コード例 #1
def send_data(rpc_connection: authproxy.AuthServiceProxy,
              hexdata: str,
              tx_ins: list = ()) -> Transaction:
    """Creates, funds, signs and sends an OP_RETURN transaction including

    rpc_connection : bitcoinrpc.authproxy.AuthServiceProxy
        The RPC connection to the bitcoind client

    hexdata : str
        The hex encoded data to be included in the transaction

    tx_ins : list, optional
        List of namedtuples 'Transaction', representing UTXOs to fund the

        Change UTXO

        If hexdata is more than MAX_DATA_LENGTH bytes

        If the transaction could not be signed

    if len(hexdata) / 2 > MAX_DATA_LENGTH:
        raise ValueError("hexdata too big")

    inputs = [{"txid": tx.txid, "vout": tx.vout} for tx in tx_ins]
    unfinished_tx = rpc_connection.createrawtransaction(
        inputs, {"data": hexdata})
    funded_tx = rpc_connection.fundrawtransaction(unfinished_tx)

    signed_tx = rpc_connection.signrawtransactionwithwallet(funded_tx["hex"])
    if signed_tx["complete"] is False:
        raise RuntimeError("bitcoind could not sign the transaction.")

    txid = rpc_connection.sendrawtransaction(signed_tx["hex"])

    change_utxo = Transaction(txid, funded_tx["changepos"])
    return change_utxo
コード例 #2
def main():
    bitcoin = AuthServiceProxy("http://{}:{}@{}".format(
    address = ADDRESS
    if address is None:
        address = bitcoin.getaddressesbyaccount("")[0]
        print("Using wallet address: ", address)
    parent_txid = "NULL"
    subprotocols = [None, gen_media, gen_pastebin, gen_randomdata]

    # Create nodes...
    for i in range(NUM_NODES_TO_CREATE):
        node = create_node(address, parent_txid)

        # Add subprotocols to node
        for _ in range(5):
            subprotocol = secrets.choice(subprotocols)
            if subprotocol is not None:

        # Create OP_RETURN data
        data = b'meta' + encode_function(ENCODING)(node)
        assert (len(data) < 100000)  # sanity check for op_return max limit
        data_hex = data.hex()

        # bitcoin rpc commands to create and fund tx with metanet data in OP_RETURN
        rawtx = bitcoin.createrawtransaction([], {'data': data_hex})
        result = bitcoin.fundrawtransaction(rawtx, {'changeAddress': address})
        rawtx = result['hex']
        result = bitcoin.signrawtransaction(rawtx)
        assert (result['complete'])
        signedtx = result['hex']
        txid = bitcoin.sendrawtransaction(signedtx)

        # Prepare for next iteration
        parent_txid = txid
        print("[Node {}]: https://test.whatsonchain.com/tx/{}".format(i, txid))
コード例 #3
        cht_read = cht.read()
        nonce = cht_read.split("\n")[0 + is_testnet][7:]
        full_contract = cht_read.split("\n")[1 + is_testnet][26:]
        send_address = cht_read.split("\n")[3 + is_testnet][40:]
        assert (cht.close() == None)
        if full_contract[0:8] != "50325348":
            print("You must use a P2SH address")

        print("Sending %s to %s..." % (args.coinAmt, send_address))
        print("(nonce: %s)" % nonce)

            tx_hex = bitcoin.createrawtransaction(
                [], {send_address: Decimal(args.coinAmt)})
            tx_hex = bitcoin.fundrawtransaction(tx_hex)['hex']
            tx = bitcoin.signrawtransaction(tx_hex)
            assert (tx['complete'])

            tx_hex = tx['hex']

            total_length = len(tx_hex) / 2
            total_length += 14 * 32  # maximum length of spv proof 1MB blocks
            total_length += 1000  # len(full_contract) + len(secondScriptPubKey) and rounded up to 1000

            if total_length >= 10000:
                print("Transaction is too large.")

            txid = bitcoin.sendrawtransaction(tx_hex)
            print("sendrawtransaction - Sent tx with id %s" % txid)
コード例 #4
def generate_valid_source_tx(
        s: protocol.State,
        con: AuthServiceProxy,
        max_tx: int
    ) -> None:
    # Transmit enough funds to addresses so that we won't need
    # to use coinbase transactions.
    # There are at most MAX many transactions in one step. Hence,
    # we need at most that many different addresses. (We can always
    # use the change addresses because our transactions have nearly
    # no costs)

    num_addr = max_tx // 10  # We want at most 50 advertisements to use the
    # same address
    s.source_tx = []

    start = con.getblockcount() + 1
    con.generate(num_addr + 101)
    top = con.getblockcount()

    interval = range(start, top - 100)
    block_hashes = con.batch_([["getblockhash", h] for h in interval])
    blocks = con.batch_([["getblock", ha, 2] for ha in block_hashes])
    del block_hashes
    txs = [block['tx'][0] for block in blocks]
    del blocks

    sent_txs = []
    i = 0
    value = -1
    txid = -1
    n = -1
    for tx in txs:
        for out in tx['vout']:
            if out['scriptPubKey']['type'] == 'pubkey':
                # The pubkey transactions are coinbase transactions because
                value = out['value']
                txid = tx['txid']
                n = out['n']
        if value == -1 or txid == -1 or n == -1:
            raise RuntimeError("No coinbase transaction found.")
        addr = con.getnewaddress()
        sent_value = float(value) / 2  # create two addresses per transaction
        raw_tx = con.createrawtransaction([{'txid': txid, 'vout': n}], {
            addr: sent_value})  # The - is for the fees
        funded_tx = con.fundrawtransaction(raw_tx)
        signed_tx = con.signrawtransactionwithwallet(funded_tx["hex"])
        if signed_tx["complete"] is False:
            raise RuntimeError(
                "bitcoind could not sign the transaction. (During "
        txid = con.sendrawtransaction(signed_tx["hex"])

        i += 1

        # Create a block each 100 transactions
        if i == 100:
            i = 0


    txs = con.batch_([['getrawtransaction', txid, 1] for txid in sent_txs])
    for tx in txs:
        for out in tx['vout']:
            vout = out['n']
            s.source_tx.append(opreturn.Transaction(tx['txid'], vout))
    c = 0
    for utxo in s.source_tx:
        if not protocol.is_valid_utxo(utxo):
            c += 1
    print("Found %d invalid utxos." % c)
コード例 #5
# Get the fee for name_new
if fee_type == "feeRate":
    name_new_fund_options["feeRate"] = fee_rate
    print("name_new will cost", name_new_fund_options["feeRate"], "NMC / kB")
elif fee_type == "conf_target":
    name_new_fund_options["conf_target"] = conf_target
    print("name_new will confirm approximately",
          name_new_fund_options["conf_target"], "after broadcast")

# Get the change address for name_new
name_new_custom_change_enabled, name_new_change_address = get_change_address()
if name_new_custom_change_enabled:
    name_new_fund_options["changeAddress"] = name_new_change_address

# Fund the transaction and add change output.
name_new_funded = rpc_connection.fundrawtransaction(name_new_with_name["hex"],

# If Coin Control is enabled, make sure that fundrawtransaction didn't add extra inputs.
if coin_control_enabled and len(
            name_new_funded["hex"])["vin"]) != len(
    print("Insufficient funds in Coin Control selection for name_new")


name_new_signed = rpc_connection.signrawtransaction(name_new_funded["hex"])
print("name_new has been signed")
コード例 #6
		cht = os.popen("%s %s -g -r %s -d %s" % (contracthashtool_path, testnet_arg, redeem_script, args.p2shSideAddress))
		cht_read = cht.read()
		nonce = cht_read.split("\n")[0 + is_testnet][7:]
		full_contract = cht_read.split("\n")[1 + is_testnet][26:]
		send_address = cht_read.split("\n")[3 + is_testnet][40:]
		assert(cht.close() == None)
		if full_contract[0:8] != "50325348":
			print("You must use a P2SH address")

		print("Sending %s to %s..." % (args.coinAmt, send_address))
		print("(nonce: %s)" % nonce)

			tx_hex = bitcoin.createrawtransaction([], {send_address: Decimal(args.coinAmt)})
			tx_hex = bitcoin.fundrawtransaction(tx_hex)['hex']
			tx = bitcoin.signrawtransaction(tx_hex)

			tx_hex = tx['hex']

			total_length  = len(tx_hex)/2
			total_length += 14*32 # maximum length of spv proof 1MB blocks
			total_length += 1000 # len(full_contract) + len(secondScriptPubKey) and rounded up to 1000

			if total_length >= 10000:
				print("Transaction is too large.")

			txid = bitcoin.sendrawtransaction(tx_hex)
			print("sendrawtransaction - Sent tx with id %s" % txid)
コード例 #7
        p2sh_tx_test = bitcoin.decoderawtransaction(
                [], {sys.argv[2]: 0.1}))["vout"][0]["scriptPubKey"]
        if p2sh_tx_test["type"] != "scripthash":
            print("You must use a P2SH address")
        p2sh_hex = p2sh_tx_test["asm"].split(" ")[1]

        cht = os.popen(
            '%s -create outscript=%s:"0x1850325348%s OP_DROP 0x20%s 0x14%s WITHDRAWPROOFVERIFY"'
            % (sidechain_tx_path, sys.argv[3], p2sh_hex,
               inverse_bitcoin_genesis_hash, secondScriptPubKeyHash))
        res_tx = cht.read().split("\n")[0]
        assert (cht.close() == None)

        donation = sidechain.fundrawtransaction(res_tx)["fee"]
        if donation > 0:
            if donation < 550:  # Probably dust
                donation = 550
            cht = os.popen(
                '%s -create outscript=%s:"0x1850325348%s OP_DROP 0x20%s 0x14%s WITHDRAWPROOFVERIFY" outscript=%s:"RETURN"'
                % (sidechain_tx_path, sys.argv[3], p2sh_hex,
                   inverse_bitcoin_genesis_hash, secondScriptPubKeyHash,
                   str(Decimal(donation) / Decimal(100000000))))
            res_tx = cht.read().split("\n")[0]
            assert (cht.close() == None)

        res_tx = sidechain.fundrawtransaction(res_tx)
        fee = res_tx["fee"]
        res_tx = sidechain.signrawtransaction(res_tx["hex"])["hex"]