[a] == smlis[i]:
        cnt = 1
        b = a + 1
        while nlis[b] == smlis[i]:
            b += 1
            cnt += 1
        dic[smlis[i]] = cnt
        y = 1
for i in range(m):
コード例 #50
 def get_index(x_lst, x_max):
     if x_max is None:
         return len(x_lst)
     return bisect_left(x_lst, x_max)
コード例 #51
def writeAnnots(f, chartTimes, annots, defaultSeries):
    if len(chartTimes) == 0:

    # First, just aggregate by the timeStamp we need to attach each annot to, so in
    # case more than one change lands on one point, we can show all of them under a
    # single annot:

    if type(chartTimes) is list:
        firstTimeStamp = chartTimes[0]
        firstTimeStamp = None
        for l in chartTimes.values():
            if len(l) > 0 and (firstTimeStamp is None
                               or l[0] < firstTimeStamp):
                firstTimeStamp = l[0]

    label = 0
    byTimeStamp = {}
    for annot in annots:
        date, reason = annot[:2]
        if len(annot) > 2:
            series = annot[2]
            series = defaultSeries

        parts = list(int(x) for x in date.split('-'))
        year, month, day = parts[:3]
        if len(parts) == 6:
            hour, min, sec = parts[3:]
            if len(parts) != 3:
                raise RuntimeError(
                    'invalid timestamp "%s": should be YYYY-MM-DD[-HH-MM-SS]' %
            hour = min = sec = 0
        timeStamp = datetime.datetime(year=year,

        if timeStamp < firstTimeStamp - datetime.timedelta(days=1):
            # If this annot is from before this chart started, skip it:
            # print('skip annot %s %s: %s' % (date, series, reason))

        # Place the annot on the next data point that's <= the annot timestamp, in this chart:
        if type(chartTimes) is dict:
            if series not in chartTimes:
                print('skip annot %s %s: %s (series not in chartTimes: %s)' %
                      (date, series, reason, chartTimes.keys()))
            l = chartTimes[series]
            l = chartTimes

        idx = bisect.bisect_left(l, timeStamp)

        if idx is not None and idx < len(l):
            # This is the timestamp, on or after when the annot was, that exists in the particular
            # series we are annotating:
            bestTimeStamp = l[idx]
            if bestTimeStamp not in byTimeStamp:
                byTimeStamp[bestTimeStamp] = {}
            if series not in byTimeStamp[bestTimeStamp]:
                byTimeStamp[bestTimeStamp][series] = [label]
                label += 1

    # Then render the annots:
    f.write('g.ready(function() {g.setAnnotations([')
    for timeStamp, d in byTimeStamp.items():
        for series, items in d.items():
            messages = r'\n\n'.join(items[1:])
            f.write('{series: "%s", x: "%s", shortText: "%s", text: "%s"},\n' % \
                    (series, toString(timeStamp), getLabel(items[0]), messages.replace('"', '\\"')))
コード例 #52
 def is_present(k):
     # bisect_left returns the first index of element that is
     # less than k in list B
     # O(log(m))
     i = bisect.bisect_left(B, k)
     return i < len(B) and B[i] == k
コード例 #53
import sys
from bisect import bisect_left

N = int(sys.stdin.readline())
arr = list(map(int, sys.stdin.readline().split()))

LIS = []
where = []
for i in range(N):
    if not LIS or arr[i] > LIS[-1]:
        where.append(len(LIS) - 1)
        tmp = bisect_left(LIS, arr[i])
        LIS[tmp] = arr[i]

check = len(LIS) - 1
answer = []
for i in range(len(arr) - 1, -1, -1):
    if where[i] == check:
        check -= 1
コード例 #54
ファイル: primIdTable.py プロジェクト: timlehr/usd-qt
def binarySearch(a, x):
    i = bisect.bisect_left(a, x)
    return i < len(a)
コード例 #55
    def train(self, train_tokens, max_rules=200, min_score=2):

        # If TESTING is true, extra computation is done to determine whether
        # each "best" rule actually reduces net error by the score it received.
        TESTING = False

        # Basic idea: Keep track of the rules that apply at each position.
        # And keep track of the positions to which each rule applies.

        # The set of somewhere-useful rules that apply at each position
        rulesByPosition = []
        for i in range(len(train_tokens)):

        # Mapping somewhere-useful rules to the positions where they apply.
        # Then maps each position to the score change the rule generates there.
        # (always -1, 0, or 1)
        positionsByRule = {}

        # Map scores to sets of rules known to achieve *at most* that score.
        rulesByScore = {0: {}}
        # Conversely, map somewhere-useful rules to their minimal scores.
        ruleScores = {}

        tagIndices = {}  # Lists of indices, mapped to by their tags

        # Maps rules to the first index in the corpus where it may not be known
        # whether the rule applies.  (Rules can't be chosen for inclusion
        # unless this value = len(corpus).  But most rules are bad, and
        # we won't need to check the whole corpus to know that.)
        # Some indices past this may actually have been checked; it just isn't
        # guaranteed.
        firstUnknownIndex = {}

        # Make entries in the rule-mapping dictionaries.
        # Should be called before _updateRuleApplies.
        def _initRule(rule):
            positionsByRule[rule] = {}
            rulesByScore[0][rule] = None
            ruleScores[rule] = 0
            firstUnknownIndex[rule] = 0

        # Takes a somewhere-useful rule which applies at index i;
        # Updates all rule data to reflect that the rule so applies.
        def _updateRuleApplies(rule, i):

            # If the rule is already known to apply here, ignore.
            # (This only happens if the position's tag hasn't changed.)
            if positionsByRule[rule].has_key(i):

            if rule.replacement_tag() == train_tokens[i][1]:
                positionsByRule[rule][i] = 1
            elif rule.original_tag() == train_tokens[i][1]:
                positionsByRule[rule][i] = -1
            else:  # was wrong, remains wrong
                positionsByRule[rule][i] = 0

            # Update rules in the other dictionaries
            del rulesByScore[ruleScores[rule]][rule]
            ruleScores[rule] += positionsByRule[rule][i]
            if not rulesByScore.has_key(ruleScores[rule]):
                rulesByScore[ruleScores[rule]] = {}
            rulesByScore[ruleScores[rule]][rule] = None

        # Takes a rule which no longer applies at index i;
        # Updates all rule data to reflect that the rule doesn't apply.
        def _updateRuleNotApplies(rule, i):
            del rulesByScore[ruleScores[rule]][rule]
            ruleScores[rule] -= positionsByRule[rule][i]
            if not rulesByScore.has_key(ruleScores[rule]):
                rulesByScore[ruleScores[rule]] = {}
            rulesByScore[ruleScores[rule]][rule] = None

            del positionsByRule[rule][i]
            # Optional addition: if the rule now applies nowhere, delete
            # all its dictionary entries.

        tagged_tokens = list(
            self._initial_tagger.tag(t[0] for t in train_tokens))

        # First sort the corpus by tag, and also note where the errors are.
        errorIndices = []  # only used in initialization
        for i in range(len(tagged_tokens)):
            tag = tagged_tokens[i][1]
            if tag != train_tokens[i][1]:
            if not tagIndices.has_key(tag):
                tagIndices[tag] = []

        print "Finding useful rules..."
        # Collect all rules that fix any errors, with their positive scores.
        for i in errorIndices:
            for template in self._templates:
                # Find the templated rules that could fix the error.
                for rule in template.applicable_rules(tagged_tokens, i,
                    if not positionsByRule.has_key(rule):
                    _updateRuleApplies(rule, i)

        print "Done initializing %i useful rules." % len(positionsByRule)

        if TESTING:
            after = -1  # bug-check only

        # Each iteration through the loop tries a new maxScore.
        maxScore = max(rulesByScore.keys())
        rules = []
        while len(rules) < max_rules and maxScore >= min_score:

            # Find the next best rule.  This is done by repeatedly taking a rule with
            # the highest score and stepping through the corpus to see where it
            # applies.  When it makes an error (decreasing its score) it's bumped
            # down, and we try a new rule with the highest score.
            # When we find a rule which has the highest score AND which has been
            # tested against the entire corpus, we can conclude that it's the next
            # best rule.

            bestRule = None
            bestRules = rulesByScore[maxScore].keys()

            for rule in bestRules:
                # Find the first relevant index at or following the first
                # unknown index.  (Only check indices with the right tag.)
                ti = bisect.bisect_left(tagIndices[rule.original_tag()],
                for nextIndex in tagIndices[rule.original_tag()][ti:]:
                    if rule.applies(tagged_tokens, nextIndex):
                        _updateRuleApplies(rule, nextIndex)
                        if ruleScores[rule] < maxScore:
                            firstUnknownIndex[rule] = nextIndex + 1
                            break  # the _update demoted the rule

                # If we checked all remaining indices and found no more errors:
                if ruleScores[rule] == maxScore:
                    firstUnknownIndex[rule] = len(
                        tagged_tokens)  # i.e., we checked them all
                    print "%i) %s (score: %i)" % (len(rules) + 1, rule,
                    bestRule = rule

            if bestRule == None:  # all rules dropped below maxScore
                del rulesByScore[maxScore]
                maxScore = max(rulesByScore.keys())
                continue  # with next-best rules

            # bug-check only
            if TESTING:
                before = len(_errorPositions(tagged_tokens, train_tokens))
                print "There are %i errors before applying this rule." % before
                assert after == -1 or before == after, \
                        "after=%i but before=%i" %(after,before)

            print "Applying best rule at %i locations..." \

            # If we reach this point, we've found a new best rule.
            # Apply the rule at the relevant sites.
            # (apply_at is a little inefficient here, since we know the rule applies
            #  and don't actually need to test it again.)
            bestRule.apply_at(tagged_tokens, positionsByRule[bestRule].keys())

            # Update the tag index accordingly.
            for i in positionsByRule[bestRule].keys():  # where it applied
                # Update positions of tags
                # First, find and delete the index for i from the old tag.
                oldIndex = bisect.bisect_left(
                    tagIndices[bestRule.original_tag()], i)
                del tagIndices[bestRule.original_tag()][oldIndex]

                # Then, insert i into the index list of the new tag.
                if not tagIndices.has_key(bestRule.replacement_tag()):
                    tagIndices[bestRule.replacement_tag()] = []
                newIndex = bisect.bisect_left(
                    tagIndices[bestRule.replacement_tag()], i)
                tagIndices[bestRule.replacement_tag()].insert(newIndex, i)

            # This part is tricky.
            # We need to know which sites might now require new rules -- that
            # is, which sites are close enough to the changed site so that
            # a template might now generate different rules for it.
            # Only the templates can know this.
            # If a template now generates a different set of rules, we have
            # to update our indices to reflect that.
            print "Updating neighborhoods of changed sites.\n"

            # First, collect all the indices that might get new rules.
            neighbors = set()
            for i in positionsByRule[bestRule].keys():  # sites changed
                for template in self._templates:
                        template.get_neighborhood(tagged_tokens, i))

            # Then collect the new set of rules for each such index.
            c = d = e = 0
            for i in neighbors:
                siteRules = set()
                for template in self._templates:
                    # Get a set of the rules that the template now generates
                            template.applicable_rules(tagged_tokens, i,

                # Update rules no longer generated here by any template
                for obsolete in rulesByPosition[i] - siteRules:
                    c += 1
                    _updateRuleNotApplies(obsolete, i)

                # Update rules only now generated by this template
                for newRule in siteRules - rulesByPosition[i]:
                    d += 1
                    if not positionsByRule.has_key(newRule):
                        e += 1
                        _initRule(newRule)  # make a new rule w/score=0
                    _updateRuleApplies(newRule, i)  # increment score, etc.

            if TESTING:
                after = before - maxScore
            print "%i obsolete rule applications, %i new ones, " %(c,d)+ \
                    "using %i previously-unseen rules." %e

            maxScore = max(rulesByScore.keys())  # may have gone up

        if self._trace > 0:
            print("Training Brill tagger on %d tokens..." % len(train_tokens))

        # Maintain a list of the rules that apply at each position.
        rules_by_position = [{} for tok in train_tokens]

        # Create and return a tagger from the rules we found.
        return Brill(self._initial_tagger, rules)
コード例 #56
#고정점이란 수열의 원소 중에서 그 값이 인덱스와 동일한 원소
#하나의 수열이 N개의 서로 다른 원소를 포함. 고정점 출력
#고정점이 나오고 나서, 그 다음 원소가 고정점이 아니라면 그 후 고정점은 없다
from bisect import bisect_right, bisect_left

arr = list(map(int, input().split()))
mid = (max(arr) + min(arr)) // 2
right_idx = bisect_right(arr, mid)
left_idx = bisect_left(arr, mid)
flag = False  #고정점 발견하면 true
while left_idx < right_idx:
    if (arr[left_idx] == left_idx):
        print(left_idx)  #고정점 출력
        flag = True
    if (flag == True and arr[left_idx] != left_idx): break  #더 이상 고정점 없음
    left_idx += 1

if (flag == False or (left_idx == right_idx and flag == True)):
    while right_idx < len(arr):
        if (arr[right_idx] == right_idx):
            flag = True
        if (flag == True and arr[right_idx] != right_idx): break
        right_idx += 1
if (flag == False):
コード例 #57
def BinarySearch(a, x):
    i = bisect_left(a, x)
    if i != len(a) and a[i] == x:
        return i
        return -1
コード例 #58
ファイル: ABC_130D_bisect.py プロジェクト: Ryushi-tech/card3
import numpy as np
import bisect

n, k = map(int, input().split())
a = np.array(list(map(int, input().split())))
s = np.cumsum(a)

res = 0
for i in a:
    b = bisect.bisect_left(s, k)
    k = k + i
    res += n - b
コード例 #59
def bisect_in(a, x):
    i = bisect.bisect_left(a, x)
    return i != len(a) and a[i] == x
コード例 #60
def update_conformance(destination, existing_repo, patches_dir):
    print("Trying to import WebGL tests into {}".format(destination))

    if existing_repo:
        directory = existing_repo
        print("Using existing WebGL repository: {}".format(directory))
        directory = tempfile.mkdtemp()
        print("Cloning WebGL repository into temporary directory {}".format(directory))
        subprocess.check_call(["git", "clone", KHRONOS_REPO_URL, directory, "--depth", "1"])

    suite_dir = os.path.join(directory, "sdk/tests")
    print("Test suite directory: {}".format(suite_dir))

    if not os.path.isdir(suite_dir):
        print("Test suite directory ({}) not found, aborting...".format(suite_dir))

    # We recursively copy all the test suite to `destination`
    shutil.copytree(suite_dir, destination)

    # Get all the tests, remove any html file which is not in the list, and
    # later process them.
    tests = []
    get_tests(destination, "00_test_list.txt", tests)

    test_count = len(tests)

    print("Found {} tests.".format(test_count))
    print("Removing non-test html files")

    # To use binary search, which speeds things up a little
    # instead of f in tests

    # Remove html files that are not tests
    for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(destination):
        if '/resources' in dirpath:
          continue # Most of the files under resources directories are used

        for f in filenames:
            if not f.endswith('.html'):

            f = os.path.join(dirpath, f)
            pos = bisect.bisect_left(tests, f)
            if pos == test_count or tests[pos] != f:
                print("Removing: {}".format(f))

    # Insert our harness into the tests
    for test in tests:

    # Try to apply the patches to the required files
    if not patches_dir:
        patches_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0]))
    for patch, file_name in PATCHES:
            patch = os.path.join(patches_dir, patch)
            if file_name is None:
                subprocess.check_call(["patch", "-d", destination, "-p", "1"], stdin=open(patch))
                subprocess.check_call(["patch", "-x", "3", "-d", destination, file_name, patch])
        except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
            print("Automatic patch failed for {}".format(file_name))
            print("Please review the WPT integration and update {} accordingly".format(os.path.basename(patch)))