コード例 #1
ファイル: test_scheme.py プロジェクト: Supriya090/ToDoList
    def test_init_simple(self):
        """Initialize an Option."""
        opt = scheme.Option('test-opt')

        assert opt.name == 'test-opt'
        assert type(opt.default) == scheme.NoDefault
        assert opt.type is None
        assert opt.choices is None
        assert opt.bind_env is None
コード例 #2
ファイル: test_scheme.py プロジェクト: Supriya090/ToDoList
    def test_init_full(self):
        """Initialize an Option."""
        opt = scheme.Option(
            choices=['foo', 'bar'],

        assert opt.name == 'test-opt'
        assert type(opt.default) != scheme.NoDefault
        assert opt.default == 'foo'
        assert opt.type == str
        assert opt.choices == ['foo', 'bar']
        assert opt.bind_env is True
コード例 #3
ファイル: test_scheme.py プロジェクト: Supriya090/ToDoList
 def test_validate_type_ok(self, field_type, value):
     """Validate an Option, where type validation succeeds"""
     opt = scheme.Option('test-option', field_type=field_type)
     opt.validate('foo', value)
コード例 #4
ファイル: test_scheme.py プロジェクト: Supriya090/ToDoList
class TestScheme:
    """Tests for the `Scheme` class."""

    def test_empty_init(self):
        """Initialize a Scheme with no arguments."""
        sch = scheme.Scheme()

        assert len(sch.args) == 0
        assert sch._flat is None

    def test_single_arg_init(self):
        """Initialize a Scheme with one argument."""
        sch = scheme.Scheme(

        assert len(sch.args) == 1
        assert sch._flat is None

    def test_multi_arg_init(self):
        """Initialize a Scheme with multiple arguments."""
        sch = scheme.Scheme(

        assert len(sch.args) == 3
        assert sch._flat is None

        'args,expected', [
                # args
                (scheme.Option('foo', default='bar'),),
                # expected
                {'foo': 'bar'}
                # args
                    scheme.Option('bar', default='baz'),
                    scheme.ListOption('list', default=['a', 'b'])
                # expected
                    'bar': 'baz',
                    'list': ['a', 'b']
                # args
                    scheme.Option('foo', default='bar'),
                    scheme.DictOption('bar', scheme=None)
                # expected
                    'foo': 'bar'
                # args
                    scheme.DictOption('foo', scheme=scheme.Scheme(), default={}),
                    scheme.DictOption('bar', scheme=scheme.Scheme(
                        scheme.Option('test', default=True),
                        scheme.Option('data', default=None),
                        scheme.Option('value', default=20),
                        scheme.Option('float', default=10.1010),
                        scheme.DictOption('dct', scheme=scheme.Scheme(
                            scheme.Option('nested', default='here')
                # expected
                    'foo': {},
                    'bar': {
                        'test': True,
                        'data': None,
                        'value': 20,
                        'float': 10.1010,
                        'dct': {
                            'nested': 'here'
    def test_build_defaults(self, args, expected):
        """Build a defaults dict from a Scheme."""
        sch = scheme.Scheme(*args)
        defaults = sch.build_defaults()

        assert defaults == expected

        'args', [
            ('a', 'b'),  # not an instance of _BaseOpt
    def test_build_defaults_failure(self, args):
        """Build a defaults dict from a Scheme with bad data."""
        sch = scheme.Scheme(*args)
        with pytest.raises(errors.InvalidSchemeError):

        'args,expected', [
                (scheme.Option('foo'), scheme.Option('bar')),
                ['foo', 'bar']
                (scheme.Option('foo'), scheme.DictOption('bar', scheme=None)),
                ['foo', 'bar']
                    scheme.DictOption('bar', scheme=scheme.Scheme(
                        scheme.DictOption('dct', scheme=scheme.Scheme(
                ['foo', 'bar', 'bar.test', 'bar.dct', 'bar.list', 'bar.dct.nested']
    def test_flatten(self, args, expected):
        """Flatten a Scheme."""
        sch = scheme.Scheme(*args)
        flattened = sch.flatten()

        assert len(flattened) == len(expected)
        for key in expected:
            assert key in flattened

        'args,value', [
                # option exists in config
                (scheme.Option('foo', default='bar', field_type=str),),
                {'foo': 'baz'}
                # option does not exist in config and has default, but is not required
                (scheme.Option('foo', default='bar', required=False, field_type=str),),
                # multiple args
                    scheme.Option('foo', field_type=str),
                    scheme.Option('bar', field_type=int),
                    scheme.Option('baz', choices=['test'])
                {'foo': 'a', 'bar': 1, 'baz': 'test'}
                # optional parent option not specified, required child option
                # not specified
                    scheme.DictOption('foo', required=False, scheme=scheme.Scheme(
                        scheme.Option('bar', field_type=str),
                        scheme.Option('baz', field_type=str),
    def test_validate_ok(self, args, value):
        """Validate a Scheme successfully."""
        sch = scheme.Scheme(*args)

        'args,value', [
                # option does not exist in config, no default
                (scheme.Option('foo', field_type=str),),
                # option exists in config, fails validation
                (scheme.Option('foo', default='bar', field_type=str),),
                {'foo': 1}
                # multiple args, one fails validation
                    scheme.Option('foo', field_type=str),
                    scheme.Option('bar', field_type=int),
                    scheme.Option('baz', choices=['test'])
                {'foo': 'a', 'bar': 1, 'baz': 'something'}
                # optional parent option specified, required child option
                # not specified
                    scheme.DictOption('foo', required=True, scheme=scheme.Scheme(
                        scheme.Option('bar', field_type=str),
                        scheme.Option('baz', field_type=str),
                {'foo': {'baz': 2}}
    def test_validate_failure(self, args, value):
        """Validate a Scheme unsuccessfully."""
        sch = scheme.Scheme(*args)
        with pytest.raises(errors.SchemeValidationError):

        'value', [
            ['a', 'b', 'c'],
            {'a', 'b', 'c'},
            ('a', 'b', 'c'),
    def test_validate_failure_bad_config(self, value):
        """Validate a Scheme where the given config is not a dict."""
        sch = scheme.Scheme()
        with pytest.raises(errors.SchemeValidationError):

        'args,value', [
                    # option does not exist in config, has default, not required
                    (scheme.Option('foo', default='bar'),),
                    # option does not exist in config, has default, not required
                            scheme.DictOption('foo', scheme=scheme.Scheme(
                                scheme.Option('bar', default=1),
                    {'foo': {'baz': 2}}
                    # option does not exist in config, has default, not required
                            scheme.ListOption('foo', member_scheme=scheme.Scheme(
                                scheme.Option('bar', default=1),
                    {'foo': [{'baz': 2}, {'bar': 3, 'baz': 2}]}
    def test_validate_has_default(self, args, value):
        """Validate a Scheme where a default value is set, and the required field
        may or may not be set.

        If a default value is provided, it should be assumed to not be required.
        sch = scheme.Scheme(*args)
コード例 #5
ファイル: test_scheme.py プロジェクト: Supriya090/ToDoList
class TestListOption:
    """Tests for the `ListOption` class."""

    def test_init_simple(self):
        """Initialize a ListOption."""
        opt = scheme.ListOption('test-opt')

        assert opt.name == 'test-opt'
        assert type(opt.default) == scheme.NoDefault
        assert opt.member_type is None
        assert opt.member_scheme is None
        assert opt.bind_env is False

    def test_init_full(self):
        """Initialize a ListOption."""
        opt = scheme.ListOption(

        assert opt.name == 'test-opt'
        assert type(opt.default) != scheme.NoDefault
        assert opt.default == 'foo'
        assert opt.member_type == dict
        assert isinstance(opt.member_scheme, scheme.Scheme)
        assert opt.bind_env is True

        'value', [
            {'a': 1, 'b': 2},
            ('foo', 'bar'),
            {1, 2, 3}
    def test_validate_bad_data(self, value):
        """Validate when the value is not a list"""
        opt = scheme.ListOption('test-opt')
        with pytest.raises(errors.SchemeValidationError):
            opt.validate('foo', value)

    def test_validate_member_type_scheme_conflict(self):
        """Validate the ListOption when both member_type and member_scheme are defined."""
        opt = scheme.ListOption(
        with pytest.raises(errors.SchemeValidationError):
            opt.validate('foo', [1, 2, 3])

        'member_type,value', [
            (str, ['a', 'b', 'c']),
            (int, [1, 2, 3]),
            (float, [1.0, 2.0, 3.0]),
            (bool, [False, False, True]),
            (tuple, [(1,), (2,), (3,)]),
            (list, [[1], [2], [3]]),
            (dict, [{'a': 1, 'b': 2}])
    def test_validate_member_type_ok(self, member_type, value):
        """Validate the ListOption, where member_type validation succeeds."""
        opt = scheme.ListOption('test-opt', member_type=member_type)
        opt.validate('foo', value)

        'member_type,value', [
            (str, ['a', 1]),
            (str, [1, 2]),
            (int, [1, 2, '3']),
            (int, ['foo', 'bar']),
            (float, [1.0, '2.0', 3.0]),
            (float, ['foo', 'bar']),
            (bool, ['False', False, True]),
            (bool, ['foo', 'bar']),
            (tuple, [(1,), '(2,)', (3,)]),
            (tuple, ['']),
            (list, [[1], (2,), [3]]),
            (list, ['foo', 'bar']),
            (dict, [{'a': 1}, {1, 2, 3}]),
            (dict, ['foo', 'bar'])
    def test_validate_member_type_failure(self, member_type, value):
        """Validate the ListOption, where member_type validation fails."""
        opt = scheme.ListOption('test-opt', member_type=member_type)
        with pytest.raises(errors.SchemeValidationError):
            opt.validate('foo', value)

        'member_scheme,value', [
            # an empty scheme will validate every dict as correct
            (scheme.Scheme(), [{'foo': 'bar'}]),
            (scheme.Scheme(), [{1: 3}]),
            (scheme.Scheme(), [{1.23: 2.31}]),
            (scheme.Scheme(), [{False: True}]),
            (scheme.Scheme(), [{None: None}]),
            (scheme.Scheme(), [{(1, 2): (2, 1)}]),

            (scheme.Scheme(scheme.Option('foo', field_type=str)), [{'foo': 'bar'}]),
            (scheme.Scheme(scheme.Option('foo', field_type=str)), [{'foo': 'baz'}]),
            (scheme.Scheme(scheme.Option('foo', field_type=str)), [{'foo': 'baz'}, {'foo': 'bar'}])
    def test_validate_member_scheme_ok(self, member_scheme, value):
        """Validate the ListOption, where member_scheme validation succeeds."""
        opt = scheme.ListOption('test-opt', member_scheme=member_scheme)
        opt.validate('foo', value)

        'member_scheme,value', [
            (scheme.Scheme(scheme.Option('foo', field_type=str)), [{'foo': 1}]),
            (scheme.Scheme(scheme.Option('foo', field_type=str)), [{'foo': 1.23}]),
            (scheme.Scheme(scheme.Option('foo', field_type=str)), [{'foo': False}]),
            (scheme.Scheme(scheme.Option('foo', field_type=str)), [{'foo': True}]),
            (scheme.Scheme(scheme.Option('foo', field_type=str)), [{'foo': None}]),
            (scheme.Scheme(scheme.Option('foo', field_type=str)), [{'foo': (1, 2)}]),
            (scheme.Scheme(scheme.Option('foo', field_type=str)), [{'foo': ['a', 'b']}]),
            (scheme.Scheme(scheme.Option('foo', field_type=str)), [{'foo': {'a', 'b'}}]),

            (scheme.Scheme(scheme.Option('bar', field_type=int)), [{'bar': 'foo'}]),
            (scheme.Scheme(scheme.Option('bar', field_type=int)), [{'bar': 1.23}]),
            (scheme.Scheme(scheme.Option('bar', field_type=int)), [{'bar': False}]),
            (scheme.Scheme(scheme.Option('bar', field_type=int)), [{'bar': True}]),
            (scheme.Scheme(scheme.Option('bar', field_type=int)), [{'bar': None}]),
            (scheme.Scheme(scheme.Option('bar', field_type=int)), [{'bar': (1, 2)}]),
            (scheme.Scheme(scheme.Option('bar', field_type=int)), [{'bar': ['a', 'b']}]),
            (scheme.Scheme(scheme.Option('bar', field_type=int)), [{'bar': {'a', 'b'}}])
    def test_validate_member_scheme_fail(self, member_scheme, value):
        """Validate the ListOption, where member_scheme validation fails."""
        opt = scheme.ListOption('test-opt', member_scheme=member_scheme)
        with pytest.raises(errors.SchemeValidationError):
            opt.validate('foo', value)

    def test_validate_member_scheme_not_a_scheme(self):
        """Validate the ListOption, where the member_scheme is not a Scheme."""
        opt = scheme.ListOption('test-opt', member_scheme='not-none-or-scheme')
        with pytest.raises(errors.SchemeValidationError):
            opt.validate('foo', ['a', 'b', 'c'])

        'option,prefix,auto_env', [
            (scheme.ListOption('foo', bind_env=False), None, False),
            (scheme.ListOption('foo', bind_env=False), None, True),
            (scheme.ListOption('foo', bind_env=False), 'TEST_ENV', False),
            (scheme.ListOption('foo', bind_env=False), 'TEST_ENV', True),

            (scheme.ListOption('foo', bind_env=True), None, False),
            (scheme.ListOption('foo', bind_env=True), None, True),
            (scheme.ListOption('foo', bind_env=True), 'TEST_ENV', False),
            (scheme.ListOption('foo', bind_env=True), 'TEST_ENV', True),
    def test_parse_env_none(self, option, prefix, auto_env):
        """Parse environment variables for the ListOption. All of theses tests
        should result in None being returned because no environment variables
        are actually set.
        actual = option.parse_env(prefix=prefix, auto_env=auto_env)
        assert actual is None

        'option,key,prefix,auto_env,expected', [
            (scheme.ListOption('foo', bind_env=True), 'foo', 'TEST_ENV_', False, ['bar']),
            (scheme.ListOption('foo', bind_env=True), 'foo', 'TEST_ENV_', True, ['bar']),
            (scheme.ListOption('foo', bind_env=True), 'bar.list', 'TEST_ENV_', False, ['a', 'b', 'c']),
            (scheme.ListOption('foo', bind_env=True), 'bar.list', 'TEST_ENV_', True, ['a', 'b', 'c']),
    def test_parse_env_ok(self, option, key, prefix, auto_env, expected, with_env):
        """Parse environment variables for the ListOption."""
        actual = option.parse_env(key=key, prefix=prefix, auto_env=auto_env)
        assert actual == expected
コード例 #6
ファイル: test_scheme.py プロジェクト: Supriya090/ToDoList
 def test_validate_with_scheme(self):
     """Validate a DictOption with a scheme"""
     opt = scheme.DictOption('test-opt', scheme.Scheme(
         scheme.Option('foo', field_type=str)
     opt.validate('foo', {'foo': 'bar'})
コード例 #7
ファイル: test_scheme.py プロジェクト: Supriya090/ToDoList
class TestOption:
    """Tests for the `Option` class."""

    def test_init_simple(self):
        """Initialize an Option."""
        opt = scheme.Option('test-opt')

        assert opt.name == 'test-opt'
        assert type(opt.default) == scheme.NoDefault
        assert opt.type is None
        assert opt.choices is None
        assert opt.bind_env is None

    def test_init_full(self):
        """Initialize an Option."""
        opt = scheme.Option(
            choices=['foo', 'bar'],

        assert opt.name == 'test-opt'
        assert type(opt.default) != scheme.NoDefault
        assert opt.default == 'foo'
        assert opt.type == str
        assert opt.choices == ['foo', 'bar']
        assert opt.bind_env is True

        'field_type,value', [
            (str, 'test-value'),
            (str, ''),
            (int, 0),
            (int, 1000),
            (int, -1),
            (float, 0.0),
            (float, 1000.999),
            (float, -1.0),
            (bool, True),
            (bool, False),
            (list, []),
            (list, [1, 2, 3]),
            (list, ['a', 'b', 'c']),
            (tuple, tuple()),
            (tuple, (1,)),
            (tuple, ('a', 'b')),
            (dict, {}),
            (dict, {'a': 'b'}),
            (dict, {1: 2}),
            ([int, float], 1),
            ([int, float], 1.0),
            ((int, float), 1),
            ((int, float), 1.0),
    def test_validate_type_ok(self, field_type, value):
        """Validate an Option, where type validation succeeds"""
        opt = scheme.Option('test-option', field_type=field_type)
        opt.validate('foo', value)

        'field_type,value', [
            (str, None),
            (str, 1),
            (str, 1.8),
            (str, True),
            (str, ['a', 'b', 'c']),

            (int, None),
            (int, 'value'),
            (int, 1.8),
            (int, True),
            (int, ['a', 'b', 'c']),

            (float, None),
            (float, 'value'),
            (float, 1),
            (float, True),
            (float, ['a', 'b', 'c']),

            (bool, None),
            (bool, 'value'),
            (bool, 1),
            (bool, 1.8),
            (bool, ['a', 'b', 'c']),

            (list, None),
            (list, 'value'),
            (list, 1),
            (list, 1.8),
            (list, True),

            ([int, float], 'foo'),
            ([int, float], None),
            ((int, float), 'foo'),
            ((int, float), None),
    def test_validate_type_failure(self, field_type, value):
        """Validate an Option, where type validation fails"""
        opt = scheme.Option('test-option', field_type=field_type)
        with pytest.raises(errors.SchemeValidationError):
            opt.validate('foo', value)

        'choices,value', [
            (['one', 'two'], 'one'),  # choices can be lists
            (('one', 'two'), 'one'),  # choices can be tuples
            ([1, 2, 3], 1),
            ((1, 2, 3), 1),
            ([None], None),
            ((None,), None),
            ([1.21, 1.22, 1.23], 1.23),
            ((1.21, 1.22, 1.23), 1.23),
            ([True, False], False),
            ((True, False), False)
    def test_validate_choices_ok(self, choices, value):
        """Validate an Option, where choice validation succeeds"""
        opt = scheme.Option('test-option', choices=choices)
        opt.validate('foo', value)

        'choices,value', [
            (['one', 'two'], 'three'),
            ([1, 2, 3], 0),
            ([], None),
            ([0.2, 0.3, 0.4], 0.1),
            ([False], True)
    def test_validate_choices_failure(self, choices, value):
        """Validate an Option, where choice validation succeeds"""
        opt = scheme.Option('test-option', choices=choices)
        with pytest.raises(errors.SchemeValidationError):
            opt.validate('foo', value)

        'option,value,expected', [
            (scheme.Option('foo'), 'foo', 'foo'),
            (scheme.Option('foo'), 1, 1),
            (scheme.Option('foo'), None, None),
            (scheme.Option('foo'), False, False),
            (scheme.Option('foo', field_type=str), 'foo', 'foo'),
            (scheme.Option('foo', field_type=str), 1, '1'),
            (scheme.Option('foo', field_type=int), '1', 1),
            (scheme.Option('foo', field_type=float), '1', 1.0),
            (scheme.Option('foo', field_type=float), '1.23', 1.23),
            (scheme.Option('foo', field_type=bool), 'false', False),
            (scheme.Option('foo', field_type=bool), 'False', False),
            (scheme.Option('foo', field_type=bool), 'FALSE', False),
            (scheme.Option('foo', field_type=bool), 'true', True),
            (scheme.Option('foo', field_type=bool), 'True', True),
            (scheme.Option('foo', field_type=bool), 'TRUE', True),
    def test_cast(self, option, value, expected):
        """Cast values to the type set by the Option."""
        actual = option.cast(value)
        assert actual == expected

        'option,value', [
            (scheme.Option('foo', field_type=int), 'foo'),
            (scheme.Option('foo', field_type=list), 'foo'),
            (scheme.Option('foo', field_type=tuple), 'foo'),
    def test_cast_fail(self, option, value):
        """Cast values to the type set by the Option."""
        with pytest.raises(errors.BisonError):

        'option,prefix,auto_env', [
            (scheme.Option('foo'), None, False),
            (scheme.Option('foo', bind_env=False), None, False),
            (scheme.Option('foo', bind_env=True), None, False),
            (scheme.Option('foo', bind_env=True), 'TEST_ENV_', False),

            (scheme.Option('foo', bind_env='TEST_KEY'), None, False),
            (scheme.Option('foo', bind_env='TEST_KEY'), 'TEST_ENV_', False),

            (scheme.Option('foo', bind_env=None), 'TEST_ENV_', False),
            (scheme.Option('foo', bind_env=None), 'TEST_ENV_', True),
            (scheme.Option('foo', bind_env=None), None, False),
            (scheme.Option('foo', bind_env=None), None, True),
    def test_parse_env_none(self, option, prefix, auto_env):
        """Parse environment variables for the Option. All of theses tests
        should result in None being returned because no environment variables
        are actually set.
        actual = option.parse_env(prefix=prefix, auto_env=auto_env)
        assert actual is None

        'option,key,prefix,auto_env,expected', [
            (scheme.Option('foo', bind_env=True), 'foo', 'TEST_ENV_', False, 'bar'),
            (scheme.Option('foo', bind_env=True), 'foo', 'TEST_ENV_', True, 'bar'),

            (scheme.Option('foo', bind_env='TEST_ENV_FOO'), 'foo', 'TEST_ENV_', False, 'bar'),
            (scheme.Option('foo', bind_env='TEST_ENV_FOO'), 'foo', 'TEST_ENV_', True, 'bar'),
            (scheme.Option('foo', bind_env='TEST_ENV_FOO'), 'foo', None, False, 'bar'),
            (scheme.Option('foo', bind_env='TEST_ENV_FOO'), 'foo', None, True, 'bar'),

            (scheme.Option('foo', bind_env=None), 'foo', 'TEST_ENV_', True, 'bar'),
            (scheme.Option('foo', bind_env=None), 'nested.env.key', 'TEST_ENV_', True, 'test'),
    def test_parse_env_ok(self, option, key, prefix, auto_env, expected, with_env):
        """Parse environment variables for the Option."""
        actual = option.parse_env(key=key, prefix=prefix, auto_env=auto_env)
        assert actual == expected
コード例 #8
ファイル: test_scheme.py プロジェクト: Supriya090/ToDoList
 def test_validate_choices_failure(self, choices, value):
     """Validate an Option, where choice validation succeeds"""
     opt = scheme.Option('test-option', choices=choices)
     with pytest.raises(errors.SchemeValidationError):
         opt.validate('foo', value)
コード例 #9
ファイル: test_scheme.py プロジェクト: Supriya090/ToDoList
 def test_validate_choices_ok(self, choices, value):
     """Validate an Option, where choice validation succeeds"""
     opt = scheme.Option('test-option', choices=choices)
     opt.validate('foo', value)
コード例 #10
ファイル: test_scheme.py プロジェクト: Supriya090/ToDoList
 def test_validate_type_failure(self, field_type, value):
     """Validate an Option, where type validation fails"""
     opt = scheme.Option('test-option', field_type=field_type)
     with pytest.raises(errors.SchemeValidationError):
         opt.validate('foo', value)