コード例 #1
ファイル: manager.py プロジェクト: purcellconsult/chesspy
    def updateHistoryList(self):
        self.gui.history_lb.delete(0, tk.END)

        #move = self.game.history[-1][0]

        for history_note in self.history:
            move = history_note[0]

            sq_start = bo.getBits(move, *const.MOVE_START)
            sq_dest = bo.getBits(move, *const.MOVE_DEST)
            fig_start = bo.getBits(move, *const.MOVE_FIG_START)
            fig_cap = bo.getBits(move, *const.MOVE_FIG_CAPTURE)
            fig_prom = bo.getBits(move, *const.MOVE_PROM) + 2
            move_type = bo.getBits(move, *const.MOVE_TYPE)
            color = bo.getBits(move, *const.MOVE_COLOR)

            rank_start = bb.rank(sq_start)
            rank_dest = bb.rank(sq_dest)

            line_start = bb.line(sq_start)
            line_dest = bb.line(sq_dest)

            comb_chr = '-'
            if (fig_cap != 0):
                comb_chr = 'x'

            suffix = ''
            if (move_type == const.PROMOTION):
                suffix = " =" + const.ASCII_FIG[color][fig_prom]
            history_entry = "%c%c%i%c%c%i%s" % (
                chr(97 + line_start), rank_start + 1, comb_chr,
                chr(97 + line_dest), rank_dest + 1, suffix)

コード例 #2
ファイル: players.py プロジェクト: purcellconsult/chesspy
    def evaluate(self):
        self.evaluated_pos += 1
        value = self.game.material_value

        for sq in range(64):
            if( self.game.board[sq] != 0 ):
                fig = abs(self.game.board[sq])
                color = const.WHITE if self.game.board[sq] > 0 else const.BLACK
                value_piece = 0
                value_piece += aiv.POSSITION_VALUE[color][fig][sq]
                if( fig == const.PAWN ):
                    #---pawn structure---
                    #pawn chain
                    if( self.game.figures[const.PAWN][color] & bb.pawn_attacks[not color][sq] ):
                        value_piece += aiv.PAWN_IS_IN_CHAIN[color][bb.rank(sq)]
                    #free pawn
                    if( not self.game.figures[const.PAWN][not color] & bb.lines[bb.line(sq)] ):
                        value_piece += aiv.PAWN_FREE[color][bb.rank(sq)]
                value += value_piece * (-1 if color else 1)
        for color in (0, 1):
            if( self.castling_root[color] and self.game.note[1][color] != [0, 0] and not self.castling_move_done ):
                value += const.CASTLING_RIGHT_LOSS_PENALTY * (-1 if color else 1)
        return value* (-1 if self.game.playerTurn==const.BLACK else 1)
コード例 #3
    def undoMove(self):
        last_move = self.history.pop()

        sq_start = bo.getBits(last_move[0], *const.MOVE_START)
        sq_dest = bo.getBits(last_move[0], *const.MOVE_DEST)

        fig_start = bo.getBits(last_move[0], *const.MOVE_FIG_START)
        fig_capture = bo.getBits(last_move[0], *const.MOVE_FIG_CAPTURE)

        fig_prom = bo.getBits(last_move[0], *const.MOVE_PROM) + 2

        move_type = bo.getBits(last_move[0], *const.MOVE_TYPE)

        note = last_move[1]

        #sq_start, sq_dest, fig_start, fig_capture, move_type, note = last_move
        self.playerTurn = not self.playerTurn

        self.note = note

        self.board[sq_start] = fig_start * (-1 if self.playerTurn else 1)
        self.board[sq_dest] = fig_capture * (-1 if not self.playerTurn else 1)

        self.figures[fig_start][self.playerTurn] &= ~bb.mask64[sq_dest]
        self.figures[fig_start][self.playerTurn] |= bb.mask64[sq_start]

        if (fig_start == const.KING):
            self.king_pos[self.playerTurn] = sq_start

        if (fig_capture):
            self.figures[fig_capture][not self.
                                      playerTurn] |= bb.mask64[sq_dest]
            self.material_value -= aiv.MATERIAL_VALUE[fig_capture] * (
                -1 if self.playerTurn else 1)

        if (move_type == const.ENPASSANT_CAPTURE):
            self.board[sq_dest - 8 +
                       16 * self.playerTurn] = (1 if self.playerTurn else -1)
                const.PAWN][not self.playerTurn] |= bb.pawn_singlestep[
                    not self.playerTurn][sq_dest]
            self.material_value -= aiv.MATERIAL_VALUE[const.PAWN] * (
                -1 if self.playerTurn else 1)

        if (move_type == const.PROMOTION):
            self.figures[fig_prom][self.playerTurn] ^= bb.mask64[sq_dest]
            self.material_value -= (aiv.MATERIAL_VALUE[fig_prom] -
                                    aiv.MATERIAL_VALUE[const.PAWN]) * (
                                        -1 if self.playerTurn else 1)

        if (move_type == const.CASTLING):
            side = bb.line(sq_dest) == const.G
                       [side]] = const.ROOK * (-1 if self.playerTurn else 1)
            self.board[bb.castling_rook_dest_sq[self.playerTurn][side]] = 0
            self.figures[const.ROOK][self.playerTurn] ^= bb.mask64[
                bb.castling_rook_dest_sq[self.playerTurn][side]] | bb.mask64[

コード例 #4
ファイル: manager.py プロジェクト: Gellardo/chesspy
    def updateHistoryList(self):
        self.gui.history_lb.delete(0, tk.END)

        # move = self.game.history[-1][0]

        for history_note in self.history:
            move = history_note[0]

            sq_start = bo.getBits(move, *const.MOVE_START)
            sq_dest = bo.getBits(move, *const.MOVE_DEST)
            fig_start = bo.getBits(move, *const.MOVE_FIG_START)
            fig_cap = bo.getBits(move, *const.MOVE_FIG_CAPTURE)
            fig_prom = bo.getBits(move, *const.MOVE_PROM) + 2
            move_type = bo.getBits(move, *const.MOVE_TYPE)
            color = bo.getBits(move, *const.MOVE_COLOR)

            rank_start = bb.rank(sq_start)
            rank_dest = bb.rank(sq_dest)

            line_start = bb.line(sq_start)
            line_dest = bb.line(sq_dest)

            comb_chr = "-"
            if fig_cap != 0:
                comb_chr = "x"

            suffix = ""
            if move_type == const.PROMOTION:
                suffix = " =" + const.ASCII_FIG[color][fig_prom]
            history_entry = "%c%c%i%c%c%i%s" % (
                chr(97 + line_start),
                rank_start + 1,
                chr(97 + line_dest),
                rank_dest + 1,

コード例 #5
ファイル: chessgame.py プロジェクト: Gellardo/chesspy
 def undoMove(self):
     last_move = self.history.pop()
     sq_start = bo.getBits(last_move[0], *const.MOVE_START)
     sq_dest = bo.getBits(last_move[0], *const.MOVE_DEST)
     fig_start = bo.getBits(last_move[0], *const.MOVE_FIG_START)
     fig_capture = bo.getBits(last_move[0], *const.MOVE_FIG_CAPTURE)
     fig_prom = bo.getBits(last_move[0], *const.MOVE_PROM) + 2
     move_type = bo.getBits(last_move[0], *const.MOVE_TYPE)
     note = last_move[1]
     #sq_start, sq_dest, fig_start, fig_capture, move_type, note = last_move
     self.playerTurn = not self.playerTurn
     self.note = note
     self.board[sq_start] = fig_start * (-1 if self.playerTurn else 1)
     self.board[sq_dest] = fig_capture * (-1 if not self.playerTurn else 1)
     self.figures[fig_start][self.playerTurn] &= ~bb.mask64[sq_dest]
     self.figures[fig_start][self.playerTurn] |= bb.mask64[sq_start]
     if(fig_start == const.KING):
         self.king_pos[self.playerTurn] = sq_start
         self.figures[fig_capture][not self.playerTurn] |= bb.mask64[sq_dest]
         self.material_value -= aiv.MATERIAL_VALUE[fig_capture] * (-1 if self.playerTurn else 1)
     if(move_type == const.ENPASSANT_CAPTURE):
         self.board[sq_dest-8+16*self.playerTurn] = (1 if self.playerTurn else -1)
         self.figures[const.PAWN][not self.playerTurn] |= bb.pawn_singlestep[not self.playerTurn][sq_dest]
         self.material_value -= aiv.MATERIAL_VALUE[const.PAWN] * (-1 if self.playerTurn else 1)
     if(move_type == const.PROMOTION):
         self.figures[fig_prom][self.playerTurn] ^= bb.mask64[sq_dest]
         self.material_value -= (aiv.MATERIAL_VALUE[fig_prom] - aiv.MATERIAL_VALUE[const.PAWN]) * (-1 if self.playerTurn else 1)
     if(move_type == const.CASTLING):
         side = bb.line(sq_dest) == const.G
         self.board[bb.castling_rook_start_sq[self.playerTurn][side]] = const.ROOK* (-1 if self.playerTurn else 1)
         self.board[bb.castling_rook_dest_sq[self.playerTurn][side]] = 0
         self.figures[const.ROOK][self.playerTurn]  ^= bb.mask64[bb.castling_rook_dest_sq[self.playerTurn][side]] | bb.mask64[bb.castling_rook_start_sq[self.playerTurn][side]]
コード例 #6
ファイル: chessgame.py プロジェクト: Gellardo/chesspy
    def doMove(self, move):
        sq_start = bo.getBits(move, *const.MOVE_START)
        sq_dest = bo.getBits(move, *const.MOVE_DEST)
        fig_start = bo.getBits(move, *const.MOVE_FIG_START)
        fig_cap = bo.getBits(move, *const.MOVE_FIG_CAPTURE)
        fig_prom = bo.getBits(move, *const.MOVE_PROM) + 2
        move_type = bo.getBits(move, *const.MOVE_TYPE)
        color = bo.getBits(move, *const.MOVE_COLOR)
        #move on board
        self.board[sq_start] = 0
        self.board[sq_dest] = fig_start * (-1 if color else 1)
        #move source piece
        self.figures[fig_start][color] ^= bb.mask64[sq_start] 
        self.figures[fig_start][color] |= bb.mask64[sq_dest]
        #update king possition and castling rights
        if(fig_start == const.KING):
            self.king_pos[color] = sq_dest
        #remove captured piece
        if( fig_cap ):
            self.figures[fig_cap][not color] ^=  bb.mask64[sq_dest]
            self.material_value += aiv.MATERIAL_VALUE[fig_cap] * (-1 if color else 1)
        #special moves
        if(move_type == const.ENPASSANT_CAPTURE):
            self.board[sq_dest-8+16*color] = 0
            self.figures[const.PAWN][not color] ^= bb.pawn_singlestep[not color][sq_dest]
            self.material_value += aiv.MATERIAL_VALUE[const.PAWN] * (-1 if color else 1)
        if(move_type == const.PROMOTION):
            self.board[sq_dest] = fig_prom* (-1 if color else 1)
            self.figures[fig_prom][color] |= bb.mask64[sq_dest]
            self.figures[const.PAWN][color] ^= bb.mask64[sq_dest]
            self.material_value += (aiv.MATERIAL_VALUE[fig_prom] - aiv.MATERIAL_VALUE[const.PAWN]) * (-1 if color else 1)
        if(move_type == const.CASTLING):
            side = bb.line(sq_dest) == const.G
            self.board[bb.castling_rook_start_sq[color][side]] = 0
            self.board[bb.castling_rook_dest_sq[color][side]] = const.ROOK* (-1 if color else 1)
            self.figures[const.ROOK][color] ^= bb.mask64[bb.castling_rook_dest_sq[color][side]] | bb.mask64[bb.castling_rook_start_sq[color][side]]

        self.history.append( (move, copy.deepcopy(self.note)) )

        #update note
        self.note[0] = 0  #remove en-passant note
        if(move_type == const.DOUBLE_STEP):
            self.note[0] |= bb.mask8[bb.line(sq_start)]
        #castling rights
        if(fig_start == const.KING):
            self.note[1][color] = [1,1]
        if(fig_start == const.ROOK):
            for side in (const.CASTLING_LEFT, const.CASTLING_RIGHT):
                if(bb.castling_rook_start_sq[color][side] == sq_start):
                    self.note[1][color][side] = 1
        if(fig_start != const.PAWN and fig_cap == 0):
            self.note[2] += 1
            self.note[2] = 0
        #move counter
        self.note[3] += 1

        self.playerTurn = not color
コード例 #7
ファイル: chessgame.py プロジェクト: Gellardo/chesspy
    def isUnderAttack(self, sq, color):
        result = False
        attack_diag =   bb.diagonal_attacks_lr[sq][bb.getDiagonalByteLR(self.all_figures[const.BOTH], sq)] | \
                        bb.diagonal_attacks_rl[sq][bb.getDiagonalByteRL(self.all_figures[const.BOTH], sq)]
        attack_rank_line =  bb.line_attacks[sq][bb.getLineByte(self.all_figures[const.BOTH], bb.line(sq))] | \
                            bb.rank_attacks[sq][bb.getRankByte(self.all_figures[const.BOTH], bb.rank(sq))]
        #check for enemys
        if( bb.knight_attacks[sq] & self.figures[const.KNIGHT][not color] or \
            bb.pawn_attacks[color][sq] & self.figures[const.PAWN][not color] or \
            bb.king_attacks[sq] & self.figures[const.KING][not color] or \
            attack_diag & self.figures[const.BISHOP][not color] or \
            attack_diag & self.figures[const.QUEEN][not color] or \
            attack_rank_line & self.figures[const.ROOK][not color] or \
            attack_rank_line & self.figures[const.QUEEN][not color] ):
            result = True

        return result
コード例 #8
ファイル: chessgame.py プロジェクト: Gellardo/chesspy
 def getPossibleMoves(self, color):
     pieces = self.all_figures[color]
     result = []
     sq = 0
     while(pieces and sq<64):
         if(pieces & bb.mask64[sq]):
             moves = 0
             fig = abs(self.board[sq])
             if(fig == const.PAWN ):
                 #single step
                 moves |= bb.pawn_singlestep[color][sq] & ~self.all_figures[const.BOTH]
                 #double step
                     moves |= bb.pawn_doublestep[color][sq] & ~self.all_figures[const.BOTH]
                 moves |= bb.pawn_attacks[color][sq] & self.all_figures[not color]
                 #en-passant capture
                 moves |= bb.pawn_attacks[color][sq] & ( self.note[0] << (40 if color==const.WHITE else 16))
             elif(fig == const.KING ):
                 moves |= bb.king_attacks[sq] & ~self.all_figures[const.BOTH]
                 moves |= (bb.king_attacks[sq] & ~self.all_figures[color] ) & self.all_figures[not color]
                 for side in (const.CASTLING_LEFT, const.CASTLING_RIGHT):
                     if(not self.note[1][color][side] and \
                        not (bb.castling_no_fig[color][side] & self.all_figures[const.BOTH]) and \
                        not self.isUnderAttack(bb.castling_no_attack_sq[color][side], color) and \
                        not self.isUnderAttack(bb.castling_king_start_sq[color], color)):
                         moves |= bb.castling_king_dest[color][side]
                 if(fig == const.KNIGHT):
                     moves |= bb.knight_attacks[sq]
                     if(fig == const.BISHOP or fig == const.QUEEN):
                         moves |=   bb.diagonal_attacks_lr[sq][bb.getDiagonalByteLR(self.all_figures[const.BOTH], sq)] | \
                                             bb.diagonal_attacks_rl[sq][bb.getDiagonalByteRL(self.all_figures[const.BOTH], sq)] 
                     if(fig == const.ROOK or fig == const.QUEEN):
                         moves |=   bb.line_attacks[sq][bb.getLineByte(self.all_figures[const.BOTH], bb.line(sq))] | \
                                             bb.rank_attacks[sq][bb.getRankByte(self.all_figures[const.BOTH], bb.rank(sq))]
                 moves &= ~self.all_figures[color]
             dest = 0
             while(moves and dest<64):
                 if(moves & bb.mask64[dest]):
                     move_type = const.NORMAL_MOVE
                     if(bb.mask64[dest] & self.all_figures[not color]):
                         move_type = const.CAPTURE
                     if(fig == const.KING and abs(bb.line(dest)-bb.line(sq)) == 2):
                         move_type = const.CASTLING
                     elif(fig == const.PAWN):
                             move_type = const.DOUBLE_STEP
                         elif(bb.line(dest) != bb.line(sq) and self.board[dest] == 0):
                             move_type = const.ENPASSANT_CAPTURE
                         elif(bb.rank(dest) == 7-7*color):
                             move_type = const.PROMOTION
                     move = move_type | (sq << const.MOVE_START[0]) | (dest << const.MOVE_DEST[0]) | (abs(self.board[sq]) << const.MOVE_FIG_START[0]) | (abs(self.board[dest]) << const.MOVE_FIG_CAPTURE[0]) | (color << const.MOVE_COLOR[0])
                     if(move_type == const.PROMOTION):
                         for fig_prom in (const.PROM_KNIGHT, const.PROM_BISHOP, const.PROM_ROOK, const.PROM_QUEEN):
                             result.append( move | (fig_prom << const.MOVE_PROM[0]) )
                     move ^= bb.mask64[dest]
                 dest +=1 
             pieces &= ~bb.mask64[sq]
         sq += 1
     return result
コード例 #9
ファイル: display.py プロジェクト: Gellardo/chesspy
 def getTilePos(self, sq):
     return (    self.dispScale * ( const.DEFAULTBORDERWIDTH+const.DEFAULTTILEWIDTH*(bb.line(sq)) ), \
                 self.dispScale * ( const.DEFAULTBORDERWIDTH+const.DEFAULTTILEWIDTH*(7-bb.rank(sq)) )    )
コード例 #10
 def getTilePos(self, sq):
     return (    self.dispScale * ( const.DEFAULTBORDERWIDTH+const.DEFAULTTILEWIDTH*(bb.line(sq)) ), \
                 self.dispScale * ( const.DEFAULTBORDERWIDTH+const.DEFAULTTILEWIDTH*(7-bb.rank(sq)) )    )
コード例 #11
    def doMove(self, move):
        sq_start = bo.getBits(move, *const.MOVE_START)
        sq_dest = bo.getBits(move, *const.MOVE_DEST)

        fig_start = bo.getBits(move, *const.MOVE_FIG_START)
        fig_cap = bo.getBits(move, *const.MOVE_FIG_CAPTURE)

        fig_prom = bo.getBits(move, *const.MOVE_PROM) + 2

        move_type = bo.getBits(move, *const.MOVE_TYPE)
        color = bo.getBits(move, *const.MOVE_COLOR)

        #move on board
        self.board[sq_start] = 0
        self.board[sq_dest] = fig_start * (-1 if color else 1)

        #move source piece
        self.figures[fig_start][color] ^= bb.mask64[sq_start]
        self.figures[fig_start][color] |= bb.mask64[sq_dest]

        #update king possition and castling rights
        if (fig_start == const.KING):
            self.king_pos[color] = sq_dest

        #remove captured piece
        if (fig_cap):
            self.figures[fig_cap][not color] ^= bb.mask64[sq_dest]
            self.material_value += aiv.MATERIAL_VALUE[fig_cap] * (-1 if color
                                                                  else 1)

        #special moves
        if (move_type == const.ENPASSANT_CAPTURE):
            self.board[sq_dest - 8 + 16 * color] = 0
            self.figures[const.PAWN][not color] ^= bb.pawn_singlestep[
                not color][sq_dest]
            self.material_value += aiv.MATERIAL_VALUE[const.PAWN] * (
                -1 if color else 1)
        if (move_type == const.PROMOTION):
            self.board[sq_dest] = fig_prom * (-1 if color else 1)
            self.figures[fig_prom][color] |= bb.mask64[sq_dest]
            self.figures[const.PAWN][color] ^= bb.mask64[sq_dest]
            self.material_value += (aiv.MATERIAL_VALUE[fig_prom] -
                                    aiv.MATERIAL_VALUE[const.PAWN]) * (
                                        -1 if color else 1)
        if (move_type == const.CASTLING):
            side = bb.line(sq_dest) == const.G
            self.board[bb.castling_rook_start_sq[color][side]] = 0
                       [side]] = const.ROOK * (-1 if color else 1)
            self.figures[const.ROOK][color] ^= bb.mask64[
                bb.castling_rook_dest_sq[color][side]] | bb.mask64[

        self.history.append((move, copy.deepcopy(self.note)))

        #update note
        self.note[0] = 0  #remove en-passant note
        if (move_type == const.DOUBLE_STEP):
            self.note[0] |= bb.mask8[bb.line(sq_start)]

        #castling rights
        if (fig_start == const.KING):
            self.note[1][color] = [1, 1]
        if (fig_start == const.ROOK):
            for side in (const.CASTLING_LEFT, const.CASTLING_RIGHT):
                if (bb.castling_rook_start_sq[color][side] == sq_start):
                    self.note[1][color][side] = 1

        if (fig_start != const.PAWN and fig_cap == 0):
            self.note[2] += 1
            self.note[2] = 0

        #move counter
        self.note[3] += 1

        self.playerTurn = not color
コード例 #12
    def isUnderAttack(self, sq, color):
        result = False

        attack_diag =   bb.diagonal_attacks_lr[sq][bb.getDiagonalByteLR(self.all_figures[const.BOTH], sq)] | \
                        bb.diagonal_attacks_rl[sq][bb.getDiagonalByteRL(self.all_figures[const.BOTH], sq)]

        attack_rank_line =  bb.line_attacks[sq][bb.getLineByte(self.all_figures[const.BOTH], bb.line(sq))] | \
                            bb.rank_attacks[sq][bb.getRankByte(self.all_figures[const.BOTH], bb.rank(sq))]

        #check for enemys
        if( bb.knight_attacks[sq] & self.figures[const.KNIGHT][not color] or \
            bb.pawn_attacks[color][sq] & self.figures[const.PAWN][not color] or \
            bb.king_attacks[sq] & self.figures[const.KING][not color] or \
            attack_diag & self.figures[const.BISHOP][not color] or \
            attack_diag & self.figures[const.QUEEN][not color] or \
            attack_rank_line & self.figures[const.ROOK][not color] or \
            attack_rank_line & self.figures[const.QUEEN][not color] ):

            result = True

        return result
コード例 #13
    def getPossibleMoves(self, color):
        pieces = self.all_figures[color]

        result = []

        sq = 0
        while (pieces and sq < 64):
            if (pieces & bb.mask64[sq]):
                moves = 0
                fig = abs(self.board[sq])
                if (fig == const.PAWN):
                    #single step
                    moves |= bb.pawn_singlestep[color][sq] & ~self.all_figures[
                    #double step
                    if (moves):
                        moves |= bb.pawn_doublestep[color][
                            sq] & ~self.all_figures[const.BOTH]
                    moves |= bb.pawn_attacks[color][sq] & self.all_figures[
                        not color]
                    #en-passant capture
                    moves |= bb.pawn_attacks[color][sq] & (
                        self.note[0] << (40 if color == const.WHITE else 16))

                elif (fig == const.KING):
                    moves |= bb.king_attacks[sq] & ~self.all_figures[
                    moves |= (bb.king_attacks[sq] & ~self.all_figures[color]
                              ) & self.all_figures[not color]
                    for side in (const.CASTLING_LEFT, const.CASTLING_RIGHT):
                        if(not self.note[1][color][side] and \
                           not (bb.castling_no_fig[color][side] & self.all_figures[const.BOTH]) and \
                           not self.isUnderAttack(bb.castling_no_attack_sq[color][side], color) and \
                           not self.isUnderAttack(bb.castling_king_start_sq[color], color)):
                            moves |= bb.castling_king_dest[color][side]

                    if (fig == const.KNIGHT):
                        moves |= bb.knight_attacks[sq]
                        if (fig == const.BISHOP or fig == const.QUEEN):
                            moves |=   bb.diagonal_attacks_lr[sq][bb.getDiagonalByteLR(self.all_figures[const.BOTH], sq)] | \
                                                bb.diagonal_attacks_rl[sq][bb.getDiagonalByteRL(self.all_figures[const.BOTH], sq)]
                        if (fig == const.ROOK or fig == const.QUEEN):
                            moves |=   bb.line_attacks[sq][bb.getLineByte(self.all_figures[const.BOTH], bb.line(sq))] | \
                                                bb.rank_attacks[sq][bb.getRankByte(self.all_figures[const.BOTH], bb.rank(sq))]

                    moves &= ~self.all_figures[color]

                dest = 0
                while (moves and dest < 64):
                    if (moves & bb.mask64[dest]):

                        move_type = const.NORMAL_MOVE
                        if (bb.mask64[dest] & self.all_figures[not color]):
                            move_type = const.CAPTURE

                        if (fig == const.KING
                                and abs(bb.line(dest) - bb.line(sq)) == 2):
                            move_type = const.CASTLING
                        elif (fig == const.PAWN):
                            if (abs(bb.rank(dest) - bb.rank(sq)) == 2):
                                move_type = const.DOUBLE_STEP
                            elif (bb.line(dest) != bb.line(sq)
                                  and self.board[dest] == 0):
                                move_type = const.ENPASSANT_CAPTURE
                            elif (bb.rank(dest) == 7 - 7 * color):
                                move_type = const.PROMOTION

                        move = move_type | (sq << const.MOVE_START[0]) | (
                            dest << const.MOVE_DEST[0]) | (abs(
                                self.board[sq]) << const.MOVE_FIG_START[0]) | (
                                    abs(self.board[dest]) <<
                                    const.MOVE_FIG_CAPTURE[0]) | (
                                        color << const.MOVE_COLOR[0])

                        if (move_type == const.PROMOTION):
                            for fig_prom in (const.PROM_KNIGHT,
                                result.append(move | (
                                    fig_prom << const.MOVE_PROM[0]))

                        move ^= bb.mask64[dest]
                    dest += 1
                pieces &= ~bb.mask64[sq]
            sq += 1

        return result