class InGame(GameState): def __init__(self, runner, mainmenuState, rows, col): super().__init__(runner) self.mainmenuState = mainmenuState self.minesImage = pygame.image.load("assets/mine.png") self.openedImage = pygame.image.load("assets/opened.png") self.hiddenImage = pygame.image.load("assets/hidden.png") self.font = BitmapFont("assets/colorfont.png", 12, 12) self.rows = rows self.col = col self.endFlag = False def on_enter(self, OptionMenuState): self.mines = OptionMenuState.mines self.board = Board(self.col, self.rows, self.mines) self.endFlag = False #self.board.openCell(5,5) def draw(self, surface): for i in range(self.rows): for j in range(self.col): x, y = j * 32, i * 32 rect = Rect(x, y, 32, 32) currentCell = self.board.arr[j][i] if currentCell.state == game.CLOSED: surface.blit(self.hiddenImage, rect) elif currentCell.blockType == game.MINES: surface.blit(self.minesImage, rect) else: surface.blit(self.openedImage, rect) if currentCell.num > 0: self.font.draw(surface, str(currentCell.num), x + 10, y + 10) def update(self, deltatime): if self.runner.mouseClick is not None and not self.endFlag: mouseX, mouseY = self.runner.mouseClick x = int(mouseX / 32) y = int(mouseY / 32) openCell = self.board.openCell(x, y) #print(openCell) if openCell != game.CONTINUE: self.endFlag = True elif self.endFlag: keys = pygame.key.get_pressed() if keys[K_ESCAPE]: self.runner.change_state(self.mainmenuState)
class InGame(GameState): def __init__(self, runner, mainmenuState): super().__init__(runner) self.mainmenuState = mainmenuState self.endFlag = False self.font = BitmapFont("fasttracker2-style_12x12.png", 12, 12) self.delayTime = 200 def on_enter(self, OptionMenuState): self.size = optionmenu.size self.useSolver = optionmenu.useSolver self.slidingPuzzle = SlidingPuzzle(self.size) self.endFlag = False self.slidingPuzzle.shuffle() self.slidingPuzzle.canbeSolved() if self.useSolver == "Yes": self.astar = AStar(self.slidingPuzzle) self.answer = self.astar.solved() self.i = 1 def draw(self, surface): self.width = 600 / self.size for i in range(self.size): for j in range(self.size): x, y = j * self.width, i * self.width rect = Rect(x, y, self.width, self.width) pygame.draw.rect(surface, (100, 100, 100), rect, 3) currentCell = self.slidingPuzzle.arr[i][j] fontWidth = 12 * len(str(currentCell)) self.font.draw(surface, str(currentCell), x + ((self.width - fontWidth) / 2), y + ((self.width - 12) / 2)) def update(self, deltatime): keys = pygame.key.get_pressed() self.endFlag = self.slidingPuzzle.isSolved() if self.delayTime > 0: self.delayTime -= deltatime else: if keys[K_ESCAPE]: self.runner.change_state(self.mainmenuState) self.delayTime = 200 if not self.endFlag: if self.useSolver == "No": if keys[K_UP]: self.slidingPuzzle.moves((0, -1)) self.delayTime = 200 if keys[K_LEFT]: self.slidingPuzzle.moves((-1, 0)) self.delayTime = 200 if keys[K_DOWN]: self.slidingPuzzle.moves((0, 1)) self.delayTime = 200 if keys[K_RIGHT]: self.slidingPuzzle.moves((1, 0)) self.delayTime = 200 else: #print(self.answer) if keys[K_n]: if self.answer[self.i] is not None: self.slidingPuzzle.moves(self.answer[self.i]) self.delayTime = 200 if self.i < len(self.answer) - 1: self.i += 1 if keys[K_p]: directionA = self.answer[self.i - 1] if directionA is not None: if directionA == (1, 0): directionA = (-1, 0) elif directionA == (-1, 0): directionA = (1, 0) elif directionA == (0, 1): directionA = (0, -1) elif directionA == (0, -1): directionA = (0, 1) self.slidingPuzzle.moves(directionA) self.delayTime = 200 if self.i > 1: self.i -= 1 if self.runner.mouseClick is not None: mouseX, mouseY = self.runner.mouseClick if self.useSolver == "No": #distance from mousepress position to space position x = int(mouseX / self.width) y = int(mouseY / self.width) directionX = x -[0] directionY = y -[1] #make directionX into 1 or -1 and no diagonal if directionX > 0: directionX = 1 if directionX < 0: directionX = -1 if directionY > 0: directionY = 1 if directionY < 0: directionY = -1 for i in direction: if (directionX, directionY) == i: self.slidingPuzzle.moves((directionX, directionY)) break